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State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
The Mr Men Match.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Meet our Mr Men
And our Little Misses
Now lets meet their children!
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Who do you think
are his parents?
Write the answers
in your book.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Who do you think
are her parents?
Write the answers
in your book.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Who do you think
are his parents?
Write the answers
in your book.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Who do you think
are his parents?
Write the answers
in your book.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Who do you think
are her parents?
Write the answers
in your book.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Who do you think
are her parents?
Write the answers
in your book.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
What did we learn from this?
• Children inherit features from their parents
• If two parents have a certain characteristic
then their child may show it even more (e.g. Mr
Small + Little Miss Tiny = Mr Very Small!)
• Some things such as glasses, scars and muscles
we get from our environment, they are not
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Genetic information
• The instructions that make up a plant or animal
comes from their parents.
• ½ comes from the sperm and ½ from the egg
• These instructions are found in the nucleus of
the cells.
• The instructions for each characteristic are
called GENES.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
We saw that when Mr Small and Little Miss
Tiny produced a child it was even smaller.
What would happen if Mr Very Small had a child with
Little Miss Miniscule??
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
This is called selective breeding and can be
used to make larger animals and crops that
produce more fruit
Large fruited
Large fruited Mum
Very large fruited child!
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Lets see what you’ve learned:
Farmer Hemming wants to breed cows that are
large and meaty so that he can sell them for
1. What advice would you give him in order to
produce larger cows?
2. He can’t seem to breed cows with nose rings!
Why not?
3. How many chromosomes are in your cells?
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Where is this information
• Extracting DNA
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
DNA models
• Cut out spines A and B.
• Cut out the rungs.
• Fold down the tabs so that they are at right angles to the rungs (as
shown in the picture).
• Put glue on one tab of each rung and stick them onto spine A in the
numbered boxes. You can attach the rungs in any order (pointing
either way). Wait for the glue to set before proceeding. You may also
want to hold the rung on with a paper clip or clothes peg so it sticks
• Once the glue is dry, put glue on the other tab of each rung and stick
them to the corresponding numbered position on spine B. This is the
tricky part because you'll have to support both spines while the glue
is drying. Once again, this is where pegs will be a BIG help.
• When you've completed your model, hang it from the ceiling. To
complete the presentation of your molecule, cut out the Double Helix
label that appears with the rungs and hang it from the bottom of the
double helix.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
(or deoxyribose nucleic acid)
is a long molecule made of twostrands twisted together.
This forms a structure known
as a double helix.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
A karyotype is a picture showing all the
chromosomes in a cell.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
Chromosomes contain thousands of genes.
Each gene controls a different characteristic.
Genes come in pairs, one from your mother
and one from your father.
Some characteristics are controlled by just
one pair of genes.
Most characteristics are the result of
different genes working together.
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does
State that we can inherit characteristics
from our parents
State what is meant by a gene
Describe what a gene does