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Analysis of p75NTR-dependent apoptotic pathways and of p75NTR gene products
Christine E. Paul
Neurology and Neurosurgery
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
July, 2003
A Thesis submitted to the McGill University Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in
partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master in Science
©Christine Paul 2003
Table of contents
List of Abbreviations
Contribution of authors
Chapter 1: Introductory Literature Review
Developmental Apoptosis
The neurotrophins
The pan neurotrophin receptor
p75NTR is structurally similar to other TNFR superfamily members
Other p75NTR ligands
p75NTR Functions
p75NTR as a co-receptor for Trk
p75NTR as a co-receptor for NogoR
p75NTR autonomous signaling (death and survival)
The p75NTR knockouts
Statements of projects/hypotheses
Preface to Chapter 2
Chapter 2: p75NTR does not transcriptionally activate BH3-only proteins
Literature Review: the BH3-domain-only proteins
Statement of project/hypothesis
Materials and Methods
Closing Remarks
Figure Legends
i. Figure 1
Preface to Chapter 3
Chapter 3: A Pro-apoptotic Fragment of the p75 Neurotrophin Receptor is
expressed in p75NTRExonlv null mice
Title Page
Materials and Methods
Figure Legends
i. Figure 2
ii. Figure 3
iii. Figure 4
Closing Remarks
Asha L. Bhakar, Jenny L. Howell, Christine E. Paul. Amir H. Salehi, Esther B. E. Becker,
Farid Said, Azad Bonni and Philip A. Barker. Apoptosis Induced by p75NTR
Requires Jun Kinase-dependent Phosphorylation of Bad. Submitted to EMBO J, July
Research Compliance Certificate: McGill University Animal Use Protocol
Title: Analysis of p75NTR-dependent apoptotic pathways and of p75NTR gene
Abstract: The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) binds members of the neurotrophin
family and plays important roles in the regulation of neuronal survival, apoptosis and
growth during development and after nervous system injury. Many in vitro and in vivo
studies have shown that p75NTR induces cell death, though the signaling events that link
p75NTR activation to apoptosis are not thoroughly understood.
apoptosis is associated with an increase in Rac and Jun kinase (JNK) activity, and recent
work from our laboratory has shown that the p75NTR interactor, NRAGE, activates a
mitochondrial death pathway involving JNK-dependent cytochrome C release and
activation of Caspase-9, Caspase-7 and Caspase-3. Despite this progress, several
important details of p75NTR apoptotic signaling remain unknown.
In particular, it is unclear what targets of p75NTR-dependent JNK activation
result in mitochondrial cytochrome C release and caspase activation. BH3-domain-only
proteins are members of the Bcl-2 family that induce the association of Bax and Bak
which in turn facilitate release of mitochondrial proteins such as cytochrome C into the
cytosol. Transcriptional activation of BH3-domain-only genes through c-Jun- or p53dependent pathways is implicated in apoptosis in neuronal and non-neuronal systems. In
the first part of this thesis, I examined whether p75NTR-induced apoptosis is correlated
with accumulation of BH3-domain-only gene products. U373 human glioma cells and
mouse cortical neurons were infected with adenovirus expressing p75NTR to
constitutively activate p75NTR-dependent pathways, and alterations in mRNA levels of
the BH3-domain-only family members Bim, Bmf, Hrk, Bik, Puma, and Noxa were
determined by RT-PCR. The results from these experiments showed that p75NTRmediated cell death did not result in BH3-domain-only gene transcription. Subsequent
studies in our laboratory established that the BH3-domain-only protein, Bad, is
phosphorylated on Serine 128 in a JNK-dependent manner, and that this phosphorylation
is a critical component of p75NTR-dependent apoptosis.
The generation of animals that lack p75NTR expression has been a critical
advance in understanding the in vivo role of this receptor. In the second part of this
thesis, I analyzed the recently created p75NTRExonlv-/- mice, which were shown to
produce a null mouse lacking all p75NTR gene products, in contrast to the previously
constructed p75NTRExon1"-/- mouse, which maintains expression of an alternatively
spliced form of p75NTR (s-p75NTR). Our studies revealed that p75NTRExonIV-/- mice
continue to express a p75NTR gene product that encodes a truncated protein containing
the p75NTR extracellular stalk region together with the entire transmembrane and
intracellular domains.
The gene product is initiated from a cryptic Kozak
consensus/initiator ATG sequence within a region of Exon IV located 3' to the pGK-Neo
insertion site, likely as a result of enhancer elements within pGK-Neo cassette.
Characterization of this protein product indicated that it localized to the plasma
membrane and overexpression of the p75NTRExonIV fragment in heterologous cells
resulted in activation of JNK and cleavage of Procaspase 3, indicating that it can mediate
pro-apoptotic effects in vivo. These results indicate that aspects of the p75NTRExonIV-/phenotype may reflect a gain-of-function mutation rather than a loss of p75NTR function.
Titre: Analyses des proprietes de signalement apoptotiques du recepteur de
neurotrophines p75NTR et analyses de souris, p75NTRExonIV -/-
II est difficile d'identifier clairement la fonction du recepteur de
neurotrophines p75NTR, cependant plusieurs etudes indiquent qu'il peut activer des
signaux apoptotiques. Durant la premiere partie de ma maitrise, j'ai etudie la famille de
proteines denommee "BH3-domain-only", membres de la famille Bcl-2. Ces dernieres
interagissent avee les proteines Bax et Bak causant ultimement l'activation des caspases.
Utilisant un systeme ou p75NTR est exprime par un adenovirus, j'ai determine que les
proteines "BH3-domain-only" ne sont pas activees au niveau de la transcription durant
l'apoptose induite par 1'expression de p75NTR.
Des travaux effectues dans notre
laboratoire ont reveles que les signaux apoptotiques de p75NTR mene a la
phosphorilation de la proteine Bad, membre de la famille "BH3-domain-only", au niveau
de la Serinel28. De plus, cette phosphorylation depend de l'activation de la cascade
enzymatique de JNK et elle est essentielle a l'induction de l'apoptose par p75NTR.
Durant la deuxieme partie de ma maitrise, j'ai etudie la souris p75NTRExonIV -/- qui
a ete creee recemment. It a ete determine, suite a mes travaux, que cette souris exprime
toujours une certaine portion du recepteur p75NTR. Cette portion comprendrait tout le
domaine transmembranaire and intracellulaire. La transcription de cette partie du
recepteur est causee par une region "enhancer" situee dans la cassette pGK-Neo, qui a ete
introduite dans le quatrieme exon de p75NTR durant la modification du gene de
p75NTR. L'expression de cette portion de p75NTR dans plusieurs types de cellules a
mene a l'activation de la cascade enzymatique de JNK and au clivage de la Procaspase-3,
indiquant que p75NTRExonIV mene a des evenements apoptotiques. En conclusion, les
resultats obtenus indiquent que les aspects de la mutation p75NTRExonIV reflectent un gain
et non pas une perte de fonction.
I would like to thank my supervisor, Phil Barker, for providing such a great
environment in which to practice science. A part of that environment includes the people
in my surroundings. As such, I would like to thank past and present members of the
Barker lab for their friendship, guidance and support. I would like in particular to say
thanks to Asha Bhakar, Philippe Roux and Amir Salehi for showing me the ropes when I
first arrived. I would also like to acknowledge Genevieve Dorval (who helped me
translate my abstract-thank you!) and Kathleen Dickson, who both helped me with
numerous technical aspects of my projects.
I would also like to thank my advisory committee, who comprise Dr. Ted Fon and
Dr. Peter McPherson, for helpful advice throughout my studies. Thanks also to my
academic mentor, Dr. Andrea Leblanc, and to Dr. Wayne Sossin for helpful discussions.
I would like to thank my family (West Coast and East Coast contingencies alike)
and my roomate, Carolyn Picco, for her everpresent support and friendship. Also, to
other "MNIers" (especially to Amy Corcoran, Natasha Hussain, Andrew Jarjour, Tamra
Werbowetsky, Anna Lee, Nic Tritsch and Simon Moore) without whom my Msc would
never have been this much fun. In the social department, I would also like to thank the
Lobotomizers, Ultimate team, FACE people, and fellow RVH-PCU volunteers, who
helped make life great in Montreal.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge Greg Walsh, for so many little things, the
sum of which is much greater than the parts! You da best.
List of Abbreviations
Activating Protein-1
Amyloid Precursor Protein
Brain-Derived Neurotrophin Factor
Bcl-2 Homology
Cerebellar Granule Neurons
Central Nervous System
CV-1 cells expressing Simian virus-40 antigen
Cysteine Rich Domain
Cdc42/Rac-Interactive Binding
Cysteine-Rich Neurotrophic Factor
Death Domain
Death-Inducing Signaling Complex
Dorsal Root Ganglia
Extracellular Domain
Fas receptor Associated Death Domain
FL-p75NTR Full Length p75NTR
Germinal Center Kinase
Guanine Diphosphate
Green Fluorescent Protein
Guanine Triphosphate
Human Embryonic Kidney
Inhibitor of Apoptosis
Intracellular Domain
JNK Interacting Protein
c-Jun N-terminal Kinase
Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein
Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase
Mixed Lineage Kinase
p75NTR-associated cell death executor
Nerve Growth Factor
Neurotrophin Receptor Interacting Mage Homolog
Nogo Receptor
Oligodendrocyte-Myelin Glycoprotein
Neurotrophin Receptor
PhosphoGlycerate Kinase
Pheochromocytoma Cell line 12
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase
Protein Kinase A
PhosphoLipase C
Peripheral Nervous System
Pro-Nerve Growth Factor
Receptor Activator of NF-kappa (3
Rho GDP Dissociation Inhibitor
Rho-associated serine-threonine protein kinase
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Splice variant of p75NTR
Tumor Necrosis Factor
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor
TNF Receptor Associated Death Domain
Tropomyosin Related Kinase A
Tropomyosin Related Kinase B
Tropomyosin Related Kinase C
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase biotin-dUTP Nick End Labeling
Contribution of authors
Chapter 2: p75NTR does not transcriptionally activate BH3-only proteins
I performed the design of primers, preparation of cDNA from infected cells, and
subsequent RT-PCRs. This work was apart of the following manuscript, that is included
in the appendix of this thesis:
Asha L. Bhakar, Jenny L. Howell, Christine E. Paul. Amir H. Salehi, Esther B. E. Becker,
Farid Said, Azad Bonni and Philip A. Barker. Apoptosis Induced by p75NTR
Requires Jun Kinase-dependent Phosphorylation of Bad. Submitted to EMBO J, July
Chapter 3: A Pro-apoptotic Fragment of the p75 Neurotrophin Receptor is expressed in
p75NTRExonlv -/- mice
I performed all the experiments and helped to write the manuscript:
Christine E. Paul and Philip A. Barker. A Pro-apoptotic Fragment of the p75
Neurotrophin Receptor is expressed in p75NTRExonIV -/- mice. Submitted to Nature
Neuroscience, July 2003.
Chapter 1: Introductory Literature Review
Developmental Apoptosis
During embryonic and early postnatal development, many neurons formed by
neurogenesis are killed in an active form of cell death known as apoptosis. This process
results in death of up to 50% of all neurons initially created, in order to create appropriate
connections between neurons and their target organs, and to allow for proper
morphogenesis such as neural tube closure (Jacobson et al., 1997; Oppenheim, 1991).
There is also increasing evidence that apoptosis contributes significantly to the pathology
of human neurodegenerative diseases (Pettmann and Henderson, 1998).
neurotrophins are a family of growth factors that act as critical mediators of the survival
or death of neurons in both the developing and the mature nervous system. While
initially identified as target-derived neuronal survival cues (Oppenheim, 1991; Purves et
al., 1988), the neurotrophins are now widely recognized to elicit a variety of responses
ranging from regulation of proliferation, synaptic plasticity, neuritic outgrowth, survival
and apoptosis.
The Neurotrophins
In mammals, there have been four neurotrophins identified, which include nerve
growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3)
and neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5). NGF, the prototypical neurotrophin, was discovered
more than fifty years (Huang and Reichardt, 2001; Levi-Montalcini, 1987) as a survival
factor that enabled dorsal root ganglia to survive during a "critical phase" in which they
normally underwent massive and rapid cell death. Initial discoveries by Rita LeviMontalcini, Stanley Cohen and Victor Hamburger led to the neurotrophic hypothesis,
which maintained that the number of neurons innervating a target is limited by the
amount of target-derived trophic factor made available to these neurons.
In addition to NGF, three other neurotrophins have been discovered in mammals.
BDNF was the second discovered neurotrophin, and sequence homology between NGF
and BDNF prompted the search for the other mammalian neurotrophins, NT-3 and NT4/5, which were discovered by cloning (Ernfors et al., 1990; Hohn et al., 1990) in the
early 1990's.
All four neurotrophins share similar primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structure. They are initially synthesized as 31-35 kDa precursors that are then cleaved by
a variety of processing enzymes to give rise to the mature processed neurotrophins (13.215.9 kDa).
Once fully processed, neurotrophins exist as non-covalently linked
homodimers that are secreted through either the constitutive secretory pathway (in the
case of NGF and NT-3) or through a regulated activity-dependent pathway (in the case of
BDNF) (Ghosh et al., 1994; Mowla et al., 1999). Each neurotrophin promotes the
survival of specific populations of mammalian neurons.
Neurotrophins are unique in that they use two different receptors, the
tropomyosin-related kinase (Trk) receptor and the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR),
a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. The Trk receptors
are highly related transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that are expressed in
discrete neuronal populations and which are bound by specific neurotrophins. Trk A
binds preferentially to NGF, Trk B binds BDNF and NT-4/5, and Trk C binds NT-3
(Cordon-Cardo et al., 1991; Ip et al., 1993; Kaplan et al., 1991a; Kaplan et al., 1991b;
Klein et al., 1990; Klein et al., 1991a; Klein et al., 1991b; Lamballe et al., 1991; Soppet
et al., 1991; Squinto et al., 1991). Activation of Trk receptors by their preferred
neurotrophic ligand elicits the well-known survival effects associated with the
neurotrophins, as shown in a number of gain and loss of function studies. For instance,
ectopic expression of Trk receptors confers neurotrophin-dependent survival and
differentiation in many neurons (Allsopp et al., 1993; Barrett and Bartlett, 1994). The
physiological importance of the Trks in neuronal survival is most clearly demonstrated in
mice with Trk receptor gene deletion, where extensive loss of specific neuronal
populations are observed (Snider, 1994). Many studies have shown that Trk activation
results in phosphorylation on intracellular residues Tyrosine 490 and Tyrosine 785, which
serve as important docking sites for adaptor proteins that in turn activate the Ras, PI-3K
and PLCy pathways, leading to modulation of neuronal survival, growth and
differentiation (Kaplan and Miller, 2000; Roux and Barker, 2002).
While the mechanism of action of the Trks has been well characterized, the roles
of p75NTR appear complex and have been much more difficult to ascertain. The
remainder of this chapter will focus on the structural and functional aspects of this
The pan neurotrophin receptor
Early NGF binding studies established that NGF-responsive cells had high
affinity and low affinity binding sites, with dissociation constants of ~10"n and ~10"9 M
respectively. p75NTR was the first discovered NGF receptor (Chao et al., 1986; Johnson
et al., 1986; Radeke et al., 1987), and transfection studies established that p75NTR bound
NGF at the lower of these two affinities, thereby earning the name "low affinity NGF
receptor". The discovery of the other neurotrophins led to the finding that p75NTR could
bind all the neurotrophins with approximately equal affinity in most cells (RodriguezTebar et al., 1990; Rodriguez-Tebar et al., 1992; Squinto et al., 1991). While the
equilibrium binding constants are very similar, binding of each of the neurotrophins to
p75NTR display markedly different kinetics, suggesting that the binding of individual
neurotrophins to p75NTR could serve particular functions in the nervous system (Barrett,
Although p75NTR was the first identified neurotrophin receptor, its physiological
function remains poorly understood. Many studies indicate that the effects of p75NTR
range from promotion of survival pathways, induction of apoptosis, modulation of cell
cycle and differentiation, and facilitation or inhibition of neuritic growth. p75NTR can,
under certain conditions, act as a co-receptor to Trk, thereby enhancing or dampening its
response to neurotrophins (reviewed by Kaplan and Miller, 2000; Roux and Barker,
2002). p75NTR has also recently been shown to act as a co-receptor for the Nogo
receptor, thereby modulating neurite growth inhibition in response to the myelin
inhibitory proteins, MAG, OMgP and Nogo (reviewed by Kaplan and Miller, 2003;
McKerracher and Winton, 2002). However, p75NTR can also signal autonomously,
through ill-defined pathways that regulate growth, survival and death.
p75NTR is structurally similar to other TNFR superfamily members
p75NTR was the first identified member of the TNF receptor superfamily that
now contains approximately 25 receptors, including Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1
(TNFR1) and TNFR2, Fas, RANK and CD40 (Baker and Reddy, 1998). All members of
the TNFR superfamily share a common structural cysteine-rich module in their
extracellular domain, and do not have any catalytic activity, but sometimes contain a
death domain (DD) which can interact with adaptor proteins that link TNFRs to caspase
activation. p75NTR is an atypical member of this family for a number of reasons. Firstly
p75NTR binds dimeric ligands (the neurotrophins) that are structurally distinct from
other TNFR ligands, which are trimeric (Banfield et al., 2001; Robertson et al., 2001;
Wiesmann et al, 1999). Secondly, the p75NTR DD has been shown to be significantly
differently from the Fas TNFR in the orientation of the first of its six alpha-helices
(Huang et al., 1996; Liepinsh et al., 1997). Finally, p75NTR has not been shown to bind
the same adaptor proteins that link other pro-apoptotic TNFRs to Caspase-8 activation
(reviewed in Wallach et al., 1996).
The p75NTR protein is a single Type I transmembrane protein that contains a
single asparagine-linked carbohydrate close to its N-terminal and several O-linked
carbohydrates in the juxtamembrane domain. The p75NTR extracellular domain (ECD)
has four cysteine-rich domains (CRDs) (Baldwin et al., 1992; Yan and Chao, 1991), and
several studies indicate that CRD2 to 4 are important for neurotrophin binding (Baldwin
et al., 1992; Chapman and Kuntz, 1995; Shamovsky et al., 1999; Yan and Chao, 1991).
