* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name __________________________ Ms. Beard / _____ period Week # 25 Due Feb. 14, 2014 Word Study - 7thGrade Reading & Literature Appreciation 7.2A Determine the meaning of grade level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, of other linguistic roots and affixes 7.2D Identify the meaning of foreign words commonly used in written English with emphasis on Latin and Greek words 7.2E Use a dictionary, a glossary, or thesaurus, to determine meanings, syllabication, pronunciation, alternative word choices, and parts of speech words 7.8A Determine the figurative meaning of phrases and analyze how an author’s use of language creates imagery, appeals to the senses, and suggests mood 7.12A Follow multi-dimensional instructions from text to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures Use your Academic Vocabulary List, Literary Terms Glossary, or a Dictionary to correctly match the words and definitions below. WRITE THE CORRECT WORDS IN THE BLANKS. SPELLING COUNTS! 1. __________________ - different vowel sounds followed by the same consonant sound; flim flam 2. __________________ - an author’s use of sensory and figurative language to help the reader create mental pictures 3. __________________ - to divide a subject into parts and then think about how the parts are related 4. __________________ - In reading, to combine ideas or concepts from different parts of texts in order to form a new or more complete idea or concept 5. __________________ - the repetition of beginning consonant sound 6. __________________ - parts of written or spoken text that help with understanding of words in or near the same text 7. __________________ - distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea that becomes the central message of a text. 8. __________________ - point of view 9. __________________ - the use of an object, event, or character to represent an idea or subject 10. __________________ - to examine thoroughly to determine value or worthiness evaluate synthesize context consonance alliteration imagery analyze symbolism perspective theme Foreign Words or Phrases of the Week What is the meaning of this word/phrase? 1) alma mater – ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Use alma mater correctly in a complete sentence. ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________ Ms. Beard / _____ period Week # 25 Due Feb. 14, 2014 Word Parts and Their Meanings: Word Part tele- 2. Write 2 examples of words that correctly include the word parts. If one example is provided, you must still add a second one. 1. 2. post- 1. 2. -ize 1. 2. -cept- 1. 2. 1. Fill in the Meaning of the word part. Word Study Fill in the blanks below using words from this week’s vocabulary. 1) My mother’s mittens make my miserably cold hands mighty warm is an example of __________________. 2) If you take words out of the ____________________ in which they are written, you may not get the right meaning from them. 3) After reading all three books in the series, I decided the _________________ was that people could be much happier if they would mind their own business. 4) There color red in the story was ____________________ for the passion and desire the man and woman had for one another. 5) Walking toward the kitchen made the aroma of the sugar and vanilla even stronger. I knew mom was baking snicker doodles. What author’s tool is used in this sentence that helps you get the picture? _________________ Write two analogies that use sensory language. You do not have to use vocabulary words. 3) ______________________ : ______________________ :: ______________________ : _______________________ 4) ______________________ : ______________________ :: ______________________ : _______________________ Bonus Word: cantankerous Write a complete definition:_________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Write a complete sentence, of at least 9 words, correctly using the bonus word. _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________