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Biology I: Modern Biology, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, © 2009
Unit3: Genetics & Biotechnology
Chapter 8: Cell Reproduction, pp151-164
1 anaphase; 2 asexual reproduction; 3 autosome; 4 binary fission; 5 cell plate; 6 centromere;
7 chromatid; 8 chromatin; 9 chromosome; 10 crossing over; 11 cytokinesis; 12 diploid; 13 gamete;
14 genetic recombination; 15 haploid; 16 histone; 17 homologous chromosome; 18 independent
assortment; 19 interphase; 20 karyotype; 21 meiosis; 22 metaphase; 23 mitosis; 24 oogenesis;
25 polar body; 26 prophase; etc…
1 3rd stage of mitosis/meiosis in which chromosomes migrate toward opposite poles of dividing cell
2 production of offspring from 1 parent
3 all the non-sex chromosomes of an organism
4 division of prokaryotic cells into 2 identical offspring cells
5 structure at midline of dividing plant cells, formed from vesicles from the Golgi, to make the cell wall
6 the point where the 2 chromatids of a chromosome attach
7 one of the 2 identical halves of chromosome
8 the less tightly coiled DNA-protein complex found between periods of cell division
9 rod-shaped structures made of DNA and protein
10 process whereby portions of chromatids break off & reattach to adjacent homologous chromatids
11 division of the cell’s cytoplasm
12 cells having 2 sets of chromosomes
13 haploid reproductive cells
14 process in which genetic material is exchanged between adjacent maternal & paternal chromosomes
15 cells having 1 set of chromosomes
16 proteins around which DNA wraps inside the nucleus
17 two copies of each autosome
18 the random separation of homologous chromosomes
19 the time between cell divisions
20 a photomicrograph of the chromosomes in a normal dividing human cell
21 type of eukaryotic cell division resulting in formation of haploid reproductive cells
22 2nd phase of mitosis/meiosis in which chromosomes line up in the middle of the dividing cell
23 type of eukaryotic cell division resulting in formation of 2 new identical cells
24 production of mature egg cells, or ova
25 short-lived products of oogenesis
26 1st phase of mitosis in which nuclear membrane begins to dissolve & the mitotic spindle forms
(cont.) 27 sex chromosome; 28 sexual reproduction; 29 spermatogenesis; 30 spindle fiber; 31 synapsis;
32 telophase; 33 tetrad
27 chromosomes that determine the gender of an organism
28 production of offspring through meiosis and the union of sperm & egg
29 production of sperm cells
30 microtubules radiating from the centrosomes, extending across a dividing eukaryotic cell
31 the pairing of homologous chromosomes in Prophase I of meiosis
32 4th stage of mitosis/meiosis in which nuclear membrane reforms around each new set of DNA
33 each pair of homologous chromosomes
Chapter 9: Genetics and Biotechnology, pp 173-186
1 allele; 2 codominance; 3 complete dominance; 4 cross-pollination; 5 dihybrid cross; 6 dominant;
7 F1 generation; 8 F2 generation; 9 gene; 10 genotype; 11 genotypic ratio; 12 heredity;
13 heterozygous; 14 homozygous; 15 incomplete dominance; 16 law of independent assortment;
17 law of segregation; 18 molecular genetics; 19 monohybrid cross; etc…
1 each of 2 or more forms of a gene
2 condition in which both alleles for a gene are expressed in heterozygous offspring
3 condition in which 1 allele completely dominants the other allele
4 process by which pollen is transferred between flowers of two separate plants
5 a cross in which 2 characteristics are tracked
6 trait/allele that is fully expressed when carried by only 1 of a pair of homologous chromosomes
7 the offspring of the P generation, or the first filial generation
8 the second filial generation
9 the segment of DNA on a chromosome that controls a particular hereditary trait
10 an organism’s genetic makeup, i.e., the particular alleles one inherits from one’s parents
11 the ratio of genotypes that appear in offspring
12 transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring
13 condition in which the 2 alleles in a pair of genes are different
14 condition in which both alleles of a pair of genes are alike
15 condition where heterozygote phenotype is intermediate between dominant & recessive phenotypes
16 factors/ alleles separate independently of one another during the formation of gametes
17 a pair of factors/ alleles is separated during the formation of gametes
18 study of the structure & function of chromosomes & genes
19 a cross in which only 1 characteristic is tracked
(cont.) 20 P generation; 21 phenotype;22 phenotypic ratio; 23 pollination; 24 probability;
25 Punnett square; 26 recessive; 27 self-pollination; 28 testcross; 29 trait; 30 true-breeding
20 the true-breeding parents
21 an organism’s appearance
