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Reviewing Biology: The Living Environment
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with patterns of inheritance, or heredity. Heredity is the
biological process by which parents pass on genetic information to their offspring through their
gametes. The science of genetics originated with the work of an Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel,
who performed a series of experiments on pea plants between 1856 and 1868.
Principles of Mendelian Genetics
In his breeding experiments, Mendel (who, like everyone else at that time, had no knowledge of
genes or chromosomes) made careful observations of the inheritance patterns of specific
contrasting traits found in pea plants. Through a mathematical analysis of the traits found in the
large numbers of offspring from his experimental crosses, Mendel developed his principles of
dominance, segregation, and independent assortment. Mendel also concluded that the traits he
observed were controlled by pairs of inherited “factors,” with one member of each pair coming
from each parent organism. Thus, in organisms that reproduce sexually, half of the offspring’s
genetic material is contributed by the female parent and half by the male parent. As a result, the
offspring has traits from both parents, and is never identical to either one of them.
Gene–Chromosome Theory
The importance of Mendel’s work was not recognized until the early 1900s, when the
development of better microscopes enabled biologists to observe chromosome behavior during
meiotic cell division. Biologists then linked the separation of homologous chromosome pairs
during meiosis and their recombination at fertilization with the inheritance of Mendel’s factors.
Breeding experiments carried out by T. H. Morgan with the fruit fly, Drosophila, provided
supporting evidence for Mendel’s principles of inheritance.
Mendel’s inherited, or hereditary, factors—now known as genes—are arranged in a linear
fashion on the chromosomes. Each gene has a definite position, or locus (plural, loci), on the
chromosome. The two alternate genes that control each trait are called alleles, and they are located
in the same position on homologous chromosomes. This gene–chromosome theory explains the
hereditary patterns observed by Mendel.
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patterns observed
by Mendel.
Gene Expression
Every organism has at least two alleles that govern every trait. As mentioned, these two genes are
passed on—one from the mother and one from the father—to the offspring. The genes encode
information that is expressed as the traits of the organism, a phenomenon called gene expression.
A single gene (that is, one set of alleles) may control one or several traits. Alternatively, some
traits are determined by more than one gene (that is, by more than one set of alleles).
Although all the body cells in an organism contain the same genetic instructions, the cells may
differ considerably from one another in structure and function. The reason is that, in any given
cell, only some of the genes are expressed, while all other genes are inactivated. For example, in
liver cells, it is mainly the genes that pertain to liver functions that are active, while the other
genes are inactive. The same is true of all other cells in a body. You can think of the genes on a
cell’s chromosomes as recipes in a cookbook: the book may contain hundreds of recipes, but if
you are making a chocolate cake, you will read only the instructions for making that item.
Likewise, the cell reads only the instructions for making its specific products.
Genes that are “on” are expressed, while those that are “off” are not expressed. There are many
mechanisms that can switch genes on and off, including intracellular chemicals, enzymes,
regulatory proteins, and the cell’s environment. In addition, a particular gene may alternately be
expressed or inactivated, depending on the cell’s needs at the time.
In his experiments, Mendel crossed plants that were pure for contrasting traits. For example, he
crossed pure tall plants with pure short plants. All the offspring of such crosses showed only one
of the two contrasting traits. In the cross of tall plants and short plants, all the offspring were tall.
In this type of inheritance, the allele that is expressed in the offspring is said to be dominant; the
allele that is present but not expressed is said to be recessive. This pattern illustrates Mendel’s
principle of dominance.
By convention, the dominant allele is represented by a capital letter, while the recessive allele is
represented by the lowercase form of the same letter. For example, the allele for tallness, which is
dominant, is shown as T, while the allele for shortness, which is recessive, is shown as t.
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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is shown asThe
T, while
the allele
for shortness, which is recessive, is shown as t.
If, in an organism, the two genes of a pair of alleles are the same, for example, TT or tt, the
organism is said to be homozygous, or pure, for that trait. The genetic makeup of the organism,
which is its genotype, is either homozygous dominant (TT) or homozygous recessive (tt). If the
two genes of a pair of alleles are different, for example, Tt, the organism is said to be
heterozygous, or hybrid, for that trait.
The physical appearance of an organism that results from its genetic makeup is called its
phenotype. For example, a pea plant that is heterozygous for height has the genotype Tt and the
phenotype of being tall. When an organism that is homozygous for the dominant trait is crossed
with an organism that is homozygous for the recessive trait (TT × tt), the phenotype of the offspring is like that of the dominant parent. Thus, the heterozygous offspring (Tt) is tall.
In studies involving genetic crosses, the organisms that are used to begin the studies are called the
parent generation. The offspring produced by crossing members of the parent generation are
called the first filial, or F1, generation. The offspring of a cross between members of the F1
generation make up the second filial, or F2, generation.
1. When a strain of fruit flies homozygous for light body color is crossed with a strain of
fruit flies homozygous for dark body color, all the offspring have light body color. This
illustrates Mendel’s principle of (1) segregation (2) dominance (3) incomplete
dominance (4) independent assortment
2. Two genes located in corresponding positions on a pair of homologous chromosomes
and associated with the same characteristic are known as (1) gametes (2) zygotes (3)
chromatids (4) alleles
3. For a given trait, the two genes of an allelic pair are not alike. An individual possessing
this gene combination is said to be (1) homozygous for that trait (2) heterozygous for
that trait (3) recessive for that trait (4) pure for that trait
4. In pea plants, flowers located along the stem (axial) are dominant to flowers located at
the end of the stem (terminal). Let A represent the allele for axial flowers and a
represent the allele for terminal flowers. When plants with axial flowers are crossed
with plants having terminal flowers, all of the offspring have axial flowers. The
genotypes of the parent plants are most likely (1) aa × aa (2) Aa × Aa (3) aa × Aa (4)
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with plants The
flowers, all of the offspring have axial flowers. The
genotypes of the parent plants are most likely (1) aa × aa (2) Aa × Aa (3) aa × Aa (4)
AA × aa
5. Curly hair in humans, white fur in guinea pigs, and needlelike spines in cacti all partly
describe each organism’s (1) alleles (2) auto-somes (3) chromosomes (4) phenotype
6. The appearance of a recessive trait in off-spring of animals most probably indicates that
(1) both parents carried at least one recessive gene for that trait (2) one parent was
homozygous dominant and the other parent was homozygous recessive for that trait (3)
neither parent carried a recessive gene for that trait (4) one parent was homozygous
dominant and the other parent was hybrid for that trait
7. Which statement describes how two organisms may show the same trait yet have
different geno-types for that phenotype? (1) One is homozygous dominant and the other
is heterozygous. (2) Both are heterozygous for the dominant trait. (3) One is
homozygous dominant and the other is homozygous recessive. (4) Both are
homozygous for the dominant trait.
8. In cabbage butterflies, white color (W) is dominant and yellow color (w) is recessive. If
a pure white cabbage butterfly mates with a yellow cabbage butterfly, all the resulting
(F1) butterflies are heterozygous white. Which cross represents the genotypes of the
parent generation? (1) Ww × ww (2) WW × Ww (3) WW × ww (4) Ww × Ww
9. Most of the hereditary information that determines the traits of an organism is located in
(1) only those cells of an individual produced by meiosis (2) the nuclei of body cells of
an individual (3) certain genes in the vacuoles of body cells (4) the numerous ribosomes
in certain cells
10. The characteristics of a developing fetus are most influenced by (1) gene combinations
and their expression in the embryo (2) hormone production by the father (3) circulating
levels of white blood cells in the placenta (4) milk production in the mother
11. Explain how two organisms can have the same phenotype but different genotypes.
12. To illustrate your answer to question 11, pick a trait and use a letter to represent it.
Write the genotypes of the parents and F1 generations for each organism.
