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Chapter Five: Cell Structure
and Function
• 5.2 Cells: A Look Inside
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5.2 Cells: A Look Inside
• A cookie factory is like
a cell.
• An analogy is a way of
explaining something
complicated using an
easier example.
• A cookie factory is a
good analogy for
understanding all the
cell parts and their
5.2 Cells: A Look Inside
• Every cell part has a job or function.
• This chart shows how a cell is like a cookie factory
5.2 The cell membrane and nucleus
• The cell membrane is
a thin layer that
separates the inside of
the cell from its
outside environment.
• It keeps the cytoplasm
inside while letting
waste products out.
5.2 The cell membrane and nucleus
The nucleolus acts as a
storage area for materials.
• The nucleus is
covered with a
membrane that
allows materials to
pass in and out.
• It’s often called the
“control center” of
the cell because it
contains DNA.
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• Mitochondria are
called the
“powerhouses” of
• They produce much
of the energy a cell
needs to carry out its
• Creating this energy
is called cellular
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• A vacuole is the storage
area of the cell.
• Vacuoles store water,
food, and waste.
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• Ribosomes are the
protein factories of
the cell.
• When ribosomes
make proteins, they
release them into
the ER.
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• The endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) is a
series of tunnels
throughout the
• They transport
proteins from one
part of the cell to
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• Golgi bodies receive
proteins and other
compounds from the ER.
• They package these
materials and distribute
them to other parts of the
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• Lysosomes contain enzymes that can
break things down.
• Lysosomes pick up bacteria, food, and
old organelles and break them into small
pieces that can be reused.
5.2 Organelles and their functions
• The cytoskeleton
is a series of fibers
made from proteins.
• It provides structure
to the cell and gives
it its shape.
5.2 How plant cells are different
1. Plant cells have
but animal cells
do not.
A chloroplast is an organelle
that contains a green
pigment called chlorophyll.
5.2 How plant cells are different
2. Plant cells have
a large central
vacuole that
stores cell sap.
5.2 How plant cells are different
3. Plant cells have a
cell wall, but
animal cells do not.
Cell walls provide
structure and support
for the plant.