The first CRD in other TNFRs including Fas, TNFR1, and CD40 has been shown to
mediate ligand-independent receptor trimerization (Chan et al., 2000; Siegel et al., 2000),
but it is unclear whether CRD1 of p75NTR functions in an analagous manner. The
p75NTR intracellular domain (ICD) contains a palmitoylation site on Cysteine 279
(Barker et al., 1994), which may serve to properly distribute p75NTR throughout the cell
membrane, and can be phosphorylated on several serine and threonine residues (Grob et
al., 1985; Taniuchi et al., 1986). The function of these phosphorylation events has not
been well understood, but one recent study suggests that phosphorylation at Serine 304
(within the juxtamembrane linker region of p75NTR) by Protein Kinase A (PKA) is a
critical requirement for recruiting p75NTR to lipid rafts, which contain a concentrated
pool of downstream signaling molecules that can promote signal transduction (Higuchi et
al., 2003).
The p75NTR juxtamembrane domain is well conserved between species (Large et
al., 1989) and its DD has been shown to be important for some of the protein-protein
interactions that are required to transduce its effects. The p75NTR DD contains a ~80
amino-acid association module initially identified in related pro-apoptotic TNFRs, but
unlike those TNFRs, the p75NTR DD does not associate with the same adaptor proteins
that result in direct activation of caspases (Wallach et al., 1996). As stated above, the
structure of the p75NTR DD is significantly different from that of the Fas receptor
(Liepinsh et al., 1997), which may help to explain why signaling mediated by p75NTR
differs from that of Fas and other related TNFRs.
Other p75NTR ligands
Neutrophins bind p75NTR with dissociation constants of ~10"9 M, but a recent
study indicates that the NGF precursor, pro-NGF, binds p75NTR with much higher
affinity than mature NGF, indicating that pro-neurotrophins may be the preferred ligands
for p75NTR (Lee et al., 2001). Pro-NGF binding to p75NTR in this study induced
significantly higher levels of apoptosis in comparison with the mature, fully processed
NGF. These findings may be physiologically significant since neurotrophin precursors
are the predominant forms of BNDF and NGF in the brain, and have been shown to be
elevated in Alzheimer's disease (Fahnestock et al., 2001). Another recent study has
shown that pro-NGF is likely responsible for activating p75NTR-dependent apoptosis in
vivo during spinal cord injury, suggesting that the role of the proneurotrophin is to
eliminate damaged cells by activating p75NTR apoptotic cascades after injury (Beattie et
al., 2002).
p75NTR has also been shown to bind the invertebrate snail L. stagnalis ligand
cysteine-rich neurotrophic factor (CRNF) with nanomolar affinity (Fainzilber et al.,
1996), raising the possibility that CRNF is a member of an as-yet-identified family of
p75NTR ligands. In addition, p75NTR has been shown to bind non-neurotrophin
ligands, including the A(3-peptide of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) (Kuner et al.,
1998; Perini et al., 2002; Yaar, 1997) and the rabies virus, suggesting that p75NTR may
facilitate the entry of neurotoxic substances into cells.
p75NTR Functions
p75NTR is reported to mediate strikingly diverse biological effects which include
cell death, survival, neurite outgrowth, positive regulation of developmental myelination
(Cosgaya et al., 2002), Schwann cell migration (Anton et al., 1994; Bentley and Lee,
2000), modulation of synaptic transmission and functional regulation of sensory neurons
and calcium channels (Stucky and Koltzenburg, 1997). Some of these effects are
mediated in concert with other receptors, while others are elicited through p75NTR on its
own. I will focus here on the actions of p75NTR in combination with Trk or Nogo
receptors, and then focus on p75NTR autonomous signaling that results in survival and
p75NTR as a co-receptor for Trk: mediation of Trk-dependent signals
Neurotrophins bind their receptors with two different affinities: low-affinity (Ka =
1.7 x 10"9M) and high affinity {KA= 2.3 x 10" M). p75NTR displays the lower affinity
when binding each neurotrophin, but in concert with the appropriate Trk, binds with the
higher affinity (Hempstead et al., 1991; Mahadeo et al., 1994; Rodriguez-Tebar et al.,
1992). Whether p75NTRis required for high affinity binding, or whether Trk alone is
sufficient has been somewhat controversial, but it appears that the presence of both are
important since co-expression of p75NTR increases the rate of NGF association with
TrkA by 25-fold (Mahadeo et al., 1994).
In response to low concentrations of neurotrophins, Trk activation is enhanced by
the co-expression of p75NTR (Hantzopoulos et al., 1994; Verdi et al., 1994) indicating
that p75NTR is important for increased survival responses in low neurotrophin
concentrations. p75NTR co-expression with TrkA may therefore be physiologically
important in cases where developing neurons must bind neurotrophins that are secreted
from target organs at subpicomolar concentrations (Barde, 1989). p75NTR has also been
shown to enhance TrkB and TrkC responsiveness at low concentrations of BDNF and
NT-3, respectively (Hantzopoulos et al., 1994; Ip et al., 1993).
How does p75NTR mediate the increased Trk responsiveness to NGF? Though
this question remains unclear, experiments from the Yancopoulos group (Hantzopoulos et
al., 1994) show that a mutation within the p75NTR ECD leads to a deficiency in
formation of high-affinity neurotrophin binding sites. Further, it has shown that the
transmembrane and ICD of p75NTR are required for generation of high-affinity
neurotrophin binding sites (Esposito et al., 2001). Additional experiments are needed to
address the precise mechanism by which p75NTR facilitates Trk activation.
p75NTR can also dampen Trk-mediated survival signals, and this has been shown
in several studies of cells co-expressing p75NTR and Trk, where the non-preferred
ligands are used to activate Trk. In the presence of p75NTR, NGF readily activates
TrkA, but activation by NT-3 and NT-4/5 is greatly reduced (Bibel et al., 1999; Ip et al.,
1993; Lee et al., 1994; Mischel et al., 2001). Similarly, BDNF-mediated TrkB activation
is not altered in the presence of p75NTR, but TrkB activation by NT-3 and NT-4/5 is
reduced by p75NTR co-expression (Bibel et al., 1999). The precise mechanism by which
p75NTR reduces Trk activation by non-preferred ligands is also uncertain, but may
involve p75NTR-dependent phosphorylation on Trk intracellular domains (Roux and
Barker, 2002).
p75NTR as a co-receptor for NogoR: mediation of neurite growth inhibition
It is well established that while axons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) can
regenerate after injury, those in the central nervous system (CNS) do not (McKerracher
and Winton, 2002). In the mature nervous system, a diverse class of myelin-derived
neuritogenic inhibitors are largely responsible for the failure of injured CNS neurites to
regrow. Recent work has shown that the myelin-inhibitory molecules, which include
Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), and oligodendrocyte myelin-associated
glycoprotein (OMgP), all of which bind the Nogo66 Receptor (NgR) (Domeniconi et al.,
2002; Fournier et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2002), require p75NTR to
transduce their growth inhibitory effects (Wang et al., 2002; Wong et al., 2002).
The precise mechanisms by which p75NTR transduces the growth inhibitory
effects of the myelin inhibitory proteins are still unclear, but appear to converge on
modulation of RhoA activity (Yamashita et al., 1999). RhoA is a small GTPase that
regulates the state of actin polymerization depending on its GTP-bound state: in its active
GTP-bound form, RhoA rigidities the actin cytoskeleton, thereby inhibiting growth cone
collapse (Davies, 2000; Schmidt and Hall, 2002). Early last year, it was shown that
RhoA was modulated in a p75NTR-dependent manner, in response to treatment with the
myelin inhibitory protein, MAG (Yamashita et al., 2002), although MAG does not bind
directly to p75NTR. A number of subsequent studies showed that the GPI-linked Nogo
receptor, NgR, also bound directly to MAG and OMgp with similar affinities
(Domeniconi et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2002). Finally, two separate groups showed that
p75NTR formed a complex with the NgR in response to treatment with MAG and Nogo,
which in turn stimulated RhoA activity (Wang et al., 2002; Wong et al., 2002).
There continues to be controversy over the manner in which RhoA is modulated
by p75NTR in this model. Previous work using a yeast two-hybrid system had shown
that a region within the p75NTR DD bound directly to RhoA (Yamashita et al., 1999).
However, another study published early this year has established that the Rho-GDP
dissociation inhibitor, Rho-GDI, directly interacts with p75NTR (Yamashita and
Tohyama, 2003). Rho-GDI inhibits nucleotide dissociation in addition to shuttling Rho
proteins between the cytoplasm and membrane, and can only bind Rho in its GDP-bound,
inactive state (Sasaki and Takai, 1998). The study published earlier this year (Yamashita
and Tohyama, 2003) showed that Rho-GDI bound directly to p75NTR, and that this
interaction was strengthened in the presence of MAG or Nogo. Strengthened interaction
between Rho-GDI and p75NTR resulted in displacement of GDP-bound RhoA from
Rho-GDI, therein allowing RhoA to become activated through exchange of GDP for
GTP. Activated RhoA has been shown to inhibit neuritic outgrowth through pathways
that involve suppression of Rho kinase (ROCK) and that ultimately act on the actin
cytoskeleton (McKerracher and Winton, 2002; Woolf and Bloechlinger, 2002).
In addition to its ability to inhibit neurite outgrowth through a NgR interaction,
p75NTR has also been shown to modulate RhoA activity on its own. This work has
shown that neurotrophin binding to p75NTR can inactivate RhoA, in turn stimulating
neurite outgrowth. The same group that established the direct interaction between RhoGDI and p75NTR also showed that, whereas MAG and Nogo stimulated this interaction,
no effect was observed upon neurotrophin stimulation (Yamashita and Tohyama, 2003).
Their data suggest that Rho-GDI constitutively sequesters GDP-bound, inactive RhoA in
the presence of neurotrophin, thereby stimulating neuritic outgrowth. This idea may be
physiologically relevant during development where p75NTR could inactivate RhoA to
favour axonal or dendritic outgrowth in areas directly surrounding the target organ
secreting neurotrophin. In support of this hypothesis, it has been shown that p75NTR
expression is upregulated in sympathetic neurons following arrival at the target organ
(Miller et al., 1994).
p75NTR autonomous signaling: activation of apoptotic and survival pathways
p75NTR is perhaps best known for its ability to induce cell death. Several
findings indicate that NGF binding to p75NTR can initiate an apoptotic pathway in
neuronal cell types that do not express TrkA. For example, NGF treatment of embryonic
retinal cells (Frade et al., 1996) or postnatal oligodendrocytes (Casaccia-Bonnefil et al.,
1996) that express p75NTR, but not TrkA, causes apoptosis. The ligand dependency for
p75NTR-dependent apoptosis remains controversial, since in some studies, ligand
binding was essential for cell death and in others, it was not (reviewed in Roux and
Barker, 2002). Nonetheless, the importance of p75NTR in developmental apoptosis is
underscored by several in vivo studies. Application of antibodies directed against either
NGF or the p75NTR ECD reduces apoptosis in the developing avian retina (Frade et al.,
1996). Reduction of p75NTR using antisense oligonucleotides on axotomized sensory
neurons also resulted in decreased levels of apoptosis (Cheema et al., 1996). In addition
p75NTR expression levels are increased after insult to the nervous system, and have been
tightly correlated with the induction of apoptosis (Bagum et al., 2001; Casha et al., 2001;
Dowling et al., 1999; Kokaia et al., 1998; Martinez-Murillo et al., 1998; Oh et al., 2000;
Roux et al., 1999; Syroid et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2000).
Activation of cellular apoptosis occurs through two main pathways. The first
such pathway is typified by the oligomerization of cell-surface pro-apoptotic TNFRs. In
this scheme, ligand activation of the death receptor induces assembly of a death-inducing
signaling complex (DISC) in which adaptor proteins TRADD or FADD bind directly to
the receptor's death domain (DD), thereby inducing aggregation and activation of
caspase-8, with subsequent activation of effector caspases (Strasser et al., 2000). In the
alternative "mitochondrial" pathway, pro-apoptotic BH3-domain-only proteins of the
Bcl-2 family accumulate at the mitochondria and induce pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins to
reduce mitochondrial integrity and cause release of cytochrome C, IAF and Smac/Diablo
into the cytoplasm (Anderson and Tolkovsky, 1999; Gross et al., 1999; Harris and
Johnson, 2001). Cytochrome C and Smac/Diablo facilitate Caspase-9 activation and
thereby initiate the caspase cascade. The two pathways are not mutually exclusive, as
Caspase-8 activation can lead to cleavage of Bid, a BH3-domain-only protein, which in
turn leads to activation of the mitochondrial death pathway (Zha et al., 2000).
There is evidence that p75NTR-dependent apoptosis occurs via the mitochondrial
apoptotic pathway. It has been shown that Caspase-9, but not Caspase-8, is induced
during p75NTR-dependent apoptosis (Gu et al., 1999; Wang et al., 2001). Further, we
have also shown that p75NTR-dependent apoptosis results in mitochondrial cytochrome
C release (Bhakar et al., 2003, submitted).
Numerous studies of neuronal apoptosis, using models of trophic factor
deprivation, suggest that p75NTR-mediated death follows a mitochondrial pathway. In
NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons, loss of Trk-mediated survival signals promotes the
activation of molecules that result in loss of mitochondrial integrity, activation of
caspase-9 and cell death. Early studies from Eugene Johnson's group demonstrated that
apoptosis induced by NGF deprivation required both transcription and translation (Martin
et al., 1988). More recently, it has been shown that the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase
(JNK) cascade and c-Jun-mediated transcription play a crucial role in mitochondrial
cytochrome C release, caspase-9 activation and apoptosis in NGF-deprived sympathetic
neurons (Bruckner et al., 2001; Deshmukh and Johnson, 1998; Deshmukh et al., 1996;
Eilers et al., 2001; Harding et al., 2001; Martinou et al., 1999; Putcha et al., 1999). The
upstream signaling leading to JNK activation after neurotrophin withdrawal appear to
involve the small GTPases Cdc42 and Racl (Bazenet et al., 1998), which when activated,
bind the CRIB motif of MAPKKKs such as GCK, MEKK1-4 and MLK2-3 (Fan et al.,
1996; Hirai et al., 1996; Rana et al., 1996; Sakuma et al., 1997; Tibbies et al., 1996).
Activated MAPKKKs then phosphorylate and activate MKK4/7 (Xu et al., 2001),
MAPKK's that phosphorylate and activate specific JNK isoforms (Bruckner et al., 2001;
Sakuma et al., 1997). Once phosphorylated by activated JNK, c-Jun binds the promoters
of genes with appropriate AP-1 elements and induces transcription. The precise targets
of c-Jun necessary for induction of apoptosis have been the subject of intense interest,
and recently, Bim and Hrk/Dp5, both BH3-domain-only proteins, have been identified as
pro-apoptotic genes induced by c-Jun in both sympathetic neurons deprived of NGF and
in cerebellar granule neurons deprived of KC1 (Harris and Johnson, 2001; Putcha et al.,
2001; Whitfield et al., 2001).
There is reason to believe that p75NTR is involved in activation of the apoptotic
signaling induced by neurotrophin withdrawal. Reduced expression of p75NTR in
sensory neurons (Barrett and Bartlett, 1994) or in differentiated PC12 cells (Barrett and
Georgiou, 1996) is correlated with reduced apoptosis upon neurotrophin deprivation,
whereas increased p75NTR expression levels accelerates death following NGF
withdrawal (Barrett, 2000). Recently, it has also been shown that p75NTR facilitates
apoptosis in neonatal sympathetic neurons derived from TrkA-/-mice (Majdan et al.,
2001), suggesting that p75NTR signals autonomously during neurotrophin withdrawalmediated death.
There are several similarities that occur during p75NTR-mediated and trophicfactor-mediated apoptosis. Rac is induced in oligodendrocytes undergoing p75NTRmediated death and dominant-negative Rac blocks this death (Harrington et al., 2002).
p75NTR-mediated apoptosis correlates with activation of JNK or c-Jun in
oligodendrocytes (Casaccia-Bonnefil et al., 1996; Yoon et al., 1998), sympathetic
neurons (Aloyz et al., 1998; Bamji et al., 1998), hippocampal neurons (Friedman, 2000)
and PC 12 cells (Roux et al., 2001). Dominant-negative JNK or chemical inhibitors of
JNK can block this p75NTR-induced death (Friedman, 2000; Harrington et al., 2002).
And finally, as stated above, p75NTR activation results in mitochondrial cytochrome C
release and selective activation of Caspase-9 (Bhakar, et al., 2003, submitted; Gu et al.,
1999; Wang etal., 2001).
Recent work done in the Barker laboratory has examined the signaling pathways
activated by the p75NTR interactor, NRAGE (Salehi et al., 2002). This data shows that
NRAGE induces apoptosis through a mitochondrial death pathway involving cytochrome
C release and activation of Caspase-9, -3 and -7. Further, NRAGE-induced apoptosis
correlated with an MLK-independent activation JNK and its downstream target, c-Jun.
Blockers of JNK activity or of c-Jun mediated transcription strongly inhibited NRAGEmediated caspase activation and apoptosis. NRAGE is the first reported p75NTRinteracting protein to induce cell death through the activation of JNK. It remains to be
defined, however, what links p75NTR- and NRAGE- dependent c-Jun-mediated
transcription to mitochondrial cytochrome C release.
While p75NTR is well known to initiate cell death pathways, in some cases, it has
been shown to promote cell survival. Neurotrophin binding to p75NTR has been
reported to promote survival of developing neocortical subplate neurons (DeFreitas et al.,
2001), and NGF binding to p75NTR has been shown to promote survival of a
Schwannoma cell line (Gentry et al., 2000), sensory neurons (Hamanoue et al., 1999),
human breast cancer cells (Descamps et al., 2001) and cultured Schwann cells
(Khursigara et al., 2001). In addition, a mutant NGF which bound only p75NTR and not
Trk A has been shown to inhibit apoptosis in serum-deprived PC 12 cells (Hughes et al.,
2001). The mechanisms by which p75NTR-dependent survival occurs remain poorly
understood, but several studies indicate that p75NTR increases cell survival through PI3kinase and Akt activation (DeFreitas et al., 2001; Descamps et al., 2001; Roux et al.,
The p75NTR knockouts
In mice, the p75NTR gene contains six exons that span 18 kilobases of
Chromosome 11 (Radeke et al., 1987). The gene encodes a 3.4 kb mRNA with a 5'
untranslated region of about 300 nucleotides, and a ~2000 nucleotide 3' untranslated
region that contains a single consensus polyadenylation signal (Johnson et al., 1986).
