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Animal Cell
Animal cells are bounded by a cell membrane that controls entry and
exit of substances. The cytoplasm is the “factory” part of the animal
cell in which chemical reactions take place to manufacture various
substances. The nucleus holds the DNA molecules (chromosomes) that
are composed of sections called genes. Gene code for the making of
proteins that control the activity of the cell. Embedded in the
cytoplasm are mitochondria- sausage shaped structures with a smooth
outer membrane and a folded inner membrane. It is in the mitochondria
that aerobic respiration (respiration that uses oxygen) takes place. Also
in the cytoplasm of animal cells free or attached to membranes are
ribosomes- small spherical structures that are where protein molecules
are created using instructions supplied from the DNA in the nucleus.
Plant Cell
Plant cells are bounded by a cell wall made of cellulose fibres that
forms a rigid box that although permeable to all but the largest
molecules provides support for the cell and the plant as a whole. To the
inside of the cell wall is the cell membrane that controls entry and
exit of substances and is composed of proteins and phospholipids. The
cytoplasm is the “factory” part of the plant cell in which chemical
reactions take place to manufacture various substances. The nucleus
holds the DNA molecules (chromosomes) that are composed of
sections called genes. Genes code for the making of proteins that
control the activity of the cell. Embedded in the cytoplasm are
mitochondria- sausage shaped structures with a smooth outer
membrane and a folded inner membrane. It is in the mitochondria that
aerobic respiration (respiration that uses oxygen) takes place. Also in
the cytoplasm of plant cells free or attached to membranes are
ribosomes- small spherical structures that are where protein molecules
are created using instructions supplied from the DNA in the nucleus.
Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in green plant cells.
Vacuoles are fluid filled sac containing cell sap which are important in
controlling water balance within the cell.
Fungal Cell
Fungal cells are bounded by a cell wall made of chitin that forms a rigid
box that provides support for the cell. To the inside of the cell wall is
the cell membrane that controls entry and exit of substances and is
composed of proteins and phospholipids. The cytoplasm is the “factory”
part of the fungal cell in which chemical reactions take place to
manufacture various substances. The nucleus is the control centre of
the cell. It holds the DNA molecules (chromosomes) that are composed
of sections called genes. Gene codes for the making of proteins that
control the activity of the cell. Embedded in the cytoplasm are
mitochondria- sausage shaped structures with a smooth outer
membrane and a folded inner membrane. It is in the mitochondria that
aerobic respiration (respiration that uses oxygen) takes place. Also in
the cytoplasm of fungal cells free or attached to membranes are
ribosomes- small spherical structures that are where protein molecules
are created using instructions supplied from the DNA in the nucleus.
Vacuoles are fluid filled sac containing cell sap which are important in
controlling water balance within the cell.
Bacterial Cell
Bacterial cells are bounded by a cell wall made of peptidoglycan that
forms a rigid box that provides support for the cell. To the inside of
the cell wall is the cell membrane that controls entry and exit of
substances and is composed of proteins and phospholipids. The
cytoplasm is the “factory” part of the bacterial cell in which chemical
reactions take place to manufacture various substances. In a bacterial
cell the DNA is free in the cytoplasm usually in one large mass. The
DNA is composed of sections called genes. Genes code for the making of
proteins that control the activity of the cell. In bacterial cells smaller
circles of DNA called plasmids are found. Plasmids are freely exchanged
between bacterial cells and are now used in “genetic engineering”. Also
free in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells are ribosomes- structures that
are where protein molecules are created using instructions supplied
from the DNA.
ribosomes mitochondrion membrane
cell wall
cell wall