Download Plant and Animal Cell Project 7th Grade Science 2013

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Plant and Animal Cell Project
7th Grade Science
The purpose of this project is to become familiar with both plant and animal cells. You will need ½ of 1
full sheet of poster board, and the poster board will need to be white. You will be hand drawing both a
plant and an animal cell. You will need to label the organelles listed on your drawing. Each organelle
will be a different color to show that they are different pieces of a whole. You will be given a grading
rubric to determine the overall grade for this project. Each student should know their grade when the
project is turned in because the grading will not have any “grey” areas, either the topic was completed
accurately or not.
Materials Needed:
2 – ¼ sheets of poster white paper ( ½ of a total sheet of poster paper)
A Different color for each of the organelles listed
1. You must have a Title on each of your poster pages (1 for the Plant Cell; 1 for the Animal Cell) on
the FRONT of the page with your HAND DRAWING
2. You must have your Full Name (First Name and Last Name), Class Period, Current Date on the
back of each poster page
3. Your pictures must have each organelle with a different color (If the plant and animal cell has
the same organelle, they will be the same color)
4. Each organelle must be recognizable (within reason, we should be able to tell the difference
between your Nucleus and a Mitochondria)
5. The drawing of each cell (Plant Cell and Animal Cell) must cover at least 70% of your poster page
7. You will receive a MAXIMUM grade of 50% if you turn this project in late (this will be assigned at
least 3 weeks before the project is actually due)
Drawing Labels (Plant and Animal Cell Organelle List):
 Cell Wall
 Cell Membrane
 Nuclear Membrane
 Nucleus
 Nucleolus
 Amyloplast
 Cytoplasm
 Golgi Body
 Chloroplast
 Mitochondria
 Centrosome
 Lysosome
 Rough E. R.
 Smooth E. R.
 Ribosome
 Vacuole
 Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.)