22 the ratio of the offspring’s phenotypes
23 process by which pollen grains produced in the male anthers are transferred to the female‘s stigma
24 the likelihood that a specific event will occur
25 diagram used to predict the probable distribution of inherited traits in the offspring
26 trait/allele that is expressed only when 2 recessive alleles for the same characteristic are inherited
27 process by which pollen is transferred from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of either the same
flower or to another flower on the same plant
28 cross of a homozygous recessive individual with an individual of an unknown genotype
29 a genetically determined variant of a characteristic
30 organisms or genotypes that are homozygous for a specific trait & always produce offspring with that
same given trait
Chapter 10: DNA, RNA, & Protein Synthesis, pp 193-210
1 anticodon; 2 bacteriophage; 3 base-pairing rules; 4 base sequence; 5 complementary base pair;
6 codon; 7 deoxyribose; 8 DNA polymerase; 9 DNA replication; 10 genetic code; 11 genome;
12 helicase; 13messenger RNA (mRNA); 14 mutation; 15 nitrogenous base; etc…
1 the end of a tRNA that complements the sequence of a mRNA codon
2 viruses that infect bacteria
3 cytosine on one strand of DNA pairs with guanine on the other strand, and adenine pairs with thymine
4 the order of nitrogenous bases on a chain of DNA
5 pairs of bases, such as thymine & adenine, or cytosine & guanine
6 a 3-nucleotide sequence in mRNA that encodes an amino acid or signifies a start or stop signal
7 the 5-C sugar found in DNA
8 enzymes that add complementary nucleotides to the newly formed DNA strands
9 the process by which DNA is copied in a cell before cell division by meiosis, mitosis, or binary fission
10 rules that relate how a sequence of nitrogenous bases correspond to a particular amino acid
11 the entire gene sequence, or complete genetic content
12 enzymes that unwind & separate the 2 DNA strands by breaking the H-bonds between bases
13 single-stranded RNA that carries instruction from a gene to make protein in the cytosol
14 a change in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule
15 part of a nucleotide containing N & C atoms capable of accepting H+ ions
(cont.) 16 nucleotide; 17 promoter; 18 protein synthesis; 19 purine; 20 pyrimidine;
21 replication fork; 22 ribose; 23 ribosomal RNA; 24 ribonucleic acid (RNA); 25RNA polymerase;
26semi-conservative replication; 27 termination signal; 28 transcription; 29 transfer RNA (tRNA);
30 transformation; 31 translation; 32 virulent
16 subunits of nucleic acids, consisting of a 5-C sugar, a phosphate group, & a nitrogenous base
17 a specific sequence of DNA where RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription
18 formation of proteins based on information in DNA & carried out by RNA
19 nitrogenous bases with double rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms, e.g. adenine & guanine
20 nitrogenous bases with a single ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms, e.g. thymine & cytosine
21 the Y-shaped region of DNA resulting from its strands separating
22 a 5-C ringed sugar with hydroxyl groups on each carbon
23 a type of RNA that is part of the structure of ribosomes
24 nucleic acid composed of ribose, phosphate groups, and nucleotide bases
25 enzyme that catalyzes the formation of RNA on a DNA template
26 type of replication in which each new DNA molecule has 1 of the 2 original DNA strands
27 a specific sequence of nucleotides that signal the end of a gene
28 the making of messenger RNA from a DNA template
29 a type of RNA that transfers amino acids to the ribosome to make proteins
30 transfer of DNA fragment from one cell/ organism to another cell/ organism
31 the RNA-directed assembly of amino acids into proteins
32 disease-causing
Chapter 11: Gene Expression, pp 217-228
1 cancer; 2 carcinogen; 3 carcinoma; 4 cell differentiation; 5 enhancer; 6 euchromatin; 7 exon;
8 gene expression; 9 homeobox; (etc…)
1 uncontrolled growth of cells that can invade other parts of the body
2 any substance that can induce or promote cancer
3 type of tumor that grow in the skin & tissues lining the organs of the body
4 development of cells into such that have specialized functions
5 sequences of DNA, although distant from promoter, that assist RNA polymerase’s progression
6 uncoiled form of DNA on which active transcription of DNA into RNA can occur
7 sections of structural genes that, when expressed, are transcribed and translated
8 the activation or “turning on” of a gene resulting in transcription & production of mRNA
9 specific DNA sequence within homeotic genes coding for regulatory proteins
(cont.) 10 homeotic gene; 11 inducer; 12 intron; 13 lac operon; 14 leukemia; 15 lymphoma;
