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Cell Bio 5- SDL Spinal Reflexes
A neuron never works alone
Even in primitive nervous systems all neurons participate in synaptically interconnected networks, or pathways
– Neuronal circuits
Reflexes are an example of neuronal circuits
Reflexes are reactions of glands or muscles to a stimulus
Reflexes are defined by specific properties
• They require stimulation
• They are quick
• They are involuntary
• They are stereotyped
Reflexes prevent us from having to think about all the little details required from day to day living
• Posture, locomotion, visceral activity
Reflex Categories
Reflexes may be categorized on the basis of four general properties
1. Development
• Innate reflexes result from connections that form during development
• Acquired reflexes are learned
– Not preestablished
2. Response
• In terms of motor response there are two types of reflexes
1. Somatic reflexes
• Provide a mechanism for the involuntary control of the skeletal muscle system
2. Visceral (autonomic) reflexes
• Controlled by the autonomic nervous system
3. Complexity of Circuit
• The simplest reflex circuits (arcs) consist of two neurons that synapse together (monosynaptic)
– Stretch reflex
• Polysynaptic reflexes involve more than two neurons
4. Processing Site
• Integration of reflex information processing may occur in two areas
1. Spinal cord: Spinal reflexes (Integrated in gray matter)
2. Brain: Cranial reflexes
These categories are not mutually exclusive
Cell Bio 5- SDL Spinal Reflexes
Spinal Reflexes
Spinal (cord) reflexes are relatively simple reflexes that allow control of muscle function
– Mundane, repetitive actions
Without neuronal circuits of the cord purposeful muscle movement would not be possible
– Brain can only issue command
– Additionally the brain is advised of spinal reflex activity and continually facilitates this activity
Spinal reflexes occur without immediate conscious awareness
Subsequently signals are sent to higher centers
– Sensation of pain
Spinal reflexes are at the lower end of the hierarchy of complexity in CNS function
– Spinal cord level
• Simple, automated functions
– Lower brain/subcortical level
• Blood pressure, breathing
– Higher brain/cortical level
• Thought, precise control of lower level function
The brain has a controlling function with regard to reflexes
Spinal reflexes can be suppressed by conscious thought
– Higher centers
Testing of spinal (somatic) reflexes is of clinical importance in assessing the condition of the nervous system
Exaggerated, distorted, or absent reflexes indicates pathology before other signs are apparent
Organization of Cord Gray Matter
Each segment of the spinal cord has several million neurons in its gray matter
These neurons are organized into circuits
– Local circuits
• Spinal reflex circuits are a type of local circuit
Local circuits generally have three elements
1. Input
• The main input to the spinal cord is through afferent sensory axons in the dorsal root
• Sensory signals travel to two destinations
1. One branch of the sensory nerve synapses locally for cord reflex
2. Another branch transmits signals to higher levels of the nervous system
• There are three types of sensory fibers supplying skeletal muscle
1. Type Ia sensory fibers
2. Type Ib sensory fibers
3. Type II sensory fibers
2. Local processing
• Local processing is performed by interneurons—which are small, numerous (30X motor neurons), and highly
excitable (fire 1500 times/second)
– They are present in all areas of the cord gray matter
• The vast majority of sensory neurons synapse on interneurons
– Some synapse directly on motor neurons
3. Output
• Skeletal muscle fibers are innervated by (anterior) motor neurons
• There are two types of motor neurons
1. Alpha motor neurons
Type A alpha (Aα) motor neurons are the larger of the two motor neurons
14 µm in diameter
Each nerve fiber branches repeatedly to innervate large skeletal muscle fibers
A motor unit
Cell Bio 5- SDL Spinal Reflexes
2. Gamma motor neurons
Type A gamma (Aγ) motor neurons are the smaller of the two motor neurons
5 µm in diameter
These neurons innervate special skeletal muscle fibers known as intrafusal fibers
Intrafusal fibers are part of the muscle spindle
Muscle Sensory Receptors
Proper control of muscle function requires continuous sensory feedback at each instant
– Length
– Tension
Muscle sensory feedback is accomplished with two types of receptors (proprioceptors)
1. Muscle spindles
• Muscle spindles monitor the length of muscles and changes in this length
• Muscle spindles consist of ~3-12 intrafusal muscle fibers
• The spindles are embedded in parallel with extrafusal fibers
– Up to ~100 spindles/per one gram of muscle
• The spindle consists of two main parts
– Peripheral contractile areas
– Central sensory region
• Free of actin and myosin
• There are two classes of intrafusal fibers
– Nuclear bag fibers
• Clustered nuclei
• 1-3 per spindle
– Nuclear chain fibers
• Single-file nuclei
• Two types of nerve fibers supply the sensory region of the spindle
– Primary ending
• Type Ia nerve fiber encircles both classes of intrafusal muscle fibers
– Secondary ending
Type II nerve fiber only supplies nuclear chain fibers
• Two types of gamma motor fibers supply the intrafusal fibers
– Dynamic (gamma-D)
• Excites mainly nuclear bag fibers
– Static (gamma-S)
• Excites mainly nuclear chain fibers
• Why are gamma fibers needed?
