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Name ___________________________________________ Period ______ Date _________________
Function of Cell Membranes
Directions: Match each of the phrases with the appropriate mechanisms from the list below.
A. Simple Diffusion
B. Primary Active Transport C. Osmosis
E. Passive Transport
F. Facilitated Diffusion
G. Pinocytosis
I. Exocytosis
J. Secondary Active
K. Antiport
D. Phagocytosis
H. Receptor-mediated
L. Symport
_____ 1. Diffusion across a cell membrane either using a transport protein or moving directly through
the phospholipid bilayer
_____ 2. Moves solutes against concentration gradient
_____ 3. Any spread of particles from area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration
_____ 4. Diffusion with the help of a protein
_____ 5. Three types of endocytosis
_____ 6. Engulfing of fluid in membrane vesicles
_____ 7. Diffusion of water across selectively permeable membrane
_____ 8. Involves transport molecules that need ATP to function
_____ 9. Enables cell to engulf bulk quantities of specific large molecules
_____ 10. How oxygen and carbon dioxide enter and leave cells
_____ 11. Causes plant cell to become turgid
_____ 12. Engulfing of particle or object in membrane vesicle
_____ 13. Fusion of membrane-bound vesicle with membrane, and dumping of contents outside the cell
_____ 14. How an amoeba might capture a paramecium
_____ 15. Powered by the potential energy from a high concentration gradient of Na+ ions
_____ 16. Causes cream to mix with coffee
_____ 17. Occurs from a hypotonic to a hypertonic solution
_____ 18. When molecules or ions move in opposite directions across the cell membrane, one moving
from high to low concentration, the other from low to high concentration
_____ 19. Occurs when Golgi apparatus moves proteins to the cell’s cytoplasm
_____ 20. How a cell maintains a higher K+ concentration and lower Na+ concentration than its
Comparing Active & Passive Transport
Passive Transport
Required energy input by the cell
Molecules move down a concentration gradient
Moves molecules against a concentration gradient
Always involves a transport protein (channel or carrier)
Molecules pass through the phospholipid bilayer
Moves ions like Na+ and K+
Moves large molecules
Moves small nonpolar molecules
Moves water molecules
1. Define – active transport:
2. Given the information in the graph, which type of cell transport would be best to move
substances into or out of the cell quickly?
3. Which type of transport would be the best if the cell needs to respond to a sudden
concentration gradient difference?
4. Why would the line representing facilitated diffusion level off as the concentration gets higher,
while the line representing simple diffusion continues to go up at a steady rate?
5. Why does active transport, on the same graph start off with such a high initial rate compared to
simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?