16 metastasis; 17 oncogene; 18 operator; 19 operon; 20 pre-mRNA; 21 promoter; 22 proto-oncogene;
23 regulator gene; 24 repressor protein; 25 sarcoma; 26 structural gene; 27 transcription factor;
28 tumor; 29 tumor-suppressor gene; 30 genome
10 regulatory genes that determine where certain anatomical structures develop during morphogenesis
11 a molecule that initiates gene expression
12 sections of structural genes that are transcribed but not translated
13 series of genes coding for enzymes that regulate lactose metabolism
14 type of cancer in blood-forming tissues causing the uncontrolled production of white blood cells
15 type of tumor that grow in the tissues of the lymphatic system
16 the spread of cancer cells beyond their original site
17 a gene that can cause uncontrolled cell proliferation
18 region of DNA that serves as a “switch” by controlling access of RNA polymerase to the promoter
19 a series of genes that code for specific products and the regulatory elements that control these genes
20 form of messenger RNA that contains both introns & exons
21 region of DNA recognized by the RNA polymerase
22 genes that regulate cell growth, cell division, & ability of cells to adhere to one another
23 genes that code for repressor proteins
24 protein that inhibits genes from being expressed
25 type of tumor that grow in the bone & muscle tissue
26 genes that code for polypeptides
27 regulatory proteins in eukaryotes that control RNA polymerase binding to & progression along DNA
28 abnormal proliferation of cells that results from uncontrolled, abnormal cell division
29 genes that act as “brakes” to suppress tumor formation
30 the complete genetic material contained in an individual
Chapter 12: Inheritance Patterns & Human Genetics, pp 235 – 248
1 amniocentesis;2 autosome;3 carrier;4 chorionic villi sampling;5 chromosome map;6 codominance etc..
1 technique in which amniotic fluid from 14-16 week old fetus is analyzed for genetic diseases
2 chromosomes that are not directly involved in determining one’s gender
3 heterozygote in which the recessive allele, often disease-causing, is masked by the dominant allele
4 technique in which samples of the chorionic villi from 8-10 week old embryos are tested for genetic
5 diagram that shows the linear order of genes on a chromosome
6 situation in which both alleles are expressed in the phenotype of a heterozygote
Chapter 12: Inheritance Patterns & Human Genetics, pp 235 – 248 (continued)
7 complex character; 8 deletion; 9 frameshift mutation; 10 gene therapy; 11 germ-cell mutation;
12 genetic counseling; 13 genetic disorder; 14 Huntington’s disease; 15 incomplete dominance;
16 insertion mutation; 17 inversion; 18 lethal mutation; 19 linked gene; 20 map unit; 21 multiple allele;
22 nondisjunction; 23 pedigree; 24 point mutation; 25 polygenic; 26 sex chromosome; 27 sex-influenced
trait; 28 sex-linked trait; 29 somatic cell mutation; 30 SRY; 31 substitution; 32 translocation
7 characters that are influenced strongly both by the environment & by genes
8 loss of a piece of a chromosome due to breakage; loss of nucleotide(s) in a gene
9 genetic mutation in which a deletion or insertion causes incorrect grouping of all subsequent codons
10 technique in which a healthy copy of a gene replaces the defective copy
11 mutations occurring in an organism’s gametes
12 process of informing person(s) about their genetic makeup, often used in family planning
13 diseases or disabling conditions that have a genetic basis
14 autosomal dominant condition characterized by forgetfulness & irritability when 30-40 yrs old
15 condition in which heterozygotes express a trait that is an intermediated between the 2 parents
16 genetic mutation in which nucleotide(s) is/are added to a gene
17 chromosomal mutation in which a segment breaks off, flips around backward, and reattaches
18 mutations causing death, often before birth
19 pairs of genes that tend to be inherited together
20 frequency of crossing-over of 1%
21 genes with 3 or more alleles
22 chromosomal mutation in which a chromosome fails to separate from its homologue in meiosis
23 diagram showing how a trait is inherited over several generations
24 genetic mutation in which a single nucleotide is substituted, added, or deleted
25 characteristics that are influenced by several genes
26 chromosomes containing genes that determine one’s gender
27 condition in which genotype is expressed differently in genders depending on other complex
28 trait whose gene is on a sex chromosome
29 mutations occurring in an organism’s body cells
30 gene known as the Sex-determining Region of the Y chromosome
31 genetic mutation in which 1 nucleotide replaces another
32 chromosomal mutation in which piece of 1 chromosome breaks off & reattaches to a non-homologue