The third exon, encoding CRDs 2 to 4 (the region responsible for neurotrophin binding),
and the fourth exon, encoding the stalk region of the extracellular domain and the
transmembrane domain, have both been targeted for deletion to create mice that are
deficient for p75NTR expression (Lee et al., 1992; von Schack et al., 2001)(see also
Figure 2). These mice have been useful for determining aspects of p75NTR function in
p75NTRExonI11 -/- mice
In 1992, Lee and colleagues (Lee et al., 1992) constructed a p75NTR knockout
mouse in which the third exon of the p75NTR locus was targeted for deletion
(p75NTRExonIU -/-). In order to generate these mice, a replacement type targeting vector
consisting of a pGK-Neo cassette (a hybrid gene consisting of the phosphoglycerate
kinase I promoter driving the neomycin phosphotransferase gene) was inserted into Exon
III, and recombined such that the targeted p75NTR gene contained the pGK-Neo cassette
in the same direction as the p75NTR gene, and a deleted portion of Exon III. The mutant
animals displayed a complex phenotype with deficits in cutaneous innervation and heat
sensitivity, that lead to development of ulcers in the distal extremities. Early studies
showed that neonatal sympathetic and embryonic sensory neurons derived from these
animals had reduced sensitivity to NGF and deficits in developmental and injury-induced
apoptosis (Davies et al., 1993; Lee et al., 1994). Despite the neuronal phenotype, recent
studies indicate that p75NTRExonI"-/- mice are not fully deficient for p75NTR expression
(Dechant and Barde, 1997; von Schack et al., 2001). These studies show that the
p75NTR locus produces an alternatively spliced isoform of p75NTR (s-p75NTR) that
lacks Exon III.
Alternative splicing of Exon III occurs in both wild-type and
p75NTRExonln-/- mice, and produces a protein product that lacks the portion of the
extracellular domain responsible for neurotrophin binding.
Given this recent data, interpretations from studies with the p75NTRExonl"-/- mice
should be viewed with caution, in light of the potential signaling capabilities of sp75NTR. Alternatively, there is little data showing that s-p75NTR signals in either wildtype or p75NTRExonI11-/- mice, and the expression of s-p75NTR in a number of neuronal
and non-neuronal tissues remains the subject of intense controversy. Only one group has
shown the presence of s-p75NTR, and its presence has only been detected in whole brain
lysates and in Schwann cell extracts (Naumann et al., 2002; von Schack et al., 2001).
However, a multitude of studies have described neuronal and non-neuronal deficits in
p75NTRExonI11-/- mice, suggesting that at the very least, neurotrophins binding to p75NTR,
or CRDs 2-4, are a critical requirement for its function. I will summarize the data
pertaining to p75NTR's interaction with TrkA and NogoR, and its apoptotic potential in
the p75NTRExon1"-/- mice in the following paragraphs.
One function ascribed to p75NTR is enhancement of NGF binding to TrkA, and
several in vitro studies have shown that co-expression of p75NTR with TrkA produces
high-affinity NGF binding sites and enhanced TrkA activation (Roux and Barker, 2002).
This enhancement of TrkA activation is also observed at low concentrations of NGF
(Hantzopoulos et al., 1994; Verdi et al., 1994). This function is purported to be important
during development, when subsaturating levels of neurotrophin are required to support
survival of neurons are released from target organs. In keeping with this hypothesis,
p75NTRExonI11-/- mice have deficits in sensory and sympathetic innervation (Lee et al.,
1994; Lee et al., 1992) that correlate with reduced neurotrophin responsiveness to Trk.
However, other data indicates that TrkA activation is not substantially altered in
sympathetic neurons from either wild-type of p75NTRExonI11-/- mice (Majdan et al, 2001).
Since these sympathetic neurons did not appear to express s-p75NTR, the conclusion
from these experiments is that p75NTR is not required for optimal TrkA activation.
Thus, given the disparity between these results, it is still unclear whether p75NTR is
required in vivo to create high-affinity NGF-TrkA binding, and concomitant TrkA
Recent reports have shown that p75NTR mediates the growth inhibitory effects of
the myelin inhibitory proteins MAG and Nogo through an interaction with the Nogo
receptor. Many of these studies have used the p75NTRExonI0-/- mice to show that they do
not respond in the same manner as wild-type mice to the myelin inhibitors (Wang et al.,
2002; Yamashita et al., 2002; Yamashita and Tohyama, 2003). In the wild-type mice,
neurite growth from dissociated postnatal dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and cerebellar
neurons (CGNs) was inhibited upon addition of myelin inhibitors. In contrast, DRGs and
CGNs from p75NTRExonI11-/- mice showed no growth inhibition, indicating that FLp75NTR is required for MAG-induced growth inhibition. If these neurons express sp75NTR, the results from these studies also show that CRDs 2-4 are required for the
interaction between NgR and p75NTR that mediates the growth inhibition. Would
pretreatment with neurotrophins (which also bind p75NTR at CRDs2-4) ablate the
interaction with NgR, and subsequent growth inhibition in wild-type mice? Wang et al
performed experiments in which high concentrations of NGF and BDNF was added to
wild-type DRGs prior to addition of myelin inhibitors (Wang et al., 2002), but there was
no effect on growth inhibition in these circumstances. In vitro co-immunoprecipitations
of s-p75NTR and NgR may help to resolve this outstanding issue.
Nonetheless, the fact that p75NTRexonI"-/- mice showed aberrant neurite outgrowth
in response to the myelin inhibitors was in keeping with several groups' findings showing
that they also exhibit perturbed developmental axon growth (Lee et al., 1994; Walsh et
al., 1999a; Walsh et al., 1999b). One notable study using two lines of transgenic mice
overexpressing NGF in CNS astrocytes in the presence and absence of the p75NTRexon111
mutation observed enhanced sympathetic axon growth in the myelinated portions of the
cerebellum where NGF was highly expressed only in the p75NTRexonI11 mice (Walsh et al.,
1999a). The reasons for this aberrant outgrowth were not immediately apparent, though
the authors proposed that p75NTR may directly activate intracellular signaling pathways
leading to outgrowth. In support of this hypothesis, Riopelle's group had published
seemingly incongruous results demonstrating that injection of a peptide identical to a
portion of the p75NTR cytoplasmic domain into embryonic sensory neurons enhanced
neurite outgrowth (Dostaler et al., 1996). This peptide was identical to the amphiphilic
peptide, mastoparan, a component of wasp venom that was known to activate guanine
nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins, including Rho (Koch et al., 1991). This study
implicated a role for a highly conserved motif of p75NTR in neurite growth through Rho,
and a subsequent yeast-two hybrid study showed that p75NTR interacted with RhoA
(Yamashita et al., 1999), though recent data indicates that this is not a direct interaction,
as described above (Yamashita and Tohyama, 2003).
In addition to their aberrant neuritic growth, p75NTRExonI11-/- mice also display
reduced developmental and injury-induced apoptosis. Mice lacking ngf alleles or
bearing the p75NTRExonin deletion have reduced apoptosis in the developmental retina and
spinal cord, as assessed by TUNEL staining (Frade and Barde, 1999), indicating that a
significant proportion of the early cell death observed in these tissues are mediated by
NGF acting through p75NTR.
p75NTRExonin -/- mice also have supernumerary
sympathetic neurons during the neonatal period (Bamji et al., 1998), indicating that
p75NTR mediates cell death in vivo in these developing neurons. Further, it has been
shown that p75NTRExonin deletion leads to small but statistically significant increases in
the number of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (Naumann et al., 2002), though the
effect is highly dependent on different mice strains, which appear to differentially express
s-p75NTR. p75NTR expression levels increase after nervous system injury in a manner
that is correlated with increased apoptosis (Roux and Barker, 2002), and p75NTRExonI11 -/mice have been found to have reduced apoptosis following injury in many experimental
models (Beattie et al., 2002; Ferri and Bisby, 1999; Ferri et al., 1998).
To summarize, p75NTRExonI"-/- mice are not fully deficient for p75NTR
expression, though they exhibit a number of aberrant characteristics with regards to
neurite outgrowth and developmental and injury-induced apoptosis. Determining the
temporal and spatial expression pattern of s-p75NTR in these mice remains a crucial
requirement for not only assigning a function to s-p75NTR but also for interpreting
results obtained using p75NTRExon111-/- mice. A mouse that is fully deficient for p75NTR
is a absolute prerequisite for understanding the functions of this receptor.
p75NTRExonIV -/- mice
To produce animals that were fully deficient for p75NTR expression, von Schack
and colleagues targeted the fourth exon of the p75NTR locus to generate p75NTRExonIV-/mice (von Schack et al., 2001). Disruption of the reading frame was achieved by
insertion of the pGK-Neo cassette in the reverse orientation to the p75NTR locus in an
AatH restriction site at the 5' end of Exon IV. These animals produce neither full-length
p75NTR (FL-p75NTR) nor s-p75NTR and exhibited more severe nervous system defects
than p75NTRExon1"-/- mice. These defects included a larger reduction in the number of
DRG neurons and Schwann cells compared with p75NTRExonI11-/- mice, though no
aberrant phenotype was described for the sympathetic nervous system. Targeting of the
p75NTR locus in Exon IV lead to reduced body size and hind limb ataxia (due to
decreased sensory innervation). About 40% of p75NTRExonIV-/- mice do not survive
beyond the perinatal period, and this was attributed to severe vascular defects, including
aortic wall ruptures. This was the first report suggesting that p75NTR was important for
the development of vascular tissues.
The same group that created the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice went on to study the
number of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in comparison with p75NTRExonI11-/- mice.
This study found that the p75NTRExonIH mice, which could express s-p75NTR, lead to a
moderate increase in the number these neurons, while the p75NTRExonIV mutation, which
prevents expression of both FL p75NTR and s-p75NTR, resulted in a more substantial
increase in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons compared to wild-type mice (Naumann et
al., 2002).
The inference was that FL-p75NTR expression normally mediates
developmental apoptosis in this neuronal population and that loss of FL-p75NTR results
in less cell death with subsequent increases in the number of these neurons. This study
also suggested that s-p75NTR could partially compensate for loss of FL-p75NTR,
although the authors never showed that s-p75NTR was expressed in the basal forebrain
cholinergic neurons.
Statements of projects/hypothesis
I pursued two distinct projects in my M.Sc. research. Firstly, I examined the
transcriptional activation of genes downstream of c-Jun during p75NTR-dependent
apoptosis. Two pieces of evidence suggested that p75NTR-mediated death results in
transcriptional activation of BH3-domain-only genes. Firstly, the transcription factor cJun is activated during p75NTR-dependent cell death in many cell types (Aloyz et al.,
1998; Bamji et al., 1998; Casaccia-Bonnefil et al., 1996; Friedman, 2000; Roux et al.,
2001; Yoon et al., 1998) and secondly, it has been shown that c-Jun can mediate
transcription of BH3-domain-only protein Bim and Hrk in neurons undergoing apoptosis
induced by trophic factor deprivation (Harris and Johnson, 2001; Putcha et al., 2001;
Whitfield et al, 2001). Given these data, I hypothesized that distinct BH3-domain-only
genes were transcriptionally activated during p75NTR-mediated apoptosis. Using a gainof-function approach in which adenovirus expressing p75NTR was infected into different
neuronal cell types to constitutively activate p75NTR pathways, my specific aim was to
determine by RT-PCR the specific BH3-domain-only genes transcribed as a function of
p75NTR-dependent JNK activation.
My second project was to examine the recently created p75NTRExonIV-/- mice for
full deletion of all p75NTR gene products. It had previously been shown that targeting
Exon III of p75NTR for deletion resulted in a mouse that continued to express a p75NTR
gene product, through endogenous splicing of Exonlll (von Schack et al., 2001). In order
to verify that the p75NTRExonlv-/- mice were fully deficient for p75NTR expression, I
used immunoblotting and RT-PCR techniques to analyse whether portions of the
extracellular or intracellular domains of p75NTR were maintained in these newly created
p75NTRExonlv-/- mice.
Preface to Chapter 2
A multitude of in vitro and in vivo studies support a role for p75NTR in both
developmental and injury-induced apoptosis, though the signals involved in p75NTRmediated cell death are uncertain. p75NTR-dependent apoptosis is associated with an
increase in Rac and JNK activity and recent work from our laboratory has shown that the
p75NTR interactor, NRAGE, activates a mitochondrial death pathway involving JNKdependent cytochrome C release and activation of Caspase-9, Caspase-7 and Caspase-3.
Despite this progress, several important details of p75NTR apoptotic signaling remain
unknown. In particular, the targets of p75NTR-dependent JNK activation that result in
mitochondrial cytochrome C release remain uncertain. BH3-domain-only proteins are
members of the Bcl-2 family that induce the association of Bax and Bak which in turn
facilitate release of Cytochrome c into the cytosol. Transcriptional activation of BH3domain-only proteins through c-Jun or p53 dependent pathways mediates Cytochrome C
release in some neuronal models of apoptosis. In this chapter, I examined whether
p75NTR-induced apoptosis was correlated with accumulation of BH3-domain-only gene
products. U373 cells and cortical neurons were infected with LacZ or p75NTR
adenovirus and alterations in mRNA levels of BH3-domain-only family members Bim,
Bmf, Hrk, Bik, Puma, and Noxa were examined by RT-PCR. The results from these
experiments showed that p75NTR-dependent apoptosis did not result in BH3-domainonly gene transcription. Further studies in our laboratory have subsequently established
that the BH3-domain-only protein, Bad, is phosphorylated on Serine 128 in a JNKdependent manner, and that this phosphorylation is a critical component of p75NTRdependent apoptosis.
Chapter 2: p75NTR does not transcriptionally activate BH3-only proteins
Literature Review: the BH3-domain-only proteins
Studies over the last six years have identified the BH3-domain-only proteins as
key initiators of apoptosis (Huang and Strasser, 2000). These members of the Bcl-2
protein family are crucial regulators of caspase activation, which function by inducing the
release of cytochrome C and Smac/Diablo from the mitochondria, an event that preceeds
Caspase-9 activation. Bcl-2 family members are defined functionally as either proapoptotic or anti-apoptotic based on their ability to kill or protect cells in vivo or in
culture (Strasser et al., 2000). The anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins include mammalian Bcl2, Bcl-w, Bcl-XL and CED-9, the Bcl-2 homolog in C. Elegans, and generally contain
four Bcl-2 Homology domains, BH1-4. Proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins can be divided into
two groups: the multidomain Bcl-2 proteins and the BH3-domain-only proteins. The
multidomain pro-apoptotic proteins include mammalian Bax, Bak and Bod, and contain
BH1-3. To date, eight mammalian BH3-domain-only proteins have been identified,
mainly through protein interaction assays with Bcl-2 or Bcl-XL, and include Bik/NBK,
Bad, Bid, Hrk/Dp5, Bim, Bmf, PUMA, NOXA/bbc3 and EGL-1 in C. Elegans. Each
contain the third BH domain and most contain a mitochondrial targeting motif near the Cterminus . The amphipathic a-helix formed by the BH3 domain of both the BH3domain-only and the "Bax-like" multidomain Bcl-2 proteins can bind to an elongated
cleft formed by BH domains 1-3 of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. It is this interaction
between the BH3-domain-only proteins with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins that sequesters
these latter molecules, and then allows pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins to multimerize and
facilitate cytochrome C release (Nicholson and Thornberry, 1997).
The pro-apoptotic activity of the BH3-domain-only proteins is regulated by both
transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms that work to prevent inappropriate cell
Transcriptional control-Some of the BH3-domain-only proteins have been shown
to be trancriptionally upregulated during apoptosis.
A subset of these include
PUMA/bbc3 (Yu et al., 2001) and NOXA (Oda et al, 2000), which have been identified
as target genes for p53, a transcription factor that mediates apoptosis in response to
stimuli including DNA damage, and which has also been reported to be necessary for
p75NTR-dependent apoptosis in sympathetic neurons (Aloyz et al., 1998). The mRNA
for these genes has been shown to be upregulated when exposed to death stimuli known
to induce p53, and both genes have potential p53-recognition sequences within the
promoter region (Huang and Strasser, 2000).
Other BH3-domain-only proteins have been shown to be transcriptionally
upregulated specifically during neuronal apoptosis. For instance, Hrk/Dp5 is upregulated
in rat sympathetic neurons deprived of NGF (Imaizumi et al., 1997), and in rat cortical
neurons exposed to amyloid |3-protein (Imaizumi et al., 1999).
Bim is also
trancriptionally upregulated during neuronal apoptosis. Rodent sympathetic neurons
deprived of NGF (Eilers et al., 2001; Putcha et al., 2001) and cerebellar granule neurons
deprived of KC1 (Harris and Johnson, 2001) all display increased Bim mRNA and protein
levels. This process involves c-Jun and its upstream regulatory pathway, JNK, which can
act to induce transcription of Bim and Hrk/Dp5 genes in neurons undergoing apoptosis as
a result of growth factor deprivation (Harris and Johnson, 2001; Whitfield et al, 2001).
The regulation of BH3-domain-only proteins during neuronal apoptosis induced
by trophic factor deprivation appears complex, especially in light of a number of several
recent studies (Harris and Johnson, 2001; Putcha et al., 2001; Whitfield et al., 2001). As
stated, the BH3-domain-only proteins Bim and Hrk are transcriptionally upregulated in
neurons undergoing trophic factor deprivation and this event is partially mediated by the
JNK pathway. A handful of recent studies show that JNK may also regulate BH3-onlyproteins Bim, Bad and Bmf by phosphorylation during neuronal apoptosis (Biswas and
Greene, 2002; Donovan et al., 2002; Lei et al., 2002; Putcha et al., 2003), suggesting that
c-Jun may be only one of a number of JNK targets. Since p75NTR-mediated apoptosis
correlates with a number of the same molecules as those activated during trophic factor
deprivation (discussed in Chapter 1), it is possible that p75NTR regulates the BH3domain-only proteins in much the same way as that described above.
