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A. Terminology
Chromosomes- strands of genetic material
 Genes- Fundamental unit of heredity
 Locus (loci)-Exact location on the DNA
molecule of a gene or area of interest
 Homozygous-Two identical gene pairs
 Heterozygous-Two different forms of the gene
 Recombinant DNA-Opening up the base pairs
of the helix and recombining it with another
DNA fingerprints
Genetic code-Sequence of letters on a DNA
Restriction enzymes-Chemicals that cut DNA
into fragments that can later be incorporated into
another DNA strand; about 150 are
commercially available
Probe- A single strand of nucleic acid, much like
RNA, that has been made in a way that its base
sequence lines up to hybridize areas in an allele;
usually labeled with radioactive material
Human gene- A project designed to
determine the order of bases on all 23
pairs of human chromosomes
 B. History
 1. James Watson and Francis Crick- 1953
discovered the configuration of the DNA
Alec Jeffreys- Isolated DNA markers& called
them DNA fingerprints
Kary Mullis- 1985 developed PCR testing
C. Structure
Polymer- A very large molecule made by
linking together a series of repeating units
 Nucleotides- A unit composed of a sugar
molecule, a phosphorous group and a
nitrogen-containing base
 Bases-Adenine, cytosine, guanine, & thymine
Double Helix- Two coiled DNA strands
 Base Pairing- A to T and G to C
 Proteins- Made by linking togerther a
combination amino acids from a
combination of up to 20 unknown
 Amino acid codes- building blocks of
protein are coded by a sequence of three
D. Replication
process- unwinding the DNA strands in the
double helix; exposing the strand to a
collection of free nucleotides; letter by letter
the double helix is recreated in the proper
Polymerases- enzymes that assemble a
new DNA strand in the proper base
sequence determined by the original or
parent DNA strand
E. DNA Typing
 1. RFLP- restriction fragment length
polymorphisms; requires high molcular
weight DNA
 Visual evaluation- soak and free up the
 Assay- electrophoresis
 Digestion- by the restriction enzyme
Test gel
 Prepare known samples
 Electrophoresis of all samples
 Southern blotting- transfer the fragments
to a nylon membrane
 Hybridization- nylon treated with
radioactive probes containing a base
sequence complementary to the RFLPs
being identified
Autoradiography- nylon sheet is placed
against X-ray film and exposed for several
 Additional probes- adding more probes
increases probability of having a match
 2. PCR- polymerase chain reaction; need
only low molecular weight DNA
DNA is denatured by heating it to 95 degrees
Celsius, splitting the bonds between the two
Heat is reduced and DNA primer are added
which hybridizes to site-specific arrangements of
complementary bases
A DNA polymerase is added that replicate the
DNA; the primer attracts them to the open bases
and they pair up until the clone is complete
STEP c is repeated over and over
 3. match
 Inclusion- DNA bands match and the
suspect is still a suspect
 Exclusion- DNA bands don’t match and
the person is no longer a suspect
 F. Present and the Future
CODIS- Computer Based DNA Information
System; a data base of DNA profiles of
individuals convicted of sex crimes and
other violent crimes
 TWGDAM- The Working Group for DNA
Analytical Methods wrote the standards for
DNA analysis that are part of a national
crime laboratory accreditation program