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3.1 Cell Theory
KEY CONCEPT Cells are the Basic unit of life.
3.1 Cell Theory
The cell theory grew out of the work of many scientists
and improvements in the microscope.
• Many scientists contributed to the cell theory.
3.1 Cell Theory
The cell theory grew out of the work of many scientists
and improvements in the microscope.
• Many scientists contributed to the cell theory.
• More was learned about cells
as microscopes improved.
• The cell theory is a unifying
concept of biology.
3.1 Cell Theory
Early studies led to the development of the cell theory.
• The Cell theory has three principles.
– All organisms are made of cells.
3.1 Cell Theory
Early studies led to the development of the cell theory.
• The Cell theory has three principles.
– All organisms are made of cells.
– All existing cells are produced by other living cells.
3.1 Cell Theory
Early studies led to the development of the cell theory.
• The Cell theory has three principles.
– All organisms are made of cells.
– All existing cells are produced by other living cells.
– The cell is the most basic unit of life.
3.1 Cell Theory
Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and most internal
structures of eukaryotic cells.
• All cells share certain characteristics.
– Cells tend to be microscopic.
– All cells are enclosed
cell membrane
by a membrane.
– All cells are filled with
(colored SEM; magnification 8800x)
3.1 Cell Theory
There are two cell types: eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic
• Eukaryotic cells have a
• Prokaryotic cells do
not have membranebound organelles.
cell membrane
3.1 Cell Theory
There are two cell types: eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic
• Prokaryotic cells do not
have a nucleus.
• Prokaryotic cells do not
have membrane-bound
cell membrane
3.2 Cell Organelles
KEY CONCEPT Eukaryotic cells share many similarities.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Cells have an internal structure.
• The cytoskeleton has many functions.
– supports and shapes cell
– helps position and transport organelles
– provides strength
– assists in cell division
– aids in cell movement
3.2 Cell Organelles
Several organelles are involved in making and
processing proteins.
• The nucleus stores genetic information.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Several organelles are involved in making and
processing proteins.
• Many processes occur in the endoplasmic reticulum.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Several organelles are involved in making and
processing proteins.
Many processes occur in the endoplasmic reticulum.
There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum.
– rough endoplasmic
– smooth endoplasmic
3.2 Cell Organelles
Several organelles are involved in making and processing
•Proteins move from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.
•The Golgi apparatus consists of closely-layered stacks of
membrane enclosed spaces that process, sort, and deliver
proteins that are transported to other places within the cell or
outside the cell.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Several organelles are involved in making and
processing proteins. (continued)
• Ribosomes link amino acids to form proteins.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Several organelles are involved in making and
processing proteins. (continued)
• Ribosomes link amino acids to form proteins.
• Vesicles are membrane-bound sacs that hold materials.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Other organelles have various functions.
• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Other organelles have various functions.
• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
• Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Other organelles have various functions.
• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
• Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials.
• Lysosomes contain enzymes to digest material.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Other organelles have various functions.
• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
• Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials.
• Lysosomes contain enzymes to digest material.
• Centrioles are tubes found in the centrosomes.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Other organelles have various functions.
• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
• Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials.
• Lysosomes contain enzymes to digest material.
• Centrioles are tubes found in the centrosomes.
– Centrioles help divide
3.2 Cell Organelles
Other organelles have various functions.
• Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
• Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials.
• Lysosomes contain enzymes to digest material.
• Centrioles are tubes found in the centrosomes.
– Centrioles help divide
– Centrioles form cilia and
3.2 Cell Organelles
Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts.
• A cell wall provides rigid support.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts.
• A cell wall provides rigid support.
• Chloroplasts convert solar energy to chemical energy.