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DNA Microarrays data analysis - 2006
Differential Gene
Mauro Delorenzi
September 06
Differentially Expressed Genes
Simple case: Identify genes with different levels in two
conditions (between two arrays or groups of arrays)
Generally: genes associated with a covariate or response of
! Examples:
" Qualitative covariates or factors: treatment, type of diet, cell type,
tumor class
" Quantitative covariate: dose of drug, age
" Responses: metastasis-free survival, cholesterol level
September 06
Visual, exploratory inspection for one (or more) slides
Compute a test statistic Tj for the effect of each gene j
Rank the genes according to T
Estimate a reasonable cutoff (statistical significance)
Adjust for multiple hypothesis testing
September 06
Test statistics
Qualitative covariates (groups):
e.g. two-sample t-statistic or non-parametric
Wilcoxon statistic F-statistic
Quantitative covariates:
e.g. standardized regression coefficient
Survival response:
e.g. likelihood ratio for Cox model
September 06
What effects to “believe” in ?
September 06
September 06
correct ratio, low var
at 100-1000 pg
diff.exp missed
completely at 20-40 pg
Approx. correct ratio, a bit
higher Var at 1.6-2.4 pg
False Negative FN
September 06
Different microarray probes have different properties7
a 0-spike at a
ratio of 2
high diff.
September 06
Single-slide methods
Model-dependent rules for deciding whether a value pair
(R,G) corresponds to a differentially expressed gene
Amounts to drawing two curves in the (R,G)-plane; call a gene
differentially expressed, if it falls outside the region between
the two curves
At this time, not enough known about the systematic and
random variation within a microarray experiment to justify
these strong modeling assumptions
n = 1 slide may not be enough (!)
September 06
Difficulty in assigning valid p-values based on
a single slide
September 06
Single-slide methods
Chen et al: Each (R,G) is assumed to be normally and
independently distributed with constant CV; decision based
on R/G only (purple)
Newton et al: Gamma-Gamma-Bernoulli hierarchical model
for each (R,G) (yellow)
Roberts et al: Each (R,G) is assumed to be normally and
independently distributed with variance depending linearly
on the mean
Sapir & Churchill: Each log R/G assumed to be distributed
according to a mixture of normal and uniform distributions;
decision based on R/G only (turquoise)
September 06
Informal methods
If no replication (i.e. only have a single array),
there are not many options
Common methods include:
"(log) Fold change exceeding some threshold, e.g.
more than 2 (or less than –2)
"Graphical assessment, e.g. QQ plot
However, the threshold is pretty arbitrary
September 06
Which genes are DE?
Difficult to judge significance
"massive multiple testing problem
"don’t know null distribution of M
"genes dependent
"aim to rank genes
"assume most genes are not DE (depending on type
of experiment and array)
"find genes separated from the majority
September 06
Used to assess whether a
sample follows a particular
(e.g. normal) distribution
(or to compare the
distributions of two samples)
A method for looking
for outliers
quantile is
Value from Normal distribution Theoretical
which yields a quantile of 0.125
September 06
Typical deviations from straight line
Curvature at both ends (long or short tails)
Convex/concave curvature (asymmetry)
Horizontal segments, plateaus, gaps
September 06
September 06
Long Tails
September 06
Short Tails
September 06
September 06
September 06
QQ Plot
September 06
DE in a QQ plot
In this case,
the ratios
are from a
self-self hyb
– i.e. NO
genes are
truly DE!
September 06
Decision Table
September 06
Replicated experiments
Have n replicates
For each gene, have n values of M = log2 fold
change, one from each array
Summarize M1, ..., Mn for each gene by
"M = average (M1, ..., Mn)
"s = SD(M1, ..., Mn)
Rank genes in order of strength of evidence in
favor of DE
How might we do this?
