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Ch 6 A Tour of the Cell
Light microscope­ uses light
resolving power­measure of clarity of image (min. distance
two points can be separated
and still seen as two points)
Electron­beam of electrons, instead of light
Scanning electron­looks at surface of organism, film of gold, beam excites electrons of gold and collected
to show image
transmission electron­ looks inside cell,beam aimed at thin section, uses magnets to bend and focus electrons
rabbit trachea
Transmission electron micrograph scanning electron micrograph
How do you think scientists study the components of cells?
Cell Fractionation­ takes cells apart
uses ultracentrifuge ­ 130,000 rpm
Prokaryotic cell
Escherichia coli (E. coli)­ gram negative rod
At a minimum, what structures or components must a cell contain to be considered alive?
Out of the cells living today, which types of cells have the above components?
circular DNA
DNA in strands
Surface Area to volume Ratio
higher the ratio, the easier it is for cells to exchange materials
Plasma membrane
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Importance of membranes
• partition cell into compartments
• help in cell metabolism
­have enzymes in membranes
­specific metabolic reactions happen here
• allows for many reactions to happen at once in cell
• each membrane has unique make­up of lipids, proteins depending on the function
ex. mitochondria for cell respiration
• double membrane (each a lipid bilayer) ­ separated by space
• at pore, membranes are fused
• pore complex­lines pores and regulates what goes in and out (large molecules)
• nuclear lamina­ net­like protein filaments, keeps shape of nucleus
• chromatin ­ DNA strands, uncoiled
• nucleolus ­ where ribosomes made
Ribosomes­ ribosomal RNA and protein
The Endomembrane system
­made up of many internal membranes
­the membranes are connected to each other or via vessicles (sacs of membrane)
­Each membrane is unique in function
nuclear envelope
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
plasma membrane
Inside cell
outside cell
Endoplasmic reticulum
­is half of all membranes in eukaryotic cell
­includes tubules and cisternae (fluid filled spaces)
­continuous with nuclear envelope
­cisternae is continuous with nuclear envelope space
Smooth ER
­no ribosomes attached
­lots of enzymes located here ­synthesize lipids (oils, phospholipids, steroids)
­catalyzes a key step in moving glucose from stored glycogen in liver
­allows glucose to leave cell
­other enzymes of liver detoxify drugs/poisons
­muscles cells rely on these enzymes to move calcium for a contraction
Rough ER
­contains ribosomes attached to it
­found in cells that secrete proteins
­polypeptides made by ribosomes go into cisternal space ­makes membranes by making the membrane proteins and then inserting them directly into the membrane
­has enzymes that make phospholipids from materials in cytosol
­when membrane gets larger, part can become vesicles and travel to other parts of the endomembrane system
Golgi apparatus
­ "packaging and shipping part of a factory"
­flattened membranous cisternae
­cis side = receives material (fusing of vesicle)
­trans side = giving off side, vesicles leave from this side
­going from cis to trans sides ­ products get modified due to enzymes
­manufactures pectin, and other noncellulose polysaccharides
­packages materials into vesicles to go to other places
­membrane bound sac filled with digestive enzymes
­hydrolyzes all organic compounds
­enzymes work at pH 5
­"Suicide sac" ­ if many ruptured, can kill cell (autodigestion)
­lysosomal enzymes and its membrane are made by the rough ER and then moved to Golgi
­fuse to food vacuoles (from phagocytosis) to digest the food
­monomers then pass to cytosol to be used by cell
­can also fuse to other parts of cell (orgnanelles/cytosol)
­helps keep cell new
­some inherited diseases affect lysosomal metabolism
­Tay­Sachs in brain
­Pompe's disease in liver
= large vesicles
­membrane bound
food vacuoles ­ from phagocytosis
contractile vacuoles ­ in freshwater protists, pump water out of cell
Central vacuoles­ in plant cells
tonoplast = membrane around central vacuole (selective)
stores proteins, ions, stores pigments, defense compounds against herbivores
Review of endomembrane system
• sites of cellular respiration, make ATP from sugars, fats, and other fuels • not part of the endomembrane system ­ their proteins come from free ribosomes and their own ribosomes
• contain a small amount of DNA (circular like prokaryotes)
• can grow and reproduce by themselves