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13. Why do the offspring of sexually reproducing organisms resemble both parents? Why
are they not identical to either one of the parents?
14. Explain why the body cells of an organism can differ in structure and function, even
though they all contain the same genetic information.
Segregation and Recombination
When gametes are formed during meiosis, the two chromosomes of each homologous pair
separate, or segregate, randomly. Each gamete contains only one allele for each trait. After the
gametes fuse during fertilization, the resulting (zygote) cell contains pairs of homologous
chromosomes, but new combinations of alleles may be present. This process is described by
Mendel’s principle of segregation.
Figure 7-1. Segregation and recombination of alleles.
Figure 7-1 illustrates segregation and recombination in a cross between two individuals that are
heterozygous for tallness. In a large number of such crosses, with a large number of offspring, two
types of numerical ratios can be observed. In terms of genotype, the ratio is 1 homozygous
dominant (TT) : 2 heterozygous (Tt) : 1 homozygous recessive (tt). In terms of phenotype, the
ratio is 3 tall : 1 short. These genotype and phenotype ratios are typical for all crosses between
organisms that are hybrid for one trait.
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that are hybrid
one trait.Environment
Figure 7-2. Use of a testcross to determine an organism’s genotype.
The Testcross
To determine the genotype of an organism that shows the dominant phenotype, a testcross is
performed. In a testcross, the organism in question is crossed with a homozygous recessive
organism (Figure 7-2). If the test organism is homozygous dominant, all the offspring will be
heterozygous and show the dominant phenotype. If any offspring show the recessive phenotype,
the individual being tested would have to be heterozygous.
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the individual
being tested
to be heterozygous.
Punnett Square
The possible offspring of a genetic cross are often shown with a diagram called a Punnett square.
We can use a Punnett square to show the possible offspring of a cross between a heterozygous tall
pea plant (Tt) and a homozygous short pea plant (tt).
The first step in using a Punnett square is to determine the possible genotypes of the gametes of
each parent. In this example, the heterozygous tall plant (Tt) produces two types of gametes: half
will contain the dominant gene for height, T, and half will contain the recessive gene, t. The
gametes of the homozygous short plant (tt) will each contain the recessive gene for height, t.
As shown in Figure 7-3, the letters that represent the trait carried by the gametes of one parent are
written next to the boxes on the left side of the square; the letters for the gametes of the other
parent are written above the boxes on top of the square. The letters are combined to show offspring genotypes as follows: letters on top of the square are written in the boxes below them, and
letters on the side are written in the boxes to the right of them. The dominant gene, when present,
is written first. The pairs of letters in the four boxes represent the possible combinations of genes
in the offspring of the cross. Of the possible offspring of this cross, half would be heterozygous
tall (Tt) and half would be homozygous (recessive) short (tt).
Mendel’s observation of the independent inheritance of different traits was the basis for his
principle of independent assortment. When the events of meiosis were discovered, it became clear
that traits are inherited independently of one another only when their genes are on nonhomologous
chromosomes. However, when the genes for two different traits are located on the same pair of
homologous chromosomes, they tend to be inherited together. Such genes are said to be linked.
The patterns of inheritance and phenotype ratios for linked traits are different from those of
nonlinked traits (the kind observed by Mendel).
Figure 7-3. Use of a Punnett square to determine possible genotypes
of offspring.
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Figure 7-4. Crossing-over of chromatids.
During synapsis in the first meiotic division, the chromatids of a pair of homologous
chromosomes often twist around each other, break, exchange segments, and rejoin (Figure 7-4).
This exchange of segments, called crossing-over, results in a rearrangement of linked genes and
produces variations in offspring. Crossing-over is an important source of genetic variation in
sexual reproduction.
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Biology: The Living Environment
sexual reproduction.
15. Polydactyly is a characteristic in which a person has six fingers per hand. Polydactyly is
dominant over the trait for five fingers. If a man who is heterozygous for this trait
marries a woman with the normal number of fingers, what are the chances that their
child would be polydactyl? (1) 0% (2) 50% (3) 75% (4) 100%
16. A cross between two pea plants that are hybrid for a single trait produces 60 offspring.
Approximately how many of the offspring would be expected to exhibit the recessive
trait? (1) 15 (2) 45 (3) 30 (4) 60
17. Which principle states that during meiosis chromosomes are distributed to gametes in a
random fashion? (1) dominance (2) linkage (3) segregation (4) mutation
18. In guinea pigs, black coat color is dominant over white coat color. The offspring of a
mating between two heterozygous black guinea pigs would probably show a phenotype
ratio of (1) two black to two white (2) one black to three white (3) three black to one
white (4) four black to zero white
19. The offspring of a mating between two heterozygous black guinea pigs would probably
show a genotype ratio of (1) l BB : 2 Bb : 1 bb (2) 3 Bb :1 bb (3) 2 BB : 2 bb (4) 2 BB :
1 Bb : 1 bb
20. If a breeder wanted to discover whether a black guinea pig was homozygous (BB) or
heterozygous (Bb) for coat color, the animal in question would have to be crossed with
an individual that has the genotype (1) BB (2) bb (3) Bb (4) BbBb
21. Mendel’s principle of independent assortment applies to traits whose genes are found
on (1) homologous chromosomes (2) sex chromosomes (3) the same chromosome (4)
nonhomologous chromosomes
22. The process in which the chromatids of pairs of homologous chromosomes exchange
segments is called (1) linkage (2) crossing-over (3) independent assortment (4)
intermediate inheritance
23. In horses, black coat color is dominant over chestnut coat color. Two black horses
produce both a black-coated and a chestnut-coated offspring. If coat color is controlled
by a single pair of genes, it can be assumed that (1) in horses, genes for coat color
frequently mutate (2) one of the parent horses is homozygous dominant and the other is
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Reviewing Biology:
by a single pair
genes, it Environment
can be assumed that (1) in horses, genes for coat color
frequently mutate (2) one of the parent horses is homozygous dominant and the other is
heterozygous for coat color (3) both parent horses are homozygous for coat color (4)
both parent horses are heterozygous for coat color
24. Based on your answer to question 23, explain how two black horses could produce a
chestnut-colored offspring.
Base your answers to questions 25 through 27 on the diagram below, which represents
a pair of homologous chromosomes at the beginning of meiosis. The letters A, B, C, a,
b, and c represent pairs of alleles located on the chromosomes.
25. Compare the sets of chromosomes on the left with those on the right. Explain what has
26. What process (not shown) is responsible for the observed results?
27. How does this process lead to variations among offspring?
28. When is a testcross used? Explain how it works.
29. Explain the following statement: Traits are inherited independently of one another only
if their genes are on non-homologous chromosomes. You may use diagrams to support
your explanation.
Sex Determination
The diploid cells of many organisms contain two types of chromosomes: autosomes and sex
chromosomes. There is generally one pair of sex chromosomes, and all the other chromosomes are
autosomes. In human body cells there are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.
The sex chromosomes are called the X and Y chromosomes. Females have two X chromosomes,
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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In human The
body cells
are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.