Post-translational control-Some BH3-domain-only proteins are maintained in an
inactive form, but become activated following apoptotic stimuli. For example, Bad is
maintained in a hyperphosphorylated form in healthy cells, where it is sequestered by the
scaffold protein, 14-3-3 (Zha et al., 1996). Prosurvival stimuli such as neurotrophins and
growth factors trigger phosphorylation of Bad at Serines 112 and 126, thereby inducing
sequestration of Bad with 14-3-3 (Blume-Jensen et al., 1998; Datta et al., 1997; del Peso
et al., 1997; Zha et al., 1997). However, upon apoptotic stimuli, Bad is phosphorylated at
an additional site, Serine 128, a crucial step in its dissociation from 14-3-3 and
subsequent translocation to the mitochondria (Konishi et al., 2002).
Both Bim and Bmf are controlled post-translationally. Both of these BH3-only
proteins are normally associated with the cytoskeleton, Bim interacting with the LC8
cytoplasmic dynein light chain (Puthalakath et al., 1999) and Bmf interacting with
myosin V (Puthalakath et al., 2001). Upon different apoptotic stimuli, these proteins
dissociate from their cytoskeletal partner and translocate to the mitochondria. Recent
work also shows that phosphorylation of Bim and Bmf potentiates their apoptotic ability
(Biswas and Greene, 2002; Lei and Davis, 2003; Putcha et al., 2003). Finally Bid, which
normally resides in the cytosol, is activated by Caspase-8 cleavage in a Fas-mediated
pathway (Li et al., 1998; Luo et al., 1998; Wang et al., 1996). This cleavage generates a
15kDa C-terminal fragment, termed tBid, which becomes N-myristolated and can then
translocate to the mitochondria (Zha et al, 2000). This latter pathway may amplify rather
than initiate the caspase cascade.
Statements of projects/hypothesis
Given the similarities between apoptotic signals induced by trophic factor
deprivation in neurons and p75NTR activation (discussed in Chapter 1), it is possible that
BH3-domain-only proteins are transcriptionally activated through the JNK pathway
during p75NTR-mediated apoptosis. I hypothesize that p75NTR apoptotic signaling
leads to increases in mRNA and proteins levels of specific BH3-domain only proteins.
Further, I hypothesize that transcription of these BH3-domain-only proteins requires JNK
activity and c-Jun mediated transcription. In order to test these hypotheses, an adenoviral
system was used in which p75NTR was reproducibly introduced into a variety of
heterologous cells to constitutively activate p75NTR apoptotic signaling pathways.
Materials and Methods
Cell culture and infection. The human glioma (U373) cell line was provided by Dr. R.
Del Maestro and maintained in 5% C0 2 at 37° C in either Dulbecco's modified Eagle's
medium (DMEM) or RPMI medium and supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS,
Clontech), 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 jig/ml penicillin/streptomycin.
The rat
pheochromocytoma cell line, PC 12, was maintained as previously described (Roux et al.,
2001) and the PC12rtTa cell line (PC 12) was purchased from Clontech and maintained in
10% C0 2 at 37° C in DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS, 5% horse serum, 2 mM Lglutamine, 100 pg/ml penicillin/streptomycin and 100 pg/ml G418. Cell lines were
plated 18 to 24 hours prior to infection and harvested 24 hours after infection. Primary
cortical cultures were prepared from E14-16 CD1 mouse telencephalon as described
previously (Bhakar et al., 2002). Neuronal cultures were infected prior to plating and
then maintained in vitro for 24 hours in Neurobasal media (Life Technologies)
supplemented with IX B27 supplement (Life Technologies), 2mM L-glutamine, and 100
u.g/ml penicillin/streptomycin.
Semiquantitative R T-PCR. 450,000 U373 cells or primary cortical neurons were infected
with virus and 24 hours later mRNA was isolated using the RNEasy Mini kit according to
the manufacturer's instructions (Qiagen). cDNA was generated using the Omniscript RT
kit (Qiagen) and random hexamers (Roche) as primers. PCR was performed for 30 cycles
using 300 nM of the following primers for U373 cells: (3-actin sense, 5'CACCACTTTCTACAATGAGC; antisense, 5'03Cn?CAC<jATCITCATGAGG; hBIMEL sense,
hBMF sense, 5'(HTC<nxnOGCTGACCTGTTTG; antisense,
For mouse cortical neurons, PCR was performed using the same conditions as above
using the following primers for certain human sequences: mBimEL sense,
mBMF antisense, 5'GTTGCGTATGAAGCCGATGG; mHrk/Dp5 sense,
5'GAACKnGCAGTCCAGTC. For PCR analysis, 5% of the cDNA prepared was used in a
25ul PCR reaction; all of the reaction was separated on a 10% polyacrylamide gel, and
PCR products were visualized under UV light.
Transcriptional activation of BH3-domain-only genes through JNK- and p53dependent pathways is involved in apoptosis in neuronal and non-neuronal models and
we therefore tested whether p75NTR-induced apoptosis was correlated with
accumulation of BH3-domain-only gene products.
To induce p75NTR-dependent
apoptosis, a gain-of-function approach was used in which recombinant adenovirus
expressing p75NTR was introduced into a variety of cell lines. Primary mouse cortical
neurons, Pheochromocytoma PC 12 cells and U343 and U373 glioma cells all showed
reductions in viability as assessed by MTT survival assay when infected with p75NTR
adenovirus, whereas infection with control adenovirus expressing (3-galactosidase (LacZ)
had no significant effect (Figure I, Appendix).
Cortical neurons and U373 cells were infected with either p75NTR or control
adenovirus (LacZ or GFP) and alterations in mRNA levels of the BH3-domain-only
family members Bim, Bmf, Hrk, Bik, Puma, and Noxa were determined by RT-PCR.
mRNA corresponding to each of these family members were readily detected in both
U373 cells (Figure 1A) and in cortical neurons (Figure IB). However, p75NTRdependent alterations in mRNA levels of the BH3-domain-only family were not detected
(Figure 1A & B). These results indicated that p75NTR apoptotic signaling occurs in the
absence of BH3-domain-only transcriptional activation, and suggests that alternate
pathways lead to p75NTR-induced mitochondrial cytochrome C release and caspase
activation (Figure 2, Appendix).
Closing Remarks
BH3-domain-only proteins inhibit the action of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family
members such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL and facilitate the release of cytochrome C, a
prerequisite for caspase activation in the mitochondrial apoptotic cascade. The regulation
of these proteins is now recognized as a crucial step in the apoptotic pathway. In
sympathetic neurons and cerebellar granule neurons, JNK activation results in
phosphorylation of c-Jun which in turn results in transcription of the BH3-domain only
family members Bim and Hrk (Harris and Johnson, 2001; Putcha et al., 2001; Whitfield
et al., 2001), whereas in other systems, p53 activation results in transcription of BH3domain-only family members, Noxa and Puma (Oda et al., 2000; Yu et al., 2001). It was
hypothesized that p75NTR-dependent apoptosis, which results in JNK activation,
involved transcriptional regulation of the BH3-domain only family members. However,
although p75NTR induced JNK-dependent apoptosis in the cell types analyzed, we found
no evidence for transcriptional regulation of BH3-domain only family members.
Some BH3-domain-only proteins are contitutively expressed, but are inactive due
to sequestration by other proteins. For example, the BH3-domain-only protein Bad binds
to scaffold protein, 14-3-3, and Bim and Bmf are sequestered to components of the
cytoskeleton (Puthalakath et al., 1999; Puthalakath et al., 2001; Zha et al., 1996).
Antiapoptotic stimuli, such as growth factors and neurotrophins can render constitutively
expressed BH3-domain-only family members inactive by promoting these protein-protein
interactions (Datta et al., 1997; del Peso et al., 1997). Recent findings have also
demonstrated that the sequestration of Bim, Hrk and Bad can be negatively regulated by
JNK (Biswas and Greene, 2002; Donovan et al., 2002; Lei and Davis, 2003; Putcha et al.,
2003). JNK-dependent phosphorylation of Bad on Serine 128 allows it to dissociate from
14-3-3 and contribute to apoptosis (Donovan et al., 2002). Similarly, UV irradiation of
HEK293 cells results in JNK-dependent phosphorylation of Bmf and Bim releasing these
proteins from their cytoskeletal binding partners and allowing them to exert their function
at the mitochondria (Lei and Davis, 2003).
While BH3-domain-only proteins do not appear to be subject to transcriptional
regulation during apoptosis induced by p75NTR, subsequent work in our laboratory
established that p75NTR-mediated death correlated with the phosphorylation and
accumulation of a higher molecular weight species of the BH3-domain-only protein, Bad
(Figure 8, Appendix). This product was cross-reactive with Bad antibodies raised against
two distinct epitopes as well as the anti-pSerine 128 Bad and therefore likely represents
phospho-Serinel28-Bad within a stable oligomeric complex. Further work established
that JNK activity contributes to this p75NTR-dependent Bad phosphorylation, since
infection of PC 12 cells with adenovirus expressing both p75NTR and a dominantnegative JNK contruct (encoding the JNK-binding domain of JIP) prevented formation of
the Bad oligomeric complex (Figure 8, Appendix). Finally, PC 12 cells transfected with a
dominant negative Bad Serine 128 construct that was previously described (Konishi et
al., 2002), and then infected with p75NTR, were significantly protected from p75NTRinduced apoptosis (Figure 9, Appendix),
indicating that the JNK-Bad pathway is
important for p75NTR-induced death.
Our data show that p75NTR induces JNK-dependent phosphorylation and
oligomerization of Bad. Furthermore, loss-of-function experiments using dominant
negatives and RNA interference demonstrated a role for Bad in p75NTR-induced
apoptosis. These findings link cell surface receptor activation to the post-translational
regulation of BH3-domain-only family members and indicate how p75NTR-dependent
JNK activation can contribute to apoptosis.
Figure Legends
Figure 1. p75NTR does not transcriptionally regulate BH3-domain-only proteins.
A. Cortical neurons were infected with 0, 50, or 200 MOI of adenovirus encoding figalactosidase (LacZ) or p75NTR (p75) and 24 hours later mRNA was isolated as
described in Materials and Methods. cDNA was generated and then PCR was performed
using primers directed against Bim, Bmf, Hrk, Bik, Puma, Noxa, p75NTR and Actin as
indicated. The multiple bands in the Bim RT-PCR reflect different isoforms, BimEL,
BimL and Bims.
B. Human glioma U373 cells were infected with 0 or 100 MOI of adenovirus encoding
Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) or p75NTR (p75) and analysed as described above.
p75NTR expression in these experiments was verified by immunoblot (data not shown).
GFP p75
0 100 100
0 50 200 50 200
W^^^W • ^ • ' V
kW Uw i,J LJ
**w kari Iw4 * w
^;..|r^ ^ J
Figure 1
Preface to Chapter 3
p75NTR functions include enhancing Trk receptor signaling, interacting with the
Nogo receptor to mediate neuritic growth inhibition, and initiating autonomous signaling
cascades that regulate growth, survival and apoptosis. The generation of animals that
lack p75NTR expression has been a critical advance in understanding the in vivo role of
this receptor. Recent studies have indicated that disruption of Exon IV produces a null
mouse lacking all p75NTR gene products (p75NTRExonlv-/-) whereas mice containing a
disruption of Exon III (p75NTRExonI11-/-) show no full-length p75NTR expression yet
maintain expression of an alternatively spliced form of p75NTR (s-p75NTR)(von Schack
In this chapter, our initial characterization of the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice revealed
that they express a p75NTR gene product that encodes a truncated protein containing the
extracellular stalk region together with the entire transmembrane and intracellular
domains. The gene product is initiated from a cryptic Kozak consensus/initiator ATG
sequence within a region of Exon IV located 3' to the pGK-Neo insertion site, likely as a
result of enhancer elements within the inserted pGK-Neo cassette. Characterization of
the protein product indicated that it was localized to the plasma membrane.
Overexpression of this fragment in heterologous cells resulted in activation of JNK and
cleavage of Procaspase 3, indicating that it can mediate pro-apoptotic effects in vivo.
These results indicate that aspects of the p75NTRExonIV/"phenotype may reflect a gain-offunction
Chapter 3: A pro-apoptotic fragment of the p75 neurotrophin receptor is expressed
in P75NTRExonJV null mice
A pro-apoptotic fragment of the pir5 neurotrophin receptor is
expressed in p75NTRExonIV null mice
Christine E. Paul and Philip A. Barker
Centre for Neuronal Survival, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, 3801
University Ave, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2B4
Running title: Aberrantp75NTR expression inp75NTRExmUV-/-mice
Number of text pages: 16
Number of words:
Introduction: 464
Discussion: 421
Total characters: 25,626
Number of figures: 3
Philip A. Barker
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University
3801 University Ave
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
Fax: (514)-398-5214
Email: [email protected]
We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Genevieve Dorval,
Kathleen Dickson and Asha Barker in colony maintenance, genotyping, tissue dissection,
and subcloning, and thank Wayne Sossin for helpful comments on the manuscript. The
p75NTRExonlv-/- mice were a kind gift of Georg Dechant (University of Innsbruck). This
work was supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PAB).
CEP is supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council scholarship
and PAB is a Scientist of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) binds members of the neurotrophin
family and regulates neuronal survival, apoptosis and growth during development and
after nervous system injury. Recent studies have indicated that disruption of p75NTR
Exon IV in mice results in a p75NTR null strain gene whereas mice lacking Exon III are
hypomorphs that express a p75NTR splice variant. We report that p75NTRExonlv -/- mice
produce a p75NTR gene product that encodes a truncated protein containing the
extracellular stalk region together with the entire transmembrane and intracellular
domains. Expression of this fragment activates pro-apoptotic signaling cascades that
result in cleavage of Procaspase 3, indicating that it can mediate pro-apoptotic effects in
vivo. These results indicate that aspects of the p75NTRExonIV -/- phenotype may reflect a
gain-of-function mutation rather than a loss of p75NTR function.
p75NTR is a receptor for the neurotrophins, a family of growth factors that
includes nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),
neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5). Along with the Trk tyrosine
kinase receptors, p75NTR mediates the diverse functions of the neurotrophins. The Trk
receptors show neurotrophin binding specificity and are generally associated with
regulation of neuronal growth, differentiation and survival.
p75NTR binds all
neurotrophins with approximately equal affinity and its functions include enhancing Trk
receptor signaling and initiating autonomous signaling cascades that regulate growth,
survival and apoptosis (Barrett, 2000; Roux and Barker, 2002). Recent work also
indicates that p75NTR is a component of a receptor complex that mediates growth
inhibition in response to myelin inhibitory proteins, MAG and Nogo (Kaplan and Miller,
2003; McKerracher and Winton, 2002).
To address the in vivo role of p75NTR, Lee and colleagues (Lee et al., 1992)
constructed a p75NTR knockout mouse in which Exon III of the p75NTR locus was
targeted for deletion (p75NTRExonI11-/-). This mouse exhibited profound deficits in the
peripheral nervous system, and neonatal sympathetic and embryonic sensory neurons
derived from these animals showed reduced sensitivity to NGF and deficits in
developmental and injury-induced apoptosis (Davies et al., 1993; Lee et al., 1994).
However, recent studies indicate that the p75NTR locus produces an alternatively spliced
isoform of p75NTR (s-p75NTR) that lacks Exon III (von Schack et al., 2001). This
transcript, which is present in both wild type and p75NTRExonin-/- mice, produces a
protein product that lacks the portion of the extracellular domain responsible for
neurotrophin binding. To produce animals deficient in p75NTR expression, von Schack
and colleagues targeted the fourth exon of the p75NTR gene to generate p75NTRExonIV-/-
mice (von Schack et al., 2001). These animals produce neither full-length p75NTR nor sp75NTR and exhibit severe nervous system and vascular system defects. About 40% of
p75NTRExonlv-/- mice do not survive beyond the perinatal period.
Here we report that the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice express a p75NTR gene product.
This fragment has an apparent molecular weight of 26 kDa and is not observed in
wildtype animals, shows moderate expression in heterozygotes and is most highly
expressed in p75NTRExonIV-/- animals. RT-PCR analysis revealed that this protein
expression pattern correlates with the aberrant expression of a p75NTR mRNA that is
initiated 3' to the inserted pGK-neo cassette. The resulting protein encodes a portion of
the extracellular stalk region, and the entire transmembrane and intracellular domains.
This fragment is likely produced through utilization of an enhancer sequence within the
pGK-Neo cassette inserted into Exon IV. When overexpressed, the p75NTRExon IV gene
product activates p75NTR signaling cascades that result in JNK phosphorylation and
Procaspase 3 cleavage. The signaling properties of this p75NTR fragment suggest that
some of the phenotypes observed within the p75NTRExonIV-/- mouse may be due to gainof-function rather than loss-of-function mutations.
Materials and Methods
Materials-Cell culture reagents were purchased from BioWhittaker unless otherwise
indicated. The JNK antibody (C-17, cat #sc-474) was purchased from Santa Cruz
Biotechnology and the Bcl-2 antibody (cat #6620) was purchased from BD Biosciences.
Cleaved caspase-3 (Aspl75; cat #9661), phospho-Thrl83/Tyrl85 JNK (G9, cat #9255),
phospho-Thr69/71 ATF-2 (cat #9225S), ATF-2 (cat #9222), and IKB (cat #9242) specific
antibodies were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology. All other reagents were
from Sigma or ICN Biochemicals unless otherwise indicated.
Animal colonies and genotyping-The p75NTRExonI" mutation was generated as described
previously (Lee et al., 1992) and mice bearing this mutation were obtained from the
Jackson Laboratories and interbred on a C57BL/6 background via heterozygous matings.
Genotyping for the p75NTRExonin mice was done on tail genomic DNA by PCR with
primers within Intron II (p75-lntll, 5'-(XATGCrCCTATGGCTACTA), Intron III
(p75IntIII, 5'-(XTCCCATTCC<JCGTCAGCC) and the pGK-Neo cassette inserted in Exon
III (pGK, 5'-GGGAAClTCCTGACTAGGGG). PCR parameters were 94°C for 150 s; 94°C
followed by 30 cycles at for 1 min, 60°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min. The p75NTRExonIV
mutation was generated as previously described (von Schack et al., 2001) and mice
bearing this mutation were obtained from the lab of Georg Dechant (University of
Innsbruck) and maintained on a C57BL/6 background. Genotyping for the p75NTRExonIV
mice was performed on tail genomic DNA by PCR using primers directed to Exon IV
and to the inserted neo cassette as described (von Schack et al., 2001).
