Download CELLS TEST NAME: REVIEW Use the diagram of the cell to answer

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Use the diagram of the cell to answer questions 1-5
Which structure would be in high concentrations
in muscle cells?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Which structure is the cell’s control center?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Which structure maintains homeostasis by
controlling what enters & leaves the cell?
A. B
B. M
C. A
D. D
E. 5
If structure 1 were missing, what the cell not be able to do?
A. Store waste
C. make proteins
B. Take in nutrients
D. transform energy
Which part of the cell serves the same function as a food storage area?
A. Vacuole
C. nucleus
B. Ribosomes
D. mitochondria
A cell contains the structure in Figure 7.7. Answer questions 7-8 based on
This structure.
6. In what type of cell would this structure be found in?
A. Prokaryotic
C. animal cells
B. Fungi cells
D. plant cells
7. What function does this structure perform in a cell?
A. Release energy to sustain cell activities
B. Absorb sunlight to manufacture food in the cell
C. Manufacture proteins
D. Control cell activities
8. Which of the following organisms do not have cell walls?
A. Bacteria
C. fungal cells
B. Animal cells
D. Plant cells
9. Which of the following would you not find in a bacteria cell?
A. Ribosomes
B. Plasma membrane
D. mitochondria
10. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are distinguished from each other by which of the following?
A. Prokaryotic cells include mostly bacteria, and contain a nucleus & membrane-bound organelles
B. Prokaryotic cells include most cells, other than bacteria, and lack a nucleus & membrane-bound
C. Prokaryotic cells include mostly bacteria, and lack a nucleus & membrane-bound organelles
D. Prokaryotic cells include most cells, other than bacteria, and contain a nucleus & membranebound organelles
11. How do plant cells differ from animal cells?
A. Animal cells are eukaryotic; plant cells are prokaryotic
B. Animal cells have chloroplasts; plant cells do not
C. Animal cells have regular, defined shapes; plant cells have varied sizes & shapes
D. Animal cells have several small vacuoles; plant cells have one large vacuole
12. Cells
A. Are the basic unit of structure & function in living organisms
B. Are found in all organisms
C. Come only from other living cells
D. All of these are true
13. The jelly-like material that surrounds all cell organelles is the
A. Cytoplasm
C. vacuole
B. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. chloroplast
14. The plasma membrane regulates the materials that enter & leave the cell. This is important for
A. Reducing the amount of energy that the cell uses
B. Maintaining homeostasis within the cell
C. Preventing waste materials from leaving the cell
D. Providing support for the cell
15. What level of organization is shown in the picture at the right?
A. Organ
C. organ system
B. Tissue
D. cell
16. What is the correct order of cell hierarchy in multicellular organisms?
A. Organ…tissue…organism…cell…organ system
B. Cell…tissue…organ system…organ…organism
C. Organism…organ system…organ…cell…tissue
D. Cell…tissue…organ…organ system…organism
17. What cell structure is depicted at the right?
A. Mitochondria
C. chloroplast
B. Vacuole
D. plasma membrane
18. Which cell organelle contains hereditary information and directs cell activities?
A. Nucleus
B. mitochondria
C. cell membrane
D. ribosomes
19. While observing Elodea cells under a microscope, a student observed several small moving green
discs. These structures were most likely
A. Mitochondria
C. chloroplasts
B. Ribosomes
D. nuclei
20. Which statement below is not a main point of the cell theory
A. All cells come from pre-existing cells
B. All cells are similar in structure & function
C. All organisms are composed of cells
D. Cells are the basic unit of structure & function of organisms
21. The difference between the cell wall and the cell membrane is
A. The cell wall is found only in animals; the cell membrane is found only in plant cells
B. The cell wall controls what enters & leaves cell; the cell membrane protects
C. The cell wall is rigid; the cell membrane is flexible
D. All of these
Use the diagram at the right to answer questions 23-25
22. Identify the structure labeled “3”.
A. Cell membrane
C. cytoplasm
D. cell wall
23. Identify the structure labeled “1”
A. Cell membrane
C. flagella
D. ribosomes
24. What type of cell is it?
A. Animal cell
B. Plant cell
C. prokaryotic cell
D. eukaryotic cell
25. How do you know the type of cell?
A. Lacks a nucleus
C. lacks a cell wall
B. Contains a nucleus
D. lacks DNA
26. Which of the following is the most complex?
A. Organ system
C. cell
B. Organ
D. tissue
27. Organelles would include
A. Mitochondria
B. chloroplast
C. golgi bodies
D. all of these
28. A cell with a lot of mitochondria would be expected to
A. Produce abundant energy
C. go dormant during harsh conditions
B. Store excess waste
D. make a lot of proteins
29. Cell DNA determines the role a particular cell will perform in an organism. This is known as
A. The cell theory
C. cellular organization
B. Cell specialization
D. DNA control
30. A student could tell the difference between onion cells and cheek cells because the onion cells
have a
A. Nucleus
B. cell membrane
C. cell wall
D. vacuole
31. Bacteria cells lack a nucleus, but are able to carry out the processes of life. How is this possible?
A. Bacteria rely on other organisms to carry out life processes for it
B. Bacteria contain DNA which directs life processes
C. Bacteria get their energy from the sun
D. Bacteria contain all the membrane-bound organelles needed to carry out all life processes
32. Which of the following cell structures could not be seen with the 10X objective of a microscope?
A. Nucleus
B. cell wall
C. cell membrane
D. mitochondria
33. If a cell contains a nucleus, it must be a(n)
A. Animal cell
B. plant cell
C. prokaryotic cell
D. eukaryotic cell
34. Proteins are made on the
A. Chloroplast
B. ribosomes
C. mitochondria
D. endoplasmic reticulum
35. The shape of muscle cells allow it to
A. Contract & expand for movement
B. Carry oxygen to cells
C. transmit impulses through the body
D. swim through the body
36. The cells at the right provide a framework for support & protection. These cells are
A. Blood cells
C. skin cells
B. Muscle cells
D. bone cells
Identify the cells.
37. Red blood cell
38. Nerve cell
39. Muscle cell
40. Sperm cell