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Biology Jeopardy
The Central
Genetics - $100
It’s the advantage that sexually
reproducing organisms have
over asexually reproducing
A – Genetic variation
B – Genetic stability
C – Increased fertilization rate
D – Increased reproductive rate
Genetics - $100
A – What is genetic
Genetics - $200
A cloned plant has a diploid
chromosome number of 12. It’s
the diploid chromosome number of
the plant cell that was used to
produce the cloned plant.
B – 12
C – 18
D – 24
Genetics - $200
B - What is 12?
Genetics - $300
Hitchhiker’s thumb (H) is dominant to no
hitchhiker’s thumb (h). A woman without
hitchhiker’s thumb marries a man that is
heterozygous for hitchhiker’s thumb. It is
the probable genotypic ratio of their
A – 0% Hh : 100% hh
B – 50% Hh : 50% hh
C – 75% Hh : 25% hh
D – 100% Hh : 0% hh
Genetics - $300
B - What is
50% Hh : 50% hh?
Genetics - $400
In some plants, when the soil pH is
>7 blue flowers are produced and
when the soil pH is <7 pink flowers
are produced. It’s the best
explanation for the color changes
in these plants.
A – Multiple alleles determine the color of the flowers.
B – The change in flower color is the result of a mutation.
C – Polygenic inheritance produces the different flower colors.
D – The environment influences the expression of the gene for flower color.
Genetics - $400
D - What is “The
environment influences
the expression of the
gene for flower color?”
Genetics - $500
This illustration represents samples of DNA that
were cut during DNA fingerprinting in a crime
lab. It’s the accurate description of the
creation of these bands of DNA.
A – DNA polymerases are used to cut the
DNA randomly.
B – Restriction enzymes are used to cut the
DNA randomly.
C – DNA polymerases are used to cut the DNA
at specific sites.
D – Restriction enzymes are used to cut the
DNA at specific sites.
Genetics - $500
D - What is “Restriction
enzymes are used to
cut the DNA at specific
The Central Dogma - $100
This is where transcription
takes place.
A – In the cytoplasm.
B – At the ribosomes.
C – In the nucleus.
D – Across the cell membrane.
The Central Dogma - $100
C – What is “In the
The Central Dogma - $200
They are the materials
required for transcription.
A – DNA, DNA polymerase III, initiation sequence, helicase
B – ribosome, mRNA, tRNA, amino acids
C – DNA, RNA polymerase, adenine, uracil, guanine,
D – RNA, RNA polymerase, adenine, thymine, guanine,
The Central Dogma - $200
C – What is DNA, RNA
polymerase, adenine,
uracil, guanine,
The Central Dogma - $300
It’s the difference between DNA
replication and transcription.
A – DNA replication copies the DNA during the S phase of mitosis and
transcription makes mRNA copy of the genes.
B – DNA replication makes an RNA copy of the genes and transcription
copies the DNA during the G1 phase of mitosis.
C – DNA replication copies the DNA during the G1 phase of mitosis and
transcription makes a tRNA copy of the genes.
D – DNA replication copies the genes during the G2 phase of mitosis and
transcription makes a DNA copy of the introns.
The Central Dogma - $300
A – What is “DNA replication
copies the DNA during the S
phase of mitosis and
transcription makes mRNA
copy of the genes?”
The Central Dogma - $400
It’s the amino acid sequence of the
mRNA sequence
A – Met, His, Pro, Iso, Gly
B – Met, His, Ala, Val
C – Met, Thr, Asp, Lys, Ser
D – Met, His, Leu, Cys, Glu
The Central Dogma - $400
B – What is Met, His,
Ala, Val?
The Central Dogma - $500
It’s the amino acid sequence of the
A – Met, Val, Ser, Val
B – Met, His, Ala, Val
C – Met, Glu, Try, Val
D – Met, Glu, Ala, Iso
The Central Dogma - $500
C - What is Met, Glu,
Try, Val?
Biodiversity - $100
The crab Lybia tessellata carries a pair of
sea anemones on its claws. It uses the
sea anemone’s stinging tentacles as
protection and the sea anemones feed
on particles the crab leaves behind. It
is the symbiotic relationship this
A – Commensalism
B – Mutualism
C – Parasitism
D – Predation
Biodiversity - $100
B - What is mutualism?
Biodiversity - $200
This graph represents the changes in
human population over a period of
2000 years. It’s what can be
concluded from the graph.
A – Growth was constant over the
last 2000 years.
B – Growth was exponential over
the last 200 years.