The sex chromosomes are called the X and Y chromosomes. Females have two X chromosomes,
and males have one X and one Y chromosome.
During meiotic cell division, the sex chromosomes, like all other chromosome pairs, are separated
(Figure 7-5, page 102). The resulting gametes contain only one sex chromosome. Since females
have two X chromosomes, each female gamete receives an X chromosome. Since the genotype of
males is XY, sperm cells may receive either an X or a Y chromosome. The sex of the offspring is
determined at fertilization and depends on whether the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X or a
sperm with a Y chromosome. If the sperm has an X chromosome, the resulting zygote will be
female (XX). If the sperm has a Y chromosome, the resulting zygote will be male (XY).
Figure 7-5. Sex determination of offspring.
Sex-linked Traits
T. H. Morgan, in his experiments with fruit flies, found that some rare, abnormal recessive traits
appear with greater frequency in males than in females. From his observations, Morgan concluded
that the genes for these traits are present on the X chromosome and that there are no corresponding
alleles for these traits on the Y chromosome. Genes found on the X chromosome are called sexlinked genes. Recessive sex-linked traits appear more frequently in males than in females because
in females there is usually a normal, dominant allele on the other X chromosome, so that the
phenotype is normal. In males, there is no second allele, so the presence of one recessive gene
produces a recessive phenotype.
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produces Biology:
a recessive phenotype.
Both hemophilia and color blindness are sex-linked disorders; they occur more frequently in
males than in females. Hemophilia is a condition in which the blood does not clot properly, while
color blindness is an inability to distinguish certain colors. The genes for normal blood clotting
and normal color vision are dominant; the genes for hemophilia and color blindness are recessive.
For a female to show either of these disorders, she must have recessive genes (alleles) on both of
her X chromosomes. Females with one normal, dominant gene and one recessive gene for these
disorders are called carriers. They can pass the disorder to their offspring but do not themselves
show symptoms of the disorder. Figure 7-6 shows the possible genotypes of children of a normal
male and a female carrier of color blindness.
Figure 7-6. Inheritance of color blindness.
30. If a color-blind man marries a woman who is a carrier for color blindness, it is most
probable that (1) all of their sons will have normal color vision (2) half of their sons
will be color-blind (3) all of their sons will be color-blind (4) none of their children will
have normal color vision
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have normalThe
vision Environment
31. A color-blind man marries a woman with normal vision. Her mother was color-blind.
They have one child. What is the chance that this child will be color-blind? (1) 0% (2)
25% (3) 50% (4) 100%
32. A color-blind woman marries a man who has normal color vision. What are their
chances of having a color-blind daughter? (1) 0% (2) 25% (3) 75% (4) 100%
33. Which parental pair could produce a color-blind female? (1) homozygous normal-vision
mother and color-blind father (2) color-blind mother and normal-vision father (3)
heterozygous normal-vision mother and normal-vision father (4) heterozygous normalvision mother and color-blind father
34. Which statement correctly describes the normal number and type of chromosomes
present in human body cells of a particular sex? (1) Males have 22 pairs of autosomes
and 1 pair of XX sex chromosomes. (2) Females have 23 pairs of autosomes. (3) Males
have 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of XY sex chromosomes. (4) Males have 23 pairs
of autosomes.
35. Based on the pattern of inheritance known as sex linkage, if a male is a hemophiliac,
how many genes for this trait are present on the sex chromosomes in each of his diploid
cells? (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
36. Traits controlled by genes on the X chromosome are said to be (1) sex-linked (2)
mutagenic (3) incompletely dominant (4) homozygous
37. Use a diagram to show why, for each pregnancy, the chances of giving birth to either a
boy or a girl is 50-50. Explain the results shown in your diagram.
38. Explain why hemophilia occurs more often in males than in females. Use a diagram to
illustrate your answer.
Changes in the genetic material are called mutations. Mutations in body cells can be passed on to
new cells of the individual as a result of mitosis, but they cannot be transmitted to offspring by
sexual reproduction. However, mutations in sex cells can be transmitted to the next generation.
Mutations may involve alterations in chromosomes or alterations in the chemical makeup of genes.
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The Living
Mutations may
involve alterations
in chromosomes
or alterations in the chemical makeup of genes.
Chromosomal Alterations
Chromosomal alterations involve a change in the structure or number of chromosomes. The
effects of chromosomal alterations are often seen in the phenotype of an organism because each
chromosome contains many genes.
During meiosis, the two chromosomes of each homologous pair separate from each other; each
gamete produced by the division receives only one member of each homologous pair. The
separation of homologous chromosomes is called disjunction. The term nondisjunction refers to
a type of chromosomal alteration in which one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes fails
to separate normally during meiotic cell division (Figure 7-7).
Figure 7-7. Nondisjunction of chromosomes.
As a result of nondisjunction, one of the gametes produced contains both members of the
homologous pair, while another gamete contains neither chromosome. Nondisjunction results in
the production of some gametes with more chromosomes than normal and some gametes with
fewer chromosomes than normal. If one of these abnormal gametes is involved in fertilization,
the resulting zygote will have either more than or less than the normal (2n) number of
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Biology: The
fewer chromosomes
than normal.
one of these abnormal gametes is involved in fertilization,
the resulting zygote will have either more than or less than the normal (2n) number of
Down syndrome in humans is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome number 21.
Nondisjunction during gamete production in one of the parents produces a gamete with an extra
chromosome 21. As a result of fertilization, this extra chromosome is transmitted to the
Occasionally during gamete formation, a complete set of chromosomes fails to undergo
disjunction, and a gamete is produced that contains the diploid (2n) chromosome number. If a
diploid gamete unites with a normal (n) gamete during fertilization, the resulting zygote will
have a 3n chromosome number. If two 2n gametes fuse, a 4n zygote results. The inheritance of
one or more complete extra sets of chromosomes is called polyploidy. This condition is common
in plants but rare in animals. In plants, polyploid individuals are usually larger or more vigorous
than the normal, diploid varieties. Certain strains of wheat, potatoes, alfalfa, apples, tobacco,
and zinnias are polyploid. Some polyploid plants produce seedless fruit and are sterile.
Changes in Chromosome Structure
Changes in the makeup of chromosomes may result from random breakage and recombination
of chromosome parts. Translocation occurs when a segment of one chromosome breaks off and
reattaches to a nonhomologous chromosome. Addition occurs when a segment breaks off one
chromosome and reattaches to the homologous chromosome. Inversion occurs when a segment
breaks off and reattaches in reverse on the same chromosome. Deletion occurs when a segment
breaks off and does not reattach to any other chromosome.
Gene Mutations
A random change in the chemical makeup of the DNA (genetic material) is a gene mutation. The
effects of some gene mutations, such as albinism, are noticeable, but other gene mutations may
not produce noticeable effects.
Inheritable gene mutations tend to be harmful to the individual. For example, sickle-cell anemia
and Tay-Sachs disease are caused by gene mutations. Fortunately, most gene mutations are
recessive and are hidden by the normal, dominant allele. However, if both parents carry the same
recessive mutant gene, there is a chance that their offspring will be homozygous recessive and
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recessive Biology:
and are hidden
by Living
the normal,
dominant allele. However, if both parents carry the same
recessive mutant gene, there is a chance that their offspring will be homozygous recessive and
show the harmful trait.
