The medial circumflex femoral artery origin variability
... Knowing the medial circumflex femoral artery limits avascular necrosis of the femoral head such as embolization procedure. Therefore, knowing the origin variability of the medial circumflex femoral artery may lead to avoid iatrogenic fault in several procedures such as arterial bypass procedure to p ...
... Knowing the medial circumflex femoral artery limits avascular necrosis of the femoral head such as embolization procedure. Therefore, knowing the origin variability of the medial circumflex femoral artery may lead to avoid iatrogenic fault in several procedures such as arterial bypass procedure to p ...
Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy
... working pocket book for anyone in the field of anatomy and medicine. It is its illustrations which make it so useful and, indeed, unique; I know of no other similar dictionary in any language in which the terms are not only defined but also shown in clear, simple pictures. Among the large number of ...
... working pocket book for anyone in the field of anatomy and medicine. It is its illustrations which make it so useful and, indeed, unique; I know of no other similar dictionary in any language in which the terms are not only defined but also shown in clear, simple pictures. Among the large number of ...
Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy
... working pocket book for anyone in the field of anatomy and medicine. It is its illustrations which make it so useful and, indeed, unique; I know of no other similar dictionary in any language in which the terms are not only defined but also shown in clear, simple pictures. Among the large number of ...
... working pocket book for anyone in the field of anatomy and medicine. It is its illustrations which make it so useful and, indeed, unique; I know of no other similar dictionary in any language in which the terms are not only defined but also shown in clear, simple pictures. Among the large number of ...
Morphometric evaluation of dural venous sinuses: anatomical study
... transverse sinus showed positive correlation with p <0.05 which was statistically significant. It explains that width of midpoint of superior sagittal sinus increases with increase in width of left transverse sinus. ...
... transverse sinus showed positive correlation with p <0.05 which was statistically significant. It explains that width of midpoint of superior sagittal sinus increases with increase in width of left transverse sinus. ...
Human ligaments classification: a new proposal
... Ligaments passing over joints or located adjacent to them are called “motor or articular ligaments”. It is difficult to determine the total number of “motor ligaments”, because of the inconstant existence of most of them (e.g. the intra-articular sternocostal ligaments are usually located at the sec ...
... Ligaments passing over joints or located adjacent to them are called “motor or articular ligaments”. It is difficult to determine the total number of “motor ligaments”, because of the inconstant existence of most of them (e.g. the intra-articular sternocostal ligaments are usually located at the sec ...
Human ligaments classification: a new proposal
... Ligaments passing over joints or located adjacent to them are called “motor or articular ligaments”. It is difficult to determine the total number of “motor ligaments”, because of the inconstant existence of most of them (e.g. the intra-articular sternocostal ligaments are usually located at the sec ...
... Ligaments passing over joints or located adjacent to them are called “motor or articular ligaments”. It is difficult to determine the total number of “motor ligaments”, because of the inconstant existence of most of them (e.g. the intra-articular sternocostal ligaments are usually located at the sec ...
Untitled - AMNH Library Digital Repository
... (2009). I describe two species of Hippopotamidae, three species of Ruminantia, three species of Suina, and one species of Camelidae. This choice of specimens does not necessarily capture all the anatomical variation in these clades, but serves to document the morphology that underlies ongoing large- ...
... (2009). I describe two species of Hippopotamidae, three species of Ruminantia, three species of Suina, and one species of Camelidae. This choice of specimens does not necessarily capture all the anatomical variation in these clades, but serves to document the morphology that underlies ongoing large- ...
Skull-Base Foramina of the Middle Cranial Fossa
... rotundum originates embryologically as the foramen lacerum anterius, a hiatus between the orbitosphenoid and alisphenoid, which are precursors of the lesser and greater sphenoidal wings, respectively (2). Development of a bony spur from the greater wing to the lateral aspect of the body of the sphen ...
... rotundum originates embryologically as the foramen lacerum anterius, a hiatus between the orbitosphenoid and alisphenoid, which are precursors of the lesser and greater sphenoidal wings, respectively (2). Development of a bony spur from the greater wing to the lateral aspect of the body of the sphen ...
this PDF file - Alexandria Faculty of Medicine
... Aim of the work: The aim of this work was to study the anatomy of dorsalis pedis artery. This included its course, relations, origin and branches. Variations of its branching distribution pattern were also recorded. The lengths and diameters of surgically important branches were measured. Their bran ...
