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Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: INSIDE THE NUCLEUS: Name: Name: Name: Name: ANIMAL CELL Name: Name: Cell Membrane Cell membranes have pores that control what substances come in or out of a cell. (WALL AROUND CITY) Name: Lysosomes The lysosomes move around the cell cleaning up and doing cell maintenance. They also help break down food . Name: Nuclear Membrane The nuclear membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the nucleus. (CASTLE WALL) Name: Endoplasmic ReHculum Transport system which allows materials to be carried throughout the cell. (CITY ROADS) (CITY BREAKDOWN/REPAIR TEAM) Name: Nucleus Oval structure and “brain” of the cell. You can think of the nucleus as the cell’s control center, direcHng all the cells acHviHes. Name: Mitochondria The mitochondria produces ATP which is food for the cell allowing it to funcHon. Most of the cells energy comes from here. (THE CASTLE) INSIDE THE NUCLEUS: Thin strands called chromaHn. These contain the geneHc material (DNA) that direct the funcHons of the cell. Form chromosomes when the cell is dividing. (KING) (POWERHOUSE) Name:Nucleolus Name: Vacuole The vacuole stores both the cells waste and food. This is smaller in animal cells than plant cells. (GROCER/OUTHOUSE) Name: Golgi Bodies They package proteins from the ER and distribute them to other parts of the cell. (POST OFFICE & MESSENGERS/RUNNERS) ANIMAL CELL Where ribosomes are made. (Machine Shop School) Name: Cytoplasm The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus. Contains a gel-­‐like fluid where many of the organelles are found. Name: Ribosomes Ribosomes are aNached to the ER, they are protein building factories that create the cells building materials. They receive instrucHon from the nucleolus in the nucleus. (MACHINE SHOPS) Name: Name: RARE IN PLANT CELLS! Name: Name PLANT CELL Name: Name: Name: (Clear space behind this box) INSIDE THE NUCLEUS: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Cell Wall Found only in plant cells. Made of cellulose and provides turgor pressure. (EXTRA OUTER CITY WALL) Name: Lysosomes RARE IN PLANT CELLS! The lysosomes move around the cell cleaning up and doing cell maintenance. They also help break down food . (CITY BREAKDOWN/REPAIR TEAM) Name: Cell Membrane Cell membranes have pores that control what substances come in or out of a cell. (Inside the Cell Wall) (WALL AROUND CITY) Name: Endoplasmic ReHculum Transport system which allows materials to be carried throughout the cell. Name: Nuclear Membrane The nuclear membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the nucleus. (CITY ROADS) (CASTLE WALL) PLANT CELL Name: Vacuole The vacuole stores both the cells waste and food. In plants, this also regulated “turgor pressure” of the plant (keeps it upright so it doesn’t wilt) (GROCER/OUTHOUSE) Name: Chloroplasts The chloroplast transforms the raw energy of the sun into producHve energy for the cell. (SOLAR POWERED WINDMILL) Name: Cytoplasm The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus. Contains a gel-­‐like fluid where many of the organelles are found. Name: Nucleolus Where ribosomes are made. (Machine Shop School) Name: Golgi Bodies They package proteins from the ER and distribute them to other parts of the cell. (POST OFFICE & MESSENGERS/RUNNERS) Name: Mitochondria The mitochondria produces ATP which is food for the cell allowing it to funcHon. Most of the cells energy comes from here. (Powerhouse) Name: Nucleus Oval structure and “brain” of the cell. You can think of the nucleus as the cell’s control center, direcHng all the cells acHviHes. (THE CASTLE) INSIDE THE NUCLEUS: Thin strands called chromaHn. These contain the geneHc material (DNA) that direct the funcHons of the cell. Form chromosomes when the cell is dividing. (KING) Name: Ribosomes Ribosomes are aNached to the ER, they are protein factories that create the cells building materials. They receive instrucHon from the nucleolus in the nucleus. (MACHINE SHOPS)