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Cells and Cell Processes
Give the cell organelle that performs each
1. Transport materials throughout the cell
endoplasmic reticulum
2. Protein production ribosomes
3. Stores materials. vauoles
4. Regulates what enters and leaves the cell
cell membrane
5. Produces energy mitochondria
6. Controls all cell activities nucleus
7. Holds cell organelles cytoplasm
8. Site of photosynthesis chloroplasts
9. Used in cell division centrioles
10. Gives plant cell shape and support cell wall
Identify all the organelles labeled and give the
function of each.
Nucleus: controls all cell
produces proteins
Mitochondria: produces
Cell membrane: controls
what enters and leaves
the cell
1. What type of cell is represented? Animal cell
2.What is structure B? What is the function of this
structure? Nucleus – controls all cell activities
3.What is the function of structure C? Stores
4.Explain how structure A maintains homeostasis
within the cell? It controls what enters and exits the
Identify the structures labeled and the function of
1- nucleus: controls all cell activities
2 – nucleolus: produces ribosomes
3 – cell membrane: controls what
enters and exits the cell
4 – cytoplasm: holds cell organelles
5 – cell wall: keeps plant cells RIGID
and supports plant cell
6 – vacuole: stores materials
7 - chloroplast: site of
The structures inside a cell that
perform life activities are
One difference between plant
and animal cells is that animal
cells do not have
(1)a nucleus
(3)a cell membrane
Which structure permits the entry
and exit of materials in an animal
(1.) lysosome
(2.) chromosome
(3.) cell wall
(4.) cell membrane
Which is found in the nucleus?
(1.) ribosome
(2.) vacuole
(3.) lysosome
(4.) chromosome
The rigidity (support) of a
plant cell is due primarily
to the presence of the
(1) chloroplasts
(2) centrosomes
(3) cell membrane
(4) cell wall
Whitney observes a cell under the
microscope. She identifies it as a
green plant cell and not a cheek
cell because of a
(1.) nucleus
(2.) cell membrane
(3.) chloroplast
(4.) mitochondrion
While viewing a slide of rapidly
moving sperm cells, a student
concludes that these cells require
a large amount of energy to
maintain their activity. The
organelles that most directly
provide this energy are known as
(1) vacuoles
(2) chloroplasts
(3) ribosomes (4) mitochondria
Which structure is found ONLY in
animal cells?
(1.) cell wall
(2.) vacuoles
(3.) centrioles
(4.) chloroplasts
The organelle most closely
associated with the manufacture
of proteins within the cell is the
(1.) ribosome
(2.) nucleolus
(3.) cell wall
(4.) cell membrane
The cell wall is
(1.) selectively permeable
(2.) rigid
(3.) living
(4.) a hardened cell membrane
Which structure chiefly functions in
intracellular transport?
(1.) vacuole
(2.) mitochondrion
(3.) golgi apparatus
(4.) endoplasmic reticulum
1.What is this structure called? mitochondria
2.What is the function of this organelle?
Produces energy (ATP)
3.In what kind of cells would you find this
organelle? Both animal and plant cells
4.Identify the type of respiration that
occurs in this organelle. Aerobic respiration
Which sequence of terms is in the
correct order from simplest to
most complex?
(1) cells, tissues, organs, organ
(2) tissues, organisms, cells,
organ systems
(3) cells, tissues, organ systems,
(4) organs, organisms, organ
systems, cells
The breakdown of organic
compounds to produce ATP is
known as
(1)cellular respiration
(3)active transport
(4) photosynthesis
(Raw materials)
CO2, H2O,
Lactic acid, Alcohol,
An important molecule generated
(produced) by both lactic acid
fermentation and alcoholic
fermentation is
(1) ATP
(2) CO2
(3) CO2
(4) H2O
C6H12O6 + 6O2
 6CO2 + 6 H2O + X
Aerobic respiration
1. Identify the process represented above.
2. Identify the raw materials. glucose and oxygen
3. Where does this process occur? Mitochondria
4. Identify the waste products.carbon dioxide and
5. Identify molecule X. Energy or ATP
6. Describe the importance of this process.
It provides energy that is needed for all cell activities.
C6H12O6  lactic acid + energy
Lactic acid fermentation
1. Identify the process represented above.
2. Identify the raw materials. glucose
3. Where does this process occur? Cytoplasm
4. Identify the waste products.Lactic acid
5. How many ATP are produced? 2
6. Identify the two types of cells this process
occurs in. muscle cells and bacteria
6. Describe the importance of this process.
It provides energy that is needed for all cell activities.
C6H12O6  alcohol + CO2 + energy
Alcoholic fermentation
1. Identify the process represented above.
2. Identify the raw materials. glucose
3. Where does this process occur? Cytoplasm
4. Identify the waste products.alcohol and CO2
5. How many ATP are produced? 2
6. Identify the type of cells this process occurs
in. yeast
6. Describe the importance of this process.
It provides energy that is needed for all cell activities.
Aerobic respiration and fermentation
are similar in that both processes
(1.) require oxygen
(2.) utilize light energy
(3.) release energy
(4.) produce carbohydrates
When muscles are exercised
extensively in the absence of
sufficient oxygen,
(1) lactic acid is produced
(2) a large amount of ATP is formed
(3) NADH molecules split
(4) oxidative respiration occurs
Yeast produce alcohol and CO2 in the
process of
(1)lactic acid fermentation
(2)alcoholic fermentation
(3)aerobic respiration
(4) glycolysis
In the presence of oxygen, _____
molecules of ATP can be formed.