• eukaryotic cells may have one large mitochondria or many small mitochondria
• move around in cell on tracks of cytoskeleton
• have smooth outer membrane and a folded inner membrane (cristae)
• cristae increase surface area for cell respiration to happen
• fluid is between the membranes
• inside inner membrane = mitochondrial matrix ­ contains DNA, ribosomes, enzymes, fluid
• found in plants and eukaryotic algae
• sites of photosynthesis
• not part of endomembrane system
• has own DNA (circular), ribosomes
• its protein comes from free ribosomes and from their own ribosomes
• type of plastid amyloplasts store starch in roots and tubers
chromoplasts store pigments for fruits and flowers
chloroplasts contain green pigment chlorophyll ­ produce sugar via photosynthesis
• has two membranes
inside inner membrane fluid = stroma (Contains DNA, ribosomes & enzymes)
also contains membranous sacs = thylakoids (stacked as grana ­ where light reactions happen)
• contain enzymes to transfer hydrogen from substrates to oxygen
­intermediate = hydrogen peroxide (poisonous)
­has another enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide to water
and oxygen gas
• functions:
­breakdown fatty acids used in mitochondria for fuel
­detoxify alcohol and other harmful compounds
­glyoxysomes ­ convert fatty acid in seeds to sugars
• have a single membrane
• not from endomembrane system
• divide when get to a certain size
= network of fibers throughout cytoplasm
function ­ organizes structures and activities of cell
Cytoskeleton Support
provides anchorage for organelles and cytosolic enzymes
can come apart in one part of cell and reassemble in another part helps to change shape of cell
Cell motility
• interacts with motor proteins
­cilia/flagella motor proteins pull cytoskeleton past each other
­happens in muscle cells too
motor molecules also act like "monorails" carrying vesicles or organelles
cytoskeleton and motor proteins move materials via streaming
How motor proteins and cytoskeleton move other things in cell
Three types of fibers of cytoskeleton
1. microtubules
­thickest fibers, hollow rods
­made of globular protein ­ tubulin ­ can grow or shrink based on # or tubulin molecules
­function: a. move chromosomes during cell division
b. guide motor proteins that carry organelles to different places in cell
c. structural support for cilia and flagella
cilia ­ hairlike structures, move like oars, many
flagella ­ one or few, long, whiplike structure
­grow out of a centrosome near nucleus
­ in animals cells has pair of centrioles with 9 triplets of microtubules in a ring
­during cell division centrioles replicate 40
Flagella vs. cilia
­Both cilia and flagella have same structure
­core of microtubules covered in plasma membrane
­nine doublets of microtubules around a pair at center
= "9 + 2"pattern
­anchored by basal body ­ structure is like centriole
­cilia and flagella are driven by motor protein called dynein
­dynein grabs, moves and releases the outer microtubules
II. Microfilaments
• =thinnest of cytoskeletal fibers
• made of solid rods of actin
• designed to resist tension
• form a network just inside membrane
• actin is also found in muscle tissue with myosin, myosin walks along actin so contraction can happen
• actin/myosin divides cytoplasm of animal cells in cell division
• also causes amoeboid movement (pseudopodia)
Actin and myosin in plants cause cytoplasmic streaming
=circular flow of cytoplasm, helps move materials
III. Intermediate filaments
function: bear tension
made from keratins
reinforce cell shape and fix organelle position
Cell Surfaces and Junctions
Cell walls ­ prokaryotes, fungi, some protists
­protects cell, maintains shape, prevents lots of water from coming into cell
­support against gravity
composition changes depending on species
Extracellular matrix
function: support, adhesion, movement and regulation
­made of glycoproteins (collagen fibers), proteoglycans
­integrin proteins connect extracelluar matrix to plasma membrane
cell behavior ­
can influence genes via signaling pathways
helps embryonic tissue orient its microfilaments with ECM
Types of Cell Junctions
­channels between adjacent plant cells
­cytosol goes through here
In animals
tight junctions ­ membranes of adjacent cells are fused
­form "belts'
prevent leakage of extracellular fluid
Desmosomes ­ anchoring junctions, fasten cells together
­keratin reinforces desmosomes
Gap Junctions­ communicating junctions
­membrane proteins surround pores
­salt ions, sugar, amino acids, small molecules pass through here
­ in embryos ­ communication for development here
Animal junctions