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Life: Small Picture to Big
What are Macromolecules?
 Cells and their organelles are made up of smaller
building blocks called macromolecules.
 There are 4 basic types of macromolecules. They are:
Nucleic Acids
Monomers & Polymers
 Macromolecules are actually made up of even smaller
subunits. Each subunit of a macromolecule is called a
 The macromolecules themselves are called polymers,
because they are made up of many of these subunits.
Monomer: one basic unit or subunit
Polymer: a chain of many basic units
What you need to know:
 Names of the 4 macromolecules
 Structure- monomers and polymers of each
 Function- what are they used for?
 Food sources- what foods will you find these in?
 Indicator Tests- what tests do we use to find out if a food
contains them?
Lipids: Structure
 Lipids are made up of…
 Monomer (basic unit): fatty acids
 Polymer (chain of units): lipids
 Specific examples: triglycerides, phospholipids
Lipids: Structure*
Properties of Lipids
caused by:
 Saturated vs.
Unsaturated fatty
 Polar head and
nonpolar tail regions
 Hydrophilic and
hydrophobic regions
Lipids: Function
 Make up the cell membrane, providing cell structure
 Provide insulation (fat keeps body warm)
 Long-term energy storage
Lipids: Food Sources
 As you might have guessed, fatty foods contain lipids.
 Lipids are found in meat and fish, oils, avacados, eggs
& nuts.
Research Question
 Which elements are found in lipids????
Lipids: Indicator Test
 Paper Bag Test:
 Smear substance onto paper bag
 If see-thru, it contains lipids
Proteins: Structure
 Proteins are made up of…
 Monomer (basic unit):
amino acids
 20 different kinds!*
 Polymer (chain of units): protein
 More specifically- polypeptides
Amino acids
linked by
Proteins: Structure*
20 Amino
Some of these
are polar &
others are nonpolar and
Proteins can
contain both
Proteins: Structure
 Proteins have complex
structures. The shape of
a protein determines its
 The levels of protein
structure are:
 Primary structure:
polypeptide chain
 Secondary structure:
polypeptides in coils or
 Tertiary structure: coils or
sheets form a tangle
 Quaternary structure: more
than one tangle combine to
make a very complex
Proteins: Function
 Build and repair muscle
and tissues
 “No pain, no gain!”
 Enzymes- proteins that speed up chemical reactions
Proteins: Food Sources
 Proteins are found in meat, fish, legumes, nuts, milk,
eggs, grains and soy products.
 There are 6 amino acids that our bodies cannot makewe can only get these from food.
Research Question
 Which elements are found in protein????
Proteins: Indicator Test
 Biuret’s Solution:
 Turns from blue to purple if protein is present
Carbohydrates: Structure
 Carbohydrates are made up of…
 Monomer (basic unit): simple sugars (or
 Ex.: glucose
 Polymer (chain of units): complex carbohydrates (or
 Ex.: starch, cellulose, chitin, glycogen
2 simple
sugars bonded
Carbohydrates: Function
 Provide body with
Complex carb (ex. Starch)
 What should you eat before
playing the big game?
Candy bar or pasta?
 Candy bar: contains simple
sugars, provides a short
burst of energy
 Pasta: contains starch
which takes longer to break
down, provides longerlasting energy
Broken down to
Broken down further
 *We can’t digest celluloseit is used as fiber, or
roughage instead.
 Ex. : corn
Simple sugars (ex. Glucose)
Carbohydrates: Food Sources
 Simple carbs (simple sugars)
are found in most candy and
sweet drinks, fruit, vegetables,
and milk. They are quickly
digested and give a short burst
of energy.
 Complex carbs (like starches)
are found in pasta, bread,
potatoes, legumes & corn.
They take longer to digest, and
provide energy longer.
Research Question
 Which elements are found in carbohydrates????
Carbohydrates: Indicator Tests
 Simple Sugars:
 Benedict’s solution
 Blue solution turns
 Complex Carbs:
 Lugol’s
 Turns from orange-redbrown to black-purple
Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids: Structure
 Nucleic Acids are made up of…
 Monomers (basic unit): nucleotides
 Polymers (chain of units): DNA or RNA
Nucleic Acids: Function
 Stores and carries genetic information
Nucleic Acids: Food Sources
 We get nucleic acid components from vitamins and
minerals in our diet. These in turn, come from fruits,
vegetables, grains, meats, & almost anything else
you can think of with some nutritional value (no junk
Research Question
 Which elements are found in nucleic acids????
Nucleic Acids: Indicator Test
 You will not be using an indicator test for
these but in case you’re wondering…
 Dische diphenylamine test
 Turns from clear-light blue
to dark blue if nucleic acids
are present
Digestion & Reconstruction
 When macromolecules are eaten, they are digested and
broken down into their subunits (monomers).
 Analogy: taking apart an old brick building
 Inside the cells, these subunits are reconstructed into the
macromolecules we need.
 Analogy: using bricks to build a new building
Digestion Products
Broken down in stomach
Simple sugars (i.e. glucose)
Fatty acids & glycerol
(glycerol further broken
down to glucose)
Amino acids
Nucleic Acids