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Week of 1/9-1/13
1. Collaborative Team Member
2. Effective Communicator
3. Globally Aware, Active, & Responsible Student/Citizen
4. Information Literate Researcher
5. Innovative and Practical Problem Solver
6. Self-Directed Learner
Lesson #4- Osmosis problems
1. Enduring Understanding: An entity’s structure often reveals its function. This principle applies to
different types of cells as well as the components of the cells themselves.
2. Goals & Objectives: How to differentiate between modes of membrane transport.
3. Guiding Question: How is the whole more than the sum of its parts?
4. Assessment: Students will work individually on osmosis problems # 3. Teacher will be walking around and
observing/answering questions to give feedback and check for understanding. After students can pair/share to
go over their answers.
5. 21st Century Competencies: Collaborative Team Member, Effective Communicator, Self-Directed Learner
6. Activities: Pair share for 10 minutes on HW problems, osmosis 1 and 2. Review together as a class and see if
we can come up with pneumonics on how to remember difference between iso, hypo, hypertonic. Work on
Osmosis problems # 3 individually then together.
7. Homework: n/a
Lesson #5-Red Onion Osmosis Lab
1. Enduring Understanding: An entity’s structure often reveals its function. This principle applies to
different types of cells as well as the components of the cells themselves.
2. Goals & Objectives:. Students will be observing osmosis in a plant cell under different conditions and aim to
understand the process of osmosis through observation and inquiry. Use a compound microscope to
observe/study cells.
3. Guiding Question: Which cell structure is most important for cell life??
4. Assessment: Performance during lab and post-lab questions.
5. 21st Century Competencies: Collaborative Team Member, Effective Communicator, Self-Directed Learner
6. Activities: Students will be working in lab groups to complete red onion osmosis lab.
7. Homework: Post lab questions.
Lesson # 6-Intro to Active Diffusion
1. Enduring Understanding: Structure of cell membrane is related to cell function.
2. Goals & Objectives: Students will understand the components of the cell membrane, their function and the
different modes of transport across the cell membrane in particular active transport.
3. Guiding Question: To what extent is cell structure related to its function?
4. Assessment: Teacher observation and Q&A during lesson. Chart review.
5. 21st Century Competencies: Self-Directed Learner, Collaborative team member.
6. Activities: 10-15 minutes will be for review of understanding of osmosis, facilitated diffusion. Intro active
transport with plastic bag/eraser activity-10 minutes. Review student approaches and go over active transport
with SB and animations. Finish with Chart review.
Lesson #7-Cell Transport stations lab)
1. Enduring Understandings: An entity’s structure often reveals its function. This principle applies to
different types of cells as well as the components of the cells themselves.
Many entities are made up of smaller units. Entities (cells e.g.) are made of smaller units (organelles, e.g.)
whose characteristics are reflected in the larger entity.
2. Goals & Objectives: Students will know How to identify the structure and function of selectively permeable
cell membranes. How to relate membrane structure to membrane function. How to differentiate between modes
of membrane transport.
3. Guiding Question: To what extent is cell structure related to its function?
4. Assessment: Teacher observation and Q&A during lab.
5. 21st Century Competencies: Collaborative Team Member, Self- directed learner, Information Literate
6. Activities: Students will be working through 6 stations that have different scenarios regarding cell transport.
They will be answering questions based on the scenario at the station. This is meant to be a summative
assessment on all aspects of cell transport reviewed so far.
7. Homework: Study for midterm.
Lesson # 6-Quiz, Review, catch up Day and class time to study for midterm.
1. Enduring Understanding: Structure of cell membrane is related to cell function.
2. Goals & Objectives: Students will understand the components of the cell membrane, their function and the
different modes of transport across the cell membrane.
3. Guiding Question: To what extent is cell structure related to its function?
4. Assessment: Quiz on cell membrane structure/function and transport.
5. 21st Century Competencies: . Self-Directed Learner
6. Activities: 10-15 minutes will be for review of understanding of observations during the labs and time for
general Q & A from students. 15 minutes for quiz. Grade together as a class for immediate feedback- students
will only put their numbers on quiz not names.
Class time to review worksheets, study for midterm in class for the opportunity to ask any questions regarding
7. Homework: Study for midterm.