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Cell-a-Bration Project
Due Date_________________
Background: We will be studying cells in depth from January through March. It is now time
to get a jump start on all the terms for the different parts of the cell! A list of all terms or
cell parts is on the back of this page for your resource as you do this project.
Project Requirements:
1. You will create a 3-D model of either a plant or animal cell using random items from home,
like an old shoebox, hollowed out plastic ball, batteries, string, etc…
2. The 3-D model includes:
a) Your name & period
b) The model will be either a plant or animal cell, NOT BOTH!!!
c) Cell parts: Cell Wall(Plant Cell Only), Cell Membrane, Nucleus, Cytoplasm,
Chloroplasts(Plant Cell Only), Vacuole, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, and Mitochondria.
4. Key - Make a table that contains the following on a separate paper either handwritten or on
computer: (See example of table below)
 Name of the Cell Part (ie organelle)
 Name of item used from home that represents that cell part
 Identify structure (shape) OR function (job)
 Describe how the item from home connects to the structure or function of the cell part
(cell part)
OR Function
Model part that
represents the
Description of how the structure(shape)
OR function(job) of the model part
represents the organelle (cell part).
The marble represents the large round
structure (shape) of the nucleus.
The battery represents the function of the
mitochondria as the energy provider.
Plant Cell
Cell Organelle Resource Page for Project
Cell Part
Cell Membrane
Cell Wall
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Center or Side of Cell,
Ball/Sphere Shape
Outside Layer in Animal Cell
or the inner layer of a Plant
Cell, take the shape of the
In plant cells, the very outer
layer of cell, rectangle in
Store & Protect Genetic
Regulates nutrients/stuff
going in and releases out
Protects cell from
dehydration, excessive light
damage, viruses/bacteria and
provides structure to the
Kidney bean shape, found
Breaks down glucose(sugar) to
throughout the cell – there
make a special type of energy
are many of them in a cell
called ATP through cellular
Oval/Spherical in shape found Transforms light energy into
throughout a plant cell only,
chemical energy, does
green color
photosynthesis, this makes
the glucose/sugar
Tiny small spheres found
Makes proteins. Proteins have
throughout the cell and on the many functions in a cell:
nucleus or endoplasmic
provides structure,
transportation of other
molecules, speed up chemical
reactions, and helps cells with
movement (think muscles).
In animal cells: small hollow
Animal cells: a place to store
spheres found throughout the waste or store water
Plant cells: a place to store
In plant cells: 1 giant big
water and provides internal
flexible sphere
structure to the cell
Connected ovals shape, no
Takes the proteins being
true shape of any kind. Found made by the ribosome and
next to the nucleus
folds the proteins into a
spherical shape like a ball of
gel like substance that fills
Holds all the organelles in the
the cell or is the space of the cell and provides an
inside of the cell, it is clear
environment where all
and mostly made of water
chemical reactions take place
Scoring Rubric For Cell-a-Bration Project
Project Part
3-D Model
Organelle Key
Level 4 = A
Model is complete
with all the
appropriate parts,
it is clear and
concise. The items
used from home
represent the
organelle in a
correct & clever
The key is made
and complete for
your cell type,
explanation for
each organelle is
correct and
Level 3 = B
Model is
complete with
parts and the
items from home
represent the
Level 2 = C
Model is mostly
complete, only 1
or 2 organelles
missing and/or
items from the
home mostly
represent the
Level 1 = D
Model is
incomplete, hard
to understand,
items from home
don’t represent
the organelle
Key is complete
and correct with
the standard
Key is mostly
complete and/or
correct, only 1 or
2 mistakes.
Key is incomplete
and/or incorrect
in several areas.
Scoring Rubric For Cell-a-Bration Project
Project Part
3-D Model
Organelle Key
Level 4 = A
Model is complete
with all the
appropriate parts,
it is clear and
concise. The items
used from home
represent the
organelle in a
correct & clever
The key is made
and complete for
your cell type,
explanation for
each organelle is
correct and
Level 3 = B
Model is
complete with
parts and the
items from home
represent the
Level 2 = C
Model is mostly
complete, only 1
or 2 organelles
missing and/or
items from the
home mostly
represent the
Level 1 = D
Model is
incomplete, hard
to understand,
items from home
don’t represent
the organelle
Key is complete
and correct with
the standard
Key is mostly
complete and/or
correct, only 1 or
2 mistakes.
Key is incomplete
and/or incorrect
in several areas.