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Created by:
Melinda Vue
Plasma Membrane
Function: Plasma membrane allows
transportation of substances in and
out of the cell.
Location: It is the a layer between the
outside environment and inside
environment of the cell.
Compare: The gate is the cell membrane a layer
between the house (inside of the cell) and the outside
property (outside of the cell).
Contrast: However the gate can’t really control the
what goes in and out, like the membrane, because it
can’t secure the house perfectly. As an example,
people can climb over it, but in the plasma
membrane nothing can enter or leave unless it allows
it to.
Function: The nucleus is the control center of
the cell and has instructions of DNA, RNA, and
to make proteins.
Location: It is located in the middle of the cell’s
cytoplasm, but not always in the middle of the
Compare: The main office is the control center of
the school. The main office is the nucleus while the
school is the cell outside of the nucleus.
Contrast: The main office contains information for
every student where as the nucleus only contains
your instructions of DNA, RNA, and works only
for you not others.
Function: Ribosomes synthesis proteins, to help
support the cell’s functions.
Location: Ribosomes are located in the E-R or
floating in the cytosol.
Compare: The chef cooks food for the customers
when they need food so they can have energy to live
on and do their work. The ribosomes make proteins
when needed so it help the cell function.
Contrast: The chef must stay in the kitchen to be able
to cook the food, but the ribosomes are able to
synthesis proteins in the E-R or floating in the cytosol.
Function: Cytoplasm is the liquidly solution in a
cell with different dissolved molecules.
Compare: The tea fluid is like the cytoplasm, while
the cup is the cell membrane.
Location: It is inside of the cell after the cell
layer called the, “cell membrane.”
Contrast: However the tea fluid doesn’t have other
dissolved molecules other than the tea itself, while
the cytoplasm has different dissolved molecules.
Function: The mitochondria is the storage of
the cell’s energy.
Compare: This jar is like the mitochondria that
contains sugar (which is the energy).
Location: The mitochondria is located in the
cell’s cytoplasm.
Contrast: However the cell doesn’t always rely on
ATP energy, however it can do passive transport
besides ATP.
Function: Chloroplasts(only found in plant cell)
does photosynthesis by turning sunlight energy into
sugar to food for the plant cell to use.
Location: The chloroplast is in the cell’s cytoplasm.
Compare: The water filter converts unclean water to clean.
The chloroplasts converts light into sugar while the water
filter converts dirty water to clean water.
Contrast: The water filter doesn’t use energy to convert dirty
water to clean water while the chloroplast needs sun light to
Cell Wall
Function: The cell wall (only found in plant cell) is
the outside rigid layer that protects the plant cell and
gives the plant cell it’s shape.
Compare: The chocolate brown cake layer is
like the cell wall protecting the white cheese
cream between it.
Location: It is the cell layer after the cell membrane;
the outside layer of the cell.
Contrast: The cell wall is rigid but the chocolate
cake is not rigid.
Rough E-R
Function: The rough endoplasmic reticulum does
protein synthesis and packages it.
Compare: The packer person packages the boxes like the
same task the rough endoplasmic reticulum does too.
Location: It is located next to the nucleus.
Contrast: However the packer person didn’t create the
objects in the box, their only duty was to pack it.
Smooth ER
Function: The smooth endoplasmic reticulum creates
and stores lipids and steroids.
Location: It is connected to the rough endoplasmic
Compare: The food container is like the smooth
endoplasmic reticulum that works like a storage.
Contrast: The difference is that the container storing
the food cant create the food.
Function: The Golgi is a packaging, storage, and
shipper of the substances/molecules it created.
Location: It is located in the cell’s cytoplasm close to
the nucleus.
Compare: The mailman ships/delivers mails, while the
Golgi ships out substances to where they need to be.
Contrast: The mailman doesn’t make the mails he delivers
into something different, where as the Golgi can make the
substances more complex.
Function: The vacuole stores waste and food. Vesicles
are small membranes sacks that can store and transport
Compare: The plastic bag can store anything and contain
anything that can fit in it just like the vacuoles and vesicles.
Location: They are located inside of the cell.
Contrast: However it can not transport the items inside it
like the vesicles.
Large Central Vacuole
Function: The large central vacuole is the largest
vacuole in plant cells and stores food and waste(it very
watery inside of it).
Compare: The pencil pouch stores the writing utensils
you need to use, just like how the large central vacuole
stores food it needs.
Location: It is located in the middle of the plant cell.
Contrast: However the pencil pouch can not store waste
like the large central vacuole.
Function: Lysosomes has enzymes that digests food
and break down (recycles) things like the cell when it
Location: The lysosomes float in the cytoplasm until
they are needed, then they go there.
Compare: The stomach digests food just like the
Contrast: The difference is that lysosomes can float
around the cytoplasm, but the stomach around
can’t float in our body.
Function: Centrioles (only in animal cells) are nine
groups of microtubules (spindle fibers) which
supports(takes part in) cell division.
Location: It is located in the cell near the nucleus.
Compare: The pill dissolving in the cup of water is like
the centrioles which are needed to start the cell division.
Contrast: The difference is that the centrioles don’t
dissolve in cell division.
Function: Microtubules are thick protein tubes that
supports the cytoskeleton and the structure.
Location: It is located in the cytoskeleton.
Compare: Milk has calcium which helps build strong bones
of the body skeleton, just like the microtubules which help
support/form the cytoskeleton.
Contrast: The difference is that the milk doesn’t
make/form the body’s bones like microtubules but the milk
helps strengthen it.
My resources/links are in a word
document on my website: