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Chapter 5
Homeostasis and Cell Transport
Section 1 Vocabulary Pretest
1. Passive Transport
2. Diffusion
3. Concentration gradient
4. Equilibrium
5. Osmosis
6. Hypotonic
7. Hypertonic
8. Isotonic
9. Contractile vacuole
10. Turgor pressure
Facilitated diffusion
Carrier protein
Ion channel
Types of Transport
*Cells transport molecules using different types of ______________________________
*These differ from each other by whether or not cells must use ___________________
Passive = ______________________
Active = _______________________
Passive transport—movement of ____________________________________________that
requires ____________________
*Types of Passive Transport:
a. ___________________--movement of molecules from ___________________
b. ___________________--movement of __________ from high to low
c. ________________________--assisted diffusion of large or insoluble
molecules ____________________________________
d. ___________________________--movement of ____________ from high to
low concentration
*Simplest type of ____________________________
*Moves molecules from ________________________________________
a. They have ______________________ and are in ______________________
b. Spread out because they “ ___________” into each other
c. Move from where they are ___________________________
d. This is called ___________________________________________________
(Concentration gradient is the difference in concentration of molecules across a distance)
e. Diffusion can happen in a _____________________________________
f. It can happen in a ____________________________________________
g. It is how most molecules pass into and out of ___________________________
h. It continues until ______________________ is reached.
(Equilibrium--the concentration of molecules is the same throughout the space they occupy)
Note: Even at equilibrium the _______________________ of molecules
_______________ but the net movement in one direction does not.
*Cell membranes are ____________________________
a. Depends on _______________ and ___________________________
of the molecule
b. Passing ____________________ through the membrane is called
*Diffusion of _________________ from high to low concentration
*Direction of _________________________ depends on the relative concentration of
________________ inside and outside the cell.
a. Solute--_______________________________________________________
b. Solvent--______________________
*______________________________--a solution outside the cell
that has a ___________concentration of _________________________
than the concentration inside the cell. Ex: (less salt outside the cell)
a. This means that there is a _______________________________
of solvent outside the cell. (more water outside the cell)
b. So water will ________________________ the cell by osmosis.
*____________________________--a solution outside the cell
that has a ___________ concentration of ________________________
than the concentration inside the cell. Ex: (more salt outside the cell).
a. This means that there is a _____________________________
of solvent inside the cell. Ex: (more water inside the cell)
b. So water will ____________________ of the cell by osmosis.
*____________________________concentrations of solute are
____________ on both inside and outside of the cell.
a. Water will move in ________________________ in even amounts.
*Some cells _______________________________to some degree.
Three methods:
1. ____________________________---structures that pump out excess
water. (Paramecium)
2. ____________________________--pump out solutes so that water is
less likely to move in.
3. ___________________________--support the cell so when water
moves in the cell does not burst. When vacuoles fill is creates
“__________________________”. “Plasmolysis” is the shrinking
of the cells cytoplasm, creating a loss of turgor pressure.
4. ___________________________—bursting of a cell due to osmosis
Facilitated Diffusion
*Assisted diffusion of __________________________________________________
*____________________________--help the molecules to move from high to low
*______________________ is transported to cells in this way.
Ion Channel Diffusion
*Several ions are vital to cells but cannot pass through the cell membrane because
they are not soluble in lipids. They are: __________________________________
*They require specific _________________________ to pass through membranes.
*Many ion channels have _____________ that close or open in response to 3 stimuli:
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
Section 2 Vocabulary Pretest
1. Active Transport
2. Sodium-potassium pump
3. Endocytosis
4. Vesicle
5. Pinocytosis
6. Phagocytosis
7. Phagocyte
8. Exocytosis
Active Transport
*Active Transport—movement of substances through a cell membrane that
*Molecules move from _______________________________________________
(“up” their _________________________________________)
*The Carrier Proteins involved require energy from ______________ and are called
*Example: ______________________________________
*The sodium-potassium pump is important in animals to maintain the normal
function of many cells including __________________________.
*The exchange of ______________________ for _________________________
creates an ________________________________. The outside of the cell
becomes ______________________ and the inside becomes _________________
*This helps nerve cells to __________________________________________
*Movement of _______________________________ into a cell. The cell membrane
pinches off to trap the particle inside a _______________ which can then
transport it throughout the cell.
a. ____________________--movement of large particles or whole cells
b. ____________________--movement of fluids
*Movement of _______________________________out of a cell. Vesicles bring
particles to the cell membrane to be released.