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Cell Organelle Poster Project
The student will be able to state the name and function of cell
Ohio Academic Content Standard
Life Science A: Explain that cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living
organisms, that once life originated all cells come from pre-existing cells, and that there
are a variety of cell types.
Poster board, 1 per student
Textbook or library book for the purpose of research
• Ask students to name all the cell organelles they can remember, write the names on
the board as the students list them.
• Ask students to name a function of the lysosome (remove useless material from cell)
• Ask students, “Who in the school has a similar job to the lysosomes? Who removes
useless material from the school?” (night cleaning crew) Ask student to explain
• Ask the students to name a function of the vacuoles (storage)
• Ask students, “Is there a person or place in the school that has a similar function as
the vacuoles in a cell?’ (locker, closet) Ask student to explain answer.
Directions for project.
• Instruct students to compare the function of cell organelles to some function that
takes place within an institution, place of business or structure they are familiar with.
It would be helpful to discuss examples. (post office, restaurant, US government etc.)
• The students are to draw a poster depicting the institution, place of business or
structure of their choice. They are to label the person or place they are comparing to
the role of a cell organelle (lysosome = night cleaning crew, vacuole = locker)
• Students must include a minimum of 7 cell organelle comparisons on their poster.
• Students should write a description of their poster. The description must include:
o What their institution, place of business or structure is.
o Why they choose the institution, place of business or structure.
o Students should explain their cell organelle comparisons. They should
emphasize how the person or place functions like the cell organelle they
compared it to.
• Assign students to groups of three. Students are to share their poster with their group.
• Hang the posters in the room or hallway. Hang the written description below the