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Невротрансмитери в ЦНС (Резюме) Доц. д-р Иван Ламбев (www.medpharm-sofia.eu) Many of the drugs acting on the CNS exert their effects through the modication of chemical transmission. A large number of neurotransmitters have been identified in CNS: ● glutamate ● aspartate ● γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ● glycine ● noradrenaline, adrenaline Catecholamines ● dopamine (DA) ● 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) ● acetylcholine (ACh) ● histamine ● melatonin, orexin and others Glutamate is the excitatory amino acid transmitter in the CNS. It acts at NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and other receptors. NMDA receptors are involved in the development of adaptive responses that modulate synaptic transmission, known as synaptic plasticity.These responses have a role in both physiological (e.g. learning) and pathological processes (e.g. facilitation of central nociceptive transmission in chronic pain states). The dissociative anesthetic ketamine blocks the channel associated with the NMDA receptor. The principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS is GABA. There are two types of GABA receptors: GABAA and GABAB. The benzodiazepines owe their sedative action to facilitation of this inhibitory neurotransmitter, binding to a discrete site on the GABAA receptor. Glycine is primarily an inhibitory transmitter found in the gray matter of the spinal cord. Noradrenergic transmission in the CNS is important in control of alertness and mood and in the regulation of blood pressure. Adrenoceptors are recognized and further divided into subtypes, i.e. α1, α2, β1, β2 and β3. While noradrenaline (NA – norepinephrine) appears to have an inhibitory effect on individual brain cells, mediated primarily via β-receptors, excitatory effects may also be observed at both αand β-receptors. The α2-agonists owe their sedative action to effects on central Noradrenaline noradrenergic transmission. Dopamine (DA), a precursor of NA, has a role in the control of movement and behavior. There are two families of DA receptor: D1 and D2. The D2 group appears important in the CNS and comprises D2, D3 and D4 receptors. The D1 group is subdivided into D1 and D5 receptors. The sedative action of the phenothiazines and the butyrophenones has been ascribed to DA antagonism, primarily at the D2 family of receptors. Since DA-ergic neurones are also involved in the production of nausea and vomiting, these drugs have additional antiemetic activity Acetylcholine Functions associated with acetylcholine in the CNS include arousal, learning, memory and motor control. Muscarinic receptors appear to be more important, although nicotinic receptors are also present. The effects of acetylcholine are mostly excitatory, although inhibition may be seen at some central muscarinic receptors. Histidine CO2 Histamine CH2 HN N ИмидазолN-метилтрансфераза Метилимидазол Оцетна киселина H2 C NH2 In the CNS have been identified H1, H2 and H3 histaminic receptors. In CNS histamine is involved in the control of wakefulness, since H1-receptor antagonists induce sedation as a side effect. The phenothiazines have variable H1-receptor blocking activity. CH2 HN N H2C NH2 Rang et al. Pharmacology – 5st Ed. (2003) HO CH2 H2C NH2 NH indol derivative Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine: 5-HT) Tryptophan 5-hydroxytryptophan CO2 5-HT (serotonin) HO CH2 H2 C NH2 NH МАО Алдехиддехидрогеназа 5-хидроксииндол оцетна киселина Богати на 5-HT са: •СЧТ (хромафинни клетки и ентерични неврони) •Тромбоцити •ЦНС 5-НТ КОНТРОЛИРА: •апетита •повръщането •болковата перцепция •съня, настроението, волята •халюцинаторната активност 5-HT УЧАСТВА В ПАТОГЕНЕЗАТА НА: •мигрената, депресиите •психомоторната възбуда •шизофренията (с DA) •карциноидния синдром (малигнен тумор на чревните ентерохромафинни клетки)... (NE) (5-HT) (DA) The effects of DA, 5-HT and NE on the brain functions Melatonin is the hormone produced by the pineal gland during darkness. It is released mainly at night. The impressive nature of the diurnal rhythm in melatonin secretion has stimulated interest in its use therapeutically to reset circadian rhythm to prevent jet-lag on long-haul flights and for blind or partially sighted people who cannot use daylight to synchronize their natural rhythm. Melatonin is a potent inhibitor of DA release and its release appears to be linked with endogenous opioids. Орексинът (хипокретин) се секретира от малък брой неврони (около 10 000 до 20 000), локализирани в хипоталамуса. Орексинови рецептори има обаче в повечето аксони на главния и гръбначния мозък. Орексинът е невротрансмитерен пептид, регулиращ будността, съня и апетита. При деструкция на клетките, продуциращи орексин, се развива нарколепсия и силно отслабване на мускулния тонус (каталепсия). Препаратът Suvorexant (Belsorma) потиска орексиновите рецептори и се използва като хипнотик. Ендотелини - мощни дългодействащи вазоконстриктори ЕТ-1, ET-2 и Е3 ЕТА-рецептори: >>> вазокострикция ЕТB-рецептори: 30 s вазодилатация Плазмените нива на ЕТ-1 нарастват при вазоспазъм и ОМИ. Cholecystokinin (CCK) невропептид, медииращ паническите реакции ANP CGRP SP NPY (c NA) VIP (с ACh) ОПИОИДНИ ПЕПТИДИ