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Cell membrane
The cell membrane, plasma membrane or cell membrane also
called Alambroblast Ectoplast ismembrane vital separates the cell from the
surrounding medium. ]1[ The cell membrane is a bilayer HUGEoptional joint
permeability in all living cells .. ]2[ This membrane contains whole cell entity from
thecytoplasm and what they organelles Phones in particular is composed
of proteins and lipids arranged in a mosaic, this membrane components involved in
a wide range of cellular processes. At the same time it could act as a point of
connection between the cytoskeleton and cell wall in the event of
existence. Primary mission is probably regulate the entry and exit of molecules
into and out of the cell, apart from receiving vital signals from outside the cell by
the so - called receptors . ]3[ ]4[ ]5[
The cell membrane also inform the cytoplasm and physically separated from the
rest of the outside cellular components and thus acts as a separation wall. This
barrier is capable of organizing came out and entered the living cell as
a semipermeable or qualitatively influence. A membrane port shall work membrane
half exuded at the same time has the optional capability of the materials entering
and leaving through it also contributes in many cases carrier molecules are
present within the plasma membrane in the process of the transfer of materials
across the membrane of this process and are irrespective of large quantities of
chemical energy. In view of the fact that the plasma membrane is very thin so it can
not be easily detected using an optical microscope and observed in some cells to
the plasma membranesurrounded by layers of protective thicker so that it can be
distinguished under the microscope for example , most of the plant cells possess
a wall Slalozia thick covers and supports the plasma membrane, which is
called cell wall Cell Wall Lama Some animal cells are surrounded by a strong
material. The cell wall of the important functions of the cell that is to Aalab any
role in the process of crossing the material and its transition into and out of the
First: transport through the formation of vesicles
Membranes some ability to surround some of the material and the formation of
membrane vesicles by which cells where the input and output of these materials
into and out of the cell.
1. Cellular input Endocytosis
Objects are taken into the cell through the plasma membrane in several ways,
A cellular engorgement (or phagocytosis ) Phagocytosis represents cellular
engorgement digest the solids from the cell by natural effectiveness of the
membrane plasma .This phenomenon can be observed in the amoeba as it works
to extend pseudopodia about the desired digested minutes and these minutes
containing inside the cell is composed of relatively large gap released into the cell
and that the work of some white blood cells will be similar to the work of the
amoeba, which helps the body to stand against foreign substances , where The
white blood cells Leucocytes have the ability to digest the bacteria by
macrophages bags as well as cell waste and other large objects.
( B ) drinking cellular Pinocytosis represents cellular drinking contain the liquid
material into the cell in a manner similar to phagocytosis may enter the protein in
this way is also where the adsorbed material Adsorbed at the plasma surface and
an internal roll Infolding membrane result in the formation of a bag containing the
desired digested and then minutes, this material is liberated happen somehow
from the bag into the cell and the membrane that was an ocean of minutes it may
become part of the network ER and the process can be summarized by
configuring the fingers of external membrane bends then back to coalesce in the
end the cell membrane and again forming the food gap contains inside a food
C Allagaf cellular Rhopheocytosis This mechanism in the cell input especially for
the transfer of a large amount of materials such as cytoplasm with the contents of
a cell to another cell where the process involves formation gaps in the surface of
the cell without the presence of previous estimates in the surface where the cell
appear in this process as if it siphoned off the surrounding material cellular
Second cell output Exocytosis
This process can be divided into several sections, namely: (a) the total excretion
Holocrine Secretion and excretion This includes filling the cell output endocrine
and then liberated the entire cell secretory as a body and then fade cell editor
contents and represents the sebaceous glands of the skin of mammals a model
for this type of secretion.
( B ) partial excretion Eccrine Secretion is the opposite of the total excretion as the
process begins with the construction of glycoproteins by the network ER coarse
granular) Granular Endoplasmic Reticulum then packaged Authority specific
objects membranes and then frees the contents inside the cavity by fusion of the
membrane located on the body 's cellular membrane and produce from this
process temporary declines arise when the cell surface and in the case of severe
secretion arises string of gaps associated with each other, and by this means
discarding excretion abroad are examples of this type a lot of glands with internal
and external secretion Kalpnkeraas cells and the front of the pituitary gland and
the thyroid cells. And endocrine Gshaoualjsm fusion plasma membrane leads to
the body becomes membrane endocrine part of the plasma membrane.
3. excretion apical Apocrine Secretion that this secretion observed in the glands
under the jaw of the Rabbit Submandibular sweet gland and have observed
different processes of excretion, where rushes surface cavity of the cell to the
outside to be Przoat secondary forms spherical connected to the cell by a senior
Marketing of then be a dense layer of cytoplasm on the leg display gradually
separating body inventory and become fluent in the cavity can view this process
is also in the mammary glands where secreted by fat excretion mechanism Qomi.
4. excretion bilateral Diacrine Secretion in this type of secretion bodies secretory
surrounded by membranes composed as in partial excretion but instead of
liberation Balthamha membrane plasma, the output endocrine either spread first
through the body membrane endocrine then across the plasma membrane or
body parts membrane endocrine spread and secretion liberated through
cytoplasm and apical plasma membrane that this process did not include an
increase or decrease in the vicinity of the cell surface as it is relatively rare.
III free deployment Free Diffusion
Moving a lot of material through the membrane-style free-proliferation, as studies
indicate, where appropriate proportion of this deployment directly proportional to
the rate of melting of the material in Allipid. Excludes water from this rule,
because its molecules are spread freely through the membrane regularly and
speed where it was proposed that the membranes containing holes (8-10)
Anquestrom lining the molecules hydrophilic where these slots be of sufficient
capacity to enter the water molecules while the convergence of other molecules
difficult to enter through it .