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Chapter 7: Learning
_____ 1.
Cultural variations exist in the occurrence and amount of dental fears in children. Page: 253
_____ 2.
Operant conditioning explains the organism’s response to the environment whereas classical
conditioning explains the organism’s activity in the environment. Page: 255
_____ 3.
Through the process of classical conditioning, service dogs can be trained to do a variety of household
tasks, including the laundry. Page: 257
_____ 4.
The terms, “reward” and “positive reinforcement” always refer to the same process and should have
the same outcomes. Page: 258
_____ 5.
Both negative reinforcers and positive reinforcers have the same impact on behavior. Page: 259
_____ 6.
Negative punishment and negative reinforcement have the same impact on behavior. Page: 263
_____ 7.
The link between spanking and child behavioral problems is reduced when parents show strong
emotional support of the child. Page: 264
_____ 8.
The effects of delayed reinforcement differ, depending on the species involved. Page: 265
_____ 9.
A real-life application of Rescorla’s position that the CS should be a reliable predictor of the UCS
occurs when people ignore car alarms. Page: 251
_____ 10.
Insight learning is the sudden understanding of a problem’s solution and occurs only in humans.
Page: 271
_____ 11.
A rat’s history and the type of information it receives in a learning situation will determine whether it
can be classically conditioned to a specific CS. Page: 270
_____ 12.
Seligman proposes that animals are biologically predisposed to learn in species-specific ways. This
means that all species have a preparedness for learning similar behaviors. Page: 272
_____ 13.
Taste aversions result from associative learning and is a characteristic of all species. Page: 272-273
_____ 14.
Cultural influences have been a focal point of psychological inquiry since the early 1900s and is
addressed in each of the major theories of learning. Page: 273
_____ 15.
After successfully conditioning a phobia in Little Albert (an eleven month old baby), John Watson
later wrote the official government guidebook on childrearing. Page: 273