September 06
Ranking criteria
Genes i = 1, ..., p
Mi = average log2 fold change for gene i
"Problem : genes with large variability likely to be
selected, even if not DE
Fix that by taking variability into account:
use ti = Mi/ (si/#n)
"Problem : genes with extremely small variances make
very large t
" When the number of replicates is small, the smallest si
are likely to be underestimates
September 06
T-statistics , many false positive call, when the number
of repetitions is small, y = avrg / stdev (3 repl.),
G spec
September 06
true positive
false positive
y = avrg / stdev (regression estimate stdev a. A),
September 06
Shrinkage estimators
Idea: borrow information across genes
Here, we ‘shrink’ the ti towards zero by modifying
the si in some way (get si*)
mod ti = ti* = Mi/(si*/#n)
Many ways to get a value for si*
We will use the version implemented in the
BioConductor package limma
September 06
Comparison of statistics
1: extreme in B only (B > -.5)
2: extreme in t only (|t| > 4.5)
3: extreme in B and t only
4: extreme in M only (|M| > .5)
5: extreme in M and B only
6: extreme in M and t only
7: extreme in M, B, t
September 06
B vs. av M
September 06
B only
t only
B and t only
M only
M and B only
M and t only
M, B, t
Classical hypothesis testing is setup for a single null and alternative
hypothesis. The ’truth’ is that the null is either true or not, but we are
not able to know the truth.
Based on our collected data, we can make one of two possible
decisions: reject the null or do not reject the null. Our data cannot
tell us whether the null is true or not, only whether what we see is
consistent with the null or not.
September 06
There are 2 types of errors we can make in this framework: we can
make the mistake of rejecting the null when it is really true (a
Type I error), or we can make the mistake of not rejecting the null
when it is really not true (a Type II error).
The Type I error is defined to be the probability, conditional on the
null being true, that the null is rejected. That is, the probability that
the test statistic falls into the rejection region. The rejection region
is determined so that the Type I error does not exceed a userdefined rate (often 5% , but this level is not required).
One can also report a p-value, which is the probability, conditional
on the null being true, that you observe a test statistic as or more
extreme (in the direction of the alternative) than the one you got.
September 06
Significance of results
Assessing significance is difficult, due to
complicated (and unknown) dependence structure
between genes and unknown distribution for log
B statistic does not yield absolute cutoff values,
because p is not estimated (p is necessary for the
Possible to compute approximate adjusted pvalues by resampling methods
Conclusion : use mod t or B statistic for ranking
genes, regard associated p-value as rough
September 06
The B stat: an Empirical Bayes Method
The approach implemented in LIMMA is based on an empirical Bayes
procedure. The resulting measure is a moderated t-statistic. Improved SD
estimates are obtained by using not only replicate measurements of single
genes, but by pooling genes.
=> individual gene SD closer to the overall SD.
We may equivalently look at
the log of the odds ratio (B)
B = log[ P(µi $ 0)/P(µi = 0)]
p( x)
1 ! p( x)
the log odds formulation is most useful as a relative rather than absolute
measure, as it is difficult to calibrate.
the absolute values of the moderated t-statistic
the (adjusted) p-values (FDR)
A p-value can be described as the
probability a truly null statistic is “as or
more extreme” than the one observed
September 06
A FDR of 1% means that among
all features called significant, 1%
of these are truly null on average.
P adjusted < 0.01; B > 0.0171; |t| > 4.23
September 06
Example: Apo AI experiment
(Callow et al., Genome Research, 2000)
GOAL: Identify genes with altered expression in the livers of
one line of mice with very low HDL cholesterol levels
compared to inbred control mice
• Apo AI knock-out mouse model
• 8 knockout (ko) mice and 8 control (ctl) mice (C57Bl/6)
• 16 hybridisations: mRNA from each of the 16 mice is labelled with
Cy5, pooled mRNA from control mice is labelled with Cy3
Probes: ~6,000 cDNAs, including 200 related to lipid
September 06
Which genes have changed?
This method can be used with replicated data:
1. For each gene and each hybridisation (8 ko + 8 ctl) use
2. For each gene form the t-statistic:
average of 8 ko Ms - average of 8 ctl Ms
sqrt(1/8 (SD of 8 ko Ms)2 + 1/8 (SD of 8 ctl Ms)2)
3. Form a histogram of 6,000 t values
4. Make a normal Q-Q plot; look for values “off the line”
5. Adjust for multiple testing
September 06
Histogram & Q-Q plot
September 06
Plots of t-statistics
September 06
The multiple testing problem
Multiplicity problem: thousands of hypotheses are tested simultaneously.
