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Intestine Cell
You are a cell in the intestinal lining of the digestive system. You have extended cell membranes to
increase absorption of nutrients as they pass through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, therefore you will
want to maximize the amount of cell membrane you accumulate during the game. In order to continue
adding to this cell membrane, you need at least 10 golgi bodies for every 5 micrometers of cell
membrane (ex. 50 micrometers of cell membrane requires at least 100 golgi bodies to support them)
Total Organelles at Start of Game:
Cell Membrane (micrometers)
Mitochondria (100)
Ribosomes (100)
Golgi Bodies (10)
Nerve Cell
You are a nerve cell. You have many golgi bodies that help export salts from inside your cell to the
outside of the cell. These salts help send the electrical signals that you know as pain, feeling, sensation
etc. therefore you will want to maximize how many golgi bodies you can accumulate during the game.
In order to have the energy to continue exporting salts from the cell, you need at least 100
mitochondria for every 50 golgi bodies (ex. 100 golgi bodies requires at least 200 mitochondria to
support them)
Total Organelles at Start of Game:
Cell Membrane (micrometers)
Mitochondria (100)
Ribosomes (100)
Golgi Bodies (10)
Heart Cell
You are a heart muscle cell. You have many mitochondria that help release energy from the food you
eat in a process called cellular respiration. The heart cannot stop beating your entire life, so it is very
important it has a constant supply of energy. Therefore you will want to maximize how many
mitochondria you can accumulate during the game. In order to continue to repair the heart as it uses all
this energy to beat, you need at least 100 ribosomes for every 500 mitochondria (ex. 1000
mitochondria require at least 200 ribosomes to support them)
Total Organelles at Start of Game:
Cell Membrane (micrometers)
Mitochondria (100)
Ribosomes (100)
Golgi Bodies (10)
Skin Cell
You are a skin cell. You produce a protein called keratin that is found in skin, hair, and nails. In order to
produce this protein that makes skin a strong protective covering, you need many ribosomes. Therefore
you will want to maximize how many ribosomes you can accumulate during the game. In order to
continue to send this keratin protein to the surface of the skin, you need at least 10 golgi bodies for
every 500 ribosomes (ex. 1000 ribosomes require at least 20 golgi bodies to support them)
Total Organelles at Start of Game:
Cell Membrane (micrometers)
Mitochondria (100)
Ribosomes (100)
Golgi Bodies (10)