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Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
AP Biology
Reading Packet 5- Molecular Genetics Part 1
Name _________________________
Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
1. Explain Griffith’s experiment and the concept of transformation in detail.
2. How did the Avery, Macleod and McCarty attempt to refine the Griffith experiment?
3. What is a bacteriophage? Can humans get sick from bacteriophages?
4. Label the diagram below and explain the results of the Hershey-Chase experiment.
5. How did Chargraff’s work contribute to understanding the structure of DNA?
6. Why was Rosalind’s Franklin’s work essential to the understanding of the structure of DNA?
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
7. Label the structure below:
8. Why does adenine always pair with thymine and guanine with cytosine in DNA?
9. What is meant when we say that DNA replication is “semiconservative”?
10. Detail the experiment and results of the Meselson and Stahl experiment concerning DNA replication.
11. How is bacterial DNA replication accomplished?
12. In general, what is the role of the DNA polymerases?
13. In your own words, what is meant by the term “antiparallel” as relates to DNA structure?
14. Define the following terms:
a. Leading strand
b. Lagging strand
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
Okazaki fragments
d. DNA ligase
15. Label the diagrams below and explain what is happening:
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
16. State the functions of the following enzymes:
a. Helicase
b. Single stranded binding protein
d. Primase
DNA Polymerase III
DNA Polymerase I
g. DNA Ligase
17. Label the diagram below and explain what is happening:
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
18. Label the diagram below and explain what is happening:
19. What are telomeres? Why do they exist in eukaryotic chromosomes? Draw your own diagram explaining the
Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein
1. What did Garrod mean by “inborn errors of metabolism?”
2. Describe the Beadle and Tatum experiment with mold in detail – use the diagram below to help. What did this
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
3. What was Beadle and Tatum’s final hypothesis?
4. Use the diagram below to note the flow of genetic information in a eukaryotic cell. Define each term that appears
in the boxes.
5. Why does the genetic code occur in triplets and not singles or doubles?
6. What is the template strand of a DNA molecule?
7. Compare and contrast the codon and anticodon. What are they and where are they found?
8. How did Nirenberg figure out which amino acids went with which codes?
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
9. Explain the concept of a “reading frame.”
10. What conclusions can be drawn from the similarities of the genetic code among living organisms?
11. Use the diagram below to understand transcription. Define all terms.
12. What is a transcription unit?
13. Describe the structure and function of the prokaryotic promoter and terminator.
14. Use the diagram below to demonstrate initiation of transcription at a eukaryotic promoter. Define all terms.
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
15. Contrast termination of transcription in prokaryote and eukaryote organisms.
16. Why is it important that the promoter be upstream of the transcription unit?
17. Why is RNA processing necessary in eukaryote genomes?
18. What does adding a 5’ cap and poly A tail do to the transcript and why is it important for successful protein
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
19. Define the following terms:
a. RNA splicing
b. Introns
d. Spliceosome
g. UTR
h. Alternative RNA splicing
20. Describe the structure and function of transfer RNA.
21. Why are aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases important for successful translation and protein synthesis?
BRIEFLY explain the “wobble” hypothesis
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
23. Describe the structure and function of ribosomal RNA – use the diagram below.
24. Detail the process of initiation of translation.
25. Use the diagram below to detail elongation cycle of translation. Explain each step.
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
26. Use the diagram below to detail the termination of translation. Explain each step.
27. What are polyribosomes?
28. What is an example of a post translational modification of a protein?
29. What is a signal peptide?
30. What is the function of signal recognition particles?
31. Use the diagram below to highlight the signal mechanism for targeting proteins to the ER.
32. Define the following terms:
a. Mutations
b. Point mutations
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
Base pair substitution
d. Missense
g. Deletions
h. Frameshift mutation
33. How has the historical concept of a gene been “redefined” during the last 100 years?
34. Use the diagram below to help you study the “whole” picture.
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
Chapter 18: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria
1. Explain the historical developments that lead to the discovery of viruses. Include the work of Mayer, Ivanowsky,
Beijerinck and Stanley.
2. What is the size range for viruses?
3. What are the essential components of a virus?
4. How diverse are the nucleic acids found in viral genomes?
5. What are viral envelopes and what is their function?
Define the term “host range”.
Explain the steps of a simplified viral reproductive cycle.
Contrast the lytic and lysogenic lifecycles of bacteriophages.
What are phages called that only reproduce via the lytic cycle?
10. What are phages called that care capable of using both modes of reproduction?
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
11. How do bacteria defend themselves against infection by phages?
12. What is a prophage?
13. What are retroviruses and how do they use reverse transcriptase?
14. Describe the reproductive cycle of an enveloped RNA virus.
15. Describe the reproductive cycle of HIV, a retrovirus.
16. Is it believed that viruses evolved before or after the first cells appeared? What evidence is used to support this
17. What are vaccines made of and how do they work?
18. How are viroids different from viruses?
19. Explain what a “prion” is.
20. What is the main component of most bacterial genomes?
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
21. How is DNA arranged in the nucleoid region of the bacterial genome?
22. How are plasmids different from the bacterial chromosome?
23. BRIEFLY Describe the process of binary fission.
24. Why do mutations make such a large contribution to bacterial genetic variation compared to humans?
25. Explain how bacterial transformation occurs.
26. Explain how transduction occurs in bacteria. Make sure to mention the role of bacteriophages.
27. Explain how conjugation occurs in bacteria. Make sure to mention the role of the sex pillus.
28. Why are some bacteria able to produce a sex pillus?
29. Define the term “episome”
30. What do the genes on an R plasmid allow a bacterium to do? Why is this a problem for humans?
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
31. Explain what a transposable element is. Include their “common name”.
32. What are the basic ingredients of a transposon? How can this structure be expanded past its simplest form?
33. Why is it an advantage to group genes of related function into one transcription unit?
34. Define the following terms:
a. operon
b. operator
c. inducer
d. repressor
35. Where is the operator positioned, relative to the gene?
36. What does the operator control (be as specific as possible)?
37. What can the cell do if the trp operon is turned “on”?
38. How can the trp operon be turned “off”?
39. How does a repressor protein work?
40. What gene controls the making of the trp repressor protein? Where is it located in relation to the trp operon?
Adapted from L. Miriello by D. Knuffke
41. How is the trp repressor protein allosterically regulated?
42. Why is the trp operon considered “repressible”?
43. What is the definition of an “inducible” operon?
44. What does the inducer do?
45. Why are repressible enzymes generally associated with anabolic pathways and how is this an advantage to the
46. Why are inducible enzymes generally associated with catabolic pathways and how is this an advantage to the
47. Compare and contrast negative gene regulation with positive gene regulation.
48. We stated in the beginning of the year that negative feedback has an on/off switch and positive feedback can only
amplify a response – how are these concepts related to negative and positive gene regulation?