Occasionally, random gene mutations produce changes that make an individual better adapted to
the environment. Over time, such helpful mutant genes tend to increase in frequency within a
Mutagenic Agents
Although mutations occur spontaneously, the rate of mutation can be increased by exposure to
certain chemicals and forms of radiation that act as mutagenic agents. For example, forms of
mutagenic radiation include x-rays, ultraviolet rays, radioactive substances, and cosmic rays.
Mutagenic chemicals include formaldehyde, benzene, and asbestos fibers.
39. Which phrase best describes most mutations? (1) dominant and disadvantageous to the
organism (2) recessive and disadvantageous to the organism (3) recessive and
advantageous to the organism (4) dominant and advantageous to the organism
40. The failure of a pair of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiotic cell
division is called (1) nondisjunction (2) translocation (3) addition (4) deletion
41. The condition in which a gamete contains the 2n or 3n number of chromosomes is
called (1) translocation (2) a gene mutation (3) polydactyly (4) polyploidy
42. The presence of only one X chromosome in each body cell of a human female produces
a condition known as Turner syndrome. This condition most probably results from the
process called (1) polyploidy (2) crossing-over (3) nondisjunction (4) hybridization
43. A random change in the chemical structure of DNA produces (1) polyploidy (2) a
translocation (3) nondisjunction (4) a gene mutation
44. Down syndrome in humans is characterized by the presence of an extra chromosome 21
in all cells of the body. The number of chromosomes present in the body cells of
individuals with this condition is (1) n + 1 (2) 3n (3) 2n + 1 (4) 4n
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individuals The
with this
is (1) n + 1 (2) 3n (3) 2n + 1 (4) 4n
45. The graph below shows the relationship between maternal age and the number of
children born with Down syndrome per 1000 births.
According to the graph, the incidence of Down syndrome (1) generally decreases as
maternal age increases (2) is about nine times greater at age 45 than at age 30 (3)
stabilized at 2 per 1000 births after age 35 (4) is greater at age 15 than at age 35
46. Ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and certain other forms of radiation can increase the rate of
gene mutation. These forms of radiation are said to act as (1) mutagenic agents (2)
catalysts (3) enzymes (4) indicators
47. The large size and exceptional vigor of certain varieties of wheat, apples, and zinnias
are due to the possession of extra sets of chromosomes, which result from (1)
incomplete dominance (2) gene mutations (3) nondisjunction of complete sets of
chromosomes (4) nondisjunction of chromosome number 21 only
48. A type of chromosomal alteration in which a segment of chromosome breaks off and
does not reattach to any chromosome is called (1) addition (2) inversion (3) deletion (4)
49. Changes in the genetic code of a human can be transmitted to offspring if they occur in
(1) cancer cells (2) gametes (3) cell membranes (4) antibodies
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(1) cancer cells
(3) cell membranes (4) antibodies
Base your answers to questions 50 through 53 on the following information about an experiment
and on your knowledge of biology.
Two groups of 100 lima beans each were used. Group A was exposed to natural light for a period
of 24 hours and then planted.
Group B was exposed to microwave energy for 24 hours and then planted under the same
conditions as Group A. When the seeds germinated, the plants were observed for growth over a
period of two weeks. The results are summarized in the table below.
Number of Plants
Normal Growth
Stunted and/or Pale
50. What hypothesis was most likely being tested in this experiment?
51. Describe the results of the experiment.
52. Based on the data, propose a conclusion for the experiment.
53. What are some of the implications of the data?
54. Explain how it is possible for an individual to inherit an extra chromosome. List two or
more human genetic disorders caused by the inheritance of an abnormal number of
55. Mutagens are agents that increase the rate of gene mutations in cells. Identify three
types of mutagenic agents and briefly explain how each one causes mutations. Describe
how people may reduce their chances of being harmed by these particular agents.
The development and expression of inherited traits can be influenced by environmental factors such
as nutrients, temperature, sunlight, and so on. The relationship between gene action and
environmental influence can be seen in the following examples.
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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can beLiving
seen in the
following examples.
Temperature affects fur color in the Himalayan rabbit. Under normal circumstances, these rabbits
are white with black ears, nose, tail, and feet. (The black fur helps the rabbit absorb more heat in its
extremities.) However, when some of the white fur on a Himalayan rabbit’s back is shaved off and
the area kept covered with an ice pack, the new hairs grow in black. The artificial change in
temperature produces a change in fur color.
Experiments have shown that the production of chlorophyll requires exposure to sunlight. When
parts of a leaf are covered with dark paper, chlorophyll production stops in the area that is covered.
Only the exposed part produces chlorophyll, is green, and performs photosynthesis.
Stress and nutrition can affect gene expression. For example, someone who has a tall genotype may
not develop a tall phenotype if his or her growth is stunted by malnutrition.
Using the principles of genetics, plant and animal breeders have been able to produce, improve, and
maintain new varieties of plants and animals. Methods of selective breeding used by such people
include artificial selection, inbreeding, and hybridization.
In artificial selection, individuals with the most desirable traits (for example, sheep with thick, soft
wool) are crossed or allowed to mate in the hopes that their offspring will show the desired traits.
The offspring of selected organisms may be mated with one another to produce more individuals
with the desirable traits. This technique, called inbreeding, involves the mating of closely related
organisms. (Of course, the risk of inbreeding is that harmful recessive genes are more likely to be
inherited and cause disorders in the offspring.)
Two varieties of a species may have different desirable traits. In a technique called hybridization,
breeders cross two such varieties in the hope of producing hybrid offspring that show the desirable
traits of both varieties. For example, if one variety of rose has very large petals and another variety
has a very sweet scent, their hybrid might show both desirable traits.
56. If bean plant seedlings are germinated in the dark, the seedlings will lack green color.
The best explanation for this condition is that (1) bean plants are heterotrophic
organisms (2) bean seedlings lack nitrogen compounds in their cotyledons (3) the
absence of an environmental factor limits the expression of a genotype (4) bean plants
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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Reviewing Biology:
organisms (2)
lack nitrogen compounds in their cotyledons (3) the
absence of an environmental factor limits the expression of a genotype (4) bean plants
cannot break down carbon dioxide to produce oxygen in the dark
57. In many humans, exposing the skin to sunlight over prolonged periods of time results in
the production of more pigment by the skin cells (tanning). This change in skin color
provides evidence that (1) ultraviolet light can cause mutations (2) gene action can be
influenced by the environment (3) the inheritance of skin color is an acquired
characteristic (4) albinism is a recessive characteristic
58. Identical twins were separated at birth and brought together after 13 years. They varied
in height by 5 centimeters and in weight by 10 kilograms. The most probable
explanation for these differences is that (1) their environments affected the expression
of their traits (2) their cells did not divide by mitotic cell division (3) they developed
from two different zygotes (4) they differed in their genotypes
59. A normal bean seedling that had the ability to produce chlorophyll did not produce any
chlorophyll when grown in soil that was totally deficient in magnesium salts. Which
statement concerning this plant’s inability to produce chlorophyll is true? (1) The lack
of magnesium prevented the plant’s roots from absorbing water. (2) The production of
chlorophyll was controlled solely by heredity. (3) The lack of magnesium caused a
mutation of the gene that controlled chlorophyll production. (4) The production of
chlorophyll was influenced by environmental conditions.