Increased chance of false positives. Choose as p-value cutoff p=0.01
A Gene that follows the null distribution of no DE will pass the cutoff with
probability p
Given n genes being tested, on average n*p genes will pass the cutoff. For
example n=30’000 and not a single one is differentially expressed. If the
genes would be independent, expect 300 genes wrongly called
differentially expected. Individual pvalues of e.g. 0.01 no longer correspond
to significant findings with high likelihood, many are expected even if the
set of value would have been obtained using a generator of independent
random numbers with no difference between the conditions being
This number can fluctuate strongly due to correlation between the genes. It
is not simple to base conclusions depending on the number of genes that
pass a given p-value cutoff
September 06
Multiple Testing
In the multiple testing situation, there are several possible ways to define
an error rate which is meant to be controlled. One possibility here is the
family-wise error rate (FWER). This is the probability of at least one
Type I error among the entire family of tests.
The Bonferroni procedure is an example which provides (strong) control of
this error rate.
There is the concept of strong or weak error rate control. Weak control
only guarantees control under the complete null - ie, only if all nulls are
true. Strong control guarantees control under any combination of true
and false nulls. In the case of microarrays, it is extremely unlikely that
all nulls will be true - eg, no genes differentially expressed - so weak
control is not satisfactory in this situation.)
September 06
Assigning unadjusted p-values to
measures of change
Estimate p-values for each comparison (gene) by using
the permutation distribution of the t-statistics.
For each of the ( 8 ) = 12,870 possible permutation of the
trt / ctl labels, compute the two-sample t-statistics t* for
each gene.
The unadjusted p-value for a particular gene is estimated
by the proportion of t*’s greater than the observed t in
absolute value.
September 06
Apo AI: Adjusted and unadjusted p-values for the 50 genes with the larges
absolute t-statistics
September 06
For paired data, permutations are obtained by switching the characteristic profiles
within each pair, yielding 2n possible permutations for n pairs of specimens.
For the unpaired or multi-group case, permutations are performed by shuffliing the
group membership labels. Note that in each case, the characteristic profiles
measured on any given specimen remain intact so as to preserve the correlation
among the measured characteristics.
With a small number of specimens, it may be possible to enumerate all possible
permutations. However, typically the number of permutations is very large, so
they are randomly sampled. For example, for paired breast tumor cases,
permutations are performed by switching with probability 1/2 the before and after
gene expression profiles within each pair.
September 06
Type I (False Positive) Error Rates
Family-wise Error Rate
FWER = p(FP ! 1)
False Discovery Rate (BH)
FDR = E(FP / P)
(FDR = 0 if P = 0)
False Discovery Rate (SAM)
q-value = E(FP | H0C) / P
False Discovery Proportion
FDP = #FP / #P
September 06
(FDP = 0 if P = 0)
Traditional methods seek strong control of familywise Type I error (FWER):
The control of the error rates is strong in the sense that the error rate is
controlled regardless of which variables satisfy the null hypothesis.
If there are no effects at all, then one controls for the probability that a
hypothesis is falsely rejected. For example, Bonferroni correction
provides strong control.
The Bonferroni correction delivers an upper bound for the probability of a
type I error, that is rejection of the null hypothesis (acceptance that
there is an effect) by mistake (when there is no effect). The Bonferroni
correction is conservative.
This can be much higher than the correct p-value. This can be seen with
an extreme example. If we would (unknowingly) be measuring 1000
times the same variable and obtain the same values, the p-value would
incorrectly be estimated to be 1000 times higher than its actual value.
September 06
Control of the FWER
Bonferroni single-step adjusted p-values
pj* = min (mpj, 1)
Take into account the joint distribution of the test statistics:
Westfall & Young (1993) step-down minP adjusted p-values
Westfall & Young (1993) step-down maxT adjusted p-values
Step-down procedures: successively smaller adjustments
at each step, Less conservative than Bonferroni
September 06
Stepwise Procedures
The Bonferroni procedure is an example of a single step procedure - it
applies an equivalent p-value correction based on the total number of
hypotheses, regardless of the ordering of the unadjusted p-values.
It has long been recognized that stepwise (sequential) procedures can
proved more power while maintaining error rate control.
Stepwise procedures (step-down or step-up) allow each p-value to have
its own individual correction, which is based not only on the number of
hypotheses but also on the outcomes of the other hypothesis tests.
Stepwise procedures start with the unadjusted p-values ordered either
from most significant to least significant (the step-down order) or from
least significant to most significant (the step-up order). p-values are
then successively adjusted, with the adjustment depending on the
outcome of the previous tests.
September 06
Other Proposals
While numerous methods were available for controlling the family-wise type I error
rate (FWE), the multiplicity problem in microarray data does not require a
protection against even a single type I error, so that the severe loss of power
involved in such protection is not justified.