Tissue processing and immunoblotting- PI brain, cerebellum and heart tissues were lysed
in Nonidet P-40 lysis buffer (lOmM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 1%
Nonidet P-40, 1 protease inhibitor cocktail tablet (Roche, Cat No 1836153) dissolved in
10 ml buffer), subjected to 30 seconds of high-speed homogenization, followed by
centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C and removal of pelleted material. Protein
concentrations were determined using the BCA assay kit from Pierce. 25-50 ixg of
protein was solubilized in Laemmli sample buffer, separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis, and electroblotted onto nitrocellulose. p75NTR immunoreactivity was
detected using a rabbit polyclonal antibody (p75NTR-Pl) raised against amino acids 276425 of rat p75NTR-ICD, as previously described (Barker and Shooter, 1994) or an
antibody directed against human p75NTR ICD (Promega cat #G3231). Blocking and
antibody incubations of immunoblots were performed in Tris-buffered saline/Tween
(lOmM Tris, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl and 0.2% Tween) supplemented with 5% (w/v) dried
skim milk powder, except for those involving phospho-specific antibodies which were
performed in Tris-buffered saline/Tween supplemented with 2% (w/v) bovine serum
Horseradish peroxidase conjugated
donkey anti-IgGs
Immunoresearch Laboratories, Inc) were used at a dilution of 1:5000. Immunoreactive
bands were detected using enhanced chemiluminescence (PerkinElmer Life Sciences)
according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Reverse transcription-PCR analysis- mRNA was isolated from PI brain using the Qiagen
RNEasy Mini kit according to the manufacturer's instructions. cDNA was generated
using the Qiagen Omniscript RT kit and random hexamers (Roche) as primers. PCR was
performed for 30 cycles (94°C for 1 min, 58°C for 1 min, 72°C for 1 min) using 300 nM
CACCACCTCCAGAGCGAGACCTCATAG; p75NTR ExonVI (1467-1448) antisense, 5'GAACATCAGCGGTCGGAATG. PCR was performed using primers directed against Exon
I and Exon III for a total of 30 cycles (94°C for 1 min, 4 cycles of 68 °C for 1 min, 8
cycles of 68 °C for 1 min ramping down by 1 °C each cycle, 18 cycles of 60 °C for 1 min,
extension for each cycle was 72°C for 1 min) using the following primers:
20 LII of the reaction products were separated on a 1%
agarose gel, and PCR products were visualized under UV light.
Construction of mammalian expression vector - To clone the p75NTRExonIV construct into
a mammalian expression vector, an RT-PCR reaction was prepared using primers
directed against mouse p75NTR Exon IV-IV (bp 791-1467 within mouse p75NTR cDNA
(gi 23468246)). The PCR reaction product was gel purified using a Qiaquick Gel
Extraction kit, ligated into pENTR/D-TOPO vector (Invitrogen) and sequenced (Bio
S&T, Montreal, QC). The cDNA was then ligated into the GATEWAY pDEST12.2
mammalian expression vector in a recombination reaction that made use of the attLl and
attL2 sites within both the pENTR/D-TOPO and the pDEST12.2 vectors according to the
manufacturer's instructions (Invitrogen).
Cell culture and transfection - HEK293T cells and COS-7 cells were maintained in 5%
C0 2 at 37°C in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 10% bovine serum
(BCS), 2 mM L-glutamine and 100 ug/ml penicillin/streptomycin.
The rat
pheochromocytoma cell line PC 12 was maintained in 10% C0 2 in Dulbecco's modified
Eagle's medium with 5% BCS, 5% horse serum, 2 mM L-glutamine and 100 ug/ml
penicillin/streptomycin. 350,000 PC 12 or 293T cells plated onto a 6-well plate were
transfected using LipofectAMINE 2000 (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer's
instructions and were subsequently lysed in Laemmli sample buffer and analyzed by
SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting.
Subcellular fractionation - All manipulations were performed at 4°C. PI brain tissues
were lysed in homogenization buffer (20 mM Hepes, pH 7.4, 1 mM EDTA, 255 mM
sucrose, 1 protease inhibitor cocktail tablet (Roche, Cat No 1836153)) and then
centrifuged at 600g for 5 min. The supernatant was centrifuged at 10,000g and the pellet
obtained was designated heavy membrane. The supernatant was centrifuged at 100,000g
and the pellet was designated light membrane and the resulting supernatant, designated
Immunocytochemistry- 25,000 COS-7 cells were plated onto coverslips in wells of a 24well plate, transfected as above, then fixed for 30 minutes in 2% PFA in PBS
supplemented with 10 mM MgCl2. Coverslips were incubated in 2% donkey and 0.2%
Triton X-100 in PBS for 60 min, followed by overnight incubation at 4°C with polyclonal
antibodies directed against p75NTR (p75NTR-Pl, 1:1000) and with monoclonal
antibodies directed against nucleolin (1:1000). Primary antibodies were diluted in PBS
containing 2% donkey serum. Cells were then rinsed three times with PBS, followed by
incubation for 60 min at room temperature in Cy3-labeled anti-rabbit IgG (1:1000;
Jackson Laboratories), FITC-labeled anti-mouse IgG (1:1000; Jackson Laboratories) and
Hoescht 33258 (1:10,000; Molecular Probes). Stained cells were analyzed on a Zeiss 510
confocal microscope.
A fragment ofp75NTR is expressed in p75NTRExon,v-l- mice
Expression analysis of p75NTR in mice bearing mutations within Exon III or
Exon IV of the p75NTR locus was performed.
As expected, PI brain lysates of
p75NTRExonI11-/- mice contained no full-length p75NTR (Figure 2A, lane 3) and PI brain
lysates from p75NTRExonIV/-mice also lacked full-length p75NTR (Figure 2A, lane 6).
Surprisingly, we found that mice bearing either one or two copies of the p75NTRExonIV
mutation contained a 26 kDa protein that was immunoreactive with two distinct
antibodies directed against the p75NTR intracellular domain (Figure 2A, lanes 5 and 6).
This 26 kDa band was not present in wild-type mice, nor was it detected in mice with
p75NTRExonUI mutations (Figure 2A, lanes 1-4). The genotype-specific expression profile
of the 26 kDa band was also observed in lysates derived from cerebellum and heart of PI
p75NTRExonIV wild-type, heterozygous and null littermates (Figure 2B, lanes 2,3 and
lanes 5,6). In heart lysates from wild-type mice, full-length p75NTR was present at low
levels and the 26 kDa species was not detected. However, the 26 kDa protein was
relatively abundant in heterozygote and null mice in the same litter. To determine if the
increase in the 26kDa protein reflected an increase in transcription of p75NTR, RT-PCR
was performed on PI brain cDNAs derived from p75NTRExonIV wild-type, heterozygous
and null littermates, using primers directed to ExonV and ExonVI of the p75NTR locus
(which encode the portion of the intracellular domain indicated in Figure 2C). This
fragment of the p75NTR mRNA was transcribed at higher levels in mice bearing the
p75NTRExonIV mutant allele (Figure 2D) than in wild-type littermates whereas levels of
fj-actin mRNA were maintained across all genotypes. Collectively, these data indicated
that a truncated p75NTR gene product is produced as both mRNA and protein in
p75NTRExonIV-/- mice.
of the transmembrane
and intracellular
domains of p75NTR in
p75NTRExonlv -I- mice is the result ofpGK-Neo cassette insertion
To generate the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice, von Schack and colleagues inserted a pGKNeo cassette into an Aatll restriction site within Exon IV of mouse p75NTR (von Schack
et al., 2001). Several studies indicate that the retention of this selectable marker (a hybrid
gene consisting of the phosphoglycerate kinase I promoter driving the neomycin
phosphotransferase gene) in targeted loci of "knockout" mice can cause unexpected
phenotypes due to effects on flanking genes (Olson et al., 1996; Pham et al., 1996) and
we reasoned that pGK-Neo may lead to aberrant expression of 3' gene products in the
p75NTR locus. To determine whether the inserted pGK-Neo cassette affected the
transcription of p75NTR in p75NTRExonIV-/- mice, we designed primers to amplify cDNA
produced upstream and downstream of the pGK-Neo cassette placed within the p75NTR
gene (shown schematically in Figure 3A), and performed RT-PCR on PI brain mRNA
from p75NTRExonIV wildtype, heterozygous and null littermates. Figure 3A shows that
levels of p75NTR mRNA derived from a portion of the p75NTR locus located 5' to the
pGK-Neo insertion site were significantly reduced in brains from PI mice bearing the
p75NTRExonIV mutation, likely due to mRNA instability due to absence of a polyA tail on
the 3' end of mRNAs driven off the endogenous p75NTR promoter. In contrast, levels of
p75NTR mRNA derived from a portion of the gene located 3' to the pGK-Neo insertion
site was significantly enhanced in these same brains, suggesting that enhancer sequences
within the pGK-Neo cassette are responsible for transcription of 3' fragments of the
p75NTR gene in p75NTRExonIV-/- mice.
We next tried to identify the fragment of p75NTR expressed in the p75NTRExonIV
-/- mice. Direct cloning by RACE-PCR was unsuccessful due to the presence of a strong
reverse transcription stop within the cDNA that invariably produced truncated products
(data not shown). We therefore scanned the sequence 3' to the pGK-neo insertion site to
identify in-frame ATG codons that were flanked by potential cryptic Kozak consensus
sequences. One candidate (nt 846-848) was identified as the ATG codon closest to the
pGK-Neo insertion site (nt 760), and RT-PCR was used to determine if cDNA containing
this putative start site could be directly cloned from PI brains of p75NTRExonIV-/- mice.
Figure 3B shows the sequence of the 676 bp cDNA containing nucleotides 791-1467 that
was cloned from the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice. The predicted protein encoded by this
fragment will produce a 187 amino-acid fragment of p75NTR containing a small portion
of the extracellular stalk together with the entire transmembrane and intracellular
domains of the receptor (shown schematically in Figure 3C). To confirm that this
fragment could mediate protein expression, the p75NTRExonIV-/- cDNA was subcloned
into a mammalian expression vector and transfected into HEK293 cells. Figure 3D shows
that the p75NTRExonIV-/- cDNA directed abundant expression of a p75NTR fragment that
perfectly co-migrates with the protein product identified within p75NTRExonIV-/- brain
Recombinant p75NTRExonlvprotein expression induces Caspase 3 cleavage
The p75NTR fragment produced in the p75NTRExonIV-/- mouse lacks the signal
sequence necessary for membrane insertion, but retains the hydrophobic transmembrane
domain. To determine if the p75NTRExonIV product is membrane-associated, PI brains
from p75NTRExon
heterozygote and null littermates were subjected to subcellular
fractionation. Figure 4A shows that the 26 kDa p75NTRExon
protein is lacking in
cytosolic fractions, but is enriched in heavy and light membrane fractions, similar to the
distribution of full-length p75NTR. To further characterize the subcellular localization of
the p75NTRExon
product, COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with the
p75NTRExonIV-/- cDNA and immunocytochemistry was performed using antibodies
directed against p75NTR and nucleolin, used a a nuclear marker. Figure 4B shows that
protein is excluded from the nucleus but is detected at the plasma
membrane and within the cytosol, where it is presumably associated with intracellular
Together these results indicate that the p75NTRExonIV fragment is a
membrane-associated protein.
We have previously shown that the p75NTR intracellular domain can initiate
p75NTR signaling events when produced as a truncated protein (Majdan et al., 1997;
Roux et al., 2001) and therefore we tested the possibility that the p75NTRExonIV protein
can similarly activate p75NTR signaling cascades. Figure 4C shows that expression of
the p75NTRExonIV protein in PC 12 cells induced Procaspase-3 cleavage that was reduced
by co-expression of Bcl-2, indicating that p75NTRExonIV protein can induce activation of
the intrinsic death pathway. Similar results were obtained in 293T cells that do not
express endogenous p75NTR (data not shown), indicating that p75NTRExonIV protein can
elicit these signals regardless of the presence of full-length p75NTR. Several reports
show that p75NTR apoptotic signals involves activation of the c-Jun kinase pathway
(Friedman, 2000; Harrington et al., 2002) and Figure 4D shows that expression of the
p75NTRExonIV protein in PC 12 cells induced JNK phosphorylation as well as
phosphorylation of ATF-2, a well characterized JNK target (Eilers et al., 2001; van Dam
et al., 1995). The phosphorylation of these molecules was increased somewhat by coexpression of Bcl-2, likely due to Bcl-2-dependent suppression of caspase-dependent
death in transfected cells.
Together, these data show that overexpression of the
p75NTRExonlv protein is capable of activating p75NTR signaling cascades.
Our results show that p75NTRExonlv-/- mice express a fragment of the p75NTR
protein that contains a portion of the extracellular domain and the complete
transmembrane and intracellular domains. The genotype-specific expression profile of
this fragment is consistent with the hypothesis that the pGK-Neo cassette inserted into
Exon IV of the p75NTR gene is responsible for this expression pattern. When expressed
in heterologous cells, this p75NTR fragment is membrane-associated where it may
activate p75NTR signaling cascades that include JNK activation and Procaspase-3
The PGK-1 promoter and enhancer sequence functions in an orientation and a
position-independent manner (McBurney et al., 1991) and several groups have
demonstrated that retention of the pGK-Neo cassette in targeted loci can profoundly
influence the expression of surrounding genes upstream and downstream from the
cassette (Olson et al., 1996; Pham et al., 1996). Our results suggest that the pGK-Neo
cassette placed within Exon IV of p75NTR results in aberrant transcription of the
adjacent 3' portion of the gene which, due to the presence of a cryptic Kozak consensus
sequence in Exon IV, results in production of the p75NTRExon IV protein product.
Initial characterization of the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice revealed severe peripheral
neuron loss as well as dilation and ruptures within large blood vessel (von Schack et al.,
2001). We have demonstrated that the p75NTRExon IV protein was highly expressed in
heart lysates of PI p75NTRExonIV/"mice and have shown that the p75NTRExon IV protein
product can activate p75NTR signaling cascades that result in Procaspase-3 cleavage.
Our previous studies have shown that expression of the p75NTR intracellular domain
within neurons of transgenic mice can induce apoptosis of peripheral and central neurons
in vivo (Majdan et al., 1997) and together, these findings raise the possibility that some
characteristics of the p75NTRExon IV mouse are due to gain-of-function mutations rather
than loss of p75NTR function. At a minimum, the presence of the p75NTRExonlv protein
product in these animals indicate that the cellular basis for observed phenotypes should
be interpreted with caution.
Although p75NTR was the founding member of the TNF receptor superfamily
and was the first identified neurotrophin receptor, its physiological function has not been
completely elucidated. Recent findings indicate roles that range from promotion of
survival pathways, induction of apoptosis, effects on cell cycle and differentiation, and
facilitation or inhibition of growth (Barrett, 2000; Kaplan and Miller, 2003; McKerracher
and Winton, 2002; Roux and Barker, 2002). Generation of strains of mice that are
rendered null for p75NTR gene products remains an important requirement for the
elucidation of its biological activities.
Figure Legends
Figure 2. A portion of p75NTR is expressed and transcribed in p75NTRExonIV' mice.
A, PI brain lysates from p75NTRExonI" and p75NTRExonIV wild-type (+/+), heterozygous
(+/-) and null (-/-) littermates were separated on a 15% SDS-PAGE gel, followed by
immunoblotting with two antibodies specific to the p75NTR-ICD (see Materials and
Arrowheads indicate full-length p75NTR and a ~26 kDa band present in
lysates from mice bearing the p75NTRExonIV mutant allele. Blots were reprobed for (3IIItubulin to verify equal loading. B, PI cerebellar and heart lysates from p75NTRExonIV
wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (+/-) and null (-/-) littermates were prepared and subjected
to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting as described above. C, Schematic diagram showing
the genomic structure of the mouse p75NTR locus and corresponding protein domains.
D, RNA was isolated from PI brain lysates of p75NTRExonIV wild-type (+/+),
heterozygous (+/-) and null (-/-) littermates. cDNA was prepared in the presence and
absence of reverse transcriptase (+ and - RT), followed by RT-PCR using primers for
(3-actin and for p75NTR-ICD. Arrows in Panel C indicate location of primers used for
this analysis. Experiments in Panels A, B and D were repeated 3 times with identical
Figure 3. Transcription of p75NTR fragment in p75NTRExonIV mice is the result of
pGK-Neo cassette insertion into the p75NTRExonIV targeting vector. A, cDNA from
PI brain lysates of p75NTRExonlv wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (+/-) and null (-/-)
littermates prepared as described in Fig 1, followed by RT-PCR using primers for |3-actin
or regions of p75NTR upstream or downstream of the pGK-Neo cassette insertion in the
p75NTRExonIV targeting vector. The schematic diagram shows the p75NTR open reading
frame with arrows indicating location of primers used for RT-PCR analysis. B,
Alignment of mouse p75NTR (p75) cDNA sequence with p75NTR transcript cloned
from p75NTRExonIV/" mice. The putative start codon is underlined and putative Kozak
sequence boxed. Vertical lines indicate Exon IV-V and Exon V-VI junctions and boxes
underneath the sequence denote protein domains. C, Schematic diagram showing the
protein domains of mouse p75NTR and p75NTRExonIV proteins. D, Recombinant
p75NTRExonIV protein co-migrates with ~26 kDa protein present in PI brain lysates from
p75NTRExonIV null (-/-) mice. PI brain lysates from p75NTRExonIV wild-type (+/+),
heterozygous (+/-) and null (-/-) littermates were separated on a 15% SDS-PAGE gel
alongside lysates from 293T cells transiently transfected with plasmids encoding
p75NTRExonlv (Exon IV) or the parental vector (Mock). Immunoblotting was performed
as described in Fig 1 using a-p75NTR-Pl. Arrowheads indicate FL-p75NTR (upper) and
p75NTRExonIV (lower). Experiments in Panels A and D were repeated 3 times with
identical results.
Figure 4. p75NTRExonIV is membrane-associated and induces caspase zymogen
cleavage and JNK phosphorylation. A, PI brains from p75NTRExonIV heterozygote
(ExonlV +/-) and null (Exon IV -/-) littermates were subjected to subcellular fractionation
and fractions were analyzed by immunoblot. C denotes cytosolic fractions, Ml denotes
heavy membrane fraction and M2 denotes light membrane fraction. B, COS-7 cells were
transiently transfected for twenty-four hours with plasmids encoding either p75NTRExonIV
or encoding the p75NTR intracellular domain tagged with a myristoylation sequence,
which is targeted to the plasma membrane (Roux et al., 2001).