60. To ensure the maintenance of a desirable trait in a particular variety of plant, a farmer
would use (1) binary fission (2) mutagenic agents (3) artificial selection (4) natural
61. The mating of very closely related organisms in order to produce the most desirable
traits is known as (1) inbreeding (2) hybridization (3) karyotyping (4) crossing-over
62. Plant and animal breeders usually sell or get rid of undesirable specimens and use only
the desirable ones for breeding. This practice is referred to as (1) vegetative propagation
(2) artificial selection (3) natural breeding (4) random mating
63. A single gene mutation results from (1) a change in a base sequence in DNA (2)
recombination of traits (3) the failure of chromosomes to separate (4) blocked nerve
64. The chart below shows relationships between genes, the environment, and coloration of
tomato plants. Which statement best explains the final appearance of these tomato
plants? (1) The expression of gene A is not affected by light. (2) The expression of gene
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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Reviewing Biology:
tomato plants.
best explains the final appearance of these tomato
plants? (1) The expression of gene A is not affected by light. (2) The expression of gene
B varies with the presence of light. (3) The expression of gene A varies with the
environment. (4) Gene B is expressed only in darkness.
Inherited Environmental
Final Appearance
65. Some mammals have genes for fur color that produce pigment only when the outside
temperature is above a certain level. This pigment production is an example of how the
environment of an organism can (1) destroy certain genes (2) cause new mutations to
occur (3) stop the process of evolution (4) influence the expression of certain genes
66. Identify three environmental factors that can influence phenotype. Give an example of
67. Describe some steps a breeder would take to produce an organism that has desirable
The principles of genetics apply to all organisms. However, specific studies of human genetics are
limited because humans are not suitable subjects for experimentation: human generation time is too
long; there are only a small number of off-spring per generation in a human family; and it is
unethical to perform such experiments on humans. Knowledge of human heredity has been gathered
indirectly through studies of human pedigree charts and materials obtained in the course of genetics
Human Pedigree Charts
The patterns of inheritance of certain traits can be traced in families for a number of generations.
These patterns can be illustrated in pedigree charts that show the presence or absence of certain
genetic traits in each generation. The use of a pedigree chart may also make it possible to identify
carriers of recessive genes.
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The Living Environment
carriers ofBiology:
recessive genes.
Human Genetic Disorders
Some diseases caused by genetic abnormalities are sickle-cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, and
phenylketonuria. These disorders are caused by gene mutations.
Sickle-cell anemia is a blood disorder found most commonly in individuals of African descent.
The disorder is caused by a gene mutation that results in the production of abnormal hemoglobin
molecules and red blood cells. The abnormal hemoglobin and sickle-shaped cells do not carry
oxygen efficiently, resulting in anemia. The sickle-shaped red cells also tend to obstruct blood
vessels, causing severe pain. Sickle-cell anemia occurs in individuals homozygous for the trait.
Both homozygous and heterozygous individuals can be detected by blood tests.
Tay-Sachs disease is a recessive genetic disorder in which nerve tissue in the brain deteriorates
because of an accumulation of fatty material. The disorder is a result of the body’s inability to
synthesize a particular enzyme. Tay-Sachs disease, which is fatal, occurs most commonly among
Jewish people of Central European descent.
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disorder in which the body cannot synthesize an enzyme necessary
for the normal metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine. The disease, which occurs in
homozygous recessive individuals, is characterized by the development of mental retardation.
Analysis of the urine of newborn infants can detect PKU. If PKU is detected, mental retardation
can be prevented by maintaining a diet free of phenylalanine.
Detection of Genetic Disorders
Some human genetic disorders can be detected either before or after birth by the use of one or
more of the following techniques.
Advances in genetic research have resulted in the development of simple blood and urine tests that
can determine if an individual has certain genetic disorders. Carriers of sickle-cell anemia and
Tay-Sachs disease can be identified by these screening techniques.
Karyotyping is a technique in which a greatly enlarged photograph of the chromosomes of a cell is
prepared. The homologous pairs of chromosomes are matched together, and the chromosomes are
examined to see if there are any abnormalities in number or structure.
Amniocentesis is a technique in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is withdrawn from the
amniotic sac of a pregnant woman. The fluid contains fetal cells, which can be used for
karyotyping or for chemical analysis. Amniocentesis is used in the identification of sickle-cell
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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amniotic Biology:
sac of a pregnant
fluid contains fetal cells, which can be used for
karyotyping or for chemical analysis. Amniocentesis is used in the identification of sickle-cell
anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, and Down syndrome in fetuses.
Genetic Counseling
The various techniques described above are used by genetics counselors to inform concerned
parents about the possible occurrence of genetic defects in their children. For couples whose
families show the presence of a particular genetic disorder, a pedigree chart may be developed to
predict the probability of their children’s having the disorder. Amniocentesis, followed by
karyotyping and chemical tests, may be performed once pregnancy is established.
68. An inherited metabolic disorder known as phenylketonuria (PKU) is characterized by
severe mental retardation. This condition results from the inability to synthesize a single
(1) enzyme (2) hormone (3) vitamin (4) carbohydrate
69. Which statement best describes amniocentesis? (1) Blood cells of an adult are checked
for anemia. (2) Saliva of a child is analyzed for the amino acids. (3) Urine of a newborn
baby is analyzed for the amino acid phenylalanine. (4) Fluid surrounding a fetus is
removed for chemical and genetic analysis.
70. Which is a genetic disorder in which abnormal hemoglobin leads to fragile red blood
cells and obstructed blood vessels? (1) phenylketonuria (2) sickle-cell anemia (3)
leukemia (4) Down syndrome
71. Human disorders such as PKU and sickle-cell anemia, which are defects in the
synthesis of individual proteins, are most likely the result of (1) gene mutations (2)
nondisjunction (3) crossing-over (4) polyploidy
72. Which technique can be used to examine the chromosomes of a fetus for possible
genetic defects? (1) pedigree analysis (2) analysis of fetal urine (3) karyotyping (4)
blood cell tests
73. Give three reasons why a direct study of the inheritance of human traits is difficult to
carry out.
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Reviewing Biology:
carry out. The Living Environment
74. Briefly describe the two ways that information about patterns of human heredity is
usually obtained.
Biochemists have learned that the DNA of the chromosomes is the genetic material that is passed
from generation to generation. Genes are sections of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules. DNA
controls cellular activities by controlling the production of enzymes.
DNA Structure
DNA molecules are very large; each is made up of thousands of repeating units called
nucleotides. A DNA nucleotide is composed of three parts: a phosphate group; a molecule of the
5-carbon sugar deoxyribose; and a nitrogenous base (Figure 7-8).
There are four different nitrogenous bases found in DNA nucleotides: adenine, cytosine, guanine,
and thymine. Therefore, there are four different kinds of nucleotides, depending on which
nitrogenous base is present.
Figure 7-8. Structure of a DNA nucleotide unit.
Watson-Crick Model
In the model of DNA developed by James Watson and Francis Crick, the DNA molecule
consists of two connected chains of nucleotides forming a ladderlike structure (Figure 7-9). The
sides of the “ladder” are composed of alternating phosphate and deoxyribose (sugar) molecules.
Each rung of the ladder consists of a pair of nitrogenous bases bonded together by hydrogen
bonds. The two chains of the DNA molecule are twisted to form a spiral, or double helix.
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bonds. The
two chains
of the
DNA molecule
are twisted to form a spiral, or double helix.
