* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Geometry CP Geometry Alive Project #2 Due Date: ___________ Guidelines for Project *Objective: To locate real life examples of eight to ten basic geometric figures that we have learned about so far this year, examples of shapes may include a triangle, quadrilateral, nonagon, heptagon, etc. A real life example of an octagon is a stop sign. *Materials you may need: Magazines, newspapers, catalogs, scissors, construction paper, poster board, glue, paper, disposable camera, PowerPoint. *Directions: 1. Cut out or take pictures of 10 real life examples of geometric figures. 2. Mount the examples on construction paper or poster board. 3. Provide a written or typed explanation of each example. The explanation should be brief, accurate, and in the form of a caption. 4. For each example you must include: The name of the shape The number of diagonals The interior angle sum The measure of each interior angle The exterior angle sum The measure of each exterior angle 5. Provide a title for your project. 6. Include your Name and Date in the bottom left corner. 7. Attach the rubric to the back of your project for easy grading. *Total Score: _________/50 points (Loss of 2 points for every late day) Geometry Project #3 Rubric Number of examples 10 10 different examples were given Name:_______________________________ 8 6 4 2 7-9 different examples were given 4-6 different examples were given 2-3 different examples were given Only 1 example was given 6 4 2 4-6 are explained 2 or 3 are explained Only 1 is explained 6 4 2 7-9 are explained correctly 4-6 are explained correctly 2 or 3 are explained correctly Only 1 is explained correctly 8 6 4 2 Well organized Neat Printed Neatly Few Colors Somewhat organized Neat Printed Neatly Organized Not Neat Not organized nor neat Explanation of examples 10 8 All captions are fully explained 7-9 are explained Calculations of examples 10 8 All examples were fully and correctly explained Presentation 10 Well organized Neat Good captions Colorful Title 5 Has a creative and original title Name and Period 5 Has a name and class period 3 Has a title 0 Does not have a title 2 Has only a name or only a class period 0 Does not have a name or class period *Total Score: _________/50 points (Loss of 2 points for every late day)