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Rebel Academy – Khan Academy Review - THE STRUCTURE OF THE CELL
Go to the following website and fill in the blanks as you listen to the lesson. Sketch the cell
and its organelles in the space provided. You may need to pause and replay in order to
complete this assignment. Remember that these are your notes!! Make them as simple or
complex as you require.
 The cell membrane ( plasma membrane)separates the cell from _________________________
Cell means__________________________________. All cells have _________________________________________.
The most important thing that defines the characteristics of a living thing is its________________.
The first major division in the living world is that some cells have a
_______________________ around the ___________________ and this separates the
_______________________________________________ from the rest of the cell. This organelle is
called a _______________________________________________.
This membrane is called a __________________________________________________________________.
Eukaryotes ______________________________________________________________________________________________.
Prokaryotes_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .
The two big groups of Prokaryotes are:
Evolutionarily speaking how should you divide cells and explain:
Rebel Academy – Khan Academy Review - THE STRUCTURE OF THE CELL
Eukaryotes tend to be : ___________________________________________________________________________
Eukaryotic cells are found in plants, _________________________, ____________________________ and also
Protists. ( not mentioned in the video)
mRNA is translated into ______________________ at the ribosome.
Ribosomes are the sites where information is converted into ______________________________.
The _______________________________ is a part of the nucleus where _____________________________ . The
nucleolus is not a separate _____________________________ but under a microscope it appears as a
______________________________________ and is a densely packed area where the ______________________
are produced.
Ribosomes that are floating around the cell are called _______________________ ribosomes. These
ribosomes produce proteins that _____________________ around in the fluid inside the cell called
the ______________________________( also called the cytoplasm).
Proteins which are used in the cell membrane or outside the cell are produced by proteins
(ribosomes) attached to a membrane called the __________________________________________________
which eventually lead to the ____________________________________________.
The _________________________________________ is a series of convoluted membranes. The parts of the
endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached to it are called the __________________________
endoplasmic reticulum or _______________________ ER.
The Endoplasmic reticulum with no ribosomes is called _______________________ ER.
If we keep following these membranes they reach eventually the ________________
________________________. (Look more like stacked membranes in diagrams.)
So as an overview, mRNA (which is a special type of RNA), leaves the _________________
and attaches to a ______________________ on the ______________________ ER. It basically tells it
what type of __________________________ to make. This __________________ gets pushed into the
______________________ of the ER where it can ___________________________.
(Note: Proteins are big molecules with repeating units called _____________ acids.)
If they ______________________ the cell, proteins will eventually get to the ______________
_______________ to get processed. They will “_________” off of this structure.
Draw this basic process below.
Rebel Academy – Khan Academy Review - THE STRUCTURE OF THE CELL
Part of the membrane from the _______________ ________________ leaves and surrounds the
_______________________. (Lipids from membranes are constantly recycled in the cell!)
This is now called a ___________________________! This is a little transport sack that can now
____________________ with the cell ____________________________. Continue your diagram to
show this process below:
____________________________ - a sack-like organelle usually found in ____________________ cells
(although – sometimes in plant too!) It has strong digestive __________________ and help
break down or ______________________ other things. It usually fuses with whatever it is
breaking down in order to release the __________________.
A membrane-bound organelle (can be many sizes), can also be called a
____________________. (main function is _____________________).
A tube shaped organelle with ________________ and outer _____________________ is called the
_________________________________. This is where we access the ______________________ from
_______________________ by turning it into a smaller more usable form called _______________
(adenosine triphosphate). This is called ________________________ _____________________.
Interesting: _________________ have their own ___________ and so can __________________ itself!
 Plant Cells only –
1) They have special important organelles called _______________________. They are the most
famous type of ____________________ because the process of ____________________________ takes
place here! They are __________________ because of a pigment called chlorophyll and like
______________________ have their own ________________.
2) _____________ ______________________ - located outside the ____________ membrane and
provides ____________________ and __________________ or support. It is composed of
Animal or Plant Cells con’d:
 _____________________/ _________ filaments – look like _____________________, located in the
______________________ and help provide internal _________________________. Also help
organelles _______________________.
Animal Cells only – the are 2 ________________________ that are at ________________ angles
to each other and together make up a ____________________________. They coordinate
__________________________________ during cell division.