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Review Science Unit 1
Cells and Animal Classification
1.Name each
cell part.
2. The structure the arrow is pointing to
A makes food for the cell
B removes waste
C controls substances
moving into and out of
the cell
D provides energy
3. What is the role of the nucleus in a
plant or animal cell?
A controls what enters and leaves the cell
B stores nutrients for the cell
C produces food for the cell
D controls the activities of the cell
4. The __________ of a cell is like a
leader, directing and telling the different
parts of the cell what to do.
A. chloroplast
B. cytoplasm
C. cell wall
D. nucleus
5. What surrounds an animal cell?
A cell wall
B cytoplasm
C nucleus
D cell membrane
6. This picture shows an animal cell. Name
the part labeled #3.
A. cell membrane
B. nucleus
C. cell wall
D. chloroplast
7. What structures are found in both plant
and animal cells?
A nucleus and chloroplast
B cell wall and cell membrane
C nucleus and cell membrane
D cell wall and chloroplast
8. Which of the following plant cell parts
gives the plant support and is not part of
animal cells?
A. chloroplasts
B. cytoplasm
C. cell membrane
D. cell wall
9. Plant and animal cells have some
similarities as well as differences. What
is one thing that plant and animal cells
have in common?
A. cell wall
B. chlorophyll
C. nucleus
D. chloroplasts
10. Which cell part is used for storage?
A. vacuole
B. nucleus
C. cell membrane
D. lysosome
11. The cell shown below does not have a
cell wall. What type of cell is it?
A. a plant cell
B. an animal cell
12. Why can't animal cells produce food
from the sun?
A. An animal cell does not contain
B. An animal cell does not have a cell wall.
C. An animal cell does not contain
D. An animal cell does not have a nucleus.
13. Which cell is a plant cell?
14. In biology class, Felip was looking at plant and
animal cells through a microscope.
How could he tell which cell is a plant cell and which cell
is an animal cell?
A. Organelles are only in plant cells.
B. Nuclei are only in animal cells.
C. Mitochondria are only in animal cells.
D. Cell walls are only in plant cells.
15. Why is a microscope needed to view
A. to separate cells from each other
B. to make cells look bigger than they are
C. to make cells look smaller than they are
D. to hold the cells still so they can be
16. Which group of animals has the
MOST similar type of body coverings?
A. humans, dogs, horses
B. owls, beetles, chickens
C. grasshoppers, bats, worms
D. snails, whales, sunfish
17. The frog, toad, and salamander are
grouped together because they share all
of the following characteristics
A. being cold-blooded.
B. having scales.
C. laying eggs.
D. reproducing in water.
18. Organisms with a body covering of
feathers are classified as
A. birds.
B. fish.
C. insects.
D. mammals.
19. Which of the following is NOT a
A. a cow
B. a dog
C. a duck
D. a zebra
20. Which is NOT a characteristic of
organisms in the animal kingdom?
A. They use sunlight to produce their own
B. They are made up of many different
C. They have the ability to move.
D. They have cell membranes.
21. Several scientists observe an animal
with hair and wings. This animal is a
A. bat.
B. bird.
C. butterfly.
D. flying squirrel.
22 What do vertebrates have that
invertebrates do not have?
A brain
B backbone
C stomach
D heart