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Ch. 4 Review Game 1. The parts all cells have 2. All cells have the ability to store __________ information 3. The cell membrane is also called the 4. The cell membrane is made of 5. The cell membrane has these large molecules imbedded in the bilayer 6. The cell membrane allows only some molecules to enter/leave the cell, so it is 7. Cell size is limited by 8. There are ______ microns in a millimeter 9. The three shapes of bacteria are 10. Part of the cell that contains the instructions to make proteins 11. site of protein synthesis 12. organelle that transports proteins 13. organelle that processes and packages proteins 14. small packages of proteins that pinch off the Golgi 15. site of photosynthesis 16. site of cellular respiration 17. many bacterial diseases can be treated with 18. these disease-­‐causing specimens are considered non-­‐living 19. The two molecules all viruses contain 20. Organelles plant cells have that animal cells do not 21. ATP is produced by the organelles 22. ATP is produced by the process of 23. Glucose is produced by the organelles 24. Glucose is produced by the process of 25. Cellular respiration take place in this type of cell 26. Photosynthesis takes place in this type of cell 27. The hairy looking structures on bacteria 28. The location of DNA in bacteria 29. Used for movement in some bacteria 30. These need a host cell to reproduce 31. The green oval organelles seen in plant cells 32. The oval organelles in all eukaryotes with a folded membrane inside 33. The large open space in a plant cell 34. The series of membrane-­‐bound organelles that proteins travel through before export 35. Semi-­‐fluid substance that surrounds the organelles 1. Cell membrane, ribosomes, DNA and c cytoplasm 2. Hereditary 3. Plasma membrane 4. A phospholipid bilayer 5. Proteins 6. Semi-­‐permeable 7. Surface are to volume ratio and efficiency 8. 1000 9. Cocci, spirilla, bacilli 10. Nucleus 11. Ribosome 12. Endoplasmic reticulum 13. Golgi body/apparatus 14. Vesicles 15. Chloroplast 16. Mitochondrian 17. Antibiotics 18. Viruses 19. Protein coat and nucleic acid 20. Cell wall, central vacuole, chloroplasts 21. Mitochondria 22. Cellular Respiration 23. Chloroplasts 24. Photosynthesis 25. All cells 26. Any autotroph with chloroplasts 27. Pili 28. Nucleoid 29. Flagellum 30. Viruses 31. Chloroplasts 32. Mitochondria 33. Large central vacuole 34. Cytomembrane or endomembrane system 35. Cytoplasm