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Chapter 5
Adapted by G. Cornwall, Ph.D.
From Raven’s Biology, McGraw Hill Publishing
Membrane Structure
• Phospholipids arranged in a bilayer
• Globular proteins inserted in the lipid bilayer
– Integral membrane proteins
– Peripheral membrane proteins
• Fluid mosaic model – mosaic of proteins floats in
or on the fluid lipid bilayer like boats on a pond
• Cellular membranes have 4 components
1. Phospholipid bilayer
Flexible matrix, barrier to permeability
2. Transmembrane proteins
Integral membrane proteins
3. Interior protein network
Peripheral membrane proteins
4. Cell surface markers
Glycoproteins and glycolipids
• Both transmission electron microscope (TEM) and
scanning (SEM) used to study membranes
• One method to embed specimen in resin
– 1µm shavings
– TEM shows layers
• Freeze-fracture visualizes inside of
• Structure consists of
– Glycerol – a 3-carbon
– 2 fatty acids attached to
the glycerol
• Nonpolar and hydrophobic
– Phosphate group attached
to the glycerol
• Polar and hydrophilic
• Spontaneously forms a bilayer
– Fatty acids are on the inside
– Phosphate groups are on both surfaces
• Bilayers are fluid
• Hydrogen bonding of
water holds the 2 layers
• Individual phospholipids
and unanchored
proteins can move
through the membrane
• Environmental influences
– Saturated fatty acids make the membrane
less fluid than unsaturated fatty acids
• “Kinks” introduced by the double bonds keep them
from packing tightly
• Most membranes also contain sterols such as
cholesterol, which can either increase or decrease
membrane fluidity, depending on the temperature
– Warm temperatures make the membrane
more fluid than cold temperatures
• Cold tolerance in bacteria due to fatty acid
Membrane Proteins
• Various functions:
Cell-surface receptors
Cell-surface identity
5. Cell-to-cell adhesion
6. Attachments to the
Structure relates to function
• Diverse functions arise from the diverse
structures of membrane proteins
• Have common structural features related
to their role as membrane proteins
• Peripheral proteins
– Anchoring molecules attach membrane
protein to surface
• Anchoring molecules are modified lipids with
1. Nonpolar regions that insert into the internal portion
of the lipid bilayer
2. Chemical bonding domains that link directly to
• Integral membrane proteins
– Span the lipid bilayer (transmembrane
• Nonpolar regions of the protein are embedded in
the interior of the bilayer
• Polar regions of the protein protrude from both
sides of the bilayer
– Transmembrane domain
• Spans the lipid bilayer
• Hydrophobic amino acids arranged in α helice
• Proteins need only a single transmembrane
domain to be anchored in the membrane, but
they often have more than one such domain
• Bacteriorhodopsin has 7 transmembrane
domains forming a structure within the
membrane through which protons pass
during the light-driven pumping of protons
• Pores
– Extensive nonpolar regions within a
transmembrane protein can create a pore
through the membrane
– Cylinder of  sheets in the protein secondary
structure called a -barrel
• Interior is polar and allows water and small polar
molecules to pass through the membrane
Card Quiz A
Which part of the phospholipid is responsible for H
bonding with water?
 Fatty acid chains
 Phosphate head
 Glycerol molecule
 Non polar tails
Card Quiz A
What type of amino acids would you expect to find in
the transmembrane portion of a membrane protein?
 Charged amino acids
 Polar amino acids
 Non-polar amino acids
 Hydrophilic amino acids
Card Quiz A
How are transmembrane proteins held in the correct
position in the membrane?
