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Cell Structures (chapter 7-1, 7-2):
What is found in eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes? nucleus
What is the cells boundary from its environment? cell membrane
What contains DNA, is the control center, and is found in eukaryotes? nucleus
What type of cells has chloroplasts? plants
What organelle is responsible for digesting and recycling used parts of the cell? lysosomes
What cell structures are sometimes found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum? ribosomes
Where does cellular respiration take place? mitochondria
What structures are found in plant cells but not in animal cells? Big vacuoles, chloroplasts, cell walls
What are small, hair-like structures used for movement or for moving substances across them? cilia
Chemistry (chapter 2-3, 2-4):
What type of macromolecule does not dissolve in water. It includes fats, oils, and waxes. Lipids
What macromolecule has a primary function of providing energy? Carbohydrates
What macromolecule builds muscle tissue, transports molecules, and regulates cell reactions? Proteins
What macromolecule passes on genetic information to the next generation? Nucleic Acid
What is the name of the region where reactants bind to enzymes? Active site
How do enzymes affect chemical reactions? They speed them up
What type of energy do enzymes lower so that reactions can get started? Activation energy
Cell Transport (chapter 7-2, 7-3)
What is the movement of water through a membrane called? Osmosis
The process of maintaining stable conditions in the body is called Homeostasis
What process moves waste materials out of the cell by active transport? Exocytosis
What are the types of active transport? Endocytosis, exocytosis, protein pumps
Molecules that move away from where they are highly concentrated move by (passive or active) transport.
If an animal cell were placed into ocean water (which has a lot of salt), what would immediately happen to the
cell? Would shink
What type of solution is the ocean water? Hypertonic
Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration (chapters 8 & 9)
1. What are the main differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Aerobic uses oxygen & anaerobic
does not
2. When phosphate is removed from ATP, what do you get? ADP
3. Write out the equation for photosynthesis. 6H2O + 6CO2 > C6H12O6
4. What types of organisms do photosynthesis? Plants
5. What is the function of the mitochondria? Make energy What reaction takes place there? Cellular respiration
6. Name the two reactants of photosynthesis. Water & Carbon Dioxide
7. What organelle in the cell converts sunlight into glucose? Photosynthesis
Cell Cycle (chapter 10)
The series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide is known as the cell cycle
What disorder is caused when cells lose the ability to control their growth rate? Cancer
What is the division of the nucleus called? Mitosis
What is the longest phase of the cell cycle? interphase
5. Draw and label the parts of a chromosome (centromere and sister chromatids).