The cells were
subsequently fixed and stained with a-p75NTR-Pl and ct-nucleolin, a nuclear marker.
Left-hand panels show p75NTR staining using a Cy3-labeled donkey-anti-rabbit
secondary antibody, middle panels show nucleolin staining using a FITC-labeled donkeyanti-mouse secondary antibody, and right-hand panels show merged images. C,
p75NTRExonIV protein expression induces caspase zymogen cleavage. PC 12 cells were
transfected with control plasmid (pDEST 12.2) or plasmid expressing p75NTRExonlv
(Exon IV), in the presence or absence of plasmid expressing Bcl-2. Cells were lysed
forty-eight hours after transfection and analyzed by immunoblot to detect p75NTR and
Bcl-2 and, using cleavage-specific antibodies, to detect active caspase-3. IKBCX levels
were analyzed by immunoblot to confirm equal loading between lanes. Staurosporine
treatment was used as a positive control for caspase cleavage. D, p75NTRExonIV protein
expression induces phosphorylation of Jun kinase and ATF-2. PC 12 cells were left
untransfected or were transfected with 2 ug of plasmids encoding a control plasmid
(pcDNA3), or a clone of p75NTRExonIV protein (Exon IV) in the presence and absence of 2
ug of plasmid encoding Bcl-2. Cells were lysed twenty-four hours after transfection and
analyzed for levels of phospho-Thrl83/Tyrl85-JNK and total JNK, or phosphoThr69/71-ATF-2 and total ATF-2. Panels A, B, and C were repeated 3 times with
identical results.
Exon IV
+/+ +/- -/- +/+ +/- -/-
+/+ +/- -/-
+/+ +/- -/-
83 —
62 —
83 —
62 —
33— I
33 —
25 —
25 —
17 —
17 —
83 —
62 —
83 —
62 —
33 —
25 —
25 —
17 —
17 —
48 —
- - a-p75NTR
33 —
a - p i l l tubulin
48 —
a-p||| tubulin
452 bp
I - li H
- IV
- VI
V — V
Cysteine-Rich Domains
+ RT
+/+ +/- -/500 bp
300 bp
+/+ +/- -/-
Figure 2
+ RT
+/- •/•
+/- -/ACTIN
Exon IV-VI (676 bp)
Exon l-lll (540 bp)
Transmembrane domain
CvtoDlasrtuc domain
Death domain
P 75
Cysleine-Rich Domains
p75NTR e
Figure 3
293 T
Exon IV +/C M1 M2
Exon IV -/C M1 M2
83 —
62 —
- ^ " ~
33 —
_ _ _
25 —
- ExonlV
48 •
mm - p 4 6 | ^
- p55
4883 •
62 •
• Bcl-2
83 •
62 •
- p46
; . IKBO
3325 •
17 2517-
Figure 4
• Bcl-2
Closing Remarks
p75NTR plays an important role in the regulation of neuronal survival, apoptosis
and growth during both development and after injury in the adult nervous system, and the
signal transduction mechanisms that regulate these events are beginning to emerge. In
the first part of this thesis, I addressed an aspect of p75NTR-dependent apoptotic
signaling, in which the transcriptional events following JNK phosphorylation induced by
p75NTR activation were analyzed. In neurons deprived of trophic factor, JNK activation
results in phosphorylation of c-Jun which in turn promotes transcription of the BH3domain-only family members Bim and Hrk, proteins that facilitate Cytochrome C release
from the mitochondria (Harris and Johnson, 2001; Putcha et al., 2001; Whitfield et al.,
Given these data, it was hypothesized that p75NTR-dependent apoptosis
induced transcription of distinct BH3-domain only proteins. However, although p75NTR
induced JNK-dependent apoptosis in the cell types analyzed, no evidence for
transcriptional regulation of BH3-domain only family members was observed.
While BH3-domain-only proteins do not appear to be subject to transcriptional
regulation during apoptosis induced by p75NTR, subsequent work in our laboratory
established that p75NTR-mediated death correlated with the phosphorylation on
Serine 128 of BH3-domain-only family member, Bad. This work established that JNK is
responsible for this p75NTR-dependent Bad phosphorylation, since JNK inhibition
reduced the phosphorylation of Bad. Further, use of a dominant negative Bad Serine 128
significantly protected cells infected with p75NTR from p75NTR-induced apoptosis,
indicating that the JNK-Bad pathway is important for p75NTR-induced death. Future
studies using cultured neurons from Bad -/- mice will lend in vivo weight to the argument
that Bad is an important component of p75NTR-dependent cell death signaling.
During the second part of my M.Sc, I showed that p75NTRExonIV-/- mice express a
fragment of the p75NTR protein that contains a portion of the extracellular domain and
the complete transmembrane and intracellular domains.
The genotype-specific
expression profile of this fragment is consistent with the hypothesis that the pGK-Neo
cassette inserted into Exon IV of the p75NTR gene is responsible for this expression
pattern. When expressed in heterologous cells, this p75NTR fragment is membraneassociated where it may activate p75NTR signaling cascades that include JNK activation
and Procaspase-3 cleavage.
These results reverse the conclusions made by the Dechant group (von Schack et
al., 2001) that the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice represent a "complete" knockout in comparison
with the earlier p75NTRExonI11-/- mice (Lee et al., 1992). Evidence for this is based on RTPCR results using primers directed against the p75NTR intracellular domain, where it
was shown that mRNAs derived from this portion of p75NTR was increased as a function
of p75NTRExonIV mutant alleles. Immunoblots using two different antibodies directed
against the p75NTR intracellular domain also showed the same genotype-specific profile.
While there is some concern that the 26 kDa protein observed in mice with p75NTRExonIV
mutations might reflect cross-reaction of p75NTR antibodies with proteins that bear
homology to p75NTR such as PLAIDD (Frankowski et al., 2002), the RT-PCR data
provides compelling evidence that the intracellular domain of p75NTR is aberrantly
produced in the p75NTRExonIV-/- mice.
Our results suggest that the pGK-Neo cassette placed within Exon IV of p75NTR
results in aberrant transcription of the adjacent 3' portion of the gene which, due to the
presence of a cryptic Kozak consensus sequence in Exon IV, results in production of the
p75NTRExon IV protein product. The PGK-1 promoter and enhancer sequence functions in
an orientation and a position-independent manner (McBurney et al., 1991) and several
groups have demonstrated that retention of the pGK-Neo cassette in targeted loci can
profoundly influence the expression of surrounding genes upstream and downstream
from the cassette (Olson et al., 1996; Pham et al., 1996). One study examined targeted
mutations in two multigene clusters, the granzyme B locus and the (3-like globin gene
cluster and found that the pGK-Neo insertion abrogated the expression of multiple genes
both upstream and downstream from the cassette (Pham et al., 1996). Other examples of
this phenomenon have also been suggested in mice with targeted mutations of the
myogenic basis helix-loop-helix gene MRF4, the Igk light chain intronic enhancer, and
individual genes in the Hox gene clusters (Horan et al., 1995; Horan et al., 1994;
Jeannotte et al., 1993; Kostic and Capecchi, 1994; Ramirez-Solis et al., 1993; Zhang et
al., 1995). Our results are novel in that they suggest that retention of pGK-Neo
effectively induces rather than abrogates transcription of an adjacent portion of p75NTR,
and we cannot rule out the possibility that nearby genes are also affected. Our findings,
along with others, underscore the unpredictable phenotypes that can result from retained
pGK-Neo cassettes.
Initial characterization of the p75NTRExonlv-/- mice revealed severe peripheral
neuron loss as well as dilation and ruptures within large blood vessel (von Schack et al,
2001). We have demonstrated that the p75NTRExon IV protein was highly expressed in
heart lysates of PI p75NTRExonlv/-mice and have shown that the p75NTRExon ,v protein
product can activate p75NTR signaling cascades that result in Procaspase-3 cleavage.
Our previous studies have shown that expression of the p75NTR intracellular domain
within neurons of transgenic mice can induce apoptosis of peripheral and central neurons
in vivo (Majdan et al., 1997) and together, these findings raise the possibility that some
characteristics of the p75NTRExon IV mouse are due to gain-of-function mutations rather
than loss of p75NTR function.
At a minimum, the presence of the p75NTRExonIV protein product in these animals
indicates that previously observed phenotypes should be interpreted with caution. In
particular, the increased number of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in p75NTRExonIV/"
mice warrants re-interpretation (Naumann et al., 2002). The actions of p75NTR are
complex and reports from ourselves and several other groups have shown that p75NTR
can, in some circumstances, induce a survival response, through activation of Akt
(DeFreitas et al., 2001; Descamps et al., 2001; Roux et al., 2001). We have tested
whether the aberrant p75NTR product detected in the p75NTRExonIV-/- is capable of
activating survival pathways and observed increased phosphorylation of Akt in PC 12 and
HEK293 cells transfected with the p75NTRExonIV protein product (data not shown). Thus,
the aberrant p75NTR product is capable of activating antagonistic pathways similar to
those elicited by the intact receptor and this suggests that the effects of aberrant p75NTR
product will vary as a function of tissue-specific expression levels and with specific
cellular contexts. The Dechant group showed increased survival of basal forebrain
cholinergic neurons of p75NTRExonIV-/- mice (Naumann et al., 2002) and, when coupled
with our data, two possibilities emerge. First, these neurons may express little or no
truncated p75NTR and this phenotype may reflect a bona fide p75NTR loss of function
phenotype. Alternatively, increased survival of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons
observed in the p75NTRExonIV -/- mice may reflect a survival gain-of-function effect due
to the activation of Akt induced by expression of the aberrant p75NTR product. Further
analysis of the p75NTRExonlv expression in the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons of
p75NTRExonIV -/- mice would help to resolve this issue.
Although p75NTR was the first discovered member of the TNF receptor
superfamily and was the first identified neurotrophin receptor, its physiological function
has not been completely elucidated. Recent findings indicate roles that range from
promotion of survival pathways, induction of apoptosis, effects on cell cycle and
differentiation, and facilitation or inhibition of growth (Barrett, 2000; Kaplan and Miller,
2003; McKerracher and Winton, 2002; Roux and Barker, 2002). Generation of strains of
mice that are rendered null for p75NTR gene products remains an absolute requirement
for the elucidation of its biological activities.
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Section Editor: Gary Westbrook
Senior Editor: David Ginty
Apoptosis Induced by p75NTR Requires Jun Kinase-dependent Phosphorylation of
Asha L. Bhakar1, Jenny L. Howell1, Christine E. Paul1, Amir H. Salehi1, Esther B. E.
Becker2, Farid Said3, Azad Bonni2 and Philip A. Barker1.
'Centre for Neuronal Survival, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, 3801
University Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4.
department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 02115
Aegera Therapeutics Inc., 810 Golf Street, Montreal, Quebec Canada, H3E 1A8
Running title: p75NTR activates Bad to induce apoptosis
Number of text pages:
Number of words:
Number of figures:
Philip A. Barker
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University
3801 University Avenue
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
Phone: (514) 398-3064, Fax: (514) 398-5214
Email: [email protected]
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We are grateful to David Kaplan and Mathieu Boudreau for providing the
MLK3 adenovirus, to Aviva Tolkovsky for providing the truncated-JIP1 adenovirus, to Ze'ev Ronai for
providing phospho-specific antibodies to Threonine 81 in p53, to Mohanish Deshmukh for advice on
cleaved Caspase-3 immunostaining and to Genevieve Dorval for technical assistance in titrating
adenovirus. This work was supported by grant MOP37850 from the Canadian Institute of Health Research
(CIHR; to PAB) and by NIH grant RO1-NS41021-01 (to AB). ALB was supported by a studentship from
the CIHR, JLH is supported by a Jean Timmons Costello Foundation studentship, CEP is supported by a
Natural Science and Engineering Research Centre studentship, AHS is supported by a National Cancer
Institute of Canada studentship, and EB is supported by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds. PAB is Scientist
of the Canadian Institute of Health Research.
Keywords: neurotrophin, BH3-domain only, JNK, trk, cell death
The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), a member of the TNF receptor superfamily,
facilitates apoptosis during development and following injury to the central nervous
system. The signaling cascades activated by p75NTR that result in apoptosis remain
poorly understood. In this study, we show that activation of p75NTR in primary cortical
neurons, in PC 12 cells and in glioma cells results in activation of Jun kinase (JNK),
accumulation of Cytochrome C within the cytosol, and activation of Caspases 9, 6 and 3.
To link p75NTR-dependent JNK activation to mitochondrial Cytochrome C release,
regulation of BH3-domain-only family members was examined. Transcription of BH3domain-only family members was not induced by p75NTR but p75NTR-dependent JNK
activation resulted in phosphorylation and oligomerization of the BH3-domain-only
family member, Bad. Loss of function experiments using Bad dominant negatives or
RNA interference demonstrated a requirement for Bad in p75NTR-induced apoptosis.
Together, these studies provide the first data linking apoptosis induced by cell surface
receptor activation to the post-translational regulation of BH3-domain-only family
The four mammalian neurotrophins comprise a family of related growth factors required
for differentiation, survival, development, and death of specific populations of neurons
and non-neuronal cells. The effects of the neurotrophins are mediated by binding to cell
surface TrkA, TrkB and TrkC tyrosine-kinase receptors and to the p75 neurotrophin
receptor (p75NTR). Roles for Trk receptors in neurotrophin action in neuronal survival,
growth and synaptic modulation are now well established (Kaplan and Miller, 2000;
Patapoutian and Reichardt, 2001). The functions of the p75NTR receptor are complex
and have been more difficult to ascertain (Dechant and Barde, 2002; Roux and Barker,
2002). It is clear that p75NTR functions as a Trk co-receptor that increases neurotrophin
binding affinity (Barker and Shooter, 1994; Ryden et al., 1997; Esposito et al., 2001) and
recent studies suggest that it may be a critical element in a receptor complex that
responds to myelin-based growth inhibitory signals (Wang et al., 2002; Wong et al.,
2002) and regulates myelination (Cosgaya et al., 2002). p75NTR also has autonomous
signaling roles, particularly in facilitating apoptosis. In vitro analyses have shown that
p75NTR induces cell death in primary trigeminal (Davies et al., 1993), hippocampal
(Friedman, 2000; Brann et al., 2002), and sympathetic neurons (Lee et al., 1994; Bamji et
al., 1998), as well as retinal precursor (Frade et al., 1996; Frade and Barde, 1998),
Schwann (Soilu-Hanninen et al., 1999; Syroid et al., 2000; Petratos et al., 2003),
oligodendrocyte (Casaccia-Bonnefil et al., 1996; Yoon et al., 1998) and neuroblastoma
cells (Bunone et al., 1997). In vivo, p75NTR plays a prominent role in apoptosis that
occurs in glia and neurons following traumatic injury to the spinal cord (Casha et al.,
2001; Beattie et al., 2002) or brain (Roux et al., 1999; Troy et al., 2002) and has been
implicated in developmental apoptosis in somites, (Cotrina et al., 2000) retina and spinal
cord (Frade and Barde, 1999) and in the peripheral nervous system (Bamji et al., 1998).
The signaling events that link p75NTR activation to apoptosis are beginning to emerge
and p75NTR-dependent apoptosis is associated with an increase in Rac and Jun kinase
(JNK) activity and Caspase activation (Tournier et al., 2000; Harrington et al., 2002). The
precise ligand requirements for p75NTR apoptotic signaling are not clear but recent
studies have shown that unprocessed NGF (proNGF) is a more efficacious p75NTR
ligand than mature NGF (Lee et al., 2001; Beattie et al., 2002). A plethora of p75NTR
interacting proteins have been identified (Roux and Barker, 2002) and some of these,
including NRAGE (Salehi et al., 2000), NRIF (Casademunt et al., 1999) and NADE
(Mukai et al., 2000), facilitate p75NTR-dependent apoptosis. We have recently shown
that NRAGE activates a mitochondrial death pathway involving JNK-dependent
Cytochrome C release and the activation of Caspases (Salehi et al., 2002) but establishing
the precise roles of each of the cytosolic interactors of p75NTR remains a significant
Despite this progress, several important questions remain unresolved. The proximal
elements that connect p75NTR to apoptotic pathways remain uncertain and it is not clear
whether JNK activation is a prerequisite for p75NTR-induced apoptosis in all responsive
cells. Further, the mechanisms employed by p75NTR to induce mitochondrial
Cytochrome C release and Caspase activation are unknown. In this report, we addressed
the mechanism of p75NTR-induced apoptosis in primary mouse cortical neurons and in
pheochromacytoma, glioma, neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cells. Our findings
reveal that activated p75NTR invariably causes JNK activation, mitochondrial
Cytochrome C release and Caspase 9, 6 and 3 activation. We show that JNK activation is
necessary for p75NTR-dependent Caspase cleavage in all responsive cell types. To link
p75NTR-induced JNK activation to mitochondrial dysfunction, we examined the ability
of p75NTR to increase expression of BH3-domain-only proteins but found that p75NTR
did not activate transcription of BH3-domain-only genes. Instead, we demonstrate that
p75NTR activation results in JNK-dependent phosphorylation of the BH3-domain-only
protein Bad and show that Bad is required for p75NTR-induced apoptosis.
Materials. Cell culture reagents were purchased from BioWhittaker, unless otherwise
indicated. The p75NTR antibody aPl and the phospho-Serl28 antibody have been
previously described (Roux et al., 1999). The phospho-Thr83 p53 antibody was a kind
gift of Ze'ev Ronai. The JNK1 antibody (C-17, cat# sc-474), the two Bad antibodies (C20, cat# sc-943 and N-19 cat# sc-6542) and the actin antibody (C-2, cat#sc-8432) were
purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Anti-Flag antibody (M2, cat# F-3165) was
obtained from Sigma, Cytochrome C antibody was purchased from Pharmingen (cat#
556433), b-galactosidase (LacZ) antibody was purchased from Promega (cat# 23781) and
anti-HA antibody (12CA5, cat# 1583816) was purchased from Roche. PhosphoThr183/Tyr185 JNK (G9, cat# 9255), phospho-Ser63 c-Jun (cat# 9261), phospho-Ser73 c-Jun
(cat# 9164S), c-Jun (cat# 9162), Caspase-9 (cat# 9502), cleaved Caspase-3 (Aspl75, cat#
9661), cleaved Caspase-6 (Aspl98; cat# 9761S), and cleaved PARP (Asp214; cat# 9541)
specific antibodies were obtained from Cell Signaling Technology. Horseradish
secondary antibodies were purchased from
ImmunoResearch Laboratories. Immunoreactive bands were detected using enhanced
chemiluminescence purchased from Perkin Elmer Life Sciences. All other reagents were
from Sigma, Calbiochem, or ICN Biochemicals, unless otherwise indicated.