Instead, it may be more appropriate to emphasize the proportion of errors among
the identified differentially expressed genes. The expectation of this proportion is
the false discovery rate (FDR).
Korn et al. proposed two stepwise permutation-based procedures to control with
specified confidence the actual number of false discoveries and approximately
the actual proportion of false discoveries rather than the expected number and
proportion of false discoveries.
Simulation studies demonstrate gain in sensitivity (power) to detect truly
differentially expressed genes even when allowing as few as one or two false
Application of the methods allows statements such as “with 95% confidence, the
number of false discoveries does not exceed 2 or with approximate 95%
confidence, the proportion of false discoveries does not exceed 0.10”.
September 06
Assessing significance under multiple
testing via permutations, Korn’s method
Estimate p-values for each comparison (gene) by using
the permutation distribution of the rank-specific t-statistics.
For each of the ( 8 ) = 12,870 possible permutation of the
trt / ctl labels, compute the two-sample t-statistics t* for
each gene. Compute the distributions of the rank k highest
statistics t*(k) from each permutation.
The p-value for false discovery count = k for a the gene is
estimated by the proportion of t*(k) greater than the
observed t in absolute value.
September 06
Family-wise significance with FDC
September 06
Another type of error rate to consider in the multiple testing context is
the false discovery rate (FDR). Here, one is prepared to tolerate
some Type I errors, as long as their number is small compared to the
total number of rejected null hypotheses.
The FDR is defined as the expected proportion of rejected nulls which
are false (or 0 if there are no rejected nulls). This error rate results in
procedures which are less conservative (and therefore typically more
appealing to scientists in the case of very high multiplicity).
September 06
Control of the FDR
realized False Discovery Rate FDR = FP / P
Benjamini & Hochberg (1995): step-up procedure which controls the
expected FDR under some dependency structures
Benjamini & Yuketieli (2001): conservative step-up procedure which
controls the expected FDR under general dependency structures
‘Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM)’ q value (2 versions)
" Efron et al. (2000): weak control
" Tusher et al. (2001): strong control
‘Korn’s method’ controls for the false discovery counts and
approximately controls the FDR
" Korn et al. (2003, 2004):
September 06
Benjamini & Hochberg
The BH procedure is a step-up procedure that provides strong control of the FDR.
The key to understanding/interpretation is to understand the meaning of the FDR.
The FDR indicates the expected (average) proportion of ’discoveries’ (ie, rejected
null hypotheses) that are ’false discoveries’ (ie, the null is really true). A rejected
null corresponds to a gene identified by the test as ’interesting’, while a true null
represents genes that are in reality biologically ’uninteresting’.
This means that if the BH adjusted p-value is .05 (say), then for every 20 rejected
nulls (’interesting’ genes) you expect 1 of those in fact to correspond to a true null
(’uninteresting’ genes). Because the error rate control applies to what should
happen ’on average’, the actual number of false discoveries per 20 rejected nulls
may be larger or smaller than 1.
Also, we cannot tell just based on the FDR which of the rejected nulls are the false
discoveries. One way to use the FDR is to prioritize genes for further follow-up. If
there are no genes with small FDR, then you should be prepared for several of
the ’discoveries’ not to hold up under further scrutiny. If the FDR for a gene is too
big, it may be decided to concentrate resources on other genes, or other types of
September 06
Benjamini & Hochberg
Can power be improved while maintaining control over a meaningful
measure of error?
Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) define a sequential p-value procedure that
controls expected FDR FP/P. Specifically, the BH procedure guarantees
E (FDR) " F / M * % " % .
That is that for a pre-specifed 0 < % < 1, a cutoff is given at which the
expected FDR is not superior to the desired value.
Benjamini and Hochberg advocated that the FDR should be controlled at
some desirable level, while maximizing the number of discoveries made.
They offered the linear step-up procedure as a simple and general
procedure that controls the FDR. The linear step-up procedure only makes
use of the m p-values, P = (P1, ..., Pm) so it can be applied to any statistics
that yields (single test) p values.
September 06
FDR estimation by SAM
September 06
R / BioConductor
limma differential expression for designed
experiments, moderated t and B statistics, FDR
samr SAM methods for differential expression and
q value (older: siggenes)
multtest adjustments for multiple hypotheses
September 06
Slides and Text contributions by
Darlene Goldstein
Terry Speed
Asa Wirapati
Members of the BCF
September 06