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 Cells
are the basic unit of all living things…if it is
alive it has cells
 Prokaryotes
No Nucleus
No membrane-covered organelles
Circular DNA
 Eukaryotes
Membrane-covered organelles
Linear DNA
All other Cells
 cytoplasm:
inner liquid filling
 capsule: slimy outer coating
 cell wall: tougher middle layer
 cell membrane: delicate inner skin
 DNA in one big loop
 ribosomes: for building
 Cell
There are only 2 classes of cells (plant/animal),
but there are many kinds of cells in each class.
Each kind of cell has a DIFFERENT job to do…it
cell membrane holds the cell together
and allows nutrients in the cell
It’s just like a turtle’s skin
The cell membrane is on the edge of a cell
 Cytoplasm
is the watery gel inside a cell. It holds
the organelles
 Cytoplasm is like the turtles blood and other liquids
 Mitochondria
is an ORGANelle that releases energy
from food
 Mitochondria is like a turtle’s stomach
 The
nucleus controls the cell
 The nucleus is like the turtle’s brain
 Contains the DNA in Eukaryotic Cells
 Chromosomes
are inside the nucleus and are
made of genes (DNA)
 Genes decide the cells traits and activities
(heart cell, eye cell (color))
 Processes
and transports materials out of the
 Where
amino acids are hooked together to
make proteins
 Makes
 Breaks down drugs and other substances
 Packages up proteins for release from the cell
 Ribosome are attached to it
 Digests
food particles, wastes, cell parts, and
foreign invaders
 Vacuoles
are spaces in the cytoplasm (gel) where
food and chemicals are stored
 It’s like “fat” on a turtle
 Cell
Walls are only in plant cells
 They make the cell strong and rigid
 They are like a turtle’s shell (but only plants have
them…that’s why grass stands straight up!)
 Chloroplasts
are only in plant cells
 They contain chlorophyll, which helps make
energy/food from sunlight
 Chlorophyll is green in color…so any plant
that is green has chloroplasts