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Zakayo Ruoro
ITEC 7430
Lesson Plan Project
Subject: Science
Topic: Cell organelles and their functions
Content Standards
ISTE Standards
Cell Structures and their functions
The goal for this 9th Grade Biology lesson is for students to
understand functions of cell organelles and be able to relate them to
real life situations and also to enable students acquire technology
skills to complete an assigned task.
SB1. Students will analyze the nature of the relationships between
structures and functions in living cells.
a. Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining
homeostasis and cell reproduction.
S7L2: Students will describe the structure and function of cells,
tissues, organs, and organ systems.
a. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,
chloroplasts, mitochondria) to basic cell functions.
Creativity and innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group
Communication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and
work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or
others employing a variety of digital environments and
Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology
concepts, systems, and operations.
a. Understand and use technology systems
b. Select and use applications effectively and productively
c. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
Learning Objectives
Given a computer, Internet access, and a list of websites, students
will research and answer questions on cell analogy worksheet. Given
poster-creating and voice recording software, students will be able to
create either a digital poster or a brochure, or create and record a rap
song or poem about cell organelles.
Performance Objectives
-Students will negotiate designs for building a cell city poster and cell
organelles rap song or poem
-Students in groups of three will create a memorable way to think of
each organelle in the analogy activity.
-Students will be able to explain how the different organelles in the
cell are connected. Students will do this by applying information
gathered in the research activity to Cell activity which involve either:
Create either a poster or brochure using software from this web link: or create
brochure using software available on this link:
They may create and record either a poem or a rap song about Cell
city using Audacity or portable voice recorder.
Essential Questions
Technology Resources
-How do you explain the relationship between the structures and
functions of cell organelles?
-Why is each part of the cell essential to survival?
-How are cell organelles adapted to perform their functions?
-How may a cell compare to a Busy Factory?
-How may a cell compare to a City?
Computer with Internet access LCD Projector Cell Overview
Cells Alive
Cells Alive Internet Lesson
Cell City project at this link:
Online software for designing either a brochure or a poster
Microphone, audacity software or a voice recorder to record rap song
or poem.
The lesson will start by allowing students to listen to Mr. W’s Cell
song from this web link: , then the
Students will brainstorm about how they think a cell may resemble a
Students will work with the members of their group throughout the
lesson and no unauthorized movement will be allowed. There will be
absolutely nothing airborne throughout the lesson. All safety rules
will be explained to the students prior to beginning the learning
activity. The safety rules applies to all learning activities and the
students are familiar with them.
Learning outcome
Cell, Cell Organelles, Cell structures
-After reviewing cell structures, students will work in cooperative
learning groups to build and label original “Cell Cities”. Analogous cell
parts and city structures must be labeled with 100 % accuracy.
-At the conclusion of the lesson, students will work in pairs to either
Create a digital Poster or
The instructional strategies used are guided practice and cooperative
learning. The teacher will explain to the students that they will be
learning about cell structures and their functions. The teacher will
provide background information about cells by using Cells Alive web
link. The students will then use Web link:
to complete Busy factory analogy worksheet found below this lesson
plan. This worksheet will help the student to understand the concept
of cell analogy which they will require for their project. The skill they
develop working on this worksheet will help them make a product on
Cell City analogy using technology.
Students will take a journey into a cell by watching a video clip in this
link: and respond to the
questions found in the webpage.
The students will then engage in the next activity which will involve
either designing an interactive poster or a brochure, or compose and
record either a rap song or a poem about Cell city. The poster,
brochure, rap song or poem must include all the cellular organelles
for either plant or animal cell. During this activity, the teacher will
circulate to assist and assess the progress of the students. Upon
completion, each group of student will present to the whole class in
the next science lesson.
For Challenged learners: The students will work in groups of threes.
This will help students with special needs participate in a group to
complete assignment. Students with low proficiency in computer
technology will be grouped with those who are more proficient.
Students who have trouble understanding directions will be given
step-by-step directions. They will be assigned duties for example
material manage to give them the sense of ownership to their group
activity. Students will be given options to complete their project.
Advanced learners will use online software to design either a poster
or brochure about their cell city project. The other students will have
an option of composing and recording either a poem or rap song
about cell city.
Teacher circulates around the class to assist and evaluate students
during the lesson, informal assessment. The poster, brochure, rap
song or poem will be graded according to the rubric.
Checking for Student
Teacher Reflection
Discuss similarities and differences between animal and plant cells.
Students will be asked to describe the differences between plant and
animal cells.
Rubric will be used to grade both, the poster or the brochure.
The rubrics located below the lesson plan will be used to grade the
Cell City project.
Were there too few websites to complete task or were they too
many? Make adjustments in websites as needed. Did the students
have difficult with the content of the websites or were the websites
too simplistic? It is important to have the content at instructional
reading level during class and I am available to help them understand
the instructions to be able to complete the project. Assess the overall
project. Was the project motivating and engaging enough to student?
If it is not, will try to find activities that will engage students more.
Also arrange for re-teaching if some students still have problems
completing their assignment.
Busy Factory Analogy Worksheet
Fill in the chart below while reading information of a Busy Factory in the following website
In the second column of the chart, write the name of the organelle that functions most like the factory
worker described in the first column. In the third column, write a brief description of the function of the
organelle in the cell.
Job in the Factory
Shipping/Receiving Department
Chief Executive Officer
Factory Floor
Assembly Line (where workers
do their job)
Cell Organelle
Function of Organelle
Workers in the assembly line
Finishing/packaging department
Maintenance crew
Support beams (walls, ceilings,
Power plant
12 organelles are described, including their function:
poem/rap/ or song rhymes:
performed either in class or in video form: _____/12
written form is neat and turned in on day of presentation
Spelling and Grammar:
12 buildings/ parts of city labeled: _____/12
12 parts of city labeled:
12 written explanations that explain organelle- building analogies and make sense. Should
include description of what organelle does.
Creative City Name:
City jobs relate to organelle function
Spelling and Grammar: