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Name: ______________________________________________________
Prototype Lesson Plan for Virtual Worlds
Use this worksheet and the other materials you received in class to create a prototype lesson
plan that could be used for student learning in a virtual world. From this prototype, you can
develop a full lesson plan as required on the assignment sheet you received in class.
Lesson Title: Cell Organelles – An analogy of a cell.
Next Generation Sunshine State Standard: Benchmark Number: SC.6.L.14.4 Benchmark
Description: Compare and contrast the structure and function of major organelles of plant and
animal cells, including cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria,
and vacuoles.
This lesson is designed for a 6th grade Comprehensive Science classroom. This activity
would follow after a study of types of cells and cellular theory. This activity will need at
least one week. The students begin by creating a graphical organizers, detailing the form
and function of the various organelles by exploring a three-dimensional cell in Second
Life. Next students work in groups to create an analogy to a cell. Students will prepare a
poster for a museum exhibit, that portrays the cell as an analogy to a working unit or
system. This activity will measure students’ ability to apply their understanding of
organelle functions, at a higher cognitive level than memorization and recall.
Learning Goal: Students will synthesize an analogy of cell by exploring and documenting
cellular organelles form and function in Second Life.
Grade(s): 6th Grade
Subject Area: Comprehensive Science
You are a member of a team of scientist contracted by a science museum to build an exhibit
that will help people understand how a cell works. The museum has specified they would
like an exhibit of a working unit or system that is an analogy of a cell. The first stage will be
collecting data and performing research for your model. The second stage will be the
creation of the analogy model and analogy key in Microsoft word. The final stage will be
the presentation of the analogy model poster to the museum’s board of directors. Each
stage of the project has detailed specifications so please read carefully the following
directions for each stage of production.
Establishing the why.
It is important for us to understand cells because we are made of cells. The study of cells
answers many questions, you should consider while collecting data.
1. What do cells need to support life?
2. How do cells make energy?
3. Are all cells the same? How are they different?
4. How do cells know what functions to carry out?
5. What parts make up a cell and what do they do?
Phase 2: Present Materials
Stage 1: Collecting Data
In this first stage you will need to investigate a cell, and the parts that make up the cell
called the organelles. You will travel inside of a cell in Second Life to perform your
Before you take-off on your journey, set up an observation sheet in Microsoft Word. Create
a table and make a column for each of the following:
 A photograph of the organelle
 The name of the organelle
 Describe the function of the organelle
Phase 3: Provide Experiences
(Teacher) Direct students to the Second Life slurl:
Explain account set up information and log in. Encourage the students to customize their avatars.
Demonstrate how to set view to object, zoom in, and take pictures. Students will need this skill to take
pictures for their documentation.
(Student) Journey to the three-dimensional cell and document the organelles that make up the cell.
Try to get a zoomed in picture of each organelle and save it to the computer. After you save the
picture, insert it into your table in word. You will receive notecards to assist in your
investigation. For example, “An object named Mitochondria owned by Max Chatnoir has given
you this notecard:” , click accept and then read the information provided. Use this information
to document the function of each organelle you find. After you have completed your
investigation, save your table you created in Word, and print it out. Meet with your team and
review the data they collected.
Stage 2: In the second stage, you will create a poster that will present your cell analogy. Your
poster will be used for your exhibit.
First, you will work with your team to create an analogy of a cell to a working unit or system, and the
organelles within the cell.
For example, you could say a cell is like a bee hive. A beehive has a control center, like a queen bee.
A bee hive has a tough outside structure of the hive like a cell membrane. A bee hive has places
where food is stored, like vacuoles. Try to be creative yet make sure you are accurate as well.
Your poster will consist of 3 parts. (See below.)
Title: The title of your poster will be the name of the working unit or system used for the
analogy to a cell.
Drawing: Draw the working unit or system as neatly as possible. Label five cell organelles
with the analogy part name and the matching cell organelle name.
Key: The key will explain the analogy for five organelles. Construct a table describing five
cell organelles used in your model.
For each organelle:
 Draw the part used for the analogy
 Write the analogy part title
 Print the picture of the organelle from Second Life, or draw.
 Write the organelle title
 Describe the function analogy
Poster Checklist
Assessed Item
Title: Analogy of the cell to a system is stated.
Drawing: The drawing of the analogy model represents analogy of the cell to a
Drawing: The parts of the system or working unit that represent each cell
organelle are drawn and labeled (five organelles)
Key: A table with a drawing for the analogy part, analogy title, cell organelle
title, cell organelle drawing, and function for each organelle (5 organelles).
Key: Accuracy of cell functions matching analogy.
Overall: Colorful/Neatness
Overall: Creativity
Overall: Title, name, date, and block are on project
Overall: Correct spelling and grammar
TOTAL points
Stage 3: Presentation
Finally it is time to present your model to the museum’s board of directors.
During the presentation:
5 pts.
10 pts.
15 pts.
25 pts.
25 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
State the name of the system demonstrated
Describe the analogy of the cell to the working unit or system.
Give a verbal analogy of each of the five organelles, and how it is an analogy. For
example, “The endoplasmic reticulum is like the luggage conveyer at an airport
because it moves packages from one part of the airport to another”.
You can read from note cards if you like.
The name of the system was stated.
The analogy of the cell to the working unit or system was described and
For each organelle the analogy was described and accurate.
5 pts.
10 pts.
25 pts.
40 pts.
Phase 4: Learning Assessment
Students will be assessed on their projects using scale rubrics.
Phase 5: Follow-up Activities
Now that the museum’s project manager has approved your blueprint, you must construct
a three-dimensional model from your blueprint poster. The teacher will have a selection of
materials available for you to use, such as clay, construction paper, and pipe cleaners.
Please discuss any additional items you may need with your teacher.
Your model will consist of three main parts:
Title: The title of your analogy will be the name of the working unit or system used
for the analogy to a cell.
Three-Dimensional Model: Create a model of the working unit or system. The
model is a hand-made representation of the blueprint completed in the first stage.
Labels: Label five cell organelles with the analogy part name, the matching cell
organelle name, and a description of the analogous function.
Three-Dimensional Model Checklist
Analogy of the cell to a system is stated
Three-dimensional object represents analogy of the cell to a system
Cell organelles are labeled with an analogy (five organelles)
Three-dimensional objects represent cell organelles (five organelles)
Accuracy of cell functions
Title, name, date, and block are on project
5 pts.
10 pts.
25 pts.
25 pts.
25 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.