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Life is Cellular
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Pre Quiz – get out a ½ sheet of paper, for a pre unit quiz.
Number 1-10.
• By the end of class tomorrow, students will be able to:
– Describe the cell theory and differentiate between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic by completing their “Life is Cellular” packet
• Cell– Collection of living matter enclosed by a barrier that separates the cell
from its surroundings; basic unit of all forms of life.
Sentence: All ________________ are made up of cells.
• Cell theory– Idea that all living things are composed of cells and new cells are
produced from existing cells.
Sentence: New cells are produced from _________ __________; this is
called the cell theory.
• Cell Membrane– Thin, flexible barrier around a cell; regulates what enters and leaves
the cell.
The cell membrane helps _____________ the cell.
• Cell Wall– Strong layer around the cell membrane in plants, algae, and some
Sentence: Cell walls are found in _____________ cells.
• Nucleus– large structure inside some cells that contains the cell’s genetic
material (DNA) and controls the cell’s activities.
Sentence: The nucleus carries _________________. It acts like the
________ of the cell.
• Cytoplasm– material inside the cell membrane- but not including the nucleus.
Sentence: The cytoplasm contains the ____________ within the cell;
except the ___________.
2 Types of Cells…
1. Prokaryote– single-celled microorganism that lacks a nucleus.
Sentence: Prokaryotes have no ________, such as ________________.
2. Eukaryote– organism whose cells contain nuclei
Sentence: Eukaryotes have a __________ , such as ______________.
Organelle: Specialized structure that performs important
cellular functions within a eukaryotic cell.
Sentence: “Organelles have specific _________ within the
Life is Cellular
Cell Theory states three main points:
All living things are composed of cells.
Cells are the basic units of structure and
function in living things.
C. New cells are produced from existing cells
2. Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
• A. Cells of Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus,
but cells of Eukaryotes do.
• B. Prokaryotes: have cell membranes and
cytoplasm but do not contain nuclei
**All bacteria are prokaryotes
Eukaryotes: do contain nuclei, a cell
membrane and cytoplasm, plus organelles
(specialized structures that perform
important cellular functions)
– e. Can be single-celled organisms or
large multicellular organisms
– f. All plants, animals, fungi, and many
microorganisms are eukaryotes
Essential Questions
• What is the difference between an prokaryote and a
eukaryote cell?
Sentence Starter:
“A prokaryote/eukaryote cell has _________. An
example would be ______________.”
Be prepared to share!!!
Draw the two different cells:
Create a Table at the End of your
Has organelles in
the cytoplasm
No Nucleus
Has a nucleus
Warm up 1-24-2013
Thursday, January 24th 2013
• List the 3 pain points of the CELL THEORY.
• FUN FACT! – The human body is made up of 60-90
TRILLIAN cells!!!!!
• Objective: By the end of the period, students will be
able to identify at least 5 organelles and describe
their functions by participating in a
group activity.
• Play Video
What is an Organelle??
• Organelle = “little organ”
• A specialized structure that performs
important cellular functions within a
eukaryotic cell
• What are some organelles we have already
discussed in class?
Organelles of the Cell
• Cell Wall
– In plant cells, but not animal cells
– Provides support and protection for the cell: ridged, strong, stiff
– Made mostly of cellulose: a tough carbohydrate fiber
– Comparable to farm fence: keeps the cell (dairy cow herd) safe from
the outside environment.
Organelles of the Cell
• Cell Membrane
– Thin, flexible barrier around the cell
– Regulates what enters & leaves the cell
– In both plants & animals
– Provides support, protection & controls movement of materials in &
out of cell
– Comparable to a farm gate: keeps some things off the dairy while
allowing some things to pass through.
Material inside the cell membrane, not including nucleus
In plant & animal cells
Supports & protects cell organelles
Comparable to a pasture/field/open space on a dairy farm: contains
the parts of the cell.
The Cell’s Organelles!
• Nucleus
– Inside the cell; contains genetic material
– Controls cells activities
– In plant AND animal cells
– The control center of the dairy farm is the farm office!!
Nucleolus (Nucleoli)
Small, dense region within the nucleus
Where DNA is stored
In plant AND animal cells
Nucleolus is comparable to FARM RECORDS on a dairy farm…
Objective 1/25/2013
By the end of the period students will
be able to identify the different
organelles and describing there
specific function by participating in a
class game.
In the cell dwells
• Nuclear Envelope
– Surrounds the nucleus, double membrane
– Controls movement of materials in & out of nucleus
– In plant AND animal cells
– It is the fence around the dairy farm office. Why is that?
Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.)
– Network of tubes or membranes – smooth and rough
– where parts of the cell’s membrane are assembled and carries
materials through the cell.
– In both plant and animal cells
– On a dairy farm, these would be pens and corrals
Free bodies found throughout the cytoplasm or bound to the E.R.
Produces proteins
In both animal and plant cells
Compared to a dairy cow: Dairy cows produce milk just like ribosomes
produce protein!
– Bean-shaped with inner membranes
– Breaks down sugar molecules into energy; POWER
– In both animal and plant cells
– Much like a dairy manure digester that collects methane gas from
manure and uses it to generate electricity.
Golgi Body/Apparatus
– Modifies, sorts, & packages proteins for storage in the cell or release
outside of the cell.
– Appears to be folded
– Plant & animal cells
– Comparable to a dairy products processing plant: where cheese, milk,
other dairy products are packaged and shipped out!
• Vacuole
– Fluid-filled sacs
– Store food, water, waste
– Plant cells have a few, large vacuoles while animal cells have many
small ones
• Lysosome
– Helps break down materials into smaller molecules that can be used
by the cell
– Small, Round with a membrane
– Plant & animal cells
– What breaks down material on a dairy farm?
Green, oval, usually containing chlorophyll (green pigment)
Uses energy from the sun to make food for the plant (photosynthesis)
In plant cells NOT animal cells
Can be comparable to solar energy panels. Why is this?
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
January 28th - Warm UP
1. What organelle is referred to as the power house of
the cell?
2. What did you draw in your homework to reflect the
Vacuole organelle?
3. Why did I have you draw a dairy farm?
To do….
Cell Theory Rap
In Groups of 3:
 You will complete a Cell Rap.
 Your rap will consist of at least 3 verses.
(4 lines each)
 Should include information about cell
parts, cell theory, prokaryotic/eukaryotic
 All Members will perform the rap in 30
minutes and is worth 20 points. Get
Cell Theory Rap