The DNA model of Watson and Crick was based largely on x-ray pictures of DNA taken in a
lab by molecular biologist Rosalind Franklin. The double-helix shape of the DNA molecule was
apparently visible in Franklin’s photograph.
The four nitrogenous bases of DNA nucleotides bond together in only one way: adenine (A)
pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). Because the bases pair together
in only one way, the two strands of a DNA molecule are always complementary. Where there is
an adenine nucleotide on one strand, there is a thymine nucleotide on the other; where there is a
cytosine on one strand, there is a guanine on the other. If you know the order of bases on one
strand, then you also know the order on the second strand.
Figure 7-9. Structure of the DNA molecule.
DNA Replication
DNA, unlike any other chemical compound, can make exact copies of itself—that is, DNA can
replicate. This process, called DNA replication, is a necessary part of the chromosome replication
that occurs during mitosis and meiosis.
In replication, the double-stranded DNA helix unwinds; the two strands then separate, or unzip, by
breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs. Free nucleotides from the
cytoplasm then enter the nucleus, where they bond to their complementary bases on the DNA
strands (Figure 7-10). Replication produces two identical DNA molecules that are exact copies of
the original molecule. The process of DNA replication is actually carried out by a team of several
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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strands (Figure
7-10). The
two identical DNA molecules that are exact copies of
the original molecule. The process of DNA replication is actually carried out by a team of several
important, specific enzymes.
Figure 7-10. Replication of DNA strands.
Gene Control of Cellular Activities
The unique qualities of an organism are determined by the DNA of its genes. The genes control
enzyme synthesis, and the enzymes control cell activities. For example, a dominant gene enables
people to produce the enzyme lactase, which digests milk sugar (lactose). People who lack an
active copy of this gene cannot digest milk sugar and, thus, are lactose intolerant.
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active copy
of this gene
milk sugar and, thus, are lactose intolerant.
The hereditary information is in the sequence of the nucleotides in DNA molecules. The DNA
nucleotide sequence determines the sequence of amino acids in enzymes and other proteins. The
genetic control of protein synthesis involves RNA as well as DNA.
Molecules of ribonucleic acid, or RNA, are similar to DNA in that they are also made up of
nucleotide units. However, in RNA nucleotides, the 5-carbon sugar ribose is substituted for
deoxyribose, and the nitrogenous base uracil (U) is substituted for thymine. RNA molecules
consist of one strand of nucleotides, while DNA molecules have two. There are three kinds of
RNA molecules in cells: messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA
Messenger RNA is synthesized in the cell nucleus. Portions of a DNA molecule unwind, and the
two strands separate. The RNA nucleotides pair with complementary bases on a DNA strand, thus
forming a strand of messenger RNA that is complementary to the DNA strand. The DNA strand
serves as a template, or pattern, for the synthesis of messenger RNA. In this way, the hereditary
information in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is copied in complementary form into the
nucleotide sequence of messenger RNA.
The sequence of nucleotides in messenger RNA contains the genetic code, which determines the
amino acid sequence of proteins. The genetic code for each amino acid is a specific sequence of
three nucleotides. The three-nucleotide sequence in messenger RNA that specifies a particular
amino acid is called a codon.
Transfer RNA molecules are found in the cytoplasm. Their function is to carry amino acid
molecules to the ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis. Ribsomes are made up of rRNA and
proteins. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids in cells, and there is a different form of
transfer RNA for each amino acid. Each kind of transfer RNA has a three-nucleotide sequence,
called an anticodon, which is complementary to a codon on the messenger RNA.
Protein Synthesis
Protein synthesis begins with the synthesis of messenger RNA molecules, which then move from
the nucleus into the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the strand of messenger RNA becomes
associated with ribosomes (Figure 7-11). Amino acids are carried to the ribosomes and messenger
RNA by the transfer RNAs. The anticodons of the transfer RNAs align with the codons of the
messenger RNA. The amino acids carried by the transfer RNAs bond together in a sequence
determined by the base sequence of the messenger RNA. The resulting chain of amino acids is a
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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RNA. The The
acids carried
by the transfer RNAs bond together in a sequence
determined by the base sequence of the messenger RNA. The resulting chain of amino acids is a
polypeptide. Some proteins consist of a single polypeptide chain, while others include two or
Figure 7-11. Protein synthesis (at the ribosome).
One Gene–One Polypeptide Hypothesis
According to the one gene–one polypeptide hypothesis, each gene controls the synthesis of a
single polypeptide. A modern definition of the gene is the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA
molecule necessary to synthesize one polypeptide. However, this hypothesis is now seen as overly
simplified. It is now known that genes are not necessarily fixed in one place on the chromosomes.
Rather, they can move to different locations, or loci, on the chromosomes and form new genetic
codes when they are positioned next to different segments of DNA. In this way, a limited number
of genes can have a much larger variety of expression than would be possible if the genes
remained in one place. The geneticist Barbara McClintock first proposed the idea of movable, or
“jumping,” genes in the early 1940s, but other scientists largely dismissed her work at the time.
Now known to exist, these movable genes, or transposable genetic elements, are called
transposons. The recently completed Human Genome Project revealed that we have far fewer
genes than had been expected. Now, the large variety of human traits can be better understood
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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Living Human
The recently
Genome Project revealed that we have far fewer
genes than had been expected. Now, the large variety of human traits can be better understood
because we know about transposons. By “jumping” around the chromosomes, the same gene can
be expressed in several different ways.
Gene Mutations
Any change in the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA molecule is a gene mutation. If the mutation
occurs in the DNA of the sex cells, it may be inherited. Gene mutations may involve the addition
or deletion of bases, or the substitution of one base for another. Sickle-cell anemia is caused by
the substitution of one incorrect nitrogenous base in a gene that controls hemoglobin synthesis.
The incorrect base results in the insertion of one incorrect amino acid, which in turn affects the
structure and function of the hemoglobin protein.
The term cloning describes the process by which a group of genetically identical offspring is
produced from the cells of an organism. The cloning of plants shows great promise for agriculture,
where plants with desirable qualities can be produced rapidly from the cells of a single plant. To
date, the cloning of animals has been achieved in frogs, mice, sheep, goats, cows, cats, dogs, and
Genetic Engineering
Gene splicing, or genetic engineering, involves the transfer of genetic material from one
organism to another. This recombining of genes results in the formation of recombinant DNA.
Using gene-splicing, or biotechnological, techniques, genes from one organism can be inserted
into the DNA of another organism. Human genes that control the synthesis of insulin, interferon,
and growth hormone have been introduced into bacterial cells, where they function as part of the
bacterial DNA. In this way, bacterial cells are being used to synthesize certain substances needed
by humans. Genetic engineering may eventually be able to correct some genetic defects and
produce commercially desirable plants and animals.
Techniques of Genetic Engineering
The technique of making recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules involves three important
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Biology: The Living Environment
First, a specific enzyme is needed to cut the DNA from the donor genes at a specific site. This
enzyme is called a restriction enzyme. The enzyme is used to cut out a piece of DNA that
contains one or more desired genes from the donor’s DNA.
Next, a vector is needed to receive the donor DNA. Most frequently, a naturally occurring
circular piece of bacterial DNA, called a plasmid, is used for this purpose.
Finally, an enzyme is used to “stitch” the donor DNA into the plasmid vector. This enzyme is
called ligase, and it creates permanent bonds between the donor DNA and the plasmid DNA.
