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Unit D—Energy Flow in Global Systems
Unit Assessment
Line M ast er
Name: _____________________________________________
Section D3.0 Quiz
A: Multiple Choice (8 marks)
1. Which of the following statements is false?
a) Earth is currently undergoing a warming trend.
b) Tree core samples provide a record of climate conditions in Earth’s past.
c) Ice core samples can be used to study the composition of Earth’s atmosphere in the past.
d) Climate change is important to study because it has never occurred before in Earth’s
2. Which of the following is an example of a carbon sink?
a) emission of CFCs
b) respiration of animals
c) burning of fossil fuels
d) photosynthesis of plants
3. Scientists include levels of confidence with their climate change data because:
a) they are unsure of their results
b) they are required to do this by law
c) they are indicating the level of accuracy in the data
d) they want to communicate that the data may be wrong
4. What was the purpose of the Montreal Protocol?
a) to reduce the production of carbon dioxide
b) to reduce the production of the greenhouse gas methane
c) to phase out the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
d) to develop a framework for future agreements on climate change
5. What was the purpose of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?
a) to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide
b) to phase out the production of halocarbons
c) to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gas methane
d) to develop a framework for future agreements on climate change
6. What was the purpose of the Kyoto Protocol?
a) to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide
b) to phase out the production of halocarbons
c) to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gas methane
d) to develop a framework for future agreements on climate change
7. Which of the activities below would give a country emission-reduction credits under the Kyoto
a) managing their own old-growth forests
b) helping a developing country reduce its emissions
c) selling another country technology to monitor its emissions
d) helping another country develop energy producing industries
Addison Wesley Science 10
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Unit D—Energy Flow in Global Systems
8. Which of the following potential results of climate change would NOT have a serious, direct
impact on grassland biomes in Alberta?
a) loss of ice cover
b) lower levels of precipitation
c) increased global temperature
d) increased numbers of severe weather events
B: Written Response (6 marks)
9. Why is international collaboration on climate change important? (3 marks)
10. Describe three limitations of technology that affect our understanding of climate and climate
change. (3 marks)
Addison Wesley Science 10
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.
Unit D—Energy Flow in Global Systems
Answers to Section D3.0 Quiz
A: Multiple Choice
1. d)
2. d)
3. c)
4. c)
5. d)
6. a)
7. b)
8. a)
B: Written Response
9. Climate change is a global problem and so can only be addressed through international
cooperation among scientists, governments, industry, and citizens the world over.
10. Student answers will vary. Examples of limitations could include: availability of appropriate
computers; need for more data to improve the modelling scenarios; accuracy and availability of
equipment to collect data (such as the availability of satellite time to collect atmospheric data);
and cost.
Addison Wesley Science 10
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education Canada Inc.