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DNA: The Molecule of Inheritance
 Mendel’s experiments proved that molecules from
the parents were transferred to offspring
These molecules could store genetic info, be
replicated, and undergo mutations
But what type of molecule? Could it be a lipid,
protein, nucleic acid, carbohydrate?
Scientists narrowed it down to 2 possibilities:
nucleic acids or proteins
What did they look like? What was their
Early DNA Experiments: Griffith
 Inject mice with live R bacteriamice live, no live R cells in blood
 Inject mice with live S bacteriamice die, live S cells in blood
 Inject mice with dead S bacteriamice live, no live S cells in blood
 Inject mice with live R bacteria + dead S bacteriamice die, live S cells in
 What happened in the last experiment?
Early Experiments:
 Interpretation of results
 Heat killed S cells, but not hereditary material
 This material was transferred to R cells transforming them
into S cells  Transformation
 Permanent change, after 100s of generations transformed R
cells still contained the instructions on causing infection
Early Experiments: Avery (1944)
Early Experiments:
 Interpretation of results
 If add protein digesting enzymes, protein destroyed, but
DNA intactR cells transformed into S cells, mice die
 If add DNA digesting enzymes, DNA destroyed, protein
intactR cells did not transform, mice live
Early Experiments:
Hershey and Chase (1950s)
• Used T4 bacteriophage-
bacterial virus
• Made of a outer protein
coat which protects its
inner genetic material
• In order to infect its
hosts its genetic material
must be introduced into
the host first
• Was it the protein coat
or the inner genetic
material that caused
They knew that 1) T2 phages were 50:50
Protein:DNA, 2) Viral reproduction occurs inside
bacterial cell
Early Experiments:
Hershey and Chase (1950s)
 Radiolabel protein coat
with 35S, after T4
infection of bacteria
found label outside
 Radiolabel inner
material with 32P, after
T4 infection of
bacteria found label
Early Experiments:
Hershey and Chase
 Interpretation of results
 Infection of bacteria cells is caused by the transfer of
it genetic material to the inside
 Whichever molecule was found on inside must be
molecule of inheritance
 Proved beyond any doubt that DNA was the molecule
of inheritance
 But what did it look like?
Discovery of the
Structure of DNA
 DNA consisted of only 4 nucleotides: Adenine, Thymine,
Cytosine, Guanine deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group,
 T, C  pyrimidines (one ring)
 A, G  purines ( 2 rings)
Discovery of the
Structure of DNA
 Chargaff’s Laws
(1949): A=T, G=C,
DNA was species
 Structure solved; it
was a helix
Discovery of the Structure of DNA: X-Ray
Diffraction (Wilkins, Franklin)
 X-ray diffraction of DNA fibers gave a regular repeating
pattern of atoms in the DNA
Discovery of the Structure of DNA: Watson and
Crick Experiments (1953)
• Using all previous
data from other
scientists and
Watson and Crick
published a 1 page
paper on solving the
structure of DNA
• Watson, Crick,
Wilkins received
Nobel Prize in 1962
Structure of DNA
 2 nm in diameter
 Distance between each base pair= 0.34nm
 Double stranded helix, “twisted ladder”
 A base pairs with T, C base pairs with G, 2 H bonds for
A-T, 3 H bonds for C-G
 One strand runs 5’3’ (right side up), the other strand
runs 3’5’ (upside down)
DNA Replication
• Duplication of DNA. When
does it occur?
• Semiconservative-part of
the original DNA molecule
is conserved during
• 1 DNA molecule2 DNA
molecules each consisting
of a new and old strand
• New strand is made using
old strand as template and
base pair rules
DNA Replication
 What would be the complementary strand of the
following DNA sequence?
 The following piece of DNA is to be replicated. Give
the correct daughter strand.
DNA Replication and Complementary
 TGCATATGCACG complementary
 TTACCGGTTC original
 AATGGCCAAG replicated
DNA Replication: Enzymes Involved
• Topoisomerase and helicase-unwind and uncoil
DNA (break H bonds)
• DNA polymerase adds the correct nucleotide in the
5’-3’ direction only
• DNA pol moves in the forward direction on one
strand, moves in the reverse direction on the other
strand, however, always moving in the 5’-3’
DNA Replication
• Replication is
continuous on
leading strand;
on the lagging
• DNA pol only
adds 5’3’
• Lagging strand
is composed of
fragments that
must be linked
together by
Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Replication
• Bacteria have a circular
chromosome  replication
occurs in 2 directions at the
origin of replication
• Replication is fast  minutes
• Eukaryotes have long, linear
chromosomes  replication
begins at many locations 
replication bubbles,
replication forks
• Replication is slower  hours
DNA Repair
• What happens if the incorrect base is added and a
mismatch base pair occurs? Ex. A-G or C-T
DNA Pol has a proofreading function
It will cut out the incorrect base and put back the
correct base
Ligase comes in and repairs the “cut” in the DNA
Results in a very low error rate  1 out of 100 million
base pairs
From DNA to Proteins
 DNA is the genetic instructions for life,
but DNA itself does not do work to
sustain life.