Cell Bio 5- SDL Spinal Reflexes
There are two general responses of a muscle spindle to stretch
1. Static response
When the muscle spindle is stretched slowly (or when it is under constant tension) impulses are
transmitted in proportion to the degree of stretch
In the static response both primary (type Ia) and secondary (type II) endings are active
The static response is a measure of muscle length
2. Dynamic response
When the length of the muscle spindle increases suddenly the primary (type Ia) ending is powerfully
Burst of action potentials
The dynamic response is a measure of the rate of change of muscle length
• The most important motor response to sensory input from the spindles is that of the extrafusal fibers
– Activation of α-motor neurons
• The secondary concern is to modify the activity of intrafusal fibers
– Activation of γ-motor neurons
• The muscle spindles are primarily concerned with measuring the length of extrafusal fibers
– Intrafusal fibers are inconsequential in terms of force production (or loss of force production due to
• The contribution of the γ-motor neurons is to prevent the sensory component of the spindles from going slack
• To prevent slackness of spindles, α and γ motor fibers are coactivated by higher centers
• Without such a system the spindles cease sending impulses to the CNS
Muscle Stretch Reflex
• The simplest manifestation of muscle spindle function is the muscle stretch (myotatic) reflex
• A sudden stretch of a muscle elicits a reflexive contraction of that same muscle
• The stretch reflex can be divided into two components
• Dynamic stretch reflex
• Opposes sudden changes in muscle length
• Over within a fraction of a second
• Static stretch reflex
• Continues after dynamic stretch reflex
• Ensures degree of muscle contraction remains relatively constant
• There are two important functions of the stretch reflex
• Opposition of stretch/lengthening helps maintain posture and equilibrium
• Stretch reflex is key in postural muscles of spine
• The stretch reflex dampens muscle function
• Reduces jerkiness
• There are two important functions of the stretch reflex
• Opposition of stretch/lengthening helps maintain posture and equilibrium
• Stretch reflex is key in postural muscles of spine
• The stretch reflex dampens muscle function
• Reduces jerkiness
• The stretch reflex is particularly strong in gravity-opposing extensors
• Walking depends on alternating stretch-contraction cycles
Overriding the stretch reflex
• To perform certain activities the stretch reflex must be suppressed
• The stretch reflex depends on a reflex phenomenon known as reciprocal inhibition
• In the patellar reflex, branches of type Ia sensory neurons also excite inhibitory interneurons innervating motor
neurons of the flexors (hamstrings)
• Hamstrings relax/quadriceps contract
Cell Bio 5- SDL Spinal Reflexes
2. Golgi tendon organs
• Golgi tendon organs monitor the force generated by muscles
• The Golgi tendon reflex causes muscle relaxation in response to increased tension on the muscle
– Inverse myotatic reflex
• Equalization of contractile forces amongst groups of muscle fibers is likely the main function of the tendon
• In cases of extreme tension the spinal cord may mediate instantaneous relaxation of the entire muscle
– Lengthening reaction
– This may prevent tearing of muscle or tendon avulsion
• Tendon organs are an encapsulated tangle of nerve endings entwined in the collagen fibers of the
musculotendinous junction
– ~0.5 mm in length
• Afferent fibers from the tendon organ are type Ib
• Tension in the tendon forces collagen fibers together thus compressing the nerve endings of the organ
• The type Ib sensory fibers synapse on two types of interneurons
– Inhibitory
• Innervate α-motor neurons of active muscle
– Excitatory
• Innervate α-motor neurons of antagonists
Flexor and withdrawal reflexes
• The flexor reflex is the quick contraction of flexor muscles to withdraw a limb from an injurious stimulus
• Withdrawal reflexes refer more generally to other body parts
– May not use flexor muscles
• The neural pathway for the flexor reflex involves multiple types of interneurons
– Diverging circuits
• Activation of other muscles
– Reciprocal inhibition circuits
– Reverberating circuits
• Reverberating circuits result in afterdischarge
– Continued excitation of postsynaptic neuron
Cell Bio 5- SDL Spinal Reflexes
Afterdischarge permits affected body part to be held away from the stimulus
– Other reflexes, CNS, can move entire body away
– The crossed extensor reflex has a longer after discharge than the flexor reflex
Hold body away for longer period
Crossed Extensor Reflex
• About .2 to .5 seconds after the flexor reflex begins the contralateral limb starts to extend
– Support for body
– Push body away
Together, these receptors provide a full description of the dynamic state of each muscle
– This function is performed intrinsically (subconsciously)