Plasmids and recombinant adenovirus. Preparation of recombinant adenovirus
expressing enhanced green fluorescence protein (AdGFP), b-galactosidase (AdLacZ),
full-length p75NTR (Adp75NTR) , the Flag-tagged JNK-binding domain of JIP1
(AdJBD) and HA-epitope tagged MLK-3 (adMLK3) have been previously described
(Roux et al., 2002). All adenoviruses were amplified in 293A cells and purified on a
sucrose gradient, as previously described (Roux et al., 2002). Viruses were titered by
optical density and using the tissue culture infectious dose 50 (TCID) assay in 293A
cells. Titers are expressed in term of plaque forming units. The Bad dominant negative
plasmid consisting of GFP fused to a Bad nonapeptide in which Serl28 was substituted
by Ala and the parental GFP vector have both been previously described (Konishi et al.,
2002). The Bad RNAi construct was generated as previously described (Gaudilliere et al.,
Cell culture, infection and transfection. Human glioma (U343, U373, U87, and U251)
and medulloblastoma (UW228-1, UW228-3, UW228-3, and Daoy) cell lines were
provided by Dr. Roland Del Maestro (McGill University) and maintained in 5% C0 2 at
37° C in either Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) or RPMI medium and
supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS, Clontech), 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 ug/ml
penicillin/streptomycin. Neuroblastoma cell lines (SY5Y, SKNAS, 15N, and NGP) were
provided by Dr. David Kaplan and maintained as above. The rat pheochromocytoma cell
line, PC 12, was maintained as previously described (Roux et al., 2001) and the PC12rtTA
cell line (PC 12) was purchased from Clontech and maintained in 10% C0 2 at 37° C in
DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS, 5% horse serum, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 ug/ml
penicillin/streptomycin and 100 ug/ml G418. Cell lines were plated 18 to 24 hours prior
to transfection and typically harvested 24 to 48 hours after infection. Primary cortical
cultures were prepared from El4-16 CD1 mouse telencephalon as described previously
(Bhakar et al., 2002). Neuronal cultures were infected prior to plating and then
maintained in vitro for 2 days in Neurobasal media (Life Technologies) supplemented
with IX B27 supplement (Life Technologies), 2mM L-glutamine, and 100 ug/ml
penicillin/streptomycin. PC 12 cells were plated on poly-L-lysine coated plates and
transfected using Lipofectamine2000 as directed by the manufacturer (Invitrogen). Cells
lines were infected with adenovirus 24 hours after plating.
Cytochrome C release assay. Cytosol enriched subcellular fractions were prepared as
described in (Salehi et al., 2002). In brief, five million cells were harvested, washed once
in Tris-buffered saline (10 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl), once in Buffer A (100 mM
sucrose, 1 mM EGTA, 20 mM MOPS (pH 7.4)), and then resuspended in 500 ul Buffer B
(Buffer A plus 5% Percoll, 0.01% digitonin, 1 ug/ml aprotinin, 1 ug/ml leupeptin, 1
ug/ml pepstatin, 1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride). A
sample of this suspension was retained as total cell lysate. The remainder was incubated
on ice for 15 minutes and then centrifuged at 2500 g for 10 minutes to remove intact cells
and nuclei. The supernatant was then centrifuged at 15 000 g for 15 min to pellet
mitochondria. The final supernatant was designated cytosol.
Immunoblotting. Cells were lysed in RIPA buffer (10 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl,
1% Nonidet P-40, 0.5% deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 1 ug/ml Aprotinin, 1 ug/ml leupeptin,
1 ug/ml pepstatin, 1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride)
and analyzed for protein content using the BCA assay (Pierce). Samples were normalized
for protein content, suspended in Laemmli sample buffer, separated by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and electroblotted onto nitrocellulose. Blocking and
secondary antibody incubations of immunoblots were performed in Tris-buffered
saline/Tween (10 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 0.2% Tween 20) supplemented with
5% (w/v) dried skim milk powder or 5% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) (Pierce). All
primary antibody incubations were performed in the blocking solution, except for those
involving phospho-specific antibodies which were performed in Tris-buffered
saline/Tween supplemented with 5% BSA. Immunoreactive bands were detected by
chemiluminescence (Perkin Elmer Life Sciences), according to the manufacturer's
Survival assay. Analysis of cell survival was performed by MTT assay using 3-(4,5dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), which was added at a
final concentration of 1 mg/ml for the last four hours of a 48 hour infection. The reaction
was ended by the addition of one volume of solubilization buffer (20% SDS, 10%
dimethylformamide, and 20% acetic acid). After overnight solubilization, specific and
non-specific absorbencies were read at 570 and 690 nm, respectively. Each data point
was performed in triplicate or quadruplicate, and experimental results were analyzed by
multiple analyses of variance with statistical probabilities assigned using the Tukey test
for multiple comparisons. Each experiment was performed independently at least three
RT-PCR. 450,000 U373 cells or primary cortical neurons were infected with virus and
24 hours later mRNA was isolated using the RNEasy Mini kit according to the
manufacturer's instructions (Qiagen). cDNA was generated using the Omniscript RT kit
(Qiagen) and random hexamers (Roche) as primers. PCR was performed for 30 cycles
using 300 nM of the following primers for U373 cells:
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
For mouse cortical neurons, PCR was performed using the same conditions as above
using the following primers:
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
sense, 5'
5% of the cDNA prepared was used in a 25ul PCR reaction and the reaction product was
separated on an 8% polyacrylamide gel, stained with ethidium bromide and visualized
under UV light.
Single Cell Caspase-3 Activation Assay. PC 12 cells were transfected with plasmids
encoding either GFP alone, GFP fused to a dominant interfering Bad nonapeptide, or
GFP plasmid and pU6/BS-Bad RNA interference plasmid at a 1:2 ratio. Cells were
infected with either adLacZ or with adp75NTR 48 hours after transfection and fixed 24
hours later using 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS. Cells were blocked in TBS
supplemented with 5% donkey serum and 0.3% Triton-xlOO for 30 minutes and then
incubated for 18 hours at 4°C with control rabbit sera or with antibodies directed against
cleaved Caspase 3. Secondary antibodies (donkey anti-rabbit conjugated Cy3) and
Hoescht 33248 were applied for 2 hours at 4° C. GFP-positive cells were scored for the
presence of activated Caspase 3 by a blinded observer, with 300 cells counted per
condition. This experiment was repeated three times and the composite data was analyzed
for statistical significance by ANOVA (Tukey HDS multiple comparison).
The physiological conditions that result in activation of p75NTR apoptotic pathways are
complex and likely regulated by multiple ligands and co-receptors. We have previously
shown that recombinant adenovirus expressing full-length p75NTR or the p75NTR
intracellular domain efficiently induces apoptosis in the absence of added ligand (Roux et
al., 2001) and this approach was used to define apoptotic signaling pathways activated by
p75NTR. We began by testing cell lines and primary cell types for susceptibility to
p75NTR-induced death. Figure 1 shows that primary mouse cortical neurons, PC 12
pheochromacytoma cells and U343 and U373 glioma lines all showed reduced viability
when infected with adenovirus expressing p75NTR whereas infection with control
adenovirus expressing b-galactosidase (LacZ) had no significant effect. Other lines
tested, including other glioma lines (U251 and U87), various medulloblastoma lines
(Daoy, UW288-1, UW288-2, and UW288-3), and neuroblastoma lines (SY5Y, 15N,
NGP, and SKNAS) were resistant to p75NTR-induced apoptosis in this assay (data not
shown). For the remainder of this study, we focused our attention on p75NTR-dependent
apoptosis in primary mouse cortical neurons, rat PC 12 cells and human U343 and U373
glioma lines.
Activation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway by death receptors that are structurally
related to p75NTR results in autocleavage and activation of Caspase 8. Activation of the
intrinsic apoptotic pathway results in release of mitochondrial contents and activation of
Caspase 9. We therefore determined the activation status of apical Caspases 8 and 9 and
effector Caspases 3 and 6 during p75NTR-induced apoptosis. Expression of p75NTR
resulted in a reduction in levels of full-length Caspase 9, a corresponding increase in
activated Caspase 9, Caspase 3, and Caspase 6 and accumulation of the cleaved form of
PARP, a Caspase 3 substrate (Figure 2A-B). In contrast, p75NTR-dependent Caspase 8
cleavage was not observed in any of the cell types examined (data not shown). p75NTRdependent Caspase activation was not due to adenoviral toxicity since cells infected with
comparable quantities of LacZ adenovirus did not exhibit Caspase activation. These data
indicate that p75NTR-induced apoptosis occurs primarily through an intrinsic death
pathway that involves release of mitochondrial contents and activation of Caspase 9.
Caspase 9 activation requires formation of an apoptosome complex consisting of
Caspase 9, Apaf-1 and cytosolic Cytochrome C. Release of Cytochrome C from
mitochondria into the cytosol is a key regulatory step in this process. To determine if
Cytochrome C is released during p75NTR-induced apoptosis, cells were left uninfected
or were infected with p75NTR or a control adenovirus, then lysed, subjected to
subcellular fractionation and cytosolic fractions were analyzed for Cytochrome C levels
by immunoblot. Figure 2C shows that Cytochrome C was not detected in the cytosol of
uninfected cells or in cells infected with control adenovirus whereas cytosolic
Cytochrome C was readily detected in the cytosol of cells expressing p75NTR. Thus,
p75NTR induces Cytochrome C release from mitochondria of multiple cell types.
Activation of the JNK pathway is an important regulator of apoptotic events in several
neuronal death paradigms and JNK can be activated by p75NTR in several cell types.
Consistent with this, we found that p75NTR expression in primary mouse cortical
neurons and in PC 12 and U373 cells consistently resulted in phosphorylation of JNK
(Figure 3A-B) or induced a dose-responsive increase in the phosphorylation of c-Jun, a
JNK target, (Figure 3C). These results indicate that 75NTR-induced JNK activation is a
consistent feature of a variety of p75NTR-responsive cell types.
To begin to address the role of the JNK pathway in p75NTR-induced apoptosis, we tested
the effect of CEP1347, a MAP3K inhibitor that exhibits anti-apoptotic effects in several
neuronal and non-neuronal systems (Saporito et al., 2002). We first tested the ability of
CEP 1347 to block c-Jun phosphorylation in PC 12 cells overexpressing MLK3, a MAP3K
identified as a target of CEP1347. Figure 4A shows that the compound almost completely
blocked the robust c-Jun phosphorylation induced by this kinase. We next examined
whether CEP 1347 reduced c-Jun phosphorylation or Caspase 3 activation which was
induced by p75NTR. CEP 1347 did indeed reduce p75NTR-dependent c-Jun
phosphorylation and Caspase 3 activation but only at high concentrations (500-1000 nM;
Figure 4B-C; data not shown). These findings indicate that reductions in MAP3K and
JNK signaling attenuates apoptosis induced by p75NTR yet suggest that blockade of a
non-preferred target of CEP 1347 is required for this effect.
To directly assess the role of JNK activity in p75NTR-induced death, an adenovirus
expressing the JNK binding domain of the JIP scaffolding molecule (AdJBD) was used to
inhibit JNK activity in vivo. This JIP fragment is believed to sequester JNK and thus acts
as an effective dominant inhibitor of JNK signaling (Harding et al., 2001). We first
confirmed that AdJBD is capable of blocking JNK-dependent target phosphorylation by
demonstrating that it blocked c-Jun phosphorylation induced by TNFa, a well
characterized JNK pathway inducer (Figure 5A). Subsequent studies established that
AdJBD was equally effective in blocking c-Jun phosphorylation induced by p75NTR
expression (Figure 5B). To determine if JNK inhibition blocked apoptotic signaling
induced by p75NTR, cells were infected with p75NTR in the absence or presence of
AdJBD and assessed for Caspase 3 activation. Expression of AdJBD effectively blocked
Caspase 3 activation in all responsive cell types, indicating a crucial role for JNK
activation in p75NTR-induced apoptosis (Figure 5C and data not shown).
These data demonstrate that JNK activation is a prerequisite for p75NTR-induced
apoptosis but substrates of JNK that play a role in p75NTR-induced apoptosis are
unknown. To begin to characterize targets of JNK involved in p75NTR-induced death,
we first compared c-Jun phosphorylation induced by p75NTR or MLK3, a potent inducer
of JNK activity (see above). Figure 6A shows that p75NTR and MLK3 induced robust
phosphorylation of JNK. However, there was considerable discordance between the JNK
activation, c-Jun phosphorylation and Caspase-3 activation induced by p75NTR versus
MLK3. p75NTR and MLK3 induced comparable JNK phosphorylation but only MLK3
produced a substantial increase in c-Jun phosphorylation whereas only p75NTR induced
substantial cleavage of Caspase 3. To determine if our experimental design may have
missed an early peak in p75NTR-induced c-Jun phosphorylation, JNK activation and cJun phosphorylation were examined at 12, 18, 24 and 30 hours after adenovirus infection.
Figure 6B shows that phosphorylated JNK was first detected 18 hours after p75NTR
infection and increased further by 24 and 30 hours. Cleaved Caspase 3 was detectable 24
hours after infection but c-Jun phosphorylation showed a significant lag, and an elevation
in phospho-Jun levels were detected only after 30 hours infection. These data show that
JNK activation correlates with p75NTR-induced death and suggests that c-Jun is not a
preferred substrate of the JNK complex which is activated by p75NTR.
BH3-domain-only proteins directly and indirectly induce the association of Bax and Bak,
which in turn facilitates release of mitochondrial proteins such as Cytochrome C into the
cytosol. Transcriptional activation of BH3-domain-only genes through c-Jun or p53
dependent pathways is important in apoptosis in several neuronal and non-neuronal
settings. We therefore examined whether p75NTR-induced apoptosis correlated with
accumulation of BH3-domain-only gene products. PC 12 and U373 cells and cortical
neurons were infected with LacZ or p75NTR adenovirus and alterations in mRNA levels
of the BH3-domain-only family members Bim, Bmf, Hrk, Bik, Puma, and Noxa were
determined by RT-PCR. mRNA corresponding to each of these family members were
readily detected in both cell types examined but p75NTR-dependent increases in their
levels were not detected (Figure 7 and data not shown). This indicates that JNK
activation induced by p75NTR does not induce transcription of BH3-domain-only genes
and suggests that alternate pathways are responsible for p75NTR-induced Cytochrome C
release and Caspase 3 activation.
BH3-domain-only proteins can, in some instances, be regulated by post-translational
mechanisms. Akt-dependent phosphorylation of Bad on Serl 12 and Serl36 allows it to
associate with 14-3-3 proteins and thereby suppresses its pro-apoptotic activity.
Apoptotic kinases including JNK directly activate the cell death machinery by
phosphorylating Bad at Serine 128 (Donovan et al., 2002). The phosphorylation of Bad at
this residue disrupts the interaction of Bad with 14-3-3 proteins thus allowing Bad to
induce apoptosis (Konishi et al., 2002). We therefore determined if p75NTR activation
resulted in phosphorylation of Bad on Serl28. PC 12 and U373 cells were infected with
LacZ or p75NTR adenovirus and alterations in Bad phosphostatus was examined by
immunoblot. Figures 8A and 8B show that p75NTR expression had little effect on the
levels or phosphostatus of monomeric Bad (~25 kD) but rather induced the accumulation
of a higher molecular weight species (~75 kD). This product was detected by two
antibodies directed against distinct epitopes in Bad (N19, C20) as well as by a phosphospecific antibody directed against the JNK phosphorylation site within Bad. The 75 kDa
product therefore appears to represent a stable oligomeric complex containing Bad
phosphorylated on Serine 128. To determine if JNK activity contributes to p75NTRdependent Bad phosphorylation and oligomerization, PC 12 cells were infected with
adenovirus expressing p75NTR in the absence or presence of AdJBD, lysed and
examined by Bad immunoblot. Figure 8C shows that inhibiting JNK activity with AdJBD
prevented formation of the Bad complex, indicating that JNK activity is required for
p75NTR-dependent Bad phosphorylation and oligomerization.
To determine if phosphorylation of Serine 128 within Bad is necessary for p75NTRinduced apoptosis, PC 12 cells were transfected with a dominant negative Bad serine 128
mutant allele (Konishi et al., 2002) and then infected with p75NTR or control virus. The
ability of the dominant negative Bad construct to inhibit p75NTR-dependent Caspase 3
activation was assessed after twenty-four hours of virus infection by scoring transfected
cells for the presence of cleaved Caspase 3. Figure 9 shows that expression of the
dominant negative Bad serine 128 mutant allele confers significant protection from
p75NTR-induced apoptosis, indicating that Bad phosphorylation is necessary for
p75NTR-induced apoptosis. To confirm that Caspase 3 cleavage induced by p75NTR
requires Bad, p75NTR-induced apoptosis was assessed in cells in which the endogenous
level of Bad were reduced using RNA interference. The ability of the RNAi construct to
reduce Bad levels was first validated in 293 cells (Supplementary Figure 1) and then used
to reduce Bad levels in PC 12 cells. PC 12 cells were transfected with GFP alone or with
GFP together with the Bad-RNAi plasmid and, 48 hours later, were infected with either
p75NTR or LacZ adenovirus for 24 hours. Figure 9 shows that PC 12 cells transfected
with Bad-RNAi are highly resistant to p75NTR-induced apoptosis, indicating a crucial
role for Bad in the p75NTR apoptotic pathway.