Which type of molecule is responsible
for all of a cell’s processes?
Flow of genetic information
instructions translator
transcription translation
Where does transcription take place in a
prokaryotic cell?
Comparison of DNA to RNA
 Single stranded
 Ribose sugar
 Bases A, Uracil, C, G
 A-U, C-G base pairs
 3 types/functions
 Unstable, easily degrades
 Double stranded
 Deoxyribose sugar
 Bases A, T, C, G
 A-T, C-G base pairs
 1 type/function
 Very stable over time
Types of RNAs
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)-carries the protein building
 1 gene=1 mRNA=1 protein
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-this RNA along with other
proteins make up ribosomes (site of protein synthesis)
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)-brings correct amino acid to
the ribosome; binds to mRNA sequence
The Genetic Code
 DNARNAAmino Acids (proteins)
 How many different nucleotides are there?
 How many different amino acids are there?
 How would the nucleotides specify each of the
amino acids?
The Genetic Code Solved!
 There are only 4 nucleotides to specify 20 different amino
If use 1 nucleotide per amino acid, only can specify 4
Using 2 nucleotides, only can specify 16
If use 3 nucleotides per amino acid, can specify 64 amino
3 nucleotides = 1 codon, 1 codon per amino acid
The Genetic
 The code is universal
 The code is degenerative
 most amino acids have
more than 1 codon. Why?
 Each codon has only 1
meaning, CCA is different
than CUA, and can
specify a different amino
 Has 1 start signal and 3
stop signals
Transcription: DNARNA
• Initiation of Transcription
• RNA pol binds to specific DNA
sequence called a promoter
which is usually at the
beginning of a gene
DNA unwinds using enzymes
RNA pol adds nucleotides in
5’3’ direction: A-U, C-G
RNA pol falls off at end of
gene, releasing mRNA
Many RNA pols work
simultaneously to produce
RNA Transcript Processing and
• Newly synthesized
transcripts are not ready to
make a protein
3 Modifications are made:
Introns are cut out by
Genes  exons and introns
Exons  coding sequences
that make a protein
Introns  noncoding (junk)
RNA Transcript Processing and Modification
5’ cap is added
 Provides an docking area for the ribosome to bind
during translation
 Prevents degradation
3’ Poly A (adenine) Tail is added
 100-200 As added to prevent degradation by enzymes
Similarities Between Replication and
Occur in the nucleus
Use DNA as template to build new strands
Add nucleotides in the 5’3’ direction
Add nucleotides according to base pair rules: A-T,U or
 Both use helicase and topoisomerase to unwind DNA
Differences Between Replication and
 DNADNA copy
 Copy all of the DNA
 Copy is double stranded
 Use DNA pol
 Use A-T, C-G
 DNARNA copy
 Copy only part of DNA
 Copy is single stranded
 Use RNA pol
 Use A-U, C-G
Transcription: DNARNA
The following sequence is to be transcribed:
What is the sequence of the transcript?
Translation: RNAProteins
 Occurs in the cytoplasm,
inside of ribosomes
(attached to ER)
 Requires a mRNA with a
start/stop codon
 Requires a tRNA
 Requires amino acids
Translation: RNAProteins
Role of tRNA
• tRNA-2 Binding sites
• mRNA binding site
called the anticodon
• amino acid binding site,
to bring the correct
amino acid to growing
polypeptide chain
Role of Ribosomes
• Site of protein synthesis
• Composed of large and small
• During translation:
• Small subunit binds mRNA,
then combines with large
subunit to form intact
ribosome (initiation)
• When small and large
subunits combine, form E
site (exit), P site (peptide),
and an A site (amino acid)
 Initiation: initiator tRNA
+ small ribosome unit,
mRNA + large ribosome
 Elongation: initiator
tRNA (start codon)  P
 Where does the 2nd tRNA
Translation: RNAProteins
 2nd tRNA  A site
 peptide bond  1st +
2nd aa
 Initiator tRNA released
 E site
 2nd tRNA  P site
 3rd tRNA  A site
Translation: Elongation
 Peptide bond  2nd + 3rd
 This is repeated many
times until a stop codon is
 Proteins can have as little
as 30 aa or up to 1000 aa
 12-17 aa are added every
• Termination: stop codon
is reached, mRNA released,
and ribosome subunits
separate, polypeptide chain
is released
• What happens to the newly
synthesized protein?
• Golgi for processing and
shipping by exocytosis
• Used in the cell it was made
Reading the Genetic Code
• There are 64 codons (61 specify
amino acids, 3 are stops)
• Some amino acids have more
than one codon, ex. arginine,
• For codon GAC, first find the
first base on code, second, and
finally third; where all lines
intersect that is the amino acid
specified. GAC = aspartate
Genetic Code Problem
What would be the amino acid sequence specified by the
following DNA sequence?
How many amino acids would be made?
Genetic Code Problem
start-arginine-tyrosine-glycine-stop amino acid
Structure of Eukaryotic
 Chromosomes
(made of DNA) have
proteins that help
tightly package DNA
in the nucleus 
 They arrange the
DNA around “beads”
 heterochromatin