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Human Organ Systems Test
Test: Wednesday, October 12th
PART A – Multiple Choice (6 questions)
Name of the chemical used to break down food into tiny pieces
Function of the kidneys
Function of the red blood cells
All food comes in its raw form or is processed
Largest bone in the body
Medical term for an artificial limb
PART B – MATCHING (6 questions)
Know the five organ systems and their functions
PART C – FILL IN THE BLANKS (9 questions)
To stay healthy the human body need these two things
The organs that make up your nervous system
The basic building block of the body
Normal body temperature
What body wastes include
Function of nerve cells
Where does the final stages of digestion take place
The organs that make up your circulatory system
What does your bones form to hold up your body
PART D – SHORT ANSWER (8 questions)
Medical technology and how it helps people
Balanced diet
Ways your skin protects your body
What nutrients your body needs and what the effects are on your body if you don't
get them
Digestive system journey and diagram
Spine functions and diagram
Respiratory system diseases
Open response question on maintaining a healthy body
* Use your notes and the glossary in your textbook to help you study.