 Covalent bonding to the phosphate group
 Hydrophobic domain is held in place by
hydrophobic exclusion
 Cytoskeleton filaments keep them in place
 The cell wall keeps the proteins in place
Card Quiz Answers
Passive Transport
• Passive transport is movement of molecules
through the membrane in which
– No energy is required
– Molecules move in response to a concentration
• Simple Diffusion is movement of molecules
from high concentration to low concentration
across a semipermeable membrane
– A form of Passive Transport
– Will continue until the concentration is the same in all
• Major barrier to crossing a biological membrane
is the hydrophobic interior that repels polar
molecules but not nonpolar molecules
– Nonpolar molecules will move until the concentration
is equal on both sides
– Limited permeability to small polar molecules
– Very limited permeability to larger polar molecules
and ions
• Facilitated diffusion
– Molecules that cannot cross membrane easily
may move through proteins
– Move from higher to lower concentration
– Channel proteins
• Hydrophilic channel when open
– Carrier proteins
• Bind specifically to molecules they assist
• Membrane is selectively permeable
Channel proteins
• Ion channels
– Allow the passage of ions
– Gated channels – open or close in response
to stimulus (chemical or electrical)
– 3 conditions determine direction
• Relative concentration on either side of membrane
• Voltage differences across membrane
• Gated channels – channel open or closed
Carrier proteins
• Can help transport both ions and other solutes,
such as some sugars and amino acids
• Requires a concentration difference across the
• Must bind to the molecule they transport
– Saturation – rate of transport limited by number of
• Cytoplasm of the cell is
an aqueous solution
– Water is solvent
– Dissolved substances
are solutes
• Osmosis – net diffusion
of water across a
membrane toward a
higher solute
Osmotic concentration
• When 2 solutions have different osmotic
– Hypertonic solution has a higher solute
– Hypotonic solution has a lower solute concentration
• When two solutions have the same osmotic
concentration, the solutions are isotonic
• Aquaporins facilitate osmosis
Osmotic pressure
• The amount of water that
enters a cell depends on
the difference in solute
concentration between
the cell and the
extracellular fluid
• Cell in a hypotonic
solution gains water
causing cell to swell –
creates pressure
• If membrane strong
enough, cell reaches
counterbalance of osmotic
pressure driving water in
with hydrostatic pressure
driving water out
– Cell wall of prokaryotes,
fungi, plants, protists
• If membrane is not strong,
may burst
– Animal cells must be in
isotonic environments
Maintaining osmotic balance
• Some cells use
extrusion in which
water is ejected
through contractile
• Isosmotic regulation
involves keeping cells
isotonic with their
– Marine organisms adjust
internal concentration to
match sea water
– Terrestrial animals
circulate isotonic fluid
• Plant cells use turgor
pressure to push the cell
membrane against the
cell wall and keep the
cell rigid
Card Quiz B
Permeability refers to –
 the movement of molecules from an area of
greater concentration to an area of lower
 the amount of solute in a solution
 the extent a membrane allows a substance to
pass through
 the state of being permanent
Card Quiz B
The movement of molecules from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration is –
 Osmosis
 Active transport
 Solubility
 Diffusion
Card Quiz B
A cell is placed in an hypotonic solution. Which way will
the water move?
 Into the cell
 Out of the cell
 No net movement
Card Quiz B
If a blood cell (0.9% NaCl) shrivels, what type of
solution was it placed in?
 0.8%
 0.1%
 0.9%
 4%
Card Quiz Answers
Active Transport
• Some molecules need to be moved
against their concentration gradient
• Requires energy – ATP is used directly or
indirectly to fuel active transport
• Moves substances from low to high
concentration (against the gradient)
• Requires the use of highly selective carrier
• Carrier proteins used in active transport
– Uniporters – move one molecule at a time
– Symporters – move two molecules in the
same direction
– Antiporters – move two molecules in opposite
Sodium–potassium (Na+–K+) pump
• Direct use of ATP for active transport
• Uses an antiporter to move 3 Na+ out of the cell
and 2 K+ into the cell
– Against their concentration gradient
• ATP energy is used to change the conformation
of the carrier protein
• Affinity of the carrier protein for either Na+ or K+
changes so the ions can be carried across the
Coupled transport
• Uses ATP indirectly (2° Active Transport)
• Uses the energy released when a molecule
moves by diffusion to supply energy to active
transport of a different molecule
• Symporter is used
• Glucose–Na+ symporter captures the energy
from Na+ diffusion to move glucose against a
concentration gradient
Bulk Transport
Movement of substances into the cell
Phagocytosis – cell takes in particulate matter
Pinocytosis – cell takes in only fluid
Receptor-mediated endocytosis – specific molecules are
taken in after they bind to a receptor
• In the human genetic disease familial hypercholesterolemia, the LDL
receptors lack tails, so they are never fastened in the clathrin-coated
pits and as a result, do not trigger vesicle formation. The cholesterol
stays in the bloodstream of affected individuals, accumulating as
plaques inside arteries and leading to heart attacks.
Movement of materials out of the cell
Used in plants to export cell wall material
Used in animals to secrete hormones,
neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes
Card Quiz C
A macrophage engulfing a bacterium is an example of –
Card Quiz C
What type of transport protein can move 2 different
molecules in the same direction?
 Uniporter
 Antiporter
 Symporter
 Multiporter
Card Quiz C
How is the sodium-potassium pump able to move
ions against their concentration gradients?
 Facilitated diffusion
 Expending ATP
 Ion channels
 Bulk transport
Card Quiz Answers