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Daniel Ramirez
Bio 490: Senior Seminar
 Scientist
of importance
Robert Hooke-1665
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck-1809
Henri Dutrochet-1824
Robert brown-1831
 Schleiden
(1838), Schwann (1829), Virchow
 The Cell Doctrine
All living things are made up of cells
Cells are units of structure and function
All cells arise from pre-existing cells
 Techniques
and methods important to
determining cell organization
Staining Techniques
Electron microscopy (1933)
 Cell
is composed of several different
functioning parts
Parts are known as organelles
Organelles differ in function and shape
Prokaryotes : simplified organism with few
The outer membrane of the cell
 Found in all kingdoms of life
 Controls the movement of substances from
the outer matrix to the inner matrix of a cell
 It’s appearance described by a Fluid Mosaic
 Some surrounded by a pellicle
 First
described by S.G. Singer and G.L.
 Double layer phospholipid membrane
 Many proteins imbedded in the membrane
 Animal cells also have a glycocalyx sugar
 Cytosol
: A translucent fluid which permeates
throughout the cell
 Ribosomes :
Synthesize proteins
No membrane unlike other organelles
 Rough
Associated with ribosome's
Area of protein synthesis and transport
 Smooth
Area of lipid production
Detox center
Adjacent to the SER
Responsible for
And a connection amongst organelles
 The
 Has
power house of a cell
sugars + O2 - - > ATP + CO2 + H2O
both an inner and outer membrane
Inner membrane folded into a form known as a
In the inner matrix it has mDNA and ribosomes
Endosymbiotic theory
 Formed
from the Golgi apparatus
The function is to break down material in the
Lysosomes use hydrolytic enzymes
A–B + H2O → A–OH + B–H
 Peroxisomes : similar function but use oxidative
 Microtubules
Hollow and elongated made from :
 Alpha and Beta tubulin
 Many chains of tubulin make a microtubule
Flagella and cilia
• Microtubules organized in a specific way
and surrounded by a membrane
•Anchored by a basal body
 Centrioles
: similar in structure to basal body
and found on nucleus
Play a role in the formation of the spindle
 Provides
structure to a cell and is formed by
three parts
Intermediate filaments
 Vacuole:
Surrounded by a membrane known as a
A reservoir of water that is in a cell with other
material in the water as well
•Plastids: found in plant cells
•Provide color to plants and store starch for the
plant as well
•Chloroplasts :
 Nucleus
: surrounded by a porous double
Cells brain
Controls the passage RNA into the cytosol
Area of storage of chromosomes
Area of DNA replication and RNA synthesis as well
Inside the nucleus is the nucleolus
Synthesizes ribosome's
Compromised of a combination of cells
 Tissue differs depending on the organism
 Plant and animal tissue is especially specialized
 Plant
Tissue : Divided into two types
The undifferentiated tissue
 Permanent
tissue divided into 3 schemes
Lining :
Primarily in the outside of the plant and on the
Includes Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerechyma
 This
includes both the xylem and the phloem
Differences are due to what they transfer
 Xylem : transfers water and is no longer
living during maturity
 Phloem : transfers many molecules including
glucose and some proteins
types of animal tissue
Densely packed cells on the surface usually
Consists of three types of cells
Squamous , Cuboidal and Columnar
 Connective:
Small number of cells but a lot of extracellular
Adds support and elasticity
 Nervous
Found throughout the body
Consists of cells known as neurons
Various parts to the cell such as the axon and the
Specialized neurons known as sensory neurons
 Muscle
Coordinate movement
Three type of muscle tissue
Cardiac, Skeletal, Smooth
 Most
cells are very small
Largest, by volume, current single cell is an
ostrich egg
 Size
of the cell is constrained by many
These factors include growth rate
Energy limits
Restrictions to cellular signaling
 Movement
is determined by a factor known
as permeability
Determined by various things :
Concentration gradients, and the membrane of the
Movement against gradient known as active
Facilitated movement
 To
allow large molecules to cross the
membrane a process known as endocytosis
must occur
Exocytosis also occurs as well in the interior of a
Pinocytosis : smaller molecules to large for
normal transfer
Phagocytosis – White blood cells or prokaryotic
 Fried,
George and Hademos, George .
Schuam’s Outline of Biology. New York:
McGraw Hill, 2009