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Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ______ Notes: Organelles of the Cell Three Sections of the Cell Additional Information •
All cells take in ________________, rid waste, and ___________________ •
3 main sections: 1.
Plasma ____________________ 2.
Nucleus 3.
____________________ Cytoplasm •
______________‐like material __________________ of the cell •
Most organelles __________________ within •
Nucleus o
__________________ o
Vacuoles o
Mitochondria o
___________________ o
ER o
Golgi body o
____________________ Job: Help dissolve _________________ & ______________ materials around Plasma Membrane •
AKA: _______________ membrane •
Job: Allow materials to _______________/_______________ •
Composition: Lipids & _______________ •
Semi‐Permeable: only ___________________ materials may enter and exit through ______________ and protein _________________ Nucleus •
Job: Controls cell ____________________ •
Inside 1.
Chromatin ƒ
Long strand of ___________ ƒ
Holds information to make ___________________ Nucleolus: makes ____________________ Endoplasmic Reticulum Additional Information •
Rough ER: tunnel system that ______________ ribosomes and ____________ •
Smooth ER: makes ___________ & breaks down toxins (no _______________) Ribosomes •
Created by ______________________ •
Transported by the _________________ ER •
Job: _______________ proteins Golgi Apparatus •
Job: Package and ___________________ proteins out of the ____________ •
Protein Creation Process Review 1.
Nucleolus makes a ______________________ 2.
Ribosome makes _______________ & travels though rough _______ 3.
Golgi body packages the __________________ into a _________________ and exports them Discuss with your neighbor 1.
Which organelle builds proteins? ________________ 2.
Stores DNA? _____________________ 3.
Produces ribosomes? ___________________ 4.
Creates fats and breaks down toxins? ____________________ 5.
Packages and releases proteins from a cell? _______________________ 6.
Allows material to enter/exit a cell? ______________________ 7.
Moves molecules around the inside of a cell? ________________________ Discuss with your neighbor: Place the following steps of protein creation in order from start to finish. A. Golgi body packages and exports the finished proteins in a vesicle B. Ribosomes travel along the rough ER and create proteins C.
Nucleolus makes ribosomes D. Ribosomes exit the nucleus Mitochondria •
“________________________” •
Job: Create ______ (energy molecule) in a process called cellular ___________ •
Endosymbiosis theory: were once ___________ living organisms that became _____________ of modern cells o
Evidence: ƒ
Own ______________ & ribosomes ƒ
Make ________________ ƒ
___________________ Lysosome •
Contains digestive _____________________ •
Jobs: 1.
Autolysis: destroy __________________ cell 2.
Break down __________________ 3.
Kill _______________________ Cilia & Flagella •
Job: ______________________ •
Cilia: short _____________‐like extensions (numerous) •
Flagella: long ____________‐like extensions (very few) Cell Wall •
_________________ layer of plant, fungi, & _________________ cells •
Job: Add _________________ for growth •
Made of tough ____________________ o
Hard to __________________ Witnessed by Robert _________________ in 1665 Chloroplast •
Job: perform ________________________ •
Chlorophyll molecules absorb ________________ & convert _______________ and __________ into sugars •
Endosymbiosis theory: were once free‐________________ organisms that became parts of _______________ cells •
Evidence: o
Own DNA and ___________________ o
_____________ proteins o
___________________ Additional Information
Vacuole •
Job: Stores food, ________________, waste, ________________ pigments •
Plant cells: Large _________________ vacuole •
Animal cells: Scattered ___________________ vacuoles Recap 1) Pick an organelle…any organelle. Describe its function. 2) Name 7 organelles that can be found within the cytoplasm. 3) Describe the pathway that proteins travel from creation to exportation. 4) List various reasons to help support the theory of endosymbiosis. 5) Name two organelles that plant cells have and animal cells do not. 6) Which organelle creates ATP energy for cells? 7) Which organelle converts sunlight into sugar? 8) Which organelle creates ribosomes? 9) Which organelle fuses with the cell membrane to release proteins? 10) Which molecule holds the information to make a protein?