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Unit C—Cycling of Matter in Living Systems
Unit Assessment
Line M ast er
Name: _____________________________________
Section C2.0 Quiz
A: Multiple Choice (8 marks)
Choose the one best answer.
1. The organelle that is responsible for energy conversion is the
a. ribosome.
b. mitochondrion.
c. Golgi apparatus.
d. endoplasmic reticulum.
2. Which of the following is true for both plant and animal cells?
a. have a cell wall
b. contain chlorophyll
c. contain a cytoskeleton
d. store energy as glycogen
3. The organelle that contains strong chemicals that can digest molecules is the
a. vacuole.
b. lysosome.
c. chloroplast.
d. Golgi apparatus.
4. A membrane that will only allow certain substances through is said to be _______
a. porous.
b. permeable.
c. impermeable.
d. semi-permeable.
5. A cell in a solution maintains its original size and shape. The solution is said to be
_____________ to the cell.
a. isotonic
b. hypotonic
c. hypertonic
d. semi-tonic
6. ___________________ is a type of movement across the cell membrane that requires energy.
a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion
c. Active transport
d. Facilitated diffusion
Addison Wesley Science 10
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Unit C—Cycling of Matter in Living Systems
7. Which statement is true regarding peritoneal dialysis?
a. Blood is removed from the body.
b. The patient cannot move around during the procedure.
c. The dialysate fluid flows in through a catheter in the abdomen.
d. Wastes move from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration.
8.What happens as a cell increases in size?
a. The surface area decreases.
b. The volume of the cell decreases.
c. The distance from the surface to the centre decreases.
d. More molecules need to be transported across the cell surface.
B. Written Response (6 marks)
9. Soft drinks may contain various concentrations of solutes. Some soft drinks have a low solute
concentration and are a source of water for your body’s cells. Others have a high solute
concentration and can dehydrate your cells. Which of these drinks should be marketed as
“thirst quenchers”? Explain your answer in terms of water concentration and water movement.
(4 marks)
10. Describe two ways the cell membrane can respond to substances that arrive at the cell surface.
(2 marks)
Addison Wesley Science 10
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Unit C—Cycling of Matter in Living Systems
Unit Assessment
Answers to Section C2.0 Quiz
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. c
7. c
8. d
9. Only soft drinks with a low solute concentration should be marketed as “thirst quenchers”
because they will have a higher concentration of water than the body’s cells and so water
molecules will enter the cell by osmosis and reduce dehydration. The drinks with a high solute
concentration may increase dehydration of the cells if the concentration of water in the drink is
low enough that water leaves the cell by osmosis.
10. Students could state any two of the following.
The cell may take in the substance by endocytosis, where the membrane folds inward forming
a vacuole. A carrier protein may attach to the substance and transport it across the membrane.
A receptor protein may attach to the substance and bring it in by endocytosis or the binding
may cause a response inside the cell.
Addison Wesley Science 10
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.