The result is that the donor DNA is incorporated into the bacterial plasmid, forming the
recombinant DNA (rDNA).
It is important that the donor and the plasmid DNA be cut with the same restriction enzyme.
Since each enzyme cuts DNA only at a specific site, the two different DNAs will have matching
cut ends known as “sticky ends.” The nitrogenous bases exposed at these cut sites can then
match up according to the base-pairing rules, A to T and G to C (Figure 7-12).
The rDNA is then inserted into bacteria. When these bacteria reproduce, they copy the rDNA
plasmid along with their own DNA. The plasmid is copied thousands of times, forming a clone
(a colony having identical genetic material).
Figure 7-12. Use of a restriction enzyme, plasmid vector, and donor
DNA to form recombinant DNA.
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Reviewing Biology: The Living Environment
In addition to copying the plasmid along with their other DNA, the bacteria express the genes
that the plasmid carries, including the donor genes. As they reproduce, the bacteria continue to
code for production of the desired protein. In this way, the bacteria can produce human proteins
because they carry the genes with the instructions. This technique has made it possible to
produce many chemicals that are needed by people who cannot produce them, due to genetic
disorders. Two human proteins that have been successfully synthesized by rDNA techniques are
the hormone insulin and human growth hormone.
We have already learned that DNA molecules can be cut with specific enzymes known as
restriction enzymes. These enzymes cleave DNA molecules at highly specific sites that have a
certain sequence of bases, such as AAAGGG. Different restriction enzymes have specific
restriction sequences that they recognize. Each time the enzyme encounters its unique restriction
site it cuts the DNA molecule between a phosphate and a sugar subunit in the backbone. If DNA
is incubated with a specific restriction enzyme, the molecule will be cut into many fragments of
varying sizes, depending on where the restriction site is located in the DNA molecule.
DNA fragments can be separated according to size because they are electrically charged. The
phosphate group at the end of a DNA fragment carries a negative charge; thus, it will be attracted
to an area with a positive charge. To separate DNA fragments by means of electrophoresis, a
small chamber or box is connected to an electrical source. DNA samples are loaded into small
wells within a medium, called a gel, which is prepared so that an electric current can pass through
it. When the current is switched on, the DNA fragments begin to move in response to the
electrical field that is created in the gel. They move away from the wells (the negative end) toward
the opposite (positive) end of the box (Figure 7-13).
The size of a DNA fragment depends on the number of base pairs it contains. The more base pairs,
the larger and heavier the fragment. Heavier DNA fragments cannot move as far as smaller DNA
fragments can within an electrical field. Thus, the smaller fragments will move the farthest from
the wells. The result is a series of bands of DNA running from the wells to the other end of the
gel. These DNA fragments are made visible to the human eye by means of a simple staining
technique, a special chemical, and/or ultraviolet light.
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The Living
a special chemical,
and/or ultraviolet
Figure 7-13. Gel electrophoresis: The smaller DNA fragments move
farthest from the wells.
Electrophoresis is useful in determining the sizes of DNA fragments as well as in comparing DNA
from two or more different sources. If two different DNA samples (from different individuals) are
cut using the same restriction enzyme and then run on a gel in separate wells, we can determine
how closely matched the two samples are. If the DNA samples are very similar, they will produce
similar-sized fragments that will line up next to each other on the gel. If the two samples are very
different, they will produce many different-sized fragments and relatively few will match up. If
DNA samples are run from identical twins, all the fragments should match up, since the DNA in
these individuals is identical.
Gel electrophoresis has been extremely helpful in law enforcement and forensics. Using this
technique, often referred to as “DNA fingerprinting,” scientists have been able to match DNA
collected at a crime scene with the DNA gathered from a suspect. Biologists also use
electrophoresis to determine current and evolutionary relationships among living things.
75. Which diagram illustrates the correct structure of a segment of a DNA molecule? (1) 1
(2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
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Reviewing Biology:
(2) 2 (3) 3 (4)
4 Living Environment
76. DNA and RNA molecules are similar in that they both contain (1) nucleotides (2) a
double helix (3) deoxyribose sugars (4) thymine
77. Which series is arranged in correct order according to decreasing size of structures? (1)
DNA, nucleus, chromosome, nucleotide, nitrogenous base (2) nucleotide, chromosome,
nitrogenous base, nucleus, DNA (3) nucleus, chromosome, DNA, nucleotide,
nitrogenous base (4) chromosome, nucleus, nitrogenous base, nucleotide, DNA
78. Which substances are components of a DNA nucleotide? (1) phosphate, deoxyribose,
and uracil (2) phosphate, ribose, and adenine (3) thymine, deoxyribose, and phosphate
(4) ribose, phosphate, and uracil
79. Which two bases are present in equal amounts in a double-stranded DNA molecule? (1)
cytosine and thymine (2) adenine and thymine (3) adenine and uracil (4) cytosine and
80. Which process can be used to rapidly produce a group of genetically identical plants
from the cells of a single plant? (1) screening (2) karyotyping (3) gene splicing (4)
81. In humans, a gene mutation results from a change in the (1) sequence of the nitrogenous
bases in DNA (2) chromosome number in a sperm cell (3) chromosome number in an
egg cell (4) sequence of the sugars and phosphates in DNA.
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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Reviewing Biology:
egg cell (4) The
of theEnvironment
sugars and phosphates in DNA.
82. Which set of statements correctly describes the relationship among the terms
chromosomes, genes, and nuclei? (1) Chromosomes are found on genes. Genes are
found in nuclei. (2) Chromosomes are found in nuclei. Nuclei are found in genes. (3)
Genes are found on chromosomes. Chromosomes are found in nuclei. (4) Genes are
found in nuclei. Nuclei are found in chromosomes.
83. The genetic code for one amino acid molecule consists of (1) five sugar molecules (2)
two phosphates (3) three nucleotides (4) four hydrogen bonds
84. During the replication of a DNA molecule, separation of the DNA molecule will
normally occur when hydrogen bonds are broken between (1) thymine and thymine (2)
guanine and uracil (3) adenine and cytosine (4) cytosine and guanine
85. In the diagram, what substance is represented by the letter x? (1) ribose (2) deoxyribose
(3) phosphate (4) adenine
86. Which terms describe gene activities that ensure homeostasis of life processes and
continuity of hereditary material? (1) oxidation and hydrolysis (2) enzyme synthesis
and DNA replication (3) oxygen transport and cyclosis (4) pinocytosis and dehydration
87. The formation of recombinant DNA results from the (1) addition of messenger RNA
molecules to an organism (2) transfer of genes from one organism to another (3)
substitution of a ribose sugar for a deoxyribose sugar (4) production of a polyploid
condition by a mutagenic agent
88. The replication of a double-stranded DNA molecule begins when the strands “unzip” at
the (1) phosphate bonds (2) ribose molecules (3) deoxyribose molecules (4) hydrogen
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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Reviewing Biology:
The Living Environment
89. Cloning an individual usually produces organisms that (1) contain dangerous mutations
(2) contain identical genes (3) are identical in behavior (4) produce completely different