The mechanisms utilized by p75NTR to induce apoptosis are unique and bear little
similarity to cell death signaling pathways employed by other pro-apoptotic members of
the TNF receptor superfamily. In this report, we show that p75NTR-induced death
correlates with cytosolic accumulation of Cytochrome C and activation of Caspase 9 and
Caspase 3. Using the JNK binding domain of JIP as a dominant suppressor of JNK
activity, we show that JNK is required for p75NTR-induced Caspase 3 activation. Under
conditions in which p75NTR induces JNK phosphorylation and death, p75NTR does not
increase mRNA levels of BH3-domain-only family members that are transcriptionally
regulated by c-Jun or p53. Instead, we demonstrate that p75NTR specifically increases
phosphorylation and oligomerization of Bad and show that Bad plays a crucial role in
p75NTR-induced death.
Ligand binding to cell surface apoptotic receptors such as Fas and DR3 induces cell death
by initiating formation of a DISC complex that facilitates FADD-dependent Caspase 8
aggregation and activation. Other death stimuli induce apoptosis primarily via
Cytochrome C-dependent activation of Caspase 9 (Shi, 2002). Activation of Caspase 8
versus Caspase 9 is therefore a distinguishing regulatory event that provides insight into
the precise apoptotic pathways invoked by an extracellular stimulus. We have found that
in glioma cells, PC 12 cells and primary cortical neurons, p75NTR-induced apoptosis is
invariably accompanied by the activation of Caspase 9, Caspase 6, and Caspase 3.
p75NTR-dependent Caspase 8 activation was never observed. This suggests that
activation of the intrinsic death pathway is crucial for p75NTR-induced apoptosis and
indicates that cytosolic mitochondrial Cytochrome C accumulation is an important
regulatory step in p75NTR-induced death. These findings are in substantial agreement
with other studies examining p75NTR-dependent Caspase activation and are consistent
with a recent study showing that blockade of Caspase 9 activity significantly attenuates
p75NTR-induced apoptosis (Gu et al., 1999; Wang et al., 2001; Troy et al., 2002).
Together, these results show that p75NTR induces apoptosis through an intrinsic death
pathway that results in mitochondrial Cytochrome C release and Caspase 9 activation.
The JNK signaling cascade plays a crucial role in apoptosis induced by a variety of
stimuli (Kuranaga and Miura, 2002). We examined the role of JNK in p75NTR-induced
apoptotic signaling by expressing a fragment of the JIP scaffolding molecule that directly
binds to JNK and thus acts as a dominant JNK suppressor. This approach revealed that
JNK signaling is a critical prerequisite for p75NTR-dependent Caspase activation in all
cell types examined. We also report that CEP1347 reduces p75NTR-dependent death but
only at high concentrations, suggesting that inhibition of p75NTR-induced death by
CEP 1347 likely results from blockade of a non-preferred target distinct from MLK3.
Together with other recent studies (Friedman, 2000; Harrington et al., 2002), these data
therefore indicate a crucial role for JNK activation in p75NTR-induced apoptosis in all
cell types examined to date and raises the possibility that enzymes in the JNK pathway
may provide feasible targets for inhibiting p75NTR-induced apoptosis following
traumatic CNS injury.
BH3-domain-only family members inhibit the action of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family
members such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL and facilitate the action of Bax and Bak at the
mitochondria (Letai et al., 2002). The regulation of BH3-domain-only proteins is a key
step linking proximal signaling events to the induction of cell death (Huang and Strasser,
2000). In sympathetic neurons, JNK activation results in phosphorylation of c-Jun which
in turn results in transcription of the BH3-domain-only family members Bim and Hrk
(Harris and Johnson, 2001; Putcha et al., 2001; Whitfield et al., 2001). In other systems,
p53 activation results in transcription of Noxa and Puma, also pro-apoptotic BH3domain-only family members (Wu and Deng, 2002). We therefore hypothesized that
p75NTR-dependent apoptosis was associated with transcription of known BH3-domainonly family members. However, p75NTR does not appear to enhance transcription of
BH3-domain-only family members, suggesting that alternative pathways are responsible.
BH3-domain-only family members are present in normal cells in the absence of apoptotic
stimuli and must be rendered inactive to prevent apoptosis. One mechanism that
accomplishes this is their sequestration through protein-protein interactions. For example,
the BH3-domain-only protein Bad is bound to 14-3-3 (Zha et al., 1996; Datta et al., 2000)
and Bim and Bmf can be sequestered in the cytosol by binding to dynein light chain or
myosin V (Puthalakath et al., 1999; Puthalakath et al., 2001). Significantly, recent
findings have revealed that the sequestration of these three BH3-domain-only proteins
can be negatively regulated by JNK. UV irradiation of HEK293 cells results in JNKdependent phosphorylation of Bmf and Bim, releasing these proteins from their
sequestration and allowing them to contribute to the apoptotic cascade (Lei and Davis,
2003). The Serine 128 phosphorylation of BAD activates BAD specifically by inhibiting
the interaction of Serine 136-phosphorylated BAD with 14-3-3 proteins (Konishi et al.
2002). Serine 136 is a target of survival factor-induced kinases including Akt in neurons.
That p75NTR induces cell death in part by inducing the phosphorylation of BAD at
Serine 128 suggests that p75NTR promotes apoptosis by opposing survival factor signals
that suppress the cell death machinery. Further, p75NTR activation results in the
oligomerization of Bad through a JNK-dependent pathway. Aside from Bad itself, the
components of this stable oligomeric complex remain unknown but may include antiapoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-Xl (Letai et al., 2002). These findings provide
the first data linking cell surface receptor activation to the post-translational regulation of
BH3-domain-only family members and indicate that p75NTR regulates apoptosis through
a JNK pathway that is independent of transcription.
Palmada et al (2002) have recently found that c-Jun is not required for p75NTR-induced
cell death. Consistent with this, our data show that levels of c-Jun phosphorylation
induced by p75NTR are modest and do not induce transcription of c-Jun targets that
include Bim and Hrk. Thus, although c-Jun phosphorylation is a useful surrogate to
assess JNK activation, it does not appear to play a significant role in p75NTR-induced
apoptosis. However, alternative JNK-dependent pathways may contribute to p75NTRdependent apoptosis. One candidate pathway involves p53, which can be activated by
direct JNK phosphorylation and has been implicated in p75NTR-induced apoptosis in
one study (Aloyz et al., 1998). However, and p75NTR readily induces apoptosis in cells
lacking functional p53 (eg. U373 cells, Figure 1) and phosphospecific antibodies directed
against Thr 81, a JNK target residue in p53 (Buschmann et al., 2001), or against Serl5 or
Ser20 (Dumaz et al., 2001) did not reveal significant p75NTR-dependent phosphorylation
of p53 (data not shown). Nonetheless, we cannot rule out the possibility that p53 or
related family members may play a role in p75NTR-induced apoptosis in specific
circumstances. Further examination of transcriptional pathways in p75NTR action is
p75NTR plays a prominent role in nervous system apoptosis, particularly following
trauma, and a detailed picture of the pro-apoptotic signal transduction mechanisms
activated by the receptor is required. In this study, we show that p75NTR-dependent JNK
activation is invariably required for Caspase activation and find that p75NTR-dependent
JNK activation induces phosphorylation and activation of the BH3-domain-only protein
Bad and that Bad is required for p75NTR-induced apoptosis.
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Figure 1. Overexpression of p75NTR induces cell death in a variety of cell types. (A)
cortical neurons, (B) PC 12, (C) U343 (wild type p53), and (D) U373 (mutant p53) cells
were infected with increasing multiplicities of infection (MOI) of LacZ or p75NTR
recombinant adenovirus and then analyzed for survival by the MTT assay (see Materials
and Methods). Error bars indicate SD. Results were analyzed for statistical significance
by ANOVA (Tukey HSD multiple comparison). Statistically significant differences of
p<0.001 are indicated by an asterisk.
Figure 2. p75NTR activates Caspases and induces accumulation of cytosolic
Cytochrome C. (A) Cortical neurons infected with 10, 50, or 100 MOI of LacZ or
p75NTR recombinant adenovirus were lysed and analyzed by immunoblot for levels of
LacZ, p75NTR and full-length Caspase 9 protein or, using cleavage-specific antibodies,
for levels of cleaved Caspases 3 and 6 and cleaved Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase
(PARP). (B) U373 cells were infected with 50 or 100 MOI of either LacZ or p75NTR
adenovirus for 48 hours, or treated with etoposide 50 uM (+), and then lysed and
analyzed for increases in cleaved Caspase 9. (C) E15 cortical neurons, U373, and PC12
cells were left uninfected (0) or were infected with 100 MOI of LacZ (Lz), or p75NTR
(p75) recombinant adenovirus. 30 hours later cells were fractionated for cytosolic
components as described in "Materials and Methods". Cytosolic fractions normalized for
protein content were analyzed by immunoblotting with an antibody directed against
Cytochrome C.
Figure 3. p75NTR activates the JNK pathway. (A) U373 cells were infected with 0,
50, 100, or 200 MOI of control AdLacZ or with Adp75NTR, (B) PC12 cells were
injected with 0 or 50 MOI of AdLacZ or Adp75NTR, and (C) cortical neurons were
infected with 10, 50, or 150 MOI of AdLacZ or Adp75NTR. Lysates were prepared 3048 hours after infection and examined by immunoblot for LacZ, p75NTR,
phosphorylated JNK (pJNK), total JNK, phosphorylated c-Jun (pJun) and total c-Jun as
Figure 4. Inhibition of MAP3K signaling attenuates apoptosis induced by p75NTR.
(A) U373 cells infected with 100 MOI of MLK3 adenovirus or left uninfected (0), were
treated 47 hours later with DMSO or CEP 1347 at 200 nM for 1 hour. Cells were
harvested and lysates subjected to immunoblot analysis for phospho-Ser63 c-Jun (pJun)
and total c-Jun protein. (B) Cortical neurons infected with 50 MOI of LacZ or p75NTR
adenovirus were treated with DMSO or 50, 200, or 500 nM CEP1347 for 1 hour as in
(A). Lysates were analyzed by immunoblot as indicated (pJun, c-Jun, LacZ, p75NTR).
(C) AdLacZ or Adp75NTR-infected cortical neurons were treated with 500 nM of
CEP 1347 [C] or DMSO [D] at the time of infection and lysates were prepared 48 hours
later and analyzed by immunoblot for levels of p75NTR, LacZ, phospho-Ser63 c-Jun
(pJun), and cleaved Caspase 3 (cl. Caspase 3).
Figure 5. Activation of the JNK pathway is required for p75NTR-mediated Caspase
activation. Immunoblots for phospho-Ser63 c-Jun (pJun), c-Jun, Flag-JIP, LacZ, p75NTR,
phospho-Thr183/Tyrl85-JNK (pJNK), JNK, and cleaved Caspase 3 were performed as
indicated on lysates from (A) U373 cells treated with TNF 20ng/ml that were either left
uninfected (0) or infected with JBD-JIP adenovirus (JBD) at 10 MOI, (B) cortical
neurons infected with 50 MOI of LacZ or p75NTR adenovirus together with increasing
amounts (0, 0.05, 0.5, 2.5 MOI) of JBD-JIP adenovirus, and (C) PC12 cells infected with
50 MOI of LacZ or p75NTR adenovirus supplemented with LacZ or JBD-JIP (JBD)
adenovirus (both at 5 MOI).
Figure 6. p75NTR-induced Caspase 3 cleavage does not correlate with
phosphorylation of c-Jun. PC 12 cells were infected with 50 MOI of AdLacZ (Lz),
Adp75NTR (p75), or AdMLK3 (MLK) recombinant adenovirus and lysates were
prepared at 30 hours post-infection (A and C), or at 12, 18, 24, and 30 hours postinfection (B). Lysates normalized for protein content were analyzed for LacZ, p75NTR,
cleaved Caspase 3, phospho-Thr183/Tyr185-JNK (pJNK), total JNK, phospho-Ser63 c-Jun
(pJun) and total c-Jun protein levels by immunoblot as indicated.
Figure 7. p75NTR does not transcriptionally regulate BH3-domain-only proteins.
Cortical neurons were infected with 0, 50, or 200 MOI of LacZ or p75NTR (p75)
adenovirus and 24 hours later mRNA was isolated as described in Materials and
Methods. RT-PCR was performed using primers directed against Bim, Bmf, Hrk, Bik,
Puma, Noxa, p75NTR and Actin as indicated.
Figure 8. p75NTR activates JNK-dependent phosphorylation and oligomerization of
Bad. (A) U373 cells were infected with 0, 50, 100, or 200 MOI of LacZ or p75NTR
adenovirus and lysates were analyzed by immunoblot for LacZ, p75NTR, phospho-Ser128
Bad, and Bad (C-20 - shown; N19 - data not shown). (B) PC 12 cells were left uninfected
(0) or were infected with LacZ (Lz) or p75NTR (p75) adenovirus aqt 100 MOI and
lysates were analyzed by immunoblot for LacZ, p75NTR, phospho-Ser128 Bad, and Bad
(C-20). (C) PC 12 cells were infected with nothing (0), LacZ (Lz), or p75NTR (p75)
adenovirus together with either 5 MOI of LacZ or JBD-JIP (JBD) adenovirus. Lysates
were compared for expression of Bad, cleaved Caspase 3, LacZ, p75NTR, and Flag-JIP
(Flag) by immunoblot as indicated.
Figure 9. Bad is required for p75NTR-induced apoptosis. PC 12 cells were transfected
with GFP plasmid alone or with GFP plasmid together with plasmids encoding DN-Bad
(SI28A) or expressing Bad-RNAi. Cells were infected 48 hours later with LacZ or
p75NTR adenovirus and, at 24 hours post-infection, were fixed and immunostained for
cleaved Caspase 3 as described in Materials and Methods. Transfected cells were scored
for Caspase 3 cleavage by a blind observer (n =300 cells/condition). '**' indicates a
difference of p<0.001 between GFP/Mock (Bar 1) and GFP/p75NTR (Bar 5) and '*'
indicates a difference of p<0.001 between GFP/p75NTR (Bar 5) and both DNBad/p75NTR (Bar 6) and with Bad RNAi/p75NTR (Bar 7), indicated by ANOVA.
Cortical Neurons
< en
£ in
I 8 0.6
; in
£ m 0.4
I i
%i 1
1l j
< cr> 0.4
> O
£ in
IB o
s <°
£ m 0.8
Figure 1
Bhakar et al.
I, 1
mm% p75NTR
Caspase 9
CI Caspase 3
Cortical neurons
mm PC12
Bhakar et. al.
Lz p75
Figure 2
CI Caspase 6
50 100200 50 100200
Lz p75
m mmmm
Figure 3
Bhakar et al.
• » • » • •
- • -
— —
« M » W
500 500
200 500
LacZ p75NTR
CI Caspase 3
Figure 4
Bhakar et al.
— *•
0 10 JBD
0 0.05 0.5 2.5 0 0.05 0.5 2.5 JBD
Sm —
Lz p75 Lz p75
CI Caspase 3
w «
Figure 5
Bhakar et al.
Lz p75 MLK
a s
mm - ~
CI Caspase 3
Lz p75 Lz p75 Lz p75
Lz p75
« M
- — C I Caspase 3
*""* ~ " «2! PJNK
— pJun
Figure 6
Bhakar et al.
0 50 200 50 200
Figure 7
Bhakar et al
50 100 200 50 100 200
Lz p75
Wmf H
- -•
«l m m
0 Lz p75 Lz p75
CI Caspase 3
- * - pS 128-Bad
- * - Bad
Figure 8
Bhakar et al.
Figure 9
Bhakar et al.
Bad RNAi
Bad RNAi
Supplementary Figure 1
Validation of Bad RNA Interference vector. Bad RNAi was validated by transfection of 293 cells
with a Bad expression plasmid in the absence or presence of the U6-driven Bad RNAi plasmid,
followed by lysis and analysis by immunoblot Upper panel was analyzed with an anti-Bad
antibody (N-20) and lower panel with an antibody directed against actin. M = Mock transfection,
V = pcDNA3, U6 = pcDNA3+U6 promoter. U6-R1I = pcDNA3+ U6 promoter drivingBad RNAi
Guide ine;; ror completing the fo.'rn are available at wwyv mcgiil sa/rjo/animal
Protccc! : *
McGili University
Animal Use Protocol -- Research
Approval End Date
Facility Ccmr.iiee
F i l l ; : MAGE gt-nes arid autism
(musi t.iatek ike til. e of the funding source application)
X] New Application
Q] Renewal of Protocol # _
Category (see section llj
I. Investigator Data:
Principal Investigator
Dr Phi! A Barker
Neurology arid Neurosurgery'
M.N.I. - :;810 Universilv St.
phil.barker'axicgil] c£
I. Emergency C o n t a c t s : i u o peoj le must be designated to handle err erge: >aes.
Phi Barkei
Work ft:
Kathleen E'icisoi
Emergency it:
3, F u a d i o g Source:
Esters ai
Source (s):
Stat is :
[K; A-warded
For Office Use Only:
C l.F.R. - MOP-62^-99
Peer Reviewed: £>3 YES
..>*..< j ^ , .
L ] NO**
f j Pending
Funding period: Ai:r 1. 2003-Mar. 3 1 .
| |
Peer Reviewed: Q
' 1 Awarded
L NO**
Q Pending
Funding period:
** Ail ]:rojecis ihi.t have not been peer reviewed for scientific nKrit bv tfce funding source require 2 Pee:- !iev:ev Fo ins to be
comsjeiafi e.;>. Projects f jnded from .ndiistriai sources. Pee:* Review Jonas are avaiiabie at www tncgiH.Cii/rgD/animai
Proposed Start But of Anima! Use (d/m/v):
jane 16. 2003
or ongoing
Expect:d Date of 'Completio.i of Animal Use (d/m/y):
Mar. 3 ?. 2005
9r ongoing 1 1
i Investigator's Statement: The information in this application js^oact ^:fS comptoe. I assure that all care and Lse of animals ir tus
i proposal will be in accordance with the guidelines and policies of' thejtanacBan Council on Animal Care and tlicse of McG 11 Universi>• I shall
I request the Aaimal Care Committee's approval prior to any deviatiG5<s^frd"ii this/protocol as approved. I understand that this approval is valid
i for one year and mjst be approved on an annual basis.
/// /
j Principal Investigator's signature:' '
,-•>- /
Chair, Facility Ankaai C.sre Committee:
Til .> r - .
i L^aje.
University Veterinarian:
! Date;
C h a r , Ethics Subcommittee (as perDACCpolio):
4pp r eved Animal list
[ j This protocol has fceer approved with the modiikations noted in Section 13.
October 2002
! Endin<*: