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Cell Structure and Function
Warm Up (10-10-14)
Explain everything you know about microscopes
• Objectives
• Microscope Lab
• To introduce microscopes and how to measure
cell structures using the microscopes
Warm Up (10-20-14)
Describe the purpose of the microscope lab to
your neighbor and what you were able to see
using the microscopes. (Be Specific!!)
• Objectives
• Cell Theory
• To explain cell theory and how it applies to
our lives
Warm Up (10-21-14)
Explain to your neighbor why you think plants
and animals have different cell structures. Think
about what you know about the functions of
plants and animals
• Objectives
• Plant Versus Animal Cells
• Cell Organelles
• To determine the differences between plant
and animal cells
• To discover the structure and function of
cellular organelles.
Discovery of Cells
• Robert Hooke
– 1665
– examined thin slices of cork
– Tiny, Hollow compartments
– Reminded him of rooms in a monastery: Cells
– Cells were dead, he only saw cell walls and empty
Discovery of Cells
• Anton vanLeeuwenhoek
– Dutch tradesman
– Studying methods to construct lenses
– Created single-lens microscope
• Allowed him to observe cells
– 1674 became one of the first people to describe
living cells
• Observed single-celled organisms swimming in pond
• “Animalcules”
Cell Theory
• Matthias Schleiden – plant tissue, 1838
proposed that plants are made of cells
• Schleiden shared his results with Schwann
• Theodor Schwann – noticed similarities
between plant and animal cells and proposed
that animals are made of cells,
– 1839 – he published that all living things are made
of cells and cell products
Cell Theory
• Rudolf Virchow
– 1855 – revised Schwann’s previous conclusion and
stated that all cells come from preexisting cells
• Cell Theory:
1. All organisms are made of cells
2. All existing cells are produced by other living cells
3. The cell is the most basic unit of life
Your turn!
• In your notes, under where you wrote the
three major principles of Cell Theory, explain
what each of those principles means in your
own words.
Differences Between Cells
• Prokaryotic
– Lack nucleus
– Lack membranebound organelles
– DNA is suspended in
the cytoplasm
– Microscopic, singlecelled organisms
• Eukaryotic
– Have true nucleus
– Have membranebound organelles
– DNA is enclosed by
– single-cellular or
Cellular Organelles
• Cells have internal structure
– Specialized structures able to perform distinct
processes within a cell
• Think about it!!
– Why do we have specific organs?
– What do they do?
Cell Membrane
Nuclear Envelope
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Lysosomes (animal cells only)
Centrioles (animal cells only)
Cell Wall (plant cells only)
Chloroplasts (plant cells only)
Think Like a Scientist…
• How would you go about identifying cells as
either plant or animal cells? Think about what
you learned from the microscope lab.
• You must, think like a scientist. This means you
must follow the steps given to you!
• AKA the scientific method!!
Cell Structure p.74
• Animal vs. Plant
Cell Membrane
• Fluid Mosaic Model
– Flexible
– Variety of molecules that it is composed of
• Permeability
– What can pass through the membrane
• Receptors
– Bind ligands (specific like enzymes and substrates)
– Intracellular or membrane receptors
– Receive chemical signals
Warm Up (10-22-14)
Answer to your neighbor…
What are some of the cell organelles that you
saw in the lab?
What do you think is an important general thing
to notice about plant and animal cells?
• Objectives
• Cell organelle discussion
• Cell Organelle notes
• To discuss cell organelles and to determine the
differences between plant and animal cells
Organelles (Structures)
Warm Up (10-23-14)
Congrats, you made it through the week!
You don’t have a warm up today… you’re welcome!
However, please come in and sit quietly so that we
can get started right away… we have a TON of stuff
to do!
Warm Up (10-27-14)
Grab a warm up sheet off of the front table and
answer the following questions please
What organelles do plant cells have that animal
cells do not have?
What is the purpose of having different
structures for different types of cells?
• Objectives
• Cell organelle discussion
• Cell organelle construction
• To construct scale models of cellular
organelles to determine and demonstrate how
structure relates to function
Warm Up (10-28-14)
Explain your process for planning the
construction of your organelle.
• Objectives
• Cell organelle discussion
• Cell organelle construction
• To construct scale models of cellular
organelles to determine and demonstrate how
structure relates to function
Warm Up (10-29-14)
What are some of the challenges you are facing
while constructing your organelle?
How do you plan to overcome those obstacles?
• Objectives
• Cell organelle discussion
• Cell organelle construction
• To construct scale models of cellular
organelles to determine and demonstrate how
structure relates to function
Warm Up (10-30-14)
What do you think is the best part about this
How do you think you would do this project
differently if you had the opportunity to work on
it by yourself?
• Objectives
• Cell organelle discussion
• Cell organelle construction
• To construct scale models of cellular
organelles to determine and demonstrate how
structure relates to function
Warm Up (10-31-14)
How do you think I could improve this project in
the future? What are some suggestions and
constructive criticism that you can offer to me?
• Objectives
• Cell organelle discussion
• Cell organelle construction
• To construct scale models of cellular
organelles to determine and demonstrate how
structure relates to function
Warm Up (11-3-14)
Explain what you learned about your organelle
throughout this project.
Be specific please
• Objectives
• Cell organelle presentations
• To present scale models of cellular organelles
to determine and demonstrate how structure
relates to function by presenting our projects
Warm Up (11-4-14)
Explain something you learned from the
presentation on the organelles yesterday.
Which presentation did you enjoy the most and
• Objectives
• Cell organelle presentations
• To present scale models of cellular organelles
to determine and demonstrate how structure
relates to function by presenting our projects
Warm Up (11-5-14)
Explain what the terms passive and active mean.
Now apply those definitions you came up with
to the terms active transport and passive
• Objectives
• Cell notes
• To gain background knowledge about cellular
function and how structures help carry out
those functions
Movement within a cell
Warm Up (11-6-14)
Think about the meanings of the prefixes “endo”
and “exo”
Now apply that knowledge and Explain what you
think the terms Endocytosis and Exocytosis
• Objectives
• Cell notes
• Cell Membrane Model
• To present scale models of cellular organelles
to determine and demonstrate how structure
relates to function by presenting our projects
Cell Membrane
• Plasma Membrane
• Boundary between the cell and the outside
• Controls passage of materials into and out of
the cell
• Double layer of phospholipids and variety of
other molecules
• Molecule composed of 3 parts
– Charged phosphate group
– Glycerol
– Two fatty acid chains
• Two regions: head and tail
– Head: phosphate and glycerol
– Tail: fatty acid chains
• Polar because of its charge, can form H bonds with
• Nonpolar can’t form H bonds, nonpolar tails are
attracted to each other and repelled by water
Cell Membrane
• Cholesterol molecules provide strength
• Proteins: some extend through the membrane
and help materials cross the cell, others help
with structure
• Carbohydrates: if they are attached to
membrane proteins they help with
identification, help cells distinguish which type
they are
Cell Transport
1. Active Transport: Requires ATP (energy)
2. Passive Transport: Doesn’t require ATP (energy)
• Concentration Gradient: the difference in the
concentration of a substance from one location
to another
– Molecules move from a region of high concentration
to a region of low concentration
– If high concentration of dissolved particles in a
solution, there is a lower concentration of water
Description of Solutions
1. Isotonic
A solution is isotonic to a cell if the solution has the
same concentration of dissolved particles as the cell
2. Hypertonic
A solution is hypertonic if the solution has a higher
concentration of dissolved particles than a cell
3. Hypotonic
A solution is hypotonic if the solution has a lower
concentration of dissolved particles than a cell
• Diffusion
– Movement of molecules in a fluid or gas from a region
of higher concentration to a region of lower
• Facilitated Diffusion: diffusion of molecules across a
membrane through transport proteins
• Osmosis
– Diffusion of Water across semipermeable membrane
from high water concentration to low water
• Also has to deal with water potential
Water Potential
• ᴪ (Psi) = ᴪs + ᴪ p
• Made of pressure potential and solute
– Pressure potential: how much water the cell
already has
– Solute potential: how much solute is dissolved
• This influences pressure potential
– Water flows from areas of high water potential to
low water potential
Think Like a Scientist!
• What kind of mechanisms and adaptations do
cells have to survive in a variety of conditions.
– For example, some animals and single-celled
organisms can survive in hypotonic environments.
• Explain how this is possible.
Warm Up (11-7-14)
What did you learn about the Cell Membrane
from the cell membrane notes?
How are exocytosis and endocytosis related to
the cell membrane?
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab Prep
• To prepare for the lab investigating biological
Bill Nye
• Cells!
Warm Up (11-10-14)
How do you think biological membranes will
behave when exposed to different solutions?
Come up with an example of a situation where a
membrane was exposed to a certain solution,
and what you think the effect on the membrane
would be.
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab Prep
• To prepare for the lab investigating biological
Active Transport
• Movement against the concentration gradient, in
other words, movement of the molecules from
an area of low concentration to an area of high
• Endocytosis: taking liquids or large molecules
into a cell by engulfing them in a membrane
– Phagocytosis- cell eating, engulfing large particles
– Pinocytosis- cell drinking, small particles and liquids
• Exocytosis: opposite of endocytosis, removing
liquids or large molecules from the cell by the
fusion of a vesicle with the membrane
Lab Prep
Warm Up (11-11-14)
What is the purpose of the biological
membranes lab?
Get out your lab notebooks and write a
hypothesis of what you think will happen in this
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
Active Transport
• Movement against the concentration gradient, in
other words, movement of the molecules from
an area of low concentration to an area of high
• Endocytosis: taking liquids or large molecules
into a cell by engulfing them in a membrane
– Phagocytosis- cell eating, engulfing large particles
– Pinocytosis- cell drinking, small particles and liquids
• Exocytosis: opposite of endocytosis, removing
liquids or large molecules from the cell by the
fusion of a vesicle with the membrane
Warm Up (11-12-14)
What was one interesting thing you learned
from reading the background information on the
Why do you think it is important to understand
how biological membranes work?
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
Warm Up (11-13-14)
*** Go set up your lab station.. Labquest, laptop, open
the correct file, connect the sensor to the labquest***
Make a prediction about what you think would happen if
you exposed the same biological membrane to different
substances. For example, you have 2 beakers full of
different pH solutions. One is very acidic and one is very
basic. What would happen if you took the biological
membrane out of one beaker and put it directly into the
other beaker?
Your group can’t go to the lab until each member has
finished your warmup… get to work, you MUST finish
osmotic pressure today.
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
Warm Up (11-14-14)
***Go set up the lab stations***
What are some areas in this lab that we could
improve our results?
Think about experimental design and our methods.
What could we change in order to have a better
experiment with better experimental design?
***your group can’t go into the lab until everyone
is done with the warm up. You MUST finish the
detergent experiment today***
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
Warm Up (11-17-14)
***Go get the lab set up***
What is the most interesting thing you are seeing in
your results so far?
Be specific!!
**same thing as last week… you all need to finish
you warm ups before you’re allowed in the lab**
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
Warm Up (11-18-14)
*** get the labs set up ***
How do you think alcohol will affect cell
membranes?? Be specific and explain why you
think this will happen
**Can’t go in the lab until your warm up is
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• Effect of alcohol on biological membranes
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of alcohol on biological membranes
Warm Up (11-19-14)
**Get the labs set up please. You just need the
computers on and a file open from one of the
previous parts of the experiment that we did**
Explain some of your results from yesterday and
what you can conclude from those results.
Do you think testing a different kind of alcohol will
have an effect on how the membrane behaves?
**Can’t go in the lab until your warm up is done**
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• Effect of alcohol on biological membranes
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of alcohol on biological membranes
Warm Up (11-20-14)
Think of some ways that cells and cell
membranes have adapted to their environments
in order to survive.
(Use the information from the lab. Think about
the different things that we are testing in the
lab. How do these things influences cells? Do
the cells have counter measures to protect
against these variables?)
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• Effect of alcohol on biological membranes
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of alcohol on biological membranes
Warm Up (11-21-14)
Explain some of the procedures in this lab that
produced errors. (What are some areas where
you might have messed up a little, causing the
results to appear differently than expected)
In other words, what are some areas that your
group could have improved on experimental
design in order to produce a result closer to the
expected norms
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• Effect of alcohol on biological membranes
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of alcohol on biological membranes
Warm Up (11-24-14)
In your composition notebook…
Make a conclusion for your experiment. Write it
at the end of your 5 parts of your biological
membranes lab. Use scientific explanations as to
why you saw the results that you did
If you have written one already, discuss it with
your neighbor
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• Effect of alcohol on biological membranes
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of alcohol on biological membranes
Warm Up (11-25-14)
Share some of the things that you have learned
so far during this chapter. Be specific as to what
you noticed during the labs and whether or not
the labs showed results that you thought they
would based on previous knowledge.