... Aim of the work: The aim of this work was to study the anatomy of dorsalis pedis artery. This included its course, relations, origin and branches. Variations of its branching distribution pattern were also recorded. The lengths and diameters of surgically important branches were measured. Their bran ...
Multiple arterial anomalies in upper limb Baral P, Vijayabhaskar P
... orthopaedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, radiologists and anatomists. In this paper, we are going to present a very rare anomaly regarding variation in arterial system of right upper limb which was observed during dissection of approximately 55 years old female cadaver in dissection hall of anatomy a ...
... orthopaedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, radiologists and anatomists. In this paper, we are going to present a very rare anomaly regarding variation in arterial system of right upper limb which was observed during dissection of approximately 55 years old female cadaver in dissection hall of anatomy a ...
CN-Multiple arterial anomalies in upper limb.indd
... ulnar collateral and anterior and posterior descending branches. The artery ends by dividing into radial and ulnar arteries in cubital fossa (at the level of the neck of radius). Radial artery descends along the lateral side of the forearm and in the palm ends by anastomosing with the deep branch of ...
... ulnar collateral and anterior and posterior descending branches. The artery ends by dividing into radial and ulnar arteries in cubital fossa (at the level of the neck of radius). Radial artery descends along the lateral side of the forearm and in the palm ends by anastomosing with the deep branch of ...
Coexistence of anomalous m. peroneus tertius and longitudinal tear
... brevis tear is the result of movement causing friction over the calcaneofibular ligaments, which are taut and prominent on both sides when the feet are markedly adducted or extended. A low, narrow, inconstant cartilaginous ridge was described on the peroneal surface of the lateral malleolus. This ma ...
... brevis tear is the result of movement causing friction over the calcaneofibular ligaments, which are taut and prominent on both sides when the feet are markedly adducted or extended. A low, narrow, inconstant cartilaginous ridge was described on the peroneal surface of the lateral malleolus. This ma ...
The persistence of the sciatic artery
... artery had communication with the popliteal artery. Because the PSA in our study was the only blood supply to the lower limb, we present the embryologic origins and the clinical anatomy of this artery. Key words: persistence, sciatic artery, anatomy ...
... artery had communication with the popliteal artery. Because the PSA in our study was the only blood supply to the lower limb, we present the embryologic origins and the clinical anatomy of this artery. Key words: persistence, sciatic artery, anatomy ...
The femoral artery and its branches in the baboon
... inguinal region, hip and thigh of Papio anubis. No description of this was found in the available scientific literature, although, at the same time, the baboon is considered to be a good animal model in biomedical research. Macroscopic anatomical research was carried out on 20 hind limbs (10 cadaver ...
... inguinal region, hip and thigh of Papio anubis. No description of this was found in the available scientific literature, although, at the same time, the baboon is considered to be a good animal model in biomedical research. Macroscopic anatomical research was carried out on 20 hind limbs (10 cadaver ...
A reappraisal of the anatomy of the human lumbar erector spinae
... In the course of a study of the lumbar dorsal rami, observations were made of the gross anatomy of the lumbar erector spinae muscle. It was found that the observations made were at variance with the descriptions of this muscle given in textbooks. The variance was so marked that it was considered app ...
... In the course of a study of the lumbar dorsal rami, observations were made of the gross anatomy of the lumbar erector spinae muscle. It was found that the observations made were at variance with the descriptions of this muscle given in textbooks. The variance was so marked that it was considered app ...
Alternative Landmarks of the Mandibular Foramen to
... the mandibular foramen. The antilingula has been reported to often be anterior and superior to the mandibular foramen(18,26-28). Martone et al recommended using the midwaist point of the ramus to localize the mandibular foramen when the antilingula was not discernable(27). They claimed that this poi ...
... the mandibular foramen. The antilingula has been reported to often be anterior and superior to the mandibular foramen(18,26-28). Martone et al recommended using the midwaist point of the ramus to localize the mandibular foramen when the antilingula was not discernable(27). They claimed that this poi ...
Blood vessels of the shin — anterior tibial artery
... Corresponding author: Izabela Mróz, MD, Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College ul. Kopernika 12 , 31-034 Kraków, Polska; Phone/Fax: +48 12 422 95 11; E-mail: [email protected] ...
... Corresponding author: Izabela Mróz, MD, Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College ul. Kopernika 12 , 31-034 Kraków, Polska; Phone/Fax: +48 12 422 95 11; E-mail: [email protected] ...
18 Technical and Anatomical Considerations of the External Carotid
... their counterparts and with the adjacent pharyngeal branches on the same side. The superior pharyngeal (or Eustachian) branch reaches the Eustachian tube’s meatus on its medial side, lateral to the pharyngeal recess. It anastomoses with the corresponding branches of the accessory meningeal and ptery ...
