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HANDOUT 10.8.2
1 spanking may reduce a child's self-__________.
6 Skinner's learning involves responses, while Pavlov's involves _________.
7 ________-cognitive learning; observation and imitation.
11 praise, money, and grades, which required learning to be reinforcing are called _________
12 if a consequence decreases the likelihood of behavior occurring, it is called _____________.
17 a mental process marked by a sudden occurrence of the solution.
18 an accidental pairing of a reinforcer and a behavior causes that behavior to occur again.
19 a program or rule that determines how and when a response will be rewarded.
20 if the removal of an aversive stimulus increases the chances of a response occurring again,
it is called a __________ reinforcer.
23 spanking serves as a model for future ____________ behaviors.
25 in operant conditioning reinforcers are contingent on ____________.
29 the innate tendency of animals to recognize, attend to, and store certain cues over others.
31 a form of punishment which involves placing a child in a situation where there is no chance
of reinforcers.
32 ___________ schedule; behaviors not rewarded every time.
34 Thorndike's law of ________ states that behaviors are strengthened by positive
35 the kind of learning in which consequences increase or decrease a behavior.
2 in classical conditioning the behavior is elicited, while in operant it is ___________.
3 classical conditioning involves reflexes, while in operant, the behavior is _________.
4 one of the four concepts in Suzuki's method; placing the information in _________.
5 punishment is a consequence that ___________ the likelihood of the behavior occurring
8 ___________ schedule; behaviors rewarded every time.
9 Kohler, Tolman, and Bandura all studied _____________ learning.
10 both positive and negative reinforcements ___________ the frequency of the response
they follow.
13 one of the four concepts in Suzuki's method; using information to __________ the models
14 cognitive _______; a mental representation of the layout of a maze.
15 after a desired behavior, one might get a dog a treat or a ___________.
16 if a stimulus increases the chances of the response occurring again it is called a _________
20 when a child refuses to follow directions or carry out a request or command.
21 one of the four concepts in Suzuki's method; paying _________ to the model.
22 using operant conditioning to control some physiological response such as muscle activity
or temperature.
24 the innate tendency of newborn birds to follow the first moving object they encounter.
26 imprinting occurs during a critical period and is essentially _______________.
27 behavior _________ is using operant conditioning to change behavior.
28 one of the four concepts in Suzuki's method; ____________ to perform the behavior.
30 the process of reinforcing those behaviors that lead to the final desired behavior.
33 food, water, and sex, which are innately satisfying, are called __________ reinforcers.