(2) 19
(3) 36
(4) 63
An end product of alcoholic
fermentation is
(2) oxygen
(3) carbon dioxide
(4) lactic acid
In the presence of oxygen, _____
molecules of ATP can be formed.
(2.) 19
(3.) 36
(4.) 63
Which process yields lactic acid and
small amounts of usable energy?
(1.) photosynthesis
(2.) aerobic respiration
(3.) anaerobic respiration
(4.) chemosynthesis
The net yield of ATP from the
process of fermentation is
(1.) 2
(2.) 4
(3.) 34
(4.) 36
Muscles cells engaged in vigorous
activity build up relatively high
concentrations of
(1.) lactic acid
(2.) pyruvic acid
(3.) alcohol
(4.) oxygen
Where do the final stages of aerobic
respiration appear to take place?
(1.) along the endoplasmic reticulum
(2.) in the cytoplasm
(3.) on the surface of ribosomes
(4.) within the mitochondria
Aerobic respiration and fermentation
are similar in that BOTH processes
(1.) require oxygen
(2.) use light energy
(3.) release energy
(4.) produce glucose
During aerobic respiration, the chemical
energy of a glucose molecule is gradually
released, producing 36 ATP and
(1.) NH3 and O2
(2.) NH3 and CO2
(3.) H2O and O2
(4.) H20 and CO2
The life function of transport in an
organism directly involves those
activities used to:
1.absorb and distribute materials
2.obtain and break down materials
3.release energy from food
4.produce cellular waste products
1. What type of transport does this picture
represent? Active transport
2. Explain your answer.
Substances are moving from a LOW to HIGH
The movement of materials from
higher to lower concentration is
(1.) diffusion
(2.) active transport
(3.) pinocytosis
(4.) phagocytosis
The movement of materials from lower
to higher concentration requiring
energy is called
(1.) movement
(2.) diffusion
(3.) active transport
(4.) cell division
Diffusion is a term for the movement of
molecules from
(1) an area of low concentration
to a high concentration
(2) an adjacent area to a gradient
(3) an area of high concentration
to a low concentration
(4) a nucleus to the mitochondria
The movement of water from an area of
high concentration to an area of low
concentration is known as
1. active transport
2. osmosis
3. phagocytosis
4. pinocytosis
Which process requires cellular
1. diffusion
2. passive transport
3. active transport
4. osmosis
Damage to which structure will most
directly disrupt water balance
within a single-celled organism?
1. ribosome
2. cell membrane
3. nucleus
4. chloroplast
Sodium ions are pumped from a region of
lower concentration to a region of
higher concentration in the nerve cells
of humans. This process is an example
1. diffusion
2. osmosis
3. passive transport
4. active transport
The movement of materials from
lower to higher concentration
requiring energy in the form of
ATP is called
1. movement
2. diffusion
3. active transport
4. cell division
Explain why this diagram represents passive
The person riding down the hill from the high point to
the low point compares to passive transport where
materials move from a high concentration to a low
+ energy
1. Identify the high and low concentration.
2. Identify the type of transport occurring. Support your
Active transport
Substance is moving from a LOW to HIGH
Energy is being used.
Identify the type of transport represented in diagrams A
and B. Support your answer.
Passive transport
because materials are
moving from a HIGH
to LOW
Active transport
because materials are
moving from a LOW
concentration and
ENERGY is used.
1. Identify the type of transport occurring
when the molecules move from area A to
area B. Support your answer Passive transport
Molecules are moving from a HIGH to LOW concentration.
2. Identify the type of transport occurring
when the molecules move from area B to
Active transport
area A. Support your answer.
Molecules are moving from a LOW to HIGH concentration.
3. Identify the type of passive transport occurring if
WATER molecules move from area A to area B.
Support your answer. Osmosis
WATER is moving from a HIGH to LOW concentration.
4. Identify the type of passive transport occurring if
glucose molecules move from area A to area B.
Support your answer. Diffusion
GLUCOSE is moving from a HIGH to LOW concentration.
Cell Transport Review #2 ISA
The diagram below represents a specialized cell located in the root
of a plant. The arrows in the diagram indicate the movement of
molecules of oxygen and water into the cell.
1. Identify the process
responsible for the
movement of the
water molecules in
the diagram. Support
your answer.
OSMOSIS because
water moved from a
Cell Transport Review #2 ISA
The diagram below represents a specialized cell located in the root
of a plant. The arrows in the diagram indicate the movement of
molecules of oxygen and water into the cell.
2. Identify the process
responsible for the
movement of the oxygen
molecules in the
diagram. Support your
Diffusion because
oxygen moved from a
Cell Transport Review #2 ISA
The diagram below represents a specialized cell located in the root
of a plant. The arrows in the diagram indicate the movement of
molecules of oxygen and water into the cell.
3. CONTRAST passive
transport and active transport.
Passive transport DOES NOT
transport USES ENERGY.
In passive transport,
substances move from a
HIGH to LOW concentration.
In active transport, substances
move from a LOW to HIGH