... their counterparts and with the adjacent pharyngeal branches on the same side. The superior pharyngeal (or Eustachian) branch reaches the Eustachian tube’s meatus on its medial side, lateral to the pharyngeal recess. It anastomoses with the corresponding branches of the accessory meningeal and ptery ...
Variation and Branching Pattern of Profanda Femoris Artery
... of the profunda femoris in 58% cases on both side and there was no significant difference (showed in table 5). The table 6, has shown the comparison of the distance of Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery from Mid Inguinal Point with the distance of origin of Profunda Femoris Artery from Mid Inguinal ...
... of the profunda femoris in 58% cases on both side and there was no significant difference (showed in table 5). The table 6, has shown the comparison of the distance of Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery from Mid Inguinal Point with the distance of origin of Profunda Femoris Artery from Mid Inguinal ...
... the first rib, and ends at the lower border of the tendon of the teres major muscle, where it takes the name of brachial artery. To facilitate the description of the vessel it is divided into three portions; the first part lies above, the second behind, and the third below the pectoralis minor. The ...
... the first rib, and ends at the lower border of the tendon of the teres major muscle, where it takes the name of brachial artery. To facilitate the description of the vessel it is divided into three portions; the first part lies above, the second behind, and the third below the pectoralis minor. The ...
Ankle Anatomy for the Arthroscopist. Part II: Role of the Ankle
... vessels that penetrate through the interfascicular spaces. The most distal fibers of the ligament at its origin may be confused with those of the anterior talofibular ligament [14–16]. On careful inspection, the most distal fascicle of the anterior tibiofibular ligament appears to be independent fro ...
... vessels that penetrate through the interfascicular spaces. The most distal fibers of the ligament at its origin may be confused with those of the anterior talofibular ligament [14–16]. On careful inspection, the most distal fascicle of the anterior tibiofibular ligament appears to be independent fro ...
Variation of the Lateral Sacral Artery in relation to Sciatic Neuropathy
... The lateral sacral artery usually originates from the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. The current study of 342 specimens from 171 cadavers (79 male, 92 female) investigated the origin and course of the lateral sacral artery. It was observed to arise from the posterior trunk in 79.1%. O ...
... The lateral sacral artery usually originates from the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. The current study of 342 specimens from 171 cadavers (79 male, 92 female) investigated the origin and course of the lateral sacral artery. It was observed to arise from the posterior trunk in 79.1%. O ...
The Fibular Collateral Ligament-Biceps
... of the biceps muscle completely enveloped the fibular collateral ligament, a finding also refuted in the current study. The fibular collateral ligament-biceps femoris bursa surrounds the distal quarter of the fibular collateral ligament, encompassing up to three-quarters of its circumference. Marsha ...
... of the biceps muscle completely enveloped the fibular collateral ligament, a finding also refuted in the current study. The fibular collateral ligament-biceps femoris bursa surrounds the distal quarter of the fibular collateral ligament, encompassing up to three-quarters of its circumference. Marsha ...
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences ISSN 0975
... practice of modern-day medicine has created new needs. One of these is the necessity for access to the circulation, which is needed in diverse groups of patients. On the one hand are patients with multiple organ failure whose care requires monitoring of vital functions and body chemistry, while at t ...
... practice of modern-day medicine has created new needs. One of these is the necessity for access to the circulation, which is needed in diverse groups of patients. On the one hand are patients with multiple organ failure whose care requires monitoring of vital functions and body chemistry, while at t ...
A cadaveric study of variations in the origin of medial circumflex
... femoris artery and from mid-inguinal point when it arises from femoral artery. We dissected 130 femoral triangles in 65 human cadavers which revealed interesting variations. Medial circumflex femoral artery originated from profunda femoris artery in 116 cases and from femoral artery in 14 cases. In ...
... femoris artery and from mid-inguinal point when it arises from femoral artery. We dissected 130 femoral triangles in 65 human cadavers which revealed interesting variations. Medial circumflex femoral artery originated from profunda femoris artery in 116 cases and from femoral artery in 14 cases. In ...
History of anatomy

The history of anatomy extends from the earliest examinations of sacrificial victims to the sophisticated analyses of the body performed by modern scientists. It has been characterized, over time, by a continually developing understanding of the functions of organs and structures in the body. Human anatomy was the most prominent of the biological sciences of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Methods have also improved dramatically.