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major contributions of the following scientist to the discovery of DNA:
Friedrich Miescher; Phoebus Levene; Frederick Griffith; Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod &
Maclyn McCarty; Alfred D. Hershey & Martha Chase; Erwin Chargaff; Rosalind Franklin
& Maurice Wilkins; James Watson & Francis Crick
structure of DNA
semi-conservative replication and Meselson & Stahl experiment
DNA replication – 3 main steps, all enzymes involved, importance of all components
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics
difference between RNA and DNA
relationship between genes and proteins
genetic code – codons, stop & start codons, know how to interpret code
transcription – 3 main steps and posttranscriptional modifications
translation – reading frames, 3 main steps and posttranslational modifications
control mechanisms – 4 levels of control of gene expression
- inducible vs repressible operon models (prokaryotes ONLY!)
mutations – types and causes
restriction enzymes – recognition sites, sticky vs. blunt ends, role in biotechnology
gel electrophoresis – basis of separation, components for process, purpose, how to read
plasmids – recombinant DNA (rDNA), role in cloning of DNA, steps involved in cloning
PCR - polymerase chain reaction - purpose and significance
Review your notes and diagrams.
You are responsible for all material taught and assigned from your textbook as well.
Textbook Practice Questions:
230-231 #1-10,12-14,16,22
274-275 #1-11,13-15,17,18,21
320-321 #1,4-8,10,26
324-327 #1-24,29-32,38,40,46