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Lecture #3 Organelles of the
Eukaryotic Cell
Unit: Cellular Structure & Function
Eukaryotic Cells
Eukaryotesorganisms like
plants or animals
that have cells with
a nucleus and
other organelles.
Organelles - little,
specialized organs
found in all
eukaryotic cells,
not prokaryotic.
Eukaryotic Organelles
Nucleus-“central office” of the cell that
DNA where most cell activity is started
• DNA carries instructions for how to build
something. What?
• Nucleus is surrounded by a porous
membrane. Why?
• The nucleolus, is found
in the nucleus and
makes the ribosomes.
Eukaryotic Organelles
• Mitochondria- “powerhouse” of the cell
where cellular energy (ATP) is generated.
• Supplies cell with energy through cellular
• Some cells have more than others—why?
• Contain DNA
Eukaryotic Organelles
• Cellular respiration- process in mitochondria in
which carbs (like glucose) and oxygen are
consumed, releasing carbon dioxide, water, and
energy for life (ATP).
• C6H12O6 (glucose) + O2 → CO2 + H2O + energy (ATP)
• This is why we breathe oxygen and how we use carbs
to get energy!!!
• Plants and animals all respire
and glucose in
Carbon dioxide,
water, and ATP
Eukaryotic Organelles
• Endoplasmic reticulum -“highway” system
throughout inside of cell.
• Materials can travel on it throughout the cell.
• Rough ER (has ribomsomes) vs. Smooth ER.
Eukaryotic Organelles
• Golgi apparatus-“packaging center” of
the cell.
• Puts finishing touches on proteins and
prepares them for shipment out of the
Eukaryotic Organelles
• Lysosome –“recycling center”
• Repairs damaged cell parts.
• Sometimes parts are beyond repair.
Eukaryotic Organelles
• Vacuoles“storerooms” in
plant and animal
cells. What would
they store?
• Larger in plant
cells than animal
cells. Why?
• If they shrivel, so
does the cell
Plant vs Animal
Eukaryotic Cells
• Cell wall for structure
AND cell membrane.
• Larger vacuoles.
• Chloroplasts
• Cell membrane only.
• Small vacuoles.
• No chloroplasts.
Plant vs Animal
Eukaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells
•Cell wall -surrounds the
plant cell membrane
•Is made of cellulose,
a carb—paper is this.
•Give plant cells support
and structure
•Protect cell from bursting
if vacuole absorbs a lot of
Eukaryotic Cells
• Chloroplast-organelle
where photosynthesis
• Have DNA like mitochondria
• Chlorophyll-green
pigment in chloroplasts
that gathers sunlight
needed for this process
Eukaryotic Cells
•Chloroplasts found only in
photosynthetic organisms
(plant cells, some bacteria,
some protists)
• Chloroplasts make an energy
source (carbs) that a plant’s
mitochondria can use to create
ATP energy.
• Animals get carbs for energy from
plants we eat.
Photosynthesis in Plant Cells
Source of energy for ALL life on Earth!!!
1. Water
1. Oxygen gas
2. Carbon Dioxide
2. Glucose (a carb)
3. Sunlight
Photosynthesis in Plant Cells
Photosynthesis in Plant Cells
Cellular Respiration
Endosymbiotic Theory
Endosymbiotic Theory mitochondria and
chloroplasts were
once prokaryotic
cells that were taken
in by other
• Creation of first
• Prokaryotes evolved
into eukaryotes