90. The diagram below represents a section of a molecule that carries genetic information.
The pattern of numbers represents (1) a sequence of paired bases (2) the order of
proteins in a gene (3) folds of an amino acid (4) positions of gene mutations
91. Enzymes are used in moving sections of DNA that code for insulin from the pancreas
cells of humans into a certain type of bacterial cell. This bacterial cell will reproduce,
giving rise to new cells that can produce (1) human insulin (2) antibodies against insulin
(3) enzymes that digest insulin (4) a new type of insulin
92. In the human pancreas, acinar cells produce digestive enzymes and beta cells produce
insulin. The best explanation for this is that (1) a mutation occurs in the beta cells to
produce insulin when the sugar level increases in the blood (2) different parts of an
individual’s DNA are used to direct the synthesis of different proteins in different types
of cells (3) lowered sugar levels cause the production of insulin in acinar cells to help
maintain homeostasis (4) the genes in acinar cells came from one parent, while the
genes in beta cells came from the other parent
93. A gene that codes for resistance to glyphosate, a biodegradable weed killer, has been
inserted into certain plants. As a result, these plants will be more likely to (1) produce
chemicals that kill weeds growing near them (2) die when exposed to glyphosate (3)
convert glyphosate into fertilizer (4) survive when glyphosate is applied to them
94. Gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments on the basis of their (1) size (2)
color (3) functions (4) chromosomes
To answer questions 95 through 98, select from the list below the type of nucleic acid that is best
described by the phrase. (Note: There are only three answer choices for each question.)
CHAPTER 7 Genetics and Heredity
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by the phrase.
are only three answer choices for each question.)
B. Messenger RNA
C. Transfer RNA
95. Genetic material responsible for the traits of an organism, that is passed from parent to
offspring (1) A (2) B (3) C
96. Carries genetic information from the cell nucleus out to the ribosomes (1) A (2) B (3) C
97. Contains thymine instead of uracil (1) A (2) B (3) C
98. Carries amino acid molecules to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm (1) A (2) B (3) C
Base your answers to questions 99 through 103 on the following diagram, which
represents the process of protein synthesis in a typical cell.
99. The original template for this process is a molecule of (1) DNA (2) messenger RNA (3)
transfer RNA (4) ribosomal RNA
100. The units labeled R1 and R2 represent R3 (1) nucleotides (2) RNA molecules (3) DNA
molecules (4) amino acids
101. The organelle labeled Y, on which this process occurs, is the (1) nucleus (2) ribosome
(3) chloroplast (4) mitochondria
102. The circled portion labeled X is known as (1) an amino acid (2) a codon (3) an
anticodon (4) a single nucleotide
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Reviewing Biology:
anticodon (4)
a single
103. The circled portion labeled Z represents a molecule of (1) DNA (2) messenger RNA
(3) transfer RNA (4) ribosomal RNA
104. Briefly describe two important functions of DNA.
105. Why is DNA replication critical to the survival of organisms?
Base your answers to questions 106 through 108 on the information and chart below
and on your knowledge of biology.
In DNA, a sequence of three bases is a code for the placement of a certain amino acid
in a protein chain. The table below shows eight amino acids with their abbreviations
and DNA codes.
Amino Acid
DNA Code
106. Which amino acid chain would be produced by the following DNA base sequence? CA-A-G-T-T-A-A-A-T-T-A-T-T-G-T-G-A
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Reviewing Biology: The Living Environment
107. Identify one environmental factor that could cause a base sequence in DNA to be
changed to a different base sequence.
108. Describe how a protein would be changed if a base sequence mutates from GGA to
109. Explain the role of each of the following items in making recombinant DNA:
restriction enzymes, plasmids, and ligase.
110. How are the techniques of genetic engineering making it possible to treat some
diseases caused by genetic disorders? Provide an example.
111. The following is a scrambled list of the techniques used in making recombinant DNA.
Write these steps in the correct sequence and, for each step, explain why it is placed in
that order.
Cut open plasmid with restriction enzyme Obtain synthesized protein from the bacteria
Clone bacterial cells with rDNA plasmids Insert donor DNA into the open plasmid Cut
out donor DNA with restriction enzyme Add ligase to bond donor DNA and plasmid
112. Animal cells utilize many different proteins. Discuss the synthesis of proteins in an
animal cell. Your answer must include:
• the identity of the building blocks required to synthesize these proteins;
• the identity of the sites in the cell where the proteins are assembled;
• an explanation of the role of DNA in the process of making proteins in the cell.
Base your answers to questions 113 through 116 on the information below
and on your knowledge of biology. Source: Science News (July 9, 2005): vol.
168, no. 2, p. 19.
Same Difference: Twins’ Gene Regulation Isn’t Identical
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Reviewing Biology:
Living Environment
Twins’ Gene Regulation Isn’t Identical
Although identical twins have identical DNA, they often harbor clear-cut
differences: slight variations in appearance or stark distinctions in disease
susceptibility, for example. Scientists have suggested that the interplay
between nature and nurture could explain such differences, but the
mechanism has been poorly understood.
A new study suggests that as identical twins go through life, environmental
influences differently affect which genes are turned on and which are
switched off.
Called epigenetic modification, such gene activation or silencing typically
stems from two types of chemical groups that latch on to chromosomes as
charms attach to a bracelet, says Manel Esteller of the Spanish National
Cancer Centre in Madrid. Methyl groups that clip on to DNA tend to turn
genes off. On the other hand, acetyl groups attaching to histones, the chemical
core of chromosomes, usually turn genes on.
Suspecting that such epigenetic differences might account for variations
between identical twins, Esteller and his team focused on the two chemical
changes. The scientists recruited 80 pairs of identical twins, ranging in age
from 3 to 74, from Spain, Denmark, and the United Kingdom.
After extracting DNA from blood, inner-cheek cells, and biopsied muscle,
Esteller’s team screened the twins’ genomes for differences in epigenetic
profiles between members of a pair. The researchers also had each twin or, for
children, a parent answer a comprehensive questionnaire on the twins’ health
history and lifestyle, including diet, exercise habits, and alcohol or tobacco
In the youngest twins, the scientists found relatively few epigenetic
differences. However, the number of differences increased with the age of the
twins examined. The number of epigenetic differences in 50-year-old twins
was more than triple that in 3-year-old twins. Esteller’s group also saw
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The Living
of epigenetic differences in 50-year-old twins
was more than triple that in 3-year-old twins. Esteller’s group also saw
especially large epigenetic differences between twins who had spent most of
their lifetimes apart, such as those adopted by different sets of parents at birth,
the team reports in an upcoming Proceedings of the National Academy of
Esteller says that these results suggest that a person’s environment—whether
he or she is exposed to tobacco smoke, eats particular foods, or suffers an
emotionally wrenching event, for example—may affect which genes are
turned on or off and so how cells operate. Thus, nurture may have a heavy
impact on an individual’s nature.
“My belief is that people are 50 percent genetics and 50 percent environment,”
says Esteller. “It’s important to remember that our genes give us features of
who we are, but our environment can change how we are.”
Arturas Petronis, who studies epigenetics at the Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health in Toronto, agrees. He adds that the findings could also have
wide-ranging health implications for people who aren’t twins.
“About 90 percent of diseases don’t follow [simple] rules for inheritance,”
says Petronis. “By investigating epigenetic changes, to some extent we can
understand how environmental factors affect human health.”
113. How can environmental influences cause genetic differences between identical twins?
114. Compare the functions of the two DNA modifiers: methyl groups and acetyl groups.
115. Describe the trend that researchers found between the age of the twins and the number
of epigenetic differences in their DNA. What could account for this trend?
116. Why does the researcher say his “belief is that people are 50 percent genetics and 50
percent environment”?
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