• Objectives
• Biological Membrane Lab
• Effect of alcohol on biological membranes
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of various solutions on those
• To investigate biological membranes and the
effect of alcohol on biological membranes
Warm Up (12-1-14)
What are some things you remember about
cellular transport. (be specific)
Do you think all molecules are able to pass
through a cell membrane? (why or why not, and
be specific. Don’t just say “no, because…”)
• Objectives
• Review Cell Transport
• Cell Transport Demo
• To review cell transport and to apply that
knowledge to cellular membranes
• To prepare for the diffusion through
membranes lab
Cell Transport Review
• What do you remember about cell transport?
• What is phagocytosis? Pinocytosis?
• Endocytosis? Exocytosis?
– Draw me a picture…
• Diffusion? Osmosis?
• Concentration Gradients?
Cell Transport Demo
• Strainer Transport Demo
• Egg Demo?
Warm Up (12-2-14)
How can you apply the concept of cellular
transport to determine what will happen to a
cell in different types of solution?
Think about hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic
and what would happen to the cell when placed
in each of those solutions
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab prep
• Lab Notebook Setup
• To prepare for the lab determining what will
happen during osmosis in biological
Diffusion through Membranes
Warm Up (12-3-14)
What are some assumptions you can make about
this lab?
What are some things you might have to be very
careful to do when performing this lab?
One person from your group… go get the lab set
up…. Log into the computer, open the correct file,
get the labquest connected to the sensor and the
computer, get your materials set up like in figure 1
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
Warm Up (12-4-14)
What are some areas of experimental design
that could be improved upon in this lab?
Think about any inconsistencies that you are
finding in your data and how we might go about
explaining those and correcting them in future
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
Warm Up (12-5-14)
What are some things that you would suggest to
future scientists when conducting this lab?
Think about what things you are finding
challenging to complete and give suggestions to
future scientists about how they should adjust
to make those complications less challenging.
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
Warm Up (12-8-14)
Explain some of your results so far. Explain how
you got those results (if there are unexpected
results, try to explain those). If you don’t have
unexpected results, try to explain what your
results mean in terms of diffusion rates.
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
Warm Up (12-9-14)
Explain two different ways how this lab relates
to cell transport. Be specific.
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
Warm Up (12-10-14)
How does diffusion differ from osmosis?
Why does there have to be a separate definition
for the diffusion of water (osmosis)?
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
Warm Up (12-11-14)
Explain which organelles are involved in cellular
transport and how they are involved. Please be
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab analysis
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
• To analyze the results from the diffusion
through membranes lab and explain how that
relates to diffusion and cell transport.
Warm Up (12-12-14)
Explain how the specific functions of organelles
helps determine how a cell survives. Think about
what activities are necessary for the cell to carry
out in order for it to survive.
• Objectives
• Diffusion through membranes lab analysis
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
• To analyze the results from the diffusion
through membranes lab and explain how that
relates to diffusion and cell transport.
Warm Up (12-15-14)
What are some things about this chapter that
you are still confused on?
Think about cell transport, cellular organelles,
cellular functions, osmosis, diffusion, passive
and active transport.
Diffusion through membranes lab analysis
Review for test
Study guide work time
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
• To analyze the results from the diffusion
through membranes lab and explain how that
relates to diffusion and cell transport.
Warm Up (12-16-14)
Write down everything you remember from this
chapter. Please be specific.
Think about cell transport, cellular organelles,
cellular functions, osmosis, diffusion, passive
and active transport. If you need to use your
notes, you can do that.
Diffusion through membranes lab analysis
Review for test
Study guide work time
• To conduct the diffusion through membranes
lab to determine how solutes and water move
when a concentration gradient is present.
• To analyze the results from the diffusion
through membranes lab and explain how that
relates to diffusion and cell transport.
• To review this chapter to prepare for the
semester test.