C – Growth reached carrying
capacity around 1900.
D – Growth will level off around
Biodiversity - $200
B - What is “Growth
was exponential
over the last 200
Biodiversity - $300
It’s the graph that represents the
maximum carrying capacity of a
bacterial colony.
Biodiversity - $300
C - What is…?
Biodiversity - $400
In an ecosystem, it’s the most likely
reason for an increase in the producer
population if there is an increase in the
carnivore population
A – Fewer herbivores
B – Higher temperatures
C – Less food
D – More oxygen
Biodiversity - $400
A - What is fewer
Biodiversity - $500
This diagram shows the carbon flow
in an ecosystem. It will most likely
occur if decomposers are removed.
A – Atmospheric CO2 will increase.
B – Atmospheric CO2 will decrease.
C – CO2 used by producers will
D – CO2 needed by consumers will
Biodiversity - $500
B - What is
“atmospheric CO2 will
Cells - $100
It is the organelle that is
NOT membrane bound.
A – ribosome
B – nucleus
C – endoplasmic reticulum
D – golgi apparatus
Cells - $100
A - What is a
Cells - $200
It’s membrane is attached to
the nuclear membrane.
A – Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
B – Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
C – Golgi Apparatus
D – Lysosome
Cells - $200
B - What is the
Rough ER?
Cells - $300
It is present in plant and animal
cells and produces ATP
through the process of
B – Chloroplasts
C – Mitochondria
D – Glycoproteins
Cells - $300
C - What are mitochondria?
Cells - $400
It’s the process that ALWAYS
involves the movement of
materials from inside the cell to
outside the cell.
A – Phagocytosis
B – Endocytosis
C – Diffusion
D – Exocytosis
Cells - $400
D - What is exocytosis?
Cells - $500
It is the organelle that binds to
mRNA and captures tRNA
molecules in the process of
protein synthesis.
A – Lysosomes
B – Ribosomes
C – Transmembrane glycoproteins
D – Nuclear pores
Cells - $500
B - What are
Plants - $100
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2
A – Decomposition Reaction
B – Single Replacement Reaction
C – Photosynthesis
D – Respiration
Plants - $100
C - What is
Plants - $200
Of the two main phases of
photosynthesis, it’s the
first phase.
A – Light dependent reactions
B – Calvin Cycle
C – Light independent reactions
D – Krebs Cycle
Plants - $200
A - What are the light
dependent reactions.
Plants - $300
They are the molecules that
supply energy to the Calvin
B – ADP and NADP+
C – ATP and NADP+
Plants - $300
A - What are ATP
and NADPH?
Plants - $400
The Calvin cycle converts
it into C6H12O6.
A – CO
B – H2O
C – CO2
D – CO2 and H2O.
Plants - $400
D - What are CO2 and
Plants - $500
It’s the order of the light
dependent reactions.
A – Photosystem II, Electron Transport Chain, Photosystem I, ATP
B – Photosystem I, Photosystem II, Electron transport Chain, ATP
C – Photosystem I, Photosystem II, ATP Synthase, Electron Transport
D – Photosystem II, Photosystem I, Electron Transport Chain, ATP
Plants - $500
D - What is Photosystem II,
Photosystem I, Electron
Transport Chain, ATP
Animals - $100
It is the three main phases of
cellular respiration in the
correct order.
A – Electron Transport Chain, Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle
B – Electron Transport Chain, Glycolysis, Calvin Cycle
C – Glycolysis, Electron Transport Chain, Krebs Cycle
D – Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain
Animals - $100
D - What is Glycolysis, the
Krebs Cycle, and the
Electron Transport Chain?
Animals - $200
It’s the product of Glycolysis.
A – Lactic Acid
B – Pyruvic Acid
C – Acetic Acid
D – Hydrochloric Acid
Animals - $200
B - What is
pyruvic acid?
Animals - $300
Twenty four of the thirty six ATP
molecules produced during
cellular respiration are made
during this process.
A – Glycolysis
B – Krebs Cycle
C – Citric Acid Cycle
D – Electron Transport
Animals - $300
D - What is electron
Animals - $400
This substance is needed to
begin the process of
D – CO2
Animals - $400
A - What is ATP?
Animals - $500
If oxygen is lacking, cells can resort to
the process of fermentation. These
are the products of fermentation in
animal cells.
A – Alcohol and CO2
B – Lactic acid and O2
C – Alcohol and O2
D – Lactic Acid and CO2
Animals - $500
